I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we open our mouths on behalf of the speechless, and plead the cause of the needy. We ask You to end abortion in America.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

As the threat of terrorism increases across the globe, it still remains that the most dangerous place in the world is in the womb. In America, one in five pregnancies end in abortion. For nearly half a century, the law of the land has, against all moral reasoning, defended and protected the “right” to kill an unborn child. Soon that right is about to be challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court. Today’s Briefing covers the upcoming court case along with some powerful dreams to fuel our intercession as we appeal to a higher court.

– Cheryl Amabile


Then the Lord called to the man clothed in linen who had the writing kit at his side and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.” Ezekiel 9:3-4

As early as October of this year, the U.S. Supreme Court will weigh in on a Mississippi abortion ban in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case. This is the most significant challenge to Roe v. Wade in over two decades. More that 75 amicus briefs have been filed supporting Mississippi’s ban on most elective abortions after 15 weeks, including a brief that was signed by over 200 members of Congress. In the forty-eighth year since abortion was legalized, this case has an opportunity to recognize the states’ rights to defend the unborn.

While most citizens will never sit on a judge’s bench or submit an amicus brief of their own, we have a place and a voice in the courtroom of heaven. For 21 days in September, from the evening of Sept 6th (the start of Rosh Hashanah) through the evening of Sept 27th, we invite you to join us in a fast for this court case and for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. For each of these 21 days we will take a stand together in the spirit and exalt the cross of Christ over the stronghold of abortion.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.  Eph 6:13

Back in 2005, Norma McCorvey, the original “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade, petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn her case with the plea that abortions harmed women. On 2/22/05 the court denied her petition without comment. However, the night before they refused to take her case, we received a compelling dream…

One of our young intercessors dreamed that our team was in a large building with many rooms in which court cases were being heard. We were looking for the room where abortion would be tried. As we walked down a long hallway, we found a narrow, hidden staircase that ascended to an old courtroom. At last, this was the place where Roe v. Wade was going to be re-heard. In the dream, the room was named “Appomattox.” 

Upon receiving this dream, we had to brush up on our history. We were astonished to discover that “Appomattox Court House” was the actual name of the village in Virginia where General Lee surrendered to General Grant, ending America’s greatest war on April 9, 1865. This signaled the end of almost 250 years of slavery on our nation’s soil.

We were encouraged, at first, that the dream foreshadowed the ending of the long and bloody war against our nation’s unborn children. Yet, the connotations of the dream were also chilling. It occurred to us that the dream came with a warning from on high: If we don’t deal with abortion in our courts, then God will deal with it in His. Thus, we have pondered that if over 600,000 men died on the battlefields of the Civil War for the shed blood of the slaves, then what will it mean to America if God brings a day of reckoning for the shed blood of 62 million babies? With the coming court case on the docket in Washington, D.C., the answer to this question hangs in the balance of our nation’s scales of justice.

Recently, we received another dream from a young woman who has been praying with our friends at TheWell: A Women’s Gathering, led by Marcela Barcelona:

In her dream, she found herself inside the Supreme Court with Lou and Therese Engle. They were being taken to the highest part of the building. She ran towards them, calling, “Grandpa Lou! Grandma Therese!” and they hugged each other affectionately. Then in the dream they suddenly heard the sounds of wailing erupt throughout the building. As they looked, they saw women coming out from the very walls. There were little girls all the way to women aged fifty. They were crying out to Lou, saying, “Bless us! Bless us!” while they tried to grab hold of him with their arms raised high. The sound of deep wailing continued in the dream and she noticed that on the foreheads of all these women was written the word “unborn.” She also saw two scriptures appear over their heads: Habakkuk 2:11 “For the stone will cry out from the wall and the beam from the woodwork respond” and Psalm 34:17 “When the righteous ones call for help, the Lord hears and delivers them.” Then, over Lou was written the passage from Job 29:16, “I was a father to the needy and I searched out the cause of him whom I did not know.”

As we considered the ages of the women depicted in the dream, it struck us that the first children to be murdered in the womb after the infamous court decision in 1973 would now be approaching the age of 50. It is significant that they looked to Lou for a “blessing,” as he has championed a prayer movement for the ending of abortion over the past twenty years. The overturning of Roe v. Wade would literally reverse the death decree that has ruled over our nation and allow the blessing of life to rest upon a new generation of sons and daughters.

We too have the opportunity and obligation to contend for a decree of life and liberty to ring forth from our halls of government once again. Encouraged by this dream, may each of us be numbered amongst those who grieve and lament over the detestable things that are done in our land. Meanwhile, let us heed the following command of scripture and be actively engaged on the right side of history in opposition against the scourge of Roe v. Wade.

Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Prov 31:8-9


– Over these 21 days, we encourage you to take communion daily and pray with us the Life Band Prayer as we stand together in heaven’s courtroom, appropriating the victory of the cross: “Jesus I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America.” 

– Consider praying daily for the nine Supreme Court justices by name, asking God to rule over them and warn them. (Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Samuel Alito, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Justice Stephen Breyer, Justice Sonia Sotamayor, Justice Elena Kagan)

– Join us in proclaiming the following decree of the Lord over our government: “So this is what the Sovereign Lord says… ‘I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place. Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand.’”  Isaiah 28:16-18

Is God calling you to stand in heaven’s courtroom, appropriating the victory of the cross on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves? Share your prayer in the comments below. 

