I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for our divided Nation. Division is not from you, we pray against this spirit and pray for unity in America.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

New evidence indicates that more than 10,300 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 2020 general election — a number that will continue to rise over the next several months, potentially exceeding the 12,670 votes that separated Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

While this evidence does not change the fact that Joe Biden is our president, all Americans who genuinely care about free and fair elections and the disenfranchisement of voters should demand both transparency and solutions to prevent a repeat in future elections. This evidence also vindicates former President Trump and his legal team for the related public (and private) comments and legal arguments made in challenging the Georgia election results.

Under the cover of COVID-19, Georgia, like many other states, flooded residents with absentee ballot applications. Also like sister states, Georgia ignored various legislative mandates designed to prevent fraud and to ensure the integrity of the vote. These facts, coupled with the closeness of the presidential contest in Georgia and other states, led to a flurry of accusations and litigation charging vote fraud, illegal voting, and violations of the Elector’s Clause of the constitution.

In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally.

Under Georgia law, residents must vote in the county in which they reside, unless they changed their residence within 30 days of the election. As Jake Evans, a well-known Atlanta election lawyer, told me, outside of the 30-day grace period, if people vote in a county in which they no longer reside, “Their vote in that county would be illegal.”

Soon after the November general election, Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc. and an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues, obtained data from the National Change of Address (NCOA) database that identified Georgia residents who had confirmed moves with the U.S. Postal Service. After excluding moves with effective dates within 30 days of the general election, and by using data available from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, Davis identified nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another, but then voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved. . . .

The Data Speaks for Itself

When Davis ran the data, he found that, of the approximately 35,000 Georgians who indicated they had moved from one county to another county more than 30 days before the November general election, as of May, more than 10,300 had updated their voter registration information, providing the secretary of state the exact address they had previously provided to the USPS. Those same 10,000-plus individuals all also cast ballots in the county in which they had previously lived.

“That number continues to increase every day as more and more people update their registrations,” Davis said. “I have little doubt that the total number will eventually meet and then exceed President Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia.” Davis, who has testified as an expert witness multiple times in disputed election cases, believes Trump might have won a challenge to the Georgia election results had a court actually heard his case.

“Under Georgia law, a judge can order an election be redone if he or she sees there were enough illegal, irregular, or improperly rejected votes to cast the results of the election in doubt, or if they see evidence of ‘systemic irregularities,’” Davis said.

“These issues were absolutely systemic,” Davis stressed, noting “they occurred in every county in the state, in every state house, state senate, and in every congressional district in the state.”

Evans, who holds the distinction of being the only lawyer in Georgia history to successfully overturn two elections in the same race, concurred. Under Georgia law, Evans explained, “an election should be overturned either if (1) more votes than decided the election were illegal, wrongfully rejected or irregular, or (2) when there were systemic irregularities that cast in doubt the results of the election.”

“In the case of the 2020 general election,” Evans told me, Davis’s analysis indicates both factors could have been in play.

Davis’s data proves significant because critics of Trump’s challenge to the certification of Georgia’s election results framed the NCOA information as either unreliable or of an insufficient magnitude to cast the outcome of the election in doubt. But by updating their voter registration information with the same address as contained in the NCOA database, the voters themselves have established the reliability of that information.

Further, by updating their address for purposes of their voter registration, these same voters are confirming their move is not temporary. “When a person updates their voter registration to a new address, they are informing the county board of elections and correspondingly the Secretary of State that they regard the new address as their legal residence,” Evans explained.

What Do Georgia Officials Know?

Upon learning of this new development, the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office quietly opened an investigation into potentially illegal voting by residents who had moved between counties. Davis provided his data to the office in May, with a detailed explanation of his analysis.

During my interview last week with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, there was confusion over which, of the many investigations opened by his office, I had sought further information. Immediately following the interview, both his press secretary, Walter Jones, and his deputy secretary of state, Jordan Fuchs, called me back to follow up on my questions on the status of that investigation.

While Jones spoke favorably of Davis, he suggested that Davis’ figure included “false-positives” because Davis lacked access to social security numbers and birth dates of voters, and thus Davis’ list likely included different individuals bearing the same name.  Fuchs suggested a similar issue with Davis’ analysis.

