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Florida’s Republican governor accused Biden of ‘abdicating responsibility’:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wants President Joe Biden to scrap his ‘useless’ vaccine mandates after he told the leaders of 25 states that there is ‘no federal solution’ to the COVID-19 pandemic, his office said on Tuesday.

Four GOP governors called on him to roll back vaccine mandates in response:

The Republican governors of Florida, South Dakota, Arizona and Texas plus a host of other GOP figures are calling on Biden to drop his sweeping vaccine order affecting a third of the American workforce, as well as his other nationwide COVID rules, following his comment. Out of the four just Arizona Governor Doug Ducey participated in the call.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem said she and Biden ‘finally agree’:

‘That’s why from the start, SD took a different approach by trusting our citizens to be responsible and make the right decisions for themselves & their families. Now rescind all the federal mandates…’

‘President Biden said today “there is no federal solution” to resolve the pandemic. So why is he trying to force vaccine mandates in all 50 states?’ Ducey wrote on Twitter Monday.

Other Republicans are blasting Biden after he said ‘there is no federal solution’ to combatting COVID-19 during a virtual meeting with 25 governors. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said if combatting the virus falls on the states, than the ‘Texas solution is no mandates and personal responsibility’:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called for Biden to ‘immediately end’ his vaccine rules on Monday.

‘Biden says there’s no federal solution to COVID and that this gets solved at a state level. He should immediately end his unconstitutional federal mandates,’ Abbott argued. ‘The Texas solution is no mandates and personal responsibility.’

Sen. Tom Cotton, from Arkansas, slammed the president for implementing illegal mandates COVID and blamed his ‘incompetence’ for the surging virus:

‘When Joe Biden says “there is no federal solution,” he’s trying to avoid blame for his incompetence,’ Cotton tweeted.

‘If he really believes this, he should rescind his unconstitutional federal mandates.’

However, the president’s supporters rushed to his defense, alleging the Republicans took his remarks from the meeting out of context.  They claimed the now-viral clip of Biden was ‘a total lie’ and edited to suggest he is ‘quitting on dealing with COVID and just throwing it to the states’:

‘This deceptively-edited clip put out by the RNC and several GOP Members of Congress of Biden [sic] today creates the false impression that Biden is giving up on battling COVID,’ defense attorney Ron Filipkowski said. ‘This is a total lie’.

Filipkowski claimed the now-viral clip of Biden was ‘a total lie’ and edited to suggest he is ‘quitting on dealing with COVID and just throwing it to the states.’

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments!

(Excerpt from The Daily Mail. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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January 2, 2022

Lord I ask that you give a double dose of wisdom and boldness to each state and their leaders to stand against tyranny and unconstitutional decrees. Grant the states a holy fear of God and open their eyes to these draconian measures and stir them to act.


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