I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help us to be bold to protect our children! Your word says it is evil to lead our little children astray. Show us how we can combat the indoctrination of anti-biblical teaching happening today.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Blue’s Clues, a show geared toward the youngest of children, is “getting ready for Pride Month” with some new sing-alongs, and feature characters including a drag queen. Called “adorable” by Yahoo, and heralded as sweet, cute, and loving by media, this catchy song that little kids will be singing features two mommies, two daddies, cartoon characters with transgender surgery, and more, all portrayed in sugary-sweet animation with a catchy tune.

Nick Jr. proclaims,“It’s the Blue’s Clue’s And You Pride Parade and we need you to sing-along as the ‘Families Go Marching’ proudly!” Sung by drag queen and activist Nina West from Drag Race, the song showcases “families with two moms, two dads, ace, pans, trans, non-binary, and bi parents as they make their way through the parade route, flags flying proudly.”

Click below and see what toddlers and young children–the youngest of the Nickelodeon audience–will be watching.


Proponents of this episode and the targeting of young children with the LGBTQ message say that it is a “fun and inclusive way” to show gay families. Lindz Amer, who produces the video series Queer Kid Stuff consulted on the Blue’s Clues video. Activists are purposely selling the message of queer theory to kids–normalizing and celebrating it. One of the most disturbing images is the beaver family which includes a transgender young beaver who shows scars from a mastectomy transgender surgery while wearing a trans armband. 

According to Yahoo News, “Blue’s Clues also has a special “Celebrating Pride Month With Blue & Josh! Opening Mail” video, one of the most famous parts of the series. In it, the show features kids talking about Pride, equality, and what the LGBTQ people in their lives mean to them. One little girl also shows the different Pride flags and explains what each of them means.”

This is not the only children’s show that is making overtures to the gay agenda with LGBTQ-promotional content. Other shows on Disney, Nickelodeon, and other children’s channels weave in LGBTQ content effortlessly. Being that June is now the month that LGBTQ activists claim as “pride month” (with a capital “P”) children’s shows are falling over themselves to incorporate as much LGBTQ content as they can in their shows.

Are you aware of what your kids and grandkids are watching? Shows you used to think were “safe” may have gotten a “woke” makeover. Between the CRT and LGBTQ ideology being taught in the schools, and the similar content on television, kids can easily get hours of a daily diet of this kind of worldview that promotes anti-biblical values on identity. What are you prepared to do to keep this from happening? Share in the comments how you are praying and how you are pushing back.
Download the Transgendering our Kids IFA Special Report and pray for the people who are standing firm against this agenda, in addition to learning what we are up against with our children and the LGBTQ activists who are courting them aggressively.
CLICK HERE for the free download.

(Article by IFA Staff.)

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June 3, 2021


June 2, 2021

Father, help the parents and grandparents to see that they are their children’s advocates and that He is expecting them to speak up on their children’s behalf. Help them not to feel overwhelmed or fearful, or alone. Help them to find like-minded people to stand with them. Help them to fight, and be bold, in waging this battle against those that seek to destroy their children. Give them wisdom, and help them to be diligent in protecting their children. Let them feel the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding them, in Jesus name.
The battle is getting stronger against our children and grandchildren. Many parents are being deceived into believing they should “go along to get along.” Many have been deceived into believing that this agenda is “normal.” The indoctrination and anti-biblical teaching that our children are being exposed to is at an all time high and should be horrifying to us!! To make matters worse, our pulpits, for the most part, will not touch this subject! What Almighty God calls an abomination, is not even called sin, in many churches! Our pastors need to be encouraged by us to speak to these “issues “( i.e., SINS) The pastors should be at the front, in this battle, because it is a SIN battle!! If your pastors don’t, or refuse to, it may be time to find another church.
As for the businesses that sponsor this abomination, it is time to stop buying their products and let them know why you are! Money speaks to those CEO’s! It’s going to take time and dedication to get this done! Our children and grandchildren are more than worth it!

Amy Ramsay
June 2, 2021

Father, We declare cleansing over our education system. Protect the children, O Merciful LORD. Send millstones chasing after those that would do the children harm.

We declare chaos and confusion to rise up in the camp of the enemy. With the authority of the name of Jesus! We bind the hands of evil coming out against everything righteous, pure and holy. We bind the mouths spewing out lies and deception. We bind these demonic strongholds seeking to destroy the innocence of the children. We bind the spirit of pride and cast it down down down.