“There is no need to have access to Social Security numbers or birth dates,” Davis told me. “Every voter has a unique eight-digit voter identification number,” Davis explained that these voter identification numbers tie to the voters’ names and addresses and to vote-history data, which documents when and where their votes are cast and comes from the secretary of state’s own data.

Davis provided access to that data, following the execution of a non-disclosure agreement, and I confirmed Davis’s representation. Davis also provided processing certification verifying receipt of the NCOA data.

“I provided this exact same information to Frances Watson, the chief investigator for the secretary of state,” Davis told me, sharing a copy of the email sent to Watson.

When asked for the status of Watson’s investigation and other details, while both were receptive to questions, neither Jones nor Fuchs could provide definitive answers. While on Friday Fuchs promised to give Watson permission to speak with me, and while both the deputy secretary of state and the press secretary promised to arrange an interview with Watson and to track down answers to several questions, to date, no further information has been provided and no interview has been arranged, notwithstanding several follow-up communications.

Hopefully, that is because Watson is busy investigating the strong evidence of illegal voting and not because the Secretary of State’s Office is attempting to bury the story — and the fact that Trump might have been right after all — until after Raffensperger fights off a primary challenge. . . .

Since publication, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office confirmed he is aware of the latest in the investigation, and that during his interview he was responding to questions posed about out-of-precinct voting.  

Do you think this new evidence indicates enough illegal votes to tip the 2020 results? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article written by Margot Cleveland. Photo by Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images)

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John F. Newman
July 18, 2021

Thank you for sharing this helpful information and update on the situation in Georgia. Praise the Lord that the truth is coming out about voter irregularities in Georgia. The Cyber Forensic Symposium by Mike Lindell and his team which will be August 10, 11, 12 in Sioux Falls SD should be an opportunity for the nation to gain clarity on the Election 2020 results. Cyber experts, media and government leaders will be there to examine the evidence from the packet captures. Please be in prayer for this key symposium that God will use it for His glory and our good.

Details here: https://home.frankspeech.com/tv/video/mike-lindell-announces-location-upcoming-cyber-symposium

Sample of data to be viewed and discussed: https://home.frankspeech.com/video/mike-lindell-presents-absolutely-9-0

Thanks again for sharing this article. May God bring a Spirit directed and impowered revival to America.

Wendy Foley
July 15, 2021

As far as I’m concerned there is FAR too much evidence to prove that this election was rigged. Too many witnesses, too many signed afidavits, and just too much evidence all around. The only reason this has been coming out earlier is because many judges REFUSED to hear the evidence. But it’s coming out now because folks have pushed for the audits. I’ve been convinced for quite some time that we have corrupt judges and more in our system. Our church keeps praying all that’s illegal will one day be exposed.

Jim WIlson
July 15, 2021

If there are illegal and/or fraudulent votes, they should be recalculated and the results should be verified and if it means a new president, so be it. These statements that the election was “certified” do not apply if fraud was involved. Pray that the truth be told!

Santos Garcia, Jr.
July 15, 2021

The enemy of our souls and his fallen minions in the spirit realm and the human counterparts are in a major panic! The effort to destroy America, in order to force a totalitarian One World government is on display daily throughout the news cycle. YES, we must continue to pray as the truth is coming out… finally!


Marsha Bashor
July 15, 2021

I think it is an absolute crime that Joe Biden got into office because of this fraud. Satan stole this election from President Trump.
Now we are in deep problems all over the place.
Yet I know our God has a plan for our country. The conservatives and godly people are fighting back. I say hooray for for the godly men and women fighting back!!! Thank you Lord God for giving us the chance to fight back!!!
And also praise Him for this revival that is happening as a result of all of our troubles!!!

CM Brown
July 15, 2021

My goodness, thank goodness some states are finally opening their eyes and seeing the wrong that ran rampant during the 2020 election. Thank you, God for bringing this to light. May the wrongdoers involved turn from their deceit and turn to You. Thank you, God for the wonderful four years we had when President Trump was in office. He was truly one of Your servants.

