I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that you would protect our children. That you would give divine wisdom to the families in America in regards to education and what our children are hearing, seeing, and watching.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Barack and Michelle Obama are creating a Netflix animated series designed to “reframe” how children think about government and civic engagement, with musical performances by artists including Adam Lambert, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Janelle Monáe.

Netflix announced the ten-episode We the People is set to debut July 4. The Obamas, who have an ongoing production deal with Netflix, are serving as executive producers on the series, along with Doc McStuffins creator Chris Nee and ABC’s Black-ish creator Kenya Barris.

In a press release sent to multiple news outlets, the streamer called the show “an exuberant call to action for everyone to rethink civics as a living, breathing thing and to reframe their understanding of what government and citizenship mean in a modern world.”

The episodes focus on subjects including citizenship, voting, taxes, and activism. The trailer features scenes of young people protesting in the streets and concludes with an image of a raised fist. . . .

Other pop stars involved in the series include H.E.R., Bebe Rexha, and Oscar nominee Andra Day.

Barack and Michelle Obama signed their production deal with Netflix in 2018. Since then, they have produced documentaries including the Oscar-winning American Factory, about a Chinese billionaire’s takeover of a Ohio factory, and Becoming, a chronicle of the former first lady on her recent book tour for her memoirs.

They are also producing a scripted comedy series based on Michael Lewis’ anti-Trump book The Fifth Risk.

Former Obama national security advisor Susan Rice served on Netflix’s board of directors before leaving to join the Joe Biden administration.

Please share your prayers about this in the comments below!

(Excerpt from BreitBart. Article by David NG. Photo by Saul Loeb – Pool/Getty Images)

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June 7, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray that You would protect our children. Please give us Your divine wisdom to know what children are seeing, hearing, and watching. I pray also that more and more parents will stand up to the godless critical race theory and push back against it as much as possible. In Jesus name, amen.

Rev. Ronald Roland
June 7, 2021

The problem that we have is: that having a mind directed by the Holy Spirit received in Baptism we have a hard time realizing that there are people who are basically evil. Their mind is of the devil, even if their face and lips don’t readily reveal it. While we are trying to be “good,” confessing our sinful actions, and praying for Jesus’ forgiveness and guidance, they actually enjoy lying, cheating, stealing, and murder. They aren’t happy if they aren’t hurting someone, or destroying something good.
Witness their actions against President Trump, covid, and the 2020 “election.”
We need to get smart, recognize these evil trees by their fruit, and instead of whining about it, organize actively against them!

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June 7, 2021

Father God,
When I saw this advertised before I knew what they were up to. They are so blatantly anti anything Holy that of course this is to reshape and reform what this country truly stands for.
I ask, Father, that You intervene in their lives in such an overwhelmingly powerful way that they see the error of their lives and in their redemption they take new steps to right the wrongs they’ve perpetuated in trying to influence and indoctrinate behavior and thought.
Open eyes to see this evil for what it is and let people see it clearly to reject it.
In Your Holy Name

Mary Ann Martino
June 7, 2021

The Obama’s are the reason America’s racial division has gotten to the point we’re at now. His ‘quick on the trigger’ comments about police doing their job has mushroomed beyond belief. Now, a series discrediting President Trump! This man can’t hold a candle to our President! He and Michele need to go away. His interference in American politics should have ended the day Trump took office! I am an old woman and I have never seen a more bigoted, ungrateful, trouble-making street organizer as this excuse for an American!

June 5, 2021

We do not want or need the Obama’s “reframing,”re-writing or changing our history!! We need people who LOVE American civics, government, and citizenship, in other words, people who LOVE America and will tell the truth about America! We DO NOT NEED two people, who hate America and, who have done everything they can, to “fundamentally change” our country to a country we don’t recognize!! Our history has already been written, by people who told the truth about America! They did not have a Socialist/Marxist agenda, like the Obamas have! Obama did nothing but constantly divide Americans and apologize, and talk against America! We know what government, citizenship, voting, etc. are about! We sure don’t need the Socialist/Marxist “duo” telling us their version! We also don’t need “raised fists” at the end of their propaganda piece!
When will the Obama’s get on with their lives, take their millions (if not billions) and leave America alone?? Haven’t they done enough damage? America has given so much to the Obamas, it’s hard to understand their hatred for America, and I believe, for Americans! Given over to a depraved mind, is all I can think of!