We declare that we are THE PEOPLE OF GOD. We have purposed in our hearts and minds that we will not bow down to the prophets of Baal. We will not serve these detestable gods of Molech and Chemosh – the child sacrificing gods of old that are still active today. We will not bend to their evil desires, foolish fancies and demonic perversion. In Jesus name! We bind their evil intent here on the earth to be bound in heaven.
We bind of the spirit behind woke culture that cancels people and we send it back to the pit of hell. Let freedom reign in our homes and schools. Let prayer come back to our homes and schools. Once again, please give parents wisdom, boldness, strength, discernment, awareness, and courage to stand up for what is right and protect our children.

Father, do not let the children in this nation continue to be deceived about their gender or identity. May Your Word and Truth be louder than the lies that are being preached to the younger generations about this topic. We need you father!

Father we know we are all fearfully and wonderfully made and You knit us perfectly in our mothers’ wombs. I pray for all those bound in gender dysphoria that you free their minds and bring peace to their hearts. We know You love them, so in Your grace and mercy save them. Especially our children, who are still gullible, save them Lord. I pray that You intervene in every unique situation, helping them to find their identity in You. Lord Jesus, bring the light of Your love and salvation to them all. We pull down all strongholds in their minds and demolish all thoughts that want to exalt itself against the knowledge of God bringing them all captive to the obedience of Christ. We ask that every spirit tormenting our children into gender identity crisis and the rainbow cult be bound and thrown to the pit of hell, never to return.

O YAHWEH! LORD of the heavens and the earth. We cry out for those all across America and the Nations who are blinded by the world and the enemy of our souls. Shred this veil of deception! Open their eyes like you did Peter – the rash, brash, anointed preacher of the Good News that Jesus saves, heals and delivers.

O LORD! Send the Courts of Heaven down to earth. Deliver us from the grasp of the wicked! Deliver us from the evil one and his minions. Deliver us from these oppressors! Deliver us from those who seek to destroy everything that is good. We look to you and you alone as Our Deliverer! Our Redeemer! The redeemer of the times!

Hear our humble cries.
Hear our repentance.
Hear our declarations.
Hear our prayers.
Hear our hearts.
Hear the heartbeat of these who love you.
Hear the blood of the innocent that cries out from the ground beneath our feet.

“O God, do not be silent! Do not be deaf. Do not be quiet, O God. Don’t you hear the uproar of your enemies? Don’t you see that your arrogant enemies are rising up?
“They devise crafty schemes against your people; they conspire against your precious ones. “Come,” they say, “let us wipe out Israel (America and the Nations) as a nation. We will destroy the very memory of its existence.”

Bring shame and disgrace on those trying to kill our freedom, destroy our bodies, confuse our children and weaken our resolve. Shame them! Disgrace them! Bring them down low. We bind their hands and their evil deeds on earth to be bound in heaven!

O LORD of the Angel Armies send down your kamakazi Angels and cause our enemies to stumble. Cause them to fall. Humiliate the harmers! Send the Angel of the LORD in hot pursuit of these wrongdoers, fear mongers and thieves. Cause them to fall into their own traps. Cause them to fall into the pits they dug for the righteous!

In Jesus name, we bind this Jezebel spirit setup over America. We bind your twisted, controlling spirit on earth to be bound in heaven. You must bow down to the name of Jesus. You have been overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the BLOOD OF JESUS is against you!

We know that it is always darkest before the dawn. So here we stand looking up and BELIEVING that it is JUST BEFORE DAWN and the LORD is looking down!

Lord of All, You are majestic and holy. We praise You for Your mercy and the blessings You have bestowed on the United States throughout its history.

O LORD! We sing a song of deliverance in the very presence of our enemies. We say to enemy that you have NO HOLD on us! We will NOT bend. We will NOT bow. The LORD has already triumphed! He is already victorious! He is our strength! He is our song and He has given us the VICTORY. O Hallelujah! Blessed be the name of the LORD who ALWAYS causes us to triumph through Christ Jesus Our LORD!
So be it.

