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Lord God, please help organizations like IFA and Gateway Pundit and others get the news out. Where there is censorship, reveal what is actually going on.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On the last day of 2021,  The Gateway Pundit and Jim Hoft were banned from Paypal without warning.

Now, we learned the tech giants are using a frightening new method to censor and control what you are able to see, read and discuss online.

Gateway Pundit reader “Mark from Louisiana” sent us this email on Friday:

“Hi. I live in Louisiana but I have a 949 area code phone from when I lived in California. When I try sending a text with your website link in it, the link does not go through to my friends and family. My sister is in the 225 area code and she can send the link to me without it being blocked. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks. Mark”…

The Gateway Pundit is one of the top 250 websites in the country in 2021. We had over 900,000,000 million page views in 2021. TGP continually offers breaking news and our reporting is second to none. As the mainstream media continues to shovel out their lies and refuses to report the truth, The Gateway Pundit continues to grow year after year. Because of this, they hate us and do EVERYTHING possible to destroy us. This weekend Paypal shut down our accounts without warning.

And now T-Mobile is disappearing our links. You cannot send our links through T-mobile. They will disappear them. Your friends will not even know that you sent them a Gateway Pundit article.

How have you experienced this censorship? Have you had problems donating to IFA or other conservative groups? Tell your story in the comments!

(Excerpt from The Gateway Pundit. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Paul Adams
March 1, 2022

I’m writing this and sending this using T-Mobile’s Gateway internet.
What are you talking about?

Patricia M
January 8, 2022

My PayPal monthly giving stopped I think 2x. Is there a Christian alternative?

Cathy Huddle
January 7, 2022

Oh my Lord! Jesus give us guidance. I have T-Mobile and just noticed 2 days ago that this is true! I dialed a number for a Prayer Group call that is at 2:22 Mon. – Fri. and a message says this is not in my plan and cost will be one cent per minute. I thought it was because I just went on the 55+ Program Does anyone know a cell carrier that believers should use.

    Patricia M
    January 8, 2022

    T-Mobile has been charging me 1 cent per minute for years. My account is in Minnesota. I switched to using my computer and VOiP with freeconferencecallhd.com so no charge especially for lengthy prayer calls.

Cindy Angotti
January 6, 2022

I have TMobile as my provider. I’m on a daily prayer call and about 6 months ago I wasn’t able to access it. When I called to ask about it the representative asked if it was a prayer call because she had only heard of it happening with them. You can listen to it by paying extra or by dialing another number once you dial the main number. Seems like they really are targeting the Christian community.

Donna Clayton
January 6, 2022

After thinking on this email, I have had trouble listening to Christian Podcasts on several occasions. I click on them, push play, and the link takes me back to the home page, over and over. Makes sense now.

Mary Kelly
January 6, 2022

God’s on move in his timing not ours. We stand and continue to pray.

Roxanne Rice
January 6, 2022

YIPES! I just signed up for a service that uses T-Mobile. I will keep my eyes open for problems. Thanks for the information.

January 6, 2022

We have T Mobile. Christian conservatives must learn how to share information without exposing ourselves to being ‘cancelled’. There are other ways to spread the word about IFA or any Christian or Constitutional organization without getting ourselves censored. Be smart and stand firm.

January 6, 2022

Have you seen what Wikipedia has written about the Gateway Pundit??? It’s a “far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories…”

If you have never watched the Scientology Documentary with Leah Remini, please take the time to watch it. We are living it on a grander scale!

Esmeralda winchell
January 6, 2022

I have t-mobile and for a while there I couldn’t connect to the IFA prayer calls. It kept telling me I didn’t have a plan for it. It was not until numbers changed that I was able to.

January 6, 2022

This is why we should not be using SMS . .. use a secure app like Signal. Signal can be used on the desktop.

Jayne E Hayden
January 6, 2022

I have had T-Mobile for about 8 years, no complaints until past 2-3 years. I have even bought new cell thinking that wouls fix problems. My world being concervative, such would be communications. Problematic issues i.e.: calls would be dropped in middle of conversations, problems w/sending & receiving emails.
The T-Mobile store always said it is due to implimentation of 5-G.
I don’t buy it! The truth is now out. Thank you Gate Way Pundit. God Bless IFA & GWP.

January 6, 2022

Interesting , I have never had any problems sending messages or content with my TMobile acct. Unless there was a storm or someone knocked a pole down with a highway accident .
That said , I would remind people that TMobile is a foreign owned company and as such are not allowed to own or have their own towers . They must rent space from other cellular carriers and this law has been in effect since WW11 .

    January 6, 2022

    True enough, but the servers is where the “magic” happens. The towers are just distribution nodes.

sheila tayler
January 6, 2022

This is not just T mobile. I have had links disappear from my home computer. Links blocked in NY, but after traveling to a southern state was able to pull them up there. Emails are also blocked or sent to spam that have any Christian conservative views or comments. I have noticed this for a couple of years now, but it is getting worse. Brining the tech companies before Congress was a joke. Censorship is very real, if they are blocking this little old feeble lady’s emails and searches. I can only imagine the censorship and blocking of large voices out there. Only God can save us now.

Diana Gerlach
January 6, 2022

I have MetroPCS which runs on T Mobile. I made multiple attempts on Tuesday to send links from a Christian site. Kept failing to send. Couldn’t figure it out.

Stacey Anne Foster
January 6, 2022

I am noticing problems as well and I am with T-Mobile owned Metro. Creepy!

Lori Sautter
January 6, 2022

I have T-mobile and I have noticed that at times I can’t share certain articles, links or even copy and paste. I thought it was just a glitch with my device, but maybe not. I did wonder at one point if Apple censored me, now you’ve got me thinking it might be t-mobile.

January 6, 2022

Back to snail mail, use duck duck go, copy and paste article in kindle or notes heck even take screen shots of articles if you have to! Send those instead of links. Kindle stores most articles in different formats but at least you can forward it! Using kindle you don’t even have to copy and paste just hit kindle option! God will always help get the truth out! Praying for all! Although this is an outrage we will find a way around getting information out as the truth is being told by you! God bless


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