    June 6, 2021

    May I add something that has been troubling to me for some time:
    Why do we, as Conservative Christians, not have a competing alternative to Netflix?? Surely, there are people with finances that could start that for the children, all children. Christians would absolutely be happy to support it. I KNOW it is possible, because ONE MAN, Mike Lindell, has taken on Big Tech. Why can’t we take on Netflix,and others, who are putting lies and garbage in to children’s minds? Aren’t our children and grandchildren worth the cost??
    I just think it is way past time for some person, organization, someone to get this started quickly!

Debra Torgerson
June 5, 2021

Dear Sweet Jesus, please help the people of this country see the need to turn to You for wisdom and clarification in what they take part in. Raise up believers to stand for truth and goodness. Work in the hearts of all people to bring a powerful revival and awakening to this land and to the world. Please have mercy on us Lord and remember grace.

Sharon Faulkner
June 5, 2021

Everything the Obummers have done has been a disaster. Nobody likes them especially Black People who they did NOTHING for. Netflix is tanking. Trump 2024. Our Greatest President is coming back — count on it.

June 5, 2021

Lord Jesus, I pray that You would give the people who run Netflix wisdom concerning this travesty called “entertainment”. Barack Obama has one agenda- to turn America into a third-world country. He is one of the Biden “handlers”, and he is evil personified, in my opinion. He is controlled by the Power Elite, very rich people whose goal is ONE World Government. The sovereignty of the United States means absolutely nothing to them, except that it is an obstacle to be removed from their path. Lord, You alone are greater and mightier than these satan- influenced people. I pray for Your intervention in all these issues. I bind the attempts of the Enemy to steal, kill, and destroy. I pray for revival to happen in this country. We SO need it. I loose a spirit of repentance upon those whose agenda is being given to them by the Evil one. Lord, set our nation free of the bondage that the Enemy has sown. Pour our Holy Spirit upon them, and give them ears to hear Your message. In Jesus’ name.

June 5, 2021

I believe Obama was and is the most Anti-Christian, Anti-American, Anti-Constitution, and Anti-Israel president in the history of the U.S. Parents need to protect their children from this socialist, communist, anarchist, globalist propaganda. We need to double down on our prayers as only God can protect our children from this evil. Romans 8:31: If God is for Us, Who Can Be Against Us? Please pray for the future of our republic.

Toni Kushner
June 5, 2021

My only hope is in the power of prayer against this kind of indoctrination, they know exactly what and how to do this through our children, the most vulnerable. Pray that parents will be alert and teach their children, What does God teach about government, all authority, taxes, etc.. It is not what we are seeing in the streets today. His ways are not the ways of the world and the Obama’s know what their motives are and will have to answer for the way they have used the fame they have. May the minds of our children be protected from such people.

Augie Byllott
June 5, 2021

The end game for the left is to secure power in this world. Thankfully, our God is the only true source of power. Only He can overcome all darkness, sin, and even death, and grant eternal life. Netflix, Amazon, network television, mainstream media, the federal government, and much of corporate America are all in alignment to control every aspect of our lives. They would make us all slaves of the State. It is only in Jesus Christ that we can find freedom. Praise God, that in Him we have freedom and eternal life. The rest Satan’s realm. We must stand in our faith, pray boldly, stand up and protect our children lest the powers of this world steal them away.

June 5, 2021

Oh no LORD JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY please rescue our nation. This is ludicrous as if it weren’t enough that our children are being indoctrinated in schools/colleges already. obma already said he’s serving a 3rd term directing bidn as his puppet. I pray against all this evil May their evil plans fail in the POWERFUL NAME OF JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY NAME AMEN 🙏🏽

June 5, 2021

Sorry. I do not trust those people!!!

June 5, 2021

Anything the Obama’a do has to be bad.

    June 5, 2021

    I agree, Lisa! They’re just here to do the enemy’s work.

    I definitely think Obama is a “practice” Anti-christ. Just like our current counterfeit-president and VP. History has had plenty of “practice” Anti-christs, sadly. The enemy is always raising another one.

    I pray the Lord’s protection for all children, everywhere, in Jesus’ name: “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” ~ 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Carole Ann Neve
June 5, 2021

A lot of deception was going on in the White House allegedly! Now Dr. Shiva is against the voting fraud which is allegedly true, but he is against President Donald J. Trump, in which I doubt! I think God placed President Donald J. Trump in office which was and is a good thing. Just keep praying for your children, grandchildren, great or great great grandchildren’s safety in these end times.


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