Karen Quiroz
June 1, 2021

Father God, regardless of the enemy’s attempt to hijack the rainbow, we know it was created by and belongs to you! It is a symbol of your promise to never flood the entire earth again because of man’s wickedness -and yet your judgement is coming. Please bring that to the mind of those who shake their fist in your face, defiant about your design for sexuality and the human race. Please use The Body to alert all the unsuspecting parents and protect the children from this indoctrination. We ask for your supernatural intervention in homes to keep the eyes, ears and hearts of children safe from the lies and perversion of the enemy in Jesus’ name.

Darla S.
June 1, 2021

The Bible says that it will be better for anyone that leads a child astray from the truth to have a mill stone tied around their neck and tossed into the sea, than if they had never been born.

    June 2, 2021

    Holy Father, we praise You and thank You that in Jesus we have been given all authority and power in heaven and on earth to proclaim Your will to be done. We take that authority and bind the principalities and powers of perversion. We declare that all businesses and organizations that are funding this evil against our children go bankrupt especially Planned Parenthood that has written curriculum for sexual education in public schools. We loosen Your Spirit and holy angels to awaken and evangelize the parents to protect their children’s hearts and minds. We cover our families and children with the blood of Jesus. We proclaim a great revival, rising like a Tsunami wave flooding across our nation from coast to coast, from north to south and spilling over our nation’s boundaries to affect all nations. We raise up Jesus, the standard of God’s holiness, by whose power and authority we decree these statements as done! Thank You Father for hearing our prayers, declarations, proclamations, and decrees for binding evil and loosening Your Spirit and holy angels for the greatest outpouring of Your Grace, for where sin had abounded, graces now abounds more abundantly. AMEN!

Santos Garcia, Jr.
June 1, 2021

When our oldest grandson who is almost 20 was a toddler, the original ‘Blues Clues’ was his favorite program. It’s appalling what society has morphed into over the past two decades! The church was asleep at the wheel allowing the forces of darkness to co-opt so many aspects of our society. Thankfully MANY are waking up to reality and entering into fervent prayer and activism that must start at the local grassroots level and work its way up the political ladder until we have men and women with genuine Biblical values who KNOW our American history, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, in positions of leadership in the political arena, and without shame declare that we will have our country back!

Father we know that You love America, and are planning a Divine Rescue in answer to the many and longstanding prayers of Your sons and daughters. May our nation wake up to Your Divine Love, Your Righteousness, & Your Justice that will not be held in abeyance much longer. Thank you, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

June 1, 2021

I recommend Gominno and Yippee TV. These are both Christian based although they have educational information as well. I highly recommend both. I watch our 6 year old granddaughter almost every day and she loves both.

Samuel Parisi
June 1, 2021

I pray that believers are strengthened and encouraged to continue in prayer to push back on all these end of days atrocities . I find comfort in reading and rereading the END OF DAYS prophecies in Scripture . Jesus said this will happen , LUKE 17:26-30 and read also in ISAIAH 3:9 .

Karen Wilson
June 1, 2021

Heavenly Father forgive us your church for allowing the darkness to encroach to the point toddlers are being effected. Babies are aborted never having the chance to enjoy their first breath. Or maybe even after that being stuffed out by cruel actions of unregenerate man.
Please Father wake up your church. Emboldened our spiritual leaders to take a stand and your people join them. Remove the veil that covers our eyes and help each of us to do our part.
Protect our children from the evil schemes of the enemy! Bring about the great awakening we are believing you for.
May your name be lifted high and you receive the glory! In Jesus name. Amen

Lynn Williamson
June 1, 2021

I have been praying “Lord, please save the children!” The enemy is out to destroy our children. He’s using abortion, trafficking, our schools, and now he’s coming right into our homes to snatch them out of our hands. The church has been asleep and allowed compromise and deceaving spirits into our ranks. WAKE UP, CHURCH! This is not just a fad for the moment… It’s real and for keeps! My heart breaks for what is happening to our children and I know God’s heart is breaking, not just for them but for His Bride whose been sleeping. “God…please have mercy and light Your fire under us and give us discernment for how to pray. Our children are in harm’s way and You, oh Lord, are the only escape. Halt and destroy the works of the enemy that has targeted the innocent…in Jesus Mighty Name and we thank you.”

