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Father God, let our nation’s leaders be granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We pray that You would guide president Biden with Your wisdom.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Democratic mayor of a southern border town says he’s incensed over the Biden administration’s handling of the immigration crisis in his backyard — and he’s “pleading” with Washington to do more to stem the stream of migrants pouring into his small city.

“You have a breach on national security levels that have never before been seen in modern history and you’re not even batting an eye about it, you’re not even calling it a ‘crisis‘, you’re calling it a quote unquote challenge,” Mayor Bruno Lozano, a Democrat who represents Del Rio, Texas, told The Post on Sunday. . . .

“It’s a slap in the face.”

Lozano, 38, represents the small locale of just over 35,000 residents and has been trying to get President Biden’s attention since February. . . .

“Mr. President my name is Bruno Lozano, mayor of the city of Del Rio, Texas, and I am pleading and requesting with you to please put a halt to any measures regarding the release of immigrants awaiting court dates into the city of Del Rio and surrounding areas,” Lozano says as footage of empty store shelves and grocery store lines plays in the background.

“We do not have the resources available to house and accommodate these migrants within our community… If you do send these individuals into our community, we will be forced to make a decision to leave them without resources under these dire circumstances. I’m asking to please stop, please make another plan for this federal issue.”

Despite best efforts, Lozano said the request “fell on deaf ears” and over a month later, the only thing that’s changed is the number of migrants streaming into his small community, which is currently around 150 a day.  . . .

“Nobody wants to actually tackle the issue, you’re condoning unlawful behavior, period. There’s a lawful way to enter the United States, there’s a lawful way to seek asylum and it just undermines the entire immigration process.”

The scrappy leader, the youngest mayor ever to be elected in the city, is furious he has to use local budget dollars for an issue he calls a federal problem that’s been dumped in the laps of small communities all along the border.  . . .

During the last surge in 2019, Lozano said migrants were being dumped by US Border patrol at a 7-11 convenience store and, while a respite center has since opened in the town, the city is still responsible for the migrants once they’re dropped off.

Lozano said each day, migrants are brought to the Val Verde Border Humanitarian Coalition where they have access to services, before boarding flights and buses out of town. But sometimes, they can’t get tickets and the town needs to find a place for them to sleep.

“That’s when the logistical nightmare begins, where are they going to sleep for the night? That’s the number I worry about each day,” Lozano said, adding he uses a basketball court as a makeshift shelter.

“Sometimes migrants get released after hours and there’s simply nowhere to put them. I can’t use the civic center because I’m using that for COVID vaccines.”

Earlier this month, two different groups of migrants breached the city’s port of entry foot bridge from Mexico. . . .

“It is very selective on who they deport now and let’s be real, the Biden administration sent that message that you know ‘we’re going to reverse this, we’re going to do that’ and sure enough within days, within days, it started happening again.”

“It was completely predictable,” Lozano added — but when he tries to explain what’s happening on the ground to senators, he said “they’re shocked.”

“You have this policy where unlawful entry is being condoned, criminal activity is being condoned, these migrants are using the cartels to traverse Mexico and that’s a fact and organized criminal activity is rising because of that,” Lozano said.

“I’m calling them out, I’m so frustrated as a border town mayor about all of this.”

Share your prayers about the border crisis in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The New York Post. Article by  Gabrielle Fonrouge. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Janet, Pennsylvania
March 24, 2021

Lord, I lift Mayor Bruno Lozano of the city of Del Rio, Texas into your hands. Give him a spirit of wisdom and revelation to know you better (Ephesians 1:17), strengthen his heart by your grace (Hebrews 13:9), remind him that you are with him and will not forsake him, Lord, you are his helper (Hebrews 13:5-6), uphold him with your righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10), reach out your hand and touch his mouth and put your words in his mouth (Jeremiah 1:9) that every Senator and Representative (congress) will hear what you speak through his mouth and move in unity to complete the wall and stop the number of migrants from entering this small community and other communities illegally. Move Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their Administration to stop condoning illegal entry into the United States and to remove their policies that allow this unlawful and criminal activity. Protect the innocent families and children in these communities from harm (Psalm 91:1-16). Expose the evil plans of the enemy and proclaim them from the roofs, for all to hear and see, what is concealed to be revealed (Luke 12:2-3) for your people to be well and safe. Move your mighty angels into place to move at your command to assist and protect (Psalm 103:20). Thank you, Lord, for your love and faithfulness (Psalm 57:2-3), Our trust is in you, O Lord, You are our God, our times are in your hands (Psalm 31:14-15), Teach us to do your will, for you are our God, may your good Spirit lead us on level ground (Psalm 143:10), Save us and help us with your right hand, that those you love may be delivered (Psalm 60:5). Thank you Lord, In Jesus’ Name Amen.

