I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You and praise You for Texas' stand for life! We ask that many more states will now follow Texas in bringing an end to abortion.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Texas just became the first state in nearly 50 years to be allowed to protect unborn babies by banning almost all abortions.

On Wednesday, the state heartbeat law went into effect, prohibiting abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy…

Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union and others filed a desperate appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday, asking the justices to temporarily block enforcement of the law. But as yet, Justice Samuel Alito, who is in charge of emergency petitions from Texas, has not issued a decision.

Up until now, state heartbeat laws have been blocked in court. The precedent established in Roe v. Wade prohibits states from banning abortions before an unborn baby is viable. But the Texas law is unique from other heartbeat laws because it includes a private enforcement mechanism that allows people to file lawsuits against abortionists who violate the law…

The law has the potential to save tens of thousands of babies from abortion…

On Monday, the American Civil Liberties Union, Planned Parenthood, Whole Woman’s Health and other abortion groups asked the Supreme Court to stop Texas from enforcing the law, according to the Dallas Observer.

In their appeal, the groups said the law “would immediately and catastrophically reduce abortion access in Texas” and potentially cause many abortion facilities to close…

Meanwhile, pro-life organizations are reaching out to pregnant mothers in need, offering information and resources to help them and their babies. Abby Johnson, who lives in Texas, said her organization LoveLine is ready to provide financial and material help to mothers in need and her ministry And Then There Were None can assist former abortion workers in finding new jobs and healing from their abortion work…

Human Coalition…also is ready to help Texas women with emotional support, resources and assistance to create safe and stable environments for themselves and their families…

Along with passing the heartbeat law this spring, Texas state lawmakers also increased support to help pregnant and parenting mothers and babiesensuring that they have resources to help them choose life. Among other things, they voted to invest $100 million into the Texas Alternatives to Abortion program, which provides free counseling, parenting classes, diapers, formula, job skills training and more…

Roe made the United States one of only seven countries in the world that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks. The court is scheduled to hear a Mississippi case in the fall that challenges this precedent…

In 2019, a national Hill-HarrisX survey also found that 55 percent of voters said they do not think laws banning abortions after six weeks…are too restrictive.

Does this news encourage you? Share your praise and a prayer below!

(Excerpt from Life News. Article by Micaiah Bilger. Photo Credit: Canva).

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Teresa Guzman
July 15, 2022

So confirming God acts on our faith prayers!

Herb s Johnston
September 4, 2021

Lord we know here in the prayer rooms how angry you are in your righteous justice, and we deserve to be judged,but as we are repenting in these prayers,we plead for your mercy that no more babies would ever be killed,,and THANK YOU for the great mercy you have shown in allowing this law to be passed in Texas,,and ..please allow us the wisdom and fortitude to stay vigilant in the battle ,and not grow weary in well doing..I ask also for creativity in prayer and talking to people about You Lord and your Word..In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen

Santos Garcia, Jr.
September 4, 2021

Why do they want full-term abortions to continued unrestricted? Two reasons that every American should recognize:
1) The Abortion Mill industry is highly lucrative. Millions of cursed dollars are made by performing the murder procedure, and even more money is made by selling baby body parts. Those that have filmed and exposed the truth have been sued and prosecuted for violating these murderers’ ‘rights’.

2) The satanic agenda is to spill innocent blood and destroy those created in the Image of our Holy GOD. ALL bloodshed and other heinous crimes create a vortex of energizing EVIL for the forces of darkness. They relish and feed on the spiritual energy that empowers them to continue their mayhem in the physical realm. Those that are willing tools of the fallen ones fulfill the Scripture that states, “There is no fear of GOD before their eyes” and “Their consciences are seared as with a hot iron”.

Holy Father, we ask that You would have Mercy on America and continue to empower Your children with Divine Wisdom to pursue abolishing ALL abortions through our nation. We acknowledge the curse that is upon our country since Roe v Wade was forced upon a sleeping populace in Jan’73. We stand in the gap and repent for our nation, and ask that You would extend Your Grace that may allow us to finish the task before us. Save the children LORD, and save America… for Your Glory ALONE… in Jesus’ Name AMEN!

What happens to a nation that has no fear of GOD? Find out in this sobering essay:

Lesa Winn
September 3, 2021


September 3, 2021

I hope to see abortion ended, period. From the moment a baby is conceived, it’s a baby, a life, a human being, created in the image of God! When that happens, I will be encouraged and elated! God help us to end this abomination, forever!

Susan CC
September 3, 2021

Thank you for this victory Father but I am praying YOUR POWERFUL PROTECTION over the babies this woman is referring to.:

Amy Hagstrom Miller, CEO of the Whole Woman’s Health abortion chain, told the Observer that they plan to continue doing abortions right up until the minute the law goes into effect. Other abortionists also said they were rushing to abort unborn babies in Texas before Wednesday.”

I pray the shame of this statement would envelop her like second skin. I pray she and other proponents of abortion are rendered senseless until they confess and are saved. I pray for the lives of these babies argeted for death, I ask You to speak Your love to the mothers, Lord. And I pray for Eric Schmitt who has tirelessly fought against this evil. Father God, show him Your Favor in an abundance incalculable! In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen

Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who is representing the state, appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this month. The nation’s highest court has already agreed to take up a Mississippi law banning abortions after 15 weeks. Schmitt, a vocal proponent of the bill, previously told The Missouri Times he “will never stop fighting to ensure that all life is protected.”

Teresa Guzman
September 3, 2021

Thanking the Father of light! Our creator for showing up and answering our cry unto you !
Thank you Jesus ! Let this testimony reign supreme to make a ripple effect for other states to join the fight against abortion let it be abolished once and for all in the name of Jesus all over the nation we thank you in advance Abba father, Jesus Holy Spirit amen


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