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I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank You for elected officials who are standing up for life. Thank You for Sen. Manchin standing up for the Hyde Amendment. We pray that our tax dollars would NOT fund abortion.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

. . . U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) is refusing to back President Biden’s massive, $3.5 trillion spending bill unless it includes the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion. The Biden reconciliation bill is, said the Senator, “dead on arrival” unless it includes the Hyde language.

A few years ago, Manchin’s position would not have even earned a mention in news stories, but now it is in the headlines. Why? First, the Democratic party that was once home to many pro-life Americans has sworn allegiance to abortion, even to the point of driving pro-life Democrats from office. Furthermore, the Left’s once-in-a-generation opportunity to advance a socialist state won’t happen without Manchin’s support. When you understand the stakes for the Democratic party, then you understand why Manchin’s stand on the Hyde Amendment is courageous, putting principle and humanity above politics and self.

Introduced by the late U.S. Representative and Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) in 1976, the amendment that bears his name prohibits federal funding of abortion through Medicaid, the government health insurance plan for low-income persons. A recent study indicates that the Hyde Amendment has saved the lives of as many as 2.4 million unborn children.

President Biden voted for the Hyde Amendment every single time it came up during his multi-decade tenure in the Senate. As late as June 2019, Biden affirmed his support for Hyde. But then he came under immediate and intense attack from the pro-abortion forces that now hold a tight grip on the Democratic Party. Within a week, he gave in to the demands of the abortion lobby and its unrelenting advocates in Congress and publicly announced he had come full-circle and declared his support for public funding for abortion.

Joe Manchin is not one for shifting with the political winds. This past spring, the West Virginian said, “I’m going to support Hyde in every way possible.” And he’s keeping his word.

His fellow Democrats, especially self-described, “progressives,” are less than pleased. Earlier in the year, hard-left Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) called the Hyde Amendment “a racist, discriminatory policy that (has) perpetuated inequity and injustice in our nation.” Her friend Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said that the Hyde measure is “inhumane.”

What’s inhumane is the dismemberment of a little person in the womb, inhumanely augmented when it is paid for by you and me. Thankfully, Joe Manchin is having none of it.

In this, he is standing in the tradition of one of the great statesmen of our Republic, the late Henry Hyde himself. “For over two centuries of our national history, we have struggled to create a society of inclusion,” said Mr. Hyde years ago. “Slaves were freed, women were enfranchised, civil-rights and voting-rights acts were passed.” Yet, he said, “This great trajectory in our national history has been shattered by Roe v. Wade … By denying an entire class of human beings the welcome and protection of our laws, we have betrayed the best in our tradition.” (Excerpt from Family Research Council, commentary by Tony Perkins. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)


This video from ACLJ sheds light in the backroom deals that are happening surrounding Senator Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer:

Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Chuck Schumer entered into a formal agreement over the summer while the rest of their party was left in the dark trying to figure out where Sen. Manchin stands on the proposed infrastructure bill. These two Senators entered into a deal in July where they laid out the conditions of what they called the “Agreement to Start Budget Resolution.” Some of the main points in this written agreement were putting the cap of $1.5 trillion topline instead of the proposed $3.5 trillion from the progressives in their party. The agreement also included raising the corporate tax rate to 25% and the top rate on ordinary income to 39.6%.

How are you praying for Senator Joe Manchin? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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Herb Johnston
October 5, 2021

It seems that Mr Manchin is responding to prayer- that’s just the sense I get..although..Is he not always one who goes back and forth-

Lord, I am grateful for your help in allowing manchin to stand against this sin..of abortion coercion..at least in this instance.

October 5, 2021

I pray Joe Manchin fears God, more than man. That is who he will give an account to (as we all will).

October 5, 2021

I firmly support Manchins adherence and support to the Hyde amendment. But I have a severe problem with his gamesmanship regarding that we think we can afford 3.5 trillion – of which 90% is a waste. We need serious changes in thinking and certain people in D.C. More so, the vast multitude of lawmakers need a direct face to face encounter with Jesus.
While I believe God can save America, it won’t happen without intense and widespread spiritual revival. And Wash. DC is at the top of God’s list for revival, repentance and salvation. Let us be faithful to pray for that to begin.

Virginia Blakeman
October 5, 2021

Father, I thank You for Sen. Manchin and the integrity he expresses in this nation. I pray new grace and strength be extended to him daily to stand against manipulative forces that would try to sway him and angelic activity to surround him and his family. I pray, Father, that he serve this nation’s Constitution faithfully and that You would surround him with those who honor You and uphold a biblical mindset so he can one day hear from You “well done” and leave a godly legacy for his children and grandchildren. I pray Your joy would be his strength and Your peace would keep his mind and heart stayed on You settling with finality every thought that would come to his mind. Thank you

Jim Christensen
October 5, 2021

May the grace of God hold Joe Manchin and his family close. May the might angels of God protect him and his family during this time. May the goodness of God be seen in the manner in which Joe conducts himself among his colleagues and the public. May the peace of God be clearly seen and may the Face of God be upon our little babies to protect them and lead America back to her knees in repentance. God forgive us for allowing the millions of unborn children to be sacrificed to the enemy of our souls. Strengthen our resolve to glorify you in all that we say and do. Let 2 Chron. 7:14 become a reality in our land so that repentant Christians can continue to be salt in light in a dark generation ~ In the Name of Jesus Christ Our LORD, Amen.

