Headline Prayer LIVE is streaming live Headline Prayer LIVE live at 12:15 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Father, we commit this battle to You. We sense You moving, and we want to partner with what You are doing. We pray for protection over our children and teachers, and wisdom for all those involved in their education.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The U.S. Senate on Tuesday voted to pass Sen. Tom Cotton’s amendment in the budget reconciliation package that prohibits federal funds to be used to promote critical race theory in schools.

Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute…posted that the Senate approved the amendment in a 50-49 vote…

“Scholars developed it during the 1970s and 1980s in response to what they viewed as a lack of racial progress following the civil rights legislation of the 1960s,” the Associated Press reported…

The framework of the massive $3.5 trillion budget resolution was passed in a party-line vote early Wednesday. The plan calls for a 10-year cascade of federal resources that include historic sums for family support, health and education programs and an aggressive drive to help the climate.

Add your prayer below for Truth to be taught in our schools, and for peace to reign across all racial/ethnic lines in this nation!

(Excerpted from Fox News. Article by Edmund DeMarche. Photo Credit: Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images ).

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Renee McMichael
August 14, 2021

Thank you God for these leaders in Washington who are willing to stand up to the evil and destructive influence of this philosophy. I am grateful for those willing to defend our children.

Jewel Birdwell
August 13, 2021

thank you for hearing our cries. the enemy is too great for us but you have been our defense. our refuge and our strength. you have defended your Truth. we praise you.

August 13, 2021

Thank you Father God that you are moving on the hearts and minds of the Senators in our nation to stop the promotion of Critical Race Theory. We continue praying and believing that God you are moving on the behalf or our children and our nation. All glory goes to you, Almighty God. Where would we be without you?
In Jesus’ name I pray.

Rev. Ramona Stonecipher
August 13, 2021

Thank you Senator Cotton for standing up and leading your colleagues in doing the right thing in regard to CRT. Know that you have millions praying for you. We ask the Lord to give you wisdom, and to open paths for you to be able to do what the Lord would approve of. We pray that God watches over you and your family. We know your job is tough. Please stay focused. Let God write your itinerary ~ wait upon the Lord.
Our God is always working, and he knows your thoughts, and He sees what you are doing. You are never alone even when there are times it feels like. Again, thank you for your CRT Bill. I have been praying and fighting against CRT for months.
Blessings, Rev. Ramona Stonecipher

    August 13, 2021

    Amen! Rev. Ramona! I am praying for Senator Cotton and against CRT as well!

      Rev. Ramona Stonecipher
      August 13, 2021

      God bless you Pauline! We must partner to get this done! God is on our side. Blessings upon you and yours.🥰


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