Paul Fishman
June 1, 2021

Blue’s clues is taking a criminal track to recruit toddlers into human sex trafficking by the LGBTQI Agenda with the use of the Gay BC’s

Dawn Beth
June 1, 2021

Father what has happened while your church has been asleep, hiding in our county club cliques we call churches singing praises to You on Sunday and closing our eyes to the enemy’s attack on Your creation the rest of the week?? My heart is so grieved as I read this article, I remember watching this program with my 4 year old 29 years ago and thinking how wonderful children’s tv was and how children’s programming was so colorful and fun and exciting for our children to learn basics like how to treat your neighbor and be a good person and now 29 years removed in this past year Father you have open my eyes to all the evil around us. I pray divine revelation for parents, and for all of us grandparents that pray and read and see what’s going on, that we would be bold, and speak Your truth. Father I pray that parents would not use Nick Jr., or the Internet as a means to babysit the children while they are just caught up in the busyness of every day life. Father I thank you for this past year as we’ve been locked down and forced to stay at home and be close to our families because you have opened our eyes to a lot of what is going on around us. Father we stand against this wicked agenda that is targeting our children and attempting to confuse them. Father You have created mankind in Your image in Your image You created us male and female and there are only 2 genders, May this truth reign in Jesus name

June 1, 2021

This started when America allowed people to pull down statues. Once they did that, they demanded more: safe spaces, boys in girls’ sports and bathrooms, telling people what to eat, think, do, wear, read, listen to, watch, etc. And Americans allowed it. I am sad for us. I am terrified for our children. We must stand up as a nation and one under God to take our country back and not allow anyone to teach our children anything except the morals of the Bible.

June 1, 2021

This is so wrong on somany ways. I have been a nanny for 30 years and many times sat with the children as they watch blue’s clues and it breaks my heart that Nick Jr would allow something like that.
Heavenly Father I Pray that you would cancelled any children’s programs that would effect the minds of these little ones and put in place children’s programs that teach them about you and your love for them. In Jesus Holy Name Amen

June 1, 2021

Horrible. Leading our children so far away from God; leading them to believe the rainbow God put into the sky above the ark to show His protection, was really about their sexuality and identity. Portraying animals as wanting to join into this madness. No, my rooster is happy as male and my hens happy as females. Our children’s very minds are being corrupted before they have a chance at rational thinking. I am so stressed by this portrayal of sin directed at our very young children. Please Lord Jesus intervene quickly for the sake of children around the world and their families.

Jim Reed
June 1, 2021

The Deuteronomy Six Principle is very simple and very REAL: Can we pass God’s ways on to our children? If so, we will succeed. If not we will fail. Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9.

Please pray for a revival and/or A Great Awakening in the U.S.A. by the grace of God Almighty. Amen. This is our ONLY hope. Amen again.

Angela W
June 1, 2021

Just passed this along to my granddaughter’s mom. Praying it is read and well received.

What better for satan to attack than the young, impressionable mind – to desensitize it and have it deem this abomination as normal.

Father, help us not to become battle-weary or lose ground. We are not to be ignorant of satan’s schemes. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We declare and decree this assignment against young minds to be cancelled in the name of Jesus the Christ!! We decree and declare that this agenda and curriculum is rendered inoperative and ineffective. Show us how to take a stand against this evil agenda, an effective stand, Father.

Lynn Allen
June 1, 2021

lord – please intervene with all this darkness and sin.

I love you and trust in you.

June 1, 2021

I will no longer allow my grandson and other grandchildren in the future to watch this show anymore. It is getting hard to find good TV for toddlers. Will be sticking to DVD’s and VHS I already have

christine stott
June 1, 2021

I see 3849 people have read this article, but only 900 have prayed for the children…..Here is a call to the remaining people who read the article, please pray for the children, please pray when you see the horrors occurring in this nation. Please don’t just read and leave…..read and pray. May it be that God will hear and help our children.

    Angela W
    June 1, 2021

    … and, Lord, for those who are weary and heavy-laden, I pray that they will look to You for strength for these battles, and for Your rest. Help us to keep our eyes on You, the radiantly brilliant One who shines even brighter in darkness. In Jesus the Christ name amen.

Lori Meed
June 1, 2021

I can hardly read this or watch the video for weeping. My heart is broken at how far we have fallen. Mercy, Father! We cry out for mercy! Forgive us for we know not what we do! Send Your Spirit to convict the world – unbelievers and ‘belivers’ of sin, righteousness and judgement. Deliver these precious children. Snatch them back from the evil one. Reveal Yourself to them now! In Jesus name.

