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I Prayed have prayed
Father, You have established borders around nations. We ask that those borders would not be overrun, and that legal means of immigration would be upheld and enforced. Amen.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The number of people entering the U.S. illegally who were processed by Border Patrol from January through July of this year totaled more than 1.1 million, enough to create the 10th largest city in the U.S. and more than the populations of nine states individually.

Currently, the tenth largest city is San Jose, Calif., with a population of 1.03 million…

In the Rio Grande Valley sector, described as the “epicenter of the current surge,” Border Patrol agents stopped roughly 78,000 people in July, up from 59,380 in June and 51,149 in May. These numbers exclude the tens of thousands who have evaded capture.

In July, roughly 19,000 unaccompanied children came through, surpassing the previously highest number of 18,877, recorded in March. In June, 15,253 unaccompanied children entered the U.S. illegally…

Border Patrol officials say their facilities are strained with 17,778 people in custody as of Sunday alone, with the Rio Grande Valley sector holding 10,002…

Are you concerned about the volume of people coming illegally across the border? Please share your prayer below in the comments.

(Excerpted from Just the News. Article by Bethany Blankley. Photo Credit: Katie Moum/Unsplash).

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Cindy Braun
August 13, 2021

Thanks for sharing this data and it feels overwhelming to hear about this flood of people entering our country. I believe in helping others but God put boundaries in place for a reason and this is boundary busting and such an insane decision by our government. Praying now for those who are enduring hardship and praying extra strength for our Border Patrol. where will all these people live and when does God intervene to bring a stop to this flood. Order not chaos is Gods way.

    August 13, 2021

    Thank you Cindy for posting. Our God is a God of order.

    August 13, 2021

    We must fast and pray for total deliverance of us and the USA. Dear LORD please direct our prayers for ALL of these attacks on Americans. Send YOUR angels to surround and protect us, our family, friends, and our cities in JESUS Name. FATHER GOD let the enemy and his agents fall into the trap they are trying to set for YOUR people in the MIGHTY Name of JESUS! Amen!

    August 13, 2021

    I must admit to great confusion. The White House is considering a requirement for all foreign visitors to the U.S. to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as part of lifting travel restrictions. Yet, the southern border is fully open and the cases of COVID in those coming into the U.S. are high. Father, it seems like our leaders are talking out of both sides of their mouth, trying to keep those unvaccinated out of the country on the one hand and yet letting all who come to our southern border in. Please show the leaders the insanity of this approach.


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