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Father God, we are so grateful for Winsome Sears and the frank, biblical, common sense wisdom she speaks. Bless her and her transition team.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Winsome Sears, the Republican lieutenant governor-elect of Virginia, told The New York Times that Democrats are at risk of losing black and immigrant voters.

As an immigrant from Jamaica and the first black woman elected to statewide office in Virginia, Sears told The New York Times she was the perfect person to kickstart her demographic’s political realignment in America…

Sears, who won alongside Republican Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin, attributes her own identification as a conservative to listening to debates over abortion and welfare during the 1988 presidential election, the newspaper reported. She later ran in a majority-black district for the House of Delegates in 2001, winning a seat that had been held by a Democrat for 20 years.


Sears argued that Republicans never even tried to sever the historic relationship between black voters and the Democratic Party, which is partly why she decided to run for lieutenant governor, the paper reported.

“I just took a look at the field and said, ‘My God, we’re gonna lose again,’” Sears said. “Nobody was going to reach out to the various communities that needed to be heard from: women, immigrants, you know, Latinos, Asians, blacks, etc.”

Jennifer McClellan, who campaigned for the Democratic nomination for governor before losing to former Gov. Terry McAuliffe, agreed that her peers should not take black voters for granted, but said it was wrong to assume they supported Sears’ conservative ideology.

“The vast majority of black voters disagree with her on abortion, on school choice, on guns,” McClellan told The New York Times. “Those aren’t necessarily the issues driving black voters anyway. It’s the economy. It’s health care. It’s broader access to education.”

Don’t miss praying with Winsome Sears and IFA! Go to IFApray.org/watch/ for more details.

(Excerpt from The Daily Signal. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Jacquelyn Miller
January 7, 2022


January 7, 2022

Thank you, my sister Winsome, for your love of the Almighty and your courageous victory in winning the very prestigious lieutenant governor position in our state of Virginia. May He continue to equip you for the role you will play in enriching the lives of all Virginians. And, may Our Lord and Savior bless you and your family as you pursue righteous goals for our state.

melody strohm
January 6, 2022

Praying for Winsome Sears always… may God the Holy Spirit guide her at all times and keep her and her family safe

Margaret McCook
January 6, 2022

So very grateful that Mrs. Sears won! Praising God for the McAuliffe/Sears win that stands for common sense, God-honoring values, & fighting back! Think she is right on for thinking she is the perfect person to kickstart her demographic’s political realignment in America! Will be praying for her wisdom in this position, to be impactful, very influential, a role model that is admired & treasured!

    January 6, 2022

    sorry, Margaret, did you mean Youngkin/Sears win??

January 6, 2022

Sears is the voice of common sense–something we have lost sight of. We the People are being divided by a government that has walked away from the Lord. They have, or are trying to divide us by race, political opinion, and even vaccinated vs. unvaccinated; because if they can divide us, they can conquer us. Sears knows that we must all stand together, under God, as our Pledge of Allegiance states, and turn back to Him and let this country be run by good people who fear God and want to honor Him in their work.

January 6, 2022

Father God thank you for the bold and courageous woman of God Winsome has shown to be. Lord bless your handmaiden with favor with the people of this nation that as she speaks people of all walks of life will sit up, take notice and listen to and receive the God breathed counsel and wisdom we need. May her words not fall to the ground without acomplishing what You have sent them to do. Bless Winsome, her family and staff with divine health, steadfast minds and one heart. May they abide in your peace and help to establish peace every where they go. Grant to them confidence that they are never alone because you are ever present. Thank you Lord, in Jesus name. amen.

January 6, 2022

I pray that all ethnicities will embrace Winsome Sears as a leader who truly cares and seeks the welfare of all. The issues may be divisive, but we must look beyond the surface and examine underlying motivations. Our society has lost focus on such concepts as ethics, morality, personal responsibility, and plain old sin. No one wants to feel guilty for anything. This lack of perspective leads us into chaos and lawlessness. May Winsome Sears help us out of this downward spiral!

January 6, 2022

Just for the record : abortion, school choice, guns, economy, healthcare and
education are not skin color issues. All issues are “we the people issues”.
The issues are important to all “Americans and our Freedom” or lack thereof.
McClellan’s comment is not helping the cause of Unity. I pray God will touch her heart and the hearts of all leaders to set an example by fostering unity instead of division.

Lynn Luther
January 6, 2022

It was privilege to be able to vote for Ms. Sears, and I pray that she, along with her new administration, launch a revival of Godly values that spreads through Virginia and to all the other states! Amen

V.Jean Morris
January 6, 2022

It’s about time that party affiliations do NOT determine the vote BUT morality, integrity, rationalization, common sense does. We need a person who has done the research and knows the true and proclaims it.

God pure YOUR wisdom and discernment into each and every candidate.

We decree we WILL go back to You Lord.

January 6, 2022

She is a Godsend! all should applaud her! listen to the lying spew beong put forth from our president and vp and come toour senses that they are outright lying. just do your research and Pray that truth and democray willprevail. we have to act now and encourageothers to learn the truth check hitory and realie we are on the brink of an”ism” whether it be marxism,nazism,fascism,communism,socialism it is not a good path fr us the citizens nor any others in this world! we are on the way to being under control of tyrannical and No Freedo as we know and enjoy. God will be thing of the past. we will not be able to freely pray or honor the Lord,etc!

January 6, 2022

Please keep Winsome connected deeply to the headship of our Lord Jesus Christ through your Holy Spirit and the Word of God. May she be a woman who understands the times and knows what needs to be done, by your grace. May she follow the path of the Good Shepherd, for all your paths are paths of peace. May she demonstrate your friendliness to others. May she be as wise as serpents , but gentle as doves.
Give her a great prayer backing .
May she stay in step with you and May your influence flow through her, your truth, your credibility. I pray for great credibility, humility and courage. In Jesus’s Name

Brian lynch
January 6, 2022

Lord Jesus, thank You for putting this woman of faith, Winsome Sears, in the Virginia government for such a time as this. Please use her as your mouthpiece to appeal to minority voters, to be given a clear understanding of what today’s political issues truly are. I thank You for her conservative views, and appreciate her spirit of boldness. In Jesus’ name.

January 6, 2022

Matthew 10:26

January 6, 2022

My 10:26

Susan Lister
January 6, 2022

Thank you God for putting Winsome Sears in a place of leadership in her state. May she honor You and Your Word in everything she does.
Please, raise up more Godly leaders in our land and Please send a great spiritual awakening to America.

Theresa Byer
January 6, 2022

Lord hear our prayers in Jesus name.

raleigh b Robertson
January 6, 2022

thank you Winsome Sears for standing for good versus evil, there is no more republican and democrat identity, it is now only good versus evil and God always wins because he is good all the time

Darlene Estlow
January 5, 2022

Thank you for Winsome Sears Give her wisdom and favor as she serves. Protect her and her family from evil and may she have a close walk with you.


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