June 1, 2021

Remember when humility and humbleness were a virtues? The pride with a capital “P” movement is nothing more than a fist in the air being shook at God The Creator. And I hate to be the one to ruin the party but there are two other words they should be teaching the kids….Sodom and Gomorrah. Wake up Church, wake up people of God. As a prior article discussed, we as God’s people need to repent in anguished prayer and fasting and sit and wait before God, perhaps He will have mercy on us.

Cindy B.
June 1, 2021

Dear God, this is SO shameful! Please forgive those who created this video and are trying to indoctrinate our
children. Please block any effort for this video to be published or displayed. Please build a hedge of protection around children and their young minds. Please God, I beg You to intervene.

Thank you, and Amen.

Rosalie Skwiers
June 1, 2021

Lord in the the holy name of Jesus you make blind eyes to see and the deaf to hear. I cover children with the blood of Jesus and ask Lord to make them blind and deaf to this sinful image.I ask Lord to forgive the people that made this video. In the blood Jesus deliver them from this stronghold. I ask Lord to redeem this cute tune that use to be about ants and was fun to sing with children. Lord have mercy us.

June 1, 2021

I just couldn’t watch the whole video, but Lord, please help us see what we must in order to know how to pray, and not look away as I did this morning. Give us Your vision, Your strategy, the prayers of Your heart, Father. Give us grace and boldness in this hour, in this month of June, so we can honor You, our Heavenly Father, and have pride in You alone. In Yeshua’s name.

Theresa Caruso
June 1, 2021

Lord God, deliver us, our children. and this nation from this evil. May it be exposed, blocked, eradicated from this nation. let all seek to live lives that are pleasing to you, Father God.

June 1, 2021

FATHER GOD, not only TV, and movies, but also our schools are attempting to indoctrinate our children to this evil and unhappy lifestyle. Please keep our eyes open to the wiles of satan attempting to ruin our children! Help us to fight this evil agenda and stay on the battlefield until JESUS’ return to claim HIS bride in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen! If at all possible parents, pull your children out of public schools and find a private school or a homeschool group to teach your children and grandchildren. I am a teacher and I recently retired. Our schools have been indoctrinating children for many years. Teachers in college are taught how to indoctrinate your children! I used to help run school book sales and Heather has two Mommies and Billy has 2 Daddies came out in the early 90s. I would take all of those books off of the library shelves and hide them behind old reference books that nobody used anymore. I bet the schools were surprised when they found all of those books when they tore down the schools. We must FIGHT hard for our children with GOD’S help in JESUS Name! Ask….HE will tell you what to do!

    June 1, 2021

    You put your faith into action. Good for you.
    “Even so faith, if it hath not works is dead, being alone.” “Yea a man may say, Thou hath faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.” (James 2:17-18)

    “But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead (James 2:20)

June 1, 2021

My sons are 36 and 33 and when they were very young I began monitoring their TV watching when one day I heard this cartoon girl berating her father as though their roles were reversed. I believe she called her dad stupid for attempting to set boundaries. My sons then could only watch some of the cartoons I grew up with in the 50s like Tom and Jerry, Popeye, etc. When they were about 15 and 12, GOD told me to turn off the cable. A short time after that I had the internet turned off. Families, do not pay for smut and filth to come into your home! We must pray and we also must monitor what our children and grandchildren are watching always! FATHER GOD we bind this agenda of indoctrination from satan attempting to pervert American children in JESUS Name! FATHER GOD as YOU gave Moses, Paul, David and many others instructions on carrying out YOUR WILL, please speak to us with strategies and witty inventions on how to pray and reclaim our culture for CHRIST in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!

E Wong
June 1, 2021

God, we love our children and want them to have every opportunity for a better future than we currently have. We want them to find “clues” about their Creator and choose to know who You are. That’s the only way they will really understand who they were meant to be: in Your image, in relationship with Jesus, their Image Redeemer. We were made to worship You, we were made to reflect You, we were made to honor you. Not all truths are the same. Truths that don’t honor You should not get the same attention as those that inspire our kids to love the right things and the right people. Let TV show writers write about noble things. God, protect our children from creeping influences that infest and become a problem later. Thank you for giving Parents the information that they need to make good choices for their children. In the name of Jesus, who reserved the Kingdom for the little ones to come to Him, Amen. 


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