(Reprinted from The Briefing. Written by Cheryl Amabile, co-founder and editor. Photo Credit: Tingey-Injury-Law-Firm/Unsplash).

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Sally Yorke
September 7, 2021

Father, I come in the Name of Jesus. I ask that you forgive every woman who has had an abortion in the USA. I pray that you bring people across the path to those currently considering abortion that they may be dissuaded from the murdering of their unborn child. I pray that you soften these women’s hearts and give them understanding that they are carrying the life of an unborn child. I declare that these women will choose life. I declare that we value life in the United Staes of America. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our cries and forgiving our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness. Thank you for your mercy over the United States of America.

Santos Garcia, Jr.
September 7, 2021

“It’s Time For The Showdown”… This is the Decree that Pastor/Prophet Tim Sheets heard from the LORD in fervent intercession with Divine Illumination. Please prayerfully consider the 48 min. video here linked:

Although united Prayer with Fasting as described here in this anointed essay is very critical, operative, and ordained by YHVH GOD, I want to encourage those of us who for health reasons or otherwise cannot participate in a full fast (no food). For example- since the debacle of the Nov. 3rd stolen election I have been fasting from playing my guitars (seriously missed), and also from playing Chess which I have played daily for a very long time.

There are many other forms of fasting that we can pray into: A partial fast of one or two meals per day; a produce only fast abstaining from meat and pastries; or setting aside some other activity that involves our lives. Holy Spirit will guide us in His Wisdom as we seek His Will for our personal circumstances. A Full Fast of no food in my personal experience has always been the most fruitful, but again there is no legalistic compulsion but rather the freedom that we enjoy in Christ under His direction.

ABBA Father, we agree that it is far past the time for this abominable practice of murdering our children in their mothers’ wombs to end! America needs the Wisdom of Holy Spirit to reject and rescind this worship of Baal who thirsts for innocent blood to be shed. Give each of us in this Land of Promise the direction and assignment of where we fit in Your Divine Agenda for not only removing this curse from our land, but for exposing the truth of ALL the corruption that has insidiously infiltrated EVERY aspect of our society. We truly desire to Glorify You ALONE our Triune GOD; may our partnership with Your Holy Divine Will bear the fruit of rescued lives and restored families, in the Name of OUR Saviour, GOD, and King- the LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN!


Jeane Whiteside
September 7, 2021

It is past time for us to get rid of this takeover for family values. Since God never put this abortion plan in place it is not His appointed time but we humbler ourselves and dismantle every evil plan the enemy has set up. That it will fail and never rise again. I’m asking that I’m place of this America will once again have booklets and helps for families to instruct them on how to take care of themselves while pregnant and throughout the raising of their children to college age. Booklets to instruct fathers and mothers on how to teach children. For all of them to know who they are and love themselves so they might do well. For good identification of themselves so they may establish good boundaries. May the church be on the forefront of this move in the family. In Jesus name.

Luana Harris
September 7, 2021

Pappa forgive me individually and forgive our nation for the blood stains of each child aborted. Make this time the time of repentance and repeal this evil law in all states as well as federal. I pray each child is held protected in your arms. Amen

September 7, 2021

This is a very important issue that has far-reaching implications for our nation. We have, for too long, allowed this immorality to exist in our nation. I pray, that as the Supreme Court considers the overturning of Roe v. Wade, that You would give them guidance and wisdom. I pray that they would allow themselves to be lead by Holy Spirit. This is so important. Legal abortion has left a terrible stain on our country that only Almighty God can remove. Let it be so, lord, according to Your will!

Marsha Bashor
September 7, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, we ask daily for the forgiveness of our terrible sin as a nation. And we ask that our sin be corrected by the overturning of Roe v Wade once and for all. For the saving of our babies’ lives.
Please hear our plea. In Jesus’ name for the sake of our children. Thank you 🙏✝️

Dawn Beth
September 7, 2021

Father God, thank You for the Blood of Jesus that takes away the sin of the world, thank You for the gift of repentance and prayer. Thank You for opening my eyes to the Truth of Your Word, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness when we confess to You our sin. I confess my own sin of turning a blind eye expecting someone else to stand and not making the sanctity of life a prayer priority in my heart not being more involved with what moves Your heart. I’ve always been disgusted, but never made it a priority to speak out against this evil. Father I know that You are gracious and merciful and You hear the cries of Your children. What a blessing it is to be invited to Your table, May many be moved to enjoy the benefits of communion, and the power it releases. Thank You for the ministry of IFApray and the opportunity to join together to bring Your kingdom to earth Father. We are excited and humbled at the same time to realize the position in which You have placed us, May we all be faithful to answer Your call🙏🙏

Patricia M
September 7, 2021

Thank You Papa for Your mercy and grace to continue Your “chesed” covenant love to us, a rebellious nation and people. We ask for life to be honored–but first it requires that You be honored. We bless You, praise You and lift Your Name and Blood high above all creation. There is none like You! We circle the SCOTUS building and justices to block enemy interference so they hear You clearly, purely, sincerely and eternally to know what they ALL must do…choose You first, then everything else will create teshuva to heal our land.

Theresa Byer
September 7, 2021

Lord hear our prayers 💕in Jesus name 🙏.


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