October 5, 2021

Absolutely terrible. Forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions! The Fed Gov’t has sunk to a new low, for sure! These progressives, actually I call them, regressives, will stop at nothing to achieve their hideous agenda. Enough to bring the tiger out in all of us. Lord, please prevent this from happening and raise up more like Senator Manchin to stand up against this ungodly act. And protect Mr. Manchin from possible retaliation. In Jesus name, amen.

    October 5, 2021

    Don’t know how many are aware, but our country also funds abortions in other countries as well. The USA is also a top exporter of porn to the world. It’s no wonder we are being judged. Together, with our Creator, we CAN stop this evil!
    Thanks to our great and merciful God for leaders like Joe Manchin! I pray that he and his are blessed and protected for his faithfulness to God. I ask that millions more join him in this stand against evil; may our hearts and ways turn to the Author of Life. I pray that our all-powerful Lord confuse and destroy the efforts of our enemy. In the Name of Yeshua our Salvation, amen.

CM Brown
October 5, 2021

Most graciously heavenly Father, I thank You for all the blessings You have bestowed upon this country. I thank You for Senator Manchin’s courage to stand up against abortion and to support the Hyde amendment. Please build a hedge of protection around Senator Manchin and his family. Please do not let evil prevail. Thank You.

In Your holy name,


Bill&Kathy Doyle
October 5, 2021

Praising God for Joe Manchin who is taking a stand for truth! Lord please continue to give him courage and wisdom to hear the Holy Spirit direct him!

October 5, 2021

Dear Lord, I thank You for Senator Manchin for standing up for the Hyde Amendment and also thank You for other officials who are standing up for life. Bless them, Lord. I sincerely pray that our tax dollars would NOT fund abortion. Please, forbid it, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Tanya Williams
October 5, 2021

Father God, Sovereign over all. You alone know Sen Manchins heart, and only you can speak to it. He must know that these babies are yours above all. Place a hedge of protection around him Lord, a place of quiet from the demonic. May your voice be louder for him than any other, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Debra Benard
October 5, 2021

Senator Joe Manchin thank you for standing for the people of God, including not adding funding for abortion please make them add the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion. I pray for you and your family may the Lord continue to use you and your family for His glory, we should not have to pay for any ones abortion, I have a dear friend whom had one at 16 years old no parent was present or consent form I know because I was with her no one gave her options, baby gone and as a adult she is struggling with the lost, so with that as a Christian I stand against every form of abortion.

Eveline Franje
October 5, 2021

Dear Lord Jesus,
I pray for Sen. Manchin that he will seek you and seek your face. I pray that he won’t be double minded. I pray Lord that he will speak the truth in love and with conviction, the words that you give him. I pray that he will vote for what he knows is right, for you, O Lord, love an undivided heart. May this man glorify your name in Congress this week. To you, O lord, be glory, honor, power and victory. I pray in your Almighty Name, Jesus. Amen.

October 5, 2021

Lord, please continue to give Sen. Manchin the backbone and integrity that he has shown. Please keep him strong in his convictions. Please use him in a mighty way, to continue to be an example for his fellow Dems in the government and Senate. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus.

Lori Meed
October 5, 2021

Father, we thank you for this brave man and his stand for LIFE! We ask that the lions sent in intimidate him would have their mouths sealed by You! Reveal Yourself to him, even today, even now, in a fresh and powerful way to day. Allow him to stand strong in this conviction and not waiver. Like Aaron and Hur we hold up his hands as he fights our tax dollars to be free of innocent bloodshed. And if he does not know You – for eternal life is to KNOW You – grant him grace to repent and embrace the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Lydia B. Miller
October 5, 2021

Praise God for what He has established in Joe Manchin’s life!
We appreciate what he stands for.
Hold Manchin close to your heart, draw him into your presence,reveal yourself to Him!
Abba Father send angels to protect him.
In Jesus name we place a hedge of protection around his heart, where he can not hear the negative noise.
We pray for Joe Biden, pour out your spirit on him. Come like a strong wind and convict him of all evil. Knock at he door of his heart, speak loud and clear until something is awaken in his soul.
Where he has believed lies, burst forth with truth. Follow hard after him , convict him morning noon and night! Break his heart for what breaks your. Birth humility in him, bring him to end of himself!
In your mercy and for the sake of this nation, remove Biden from office. Father everything according to your will in heaven, we call it forth in Jesus powerful name!

    Laura K
    October 5, 2021

    I fully agree with your prayer Lydia. I cannot find words to pray for Biden or Harris but I have prayed your prayer.

    Thank you and thank you Lord that You place prayers within our hearts and minds that we may pray Your heart and will.

      October 5, 2021

      We are in agreement Ladies…thank you for your amazing insight.

Carole Ann Neve
October 5, 2021

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) should go after Catholic St. John’s University L.I. for creating the vaccine mandates for students who want to go to the university, when at least three students are protesting because of the aborted fetal issue. Maybe the three protesters should end up running the universities. The vaccine mandates at schools and universities are bully tactics for the big dollars. Also, he should check out what is in the communion wine as well from the source, that they use at the Roman Catholic Churches.

    Carole Ann Neve
    October 5, 2021

    I am referring to a YouTube I watched Legacy Marketing Network channel on October 4th, 2021.

    October 5, 2021

    What is in the communion wine?? If you make such a bizarre pronouncement please explain it and provide your source!

Greg T
October 5, 2021

God bless Senator Joe Manchin. He is from a rural poor county in West Virginia, which, like other counties in then, the western part of Virginia, almost 120 years ago, stood with President Lincoln in in support of the abolition of slavery.

We pray that he continues to be protected by the armor of God during this time 🙏🏼, and is guided by the Holy Spirit during this pivotal time in our nation’s history.


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