Karen Vaughn
July 15, 2021

Replying to a post that Biden is a villain.

Our Lord knows this story. He is not surprised. We have been shaken numerous times, and even prayed 2Chr7:14. But we are to blame, for allowing this country to be overtaken, 100+ yrs ago by power-hungry, money-hungry individuals, worshipping other gods, who effectively duped this nation into accepting “democracy” over remaining a “republic”. If we think Biden was behind this, think again, and do your due diligence in learning some (long-hidden) history of our “elected” officials. You will then know that the weak ones are also duped, as is now in the White House and all levels of government, into believing all this is for our greater good
When will we really seek Truth? This puppet government is enemy-deceived, and delighted to believe( unfortunately “wise in their own eyes”) they’ll gain all they are seeking, personally, but at our expense. Well, I say, “don’t believe it, and don’t take it, and don’t allow them to deceive our children”! Lord God, You will judge them, and You will restore us, if only we turn our hearts back to You, humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and pray for You to forgive our land ( which IS called by Your Name). Then will we hear from Heaven. Oh, Jesus, bring us to our knees, so that we can look up and see Your Glory, even in the midst of this chaos.

July 15, 2021

Anybody who can think critically knows that the 2020″election” of Joe Biden was phony, bogus, and rigged. The new evidence merely confirms that this occurred. The good news, is, that many states are looking at the results of these investigations, and conducting voting audits of their own. What I believe, was that the whole COVID-19 pandemic was part of a conspiracy to pull off a coup. This coup put the radical, socialists in office. There is growing, ample evidence to prove this. Father God, please, continue to pour out Your great love, and protection, upon these brave men and women who are not willing to allow this fraud to go without exposure to the light of day. May the wrongs of the Nov.2020 not only be exposed, but let them be righted. Please, pour out Holy Spirit conviction upon every single person involved in this process. In Jesus’ name.

Jeanie M Owen
July 15, 2021

Biden is NOT president! He will never be president. He was installed through a fraudulent, satanist coup. President Trump was ordained by God to be our President and he is still the legitimate President. We are suffering under communism today because of the fraudulent takeover. This was in order to wake people up to the intense and pervasive evil that has pervaded our government, our food, our “education”, our “health” care, our media,etc. All the issues today are due to this fraudulent regime. I pray for believers to wake up, stand up and show up to defeat satan.I pray for the destruction and defeat of these evil forces and for God’s Kingdom to manifest on earth as it is in Heaven. That requires every believer to repent, obey and fight.

July 15, 2021

I am confident the PA State Legislators looking into our 2020 voting irregularities are taking note. Pray for Pennsylvania!

July 15, 2021

Biden is an illegitimate president, installed by the deep state in this country, not elected by the people of this country. We live in a banana republic.

July 15, 2021

The courts of heaven have already decided. This election was stolen by the radical left to push in a one world government. It is not happening. Our President is Donald J. Trump. The villain Biden is not our President. Justice will be served. Many Christians have thrown in the towel at the Red Sea. God is moving, people. The evidence will come flooding in state by state and our spiritual enemies will be drowned in the Red Sea. Time to get out your tambourines and praise the LORD for ALL He has done, all He is doing, and all He will do. Wait and stand amazed at our Almighty God!

Abba, bring your name honor and glory. Open the eyes of our understanding. We want to behold you! You are worthy of all praise and of all glory! The world is watching. Show yourself strong to your church, this nation, and all people everywhere. Awaken your church. Awaken our own selves. Bring the dry bones of your people together and breathe your breath into us. We are so grateful for your deliverance. Your truth is marching on! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Bless the transitions of power. All glory and honor and power belong to you! In Jesus holy mighty name we pray, Amen.

    July 15, 2021

    I’m in 100% agreement the living word of GOD ALMIGHTY says in Matthew 18:20 KJV 20For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. GOD almighty hears our cries for help we desperately need him to intervene and He will we are thankful to you LORD GOD almighty for what you are about to do all the glory to you alone Heavenly Father in your precious mighty name we pray JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY NAME AMEN 🙏🏽


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