Ruth A Nietz
March 23, 2021

Dear Lord, Please hear and move as a result of our cries for the crisis on the border. You are a God of Justice. As you have heard from many, there are legal and safe procedures to gain admission to the United States of America. The illegal means people are accessing are putting many innocent people in harms way. I don’t know exactly what to say or ask, but we need your help and your intervention. I pray in Jesus Name, Amen.

Rose Rocha
March 23, 2021

Father please bring comfort to these mayors and local officials where these illegal migrants are be dropped off. Lord we asking you to intervene. Reverse the situation on our southern borders only the way you can. In Jesus’s name.

Mary Simmons
March 23, 2021

Please do not call this imposter “president.”

    Theresa mcgraw
    March 24, 2021

    Amen. Agreed. That are heartened Heart and are being influenced by many dark souls

March 23, 2021

Oh, Father, God, please stop this terrible flight of immigrants coming into America. God, you, and you alone know what needs to take place. In your mercy, dear Father; move on behalf of America; and, give President Biden a heart for America. What are they suppose to do with all these people!! In Jesus name.

Toni Kushner
March 23, 2021

Lord, we ask that You who knows the mind and heart of all would move upon our President and those who counsel him to see this immigration crisis with honesty and move for the cause of righteousness for the people of those involved. May all who counsel with a spirit of control , manipulation be seen for the evil they cause and be led to act justly. father the battle is great for the people and the towns involved, but “our eyes are on You, Lord”. Hear our prayers and have mercy.

Jenny Craig
March 23, 2021

Let’s call it what it is: the leftovers of the failed Trump Administration that God our Father put a stinking end to. We worship you O’ Father and we must get involved at the state level to help these poor needy souls coming into our country. We just care for them as Jesus cared for them. Amen.

    March 23, 2021

    This is quite clearly the failed immigration policy of the Democratic Party, back again for another go at it. May the Lord see and judge their actions. HE is the one who instituted borders.

    March 23, 2021

    Nothing remotely like this happened under President Trump. Many border agents are pleading with Biden to return what President Trump put in place.

      March 23, 2021

      I’m sorry, did you forget the two separate instances of caravans of 20,000 people crossing the border in Trump’s first two years? Honestly. And you cann yourselves Christian’s! Lord help us

      James G.
      March 23, 2021


    March 23, 2021

    Wow. What a sad and lowly comment. Please do some extensive research instead of commenting with definite bias towards a former president. As much as the new administration “desires or spins” to blame the past administration, the present problems are completely the Biden administration’s doing based on their present non-working (failing) policies. If you doubt that, spend time with a few members of the border patrol. They are practically in my back yard and I see what overwhelming pressure they are under. And if everything is “being done with such compassion”, why did Biden put a gag order on the border patrol? Gee, I wonder if it’s because they would tell America the truth of how lousy the new policy is!! Anyone with a lick of common sense knows full well that you don’t stop building a border wall when all the materials are already paid for, laying on site and ready to install. That doesn’t even include that almost 50% of the wall is already built!! And “compassion” for fellow human beings does not mean “come on in and the taxpayers {without our consent} will give you this and that and take care of all your needs”. Forcing that on the taxpayers of this land is completely wrong just like this administration is forcing taxpayers to fund abortions overseas or here and through whatever other legal falsehoods they can get away with.
    And for whatever reason, God did allow Biden to become president. But all evidence continues to point to the fact that he didn’t win legally. One doesn’t have to be a scholar to figure that out when a person is actually interested and takes the time to research what the data states. (you know, that factual data that came forth that the social media tyrants keep removing and banning. So much for free speech!)

      March 23, 2021

      Wow, I wish I could find one speck if truth in this comment but I fear it does not exist.

March 23, 2021

Sadly, I think Biden has little to nothing to do with this. I’m NOT even trying to protect him but we all know that this “president” has little functioning mental capacity to actually think through and bring concrete solutions to the table. The Dem party did NOT promise to place him in the presidency so “he could solve problems or lead our nation”. They put him there on the agreement that others in the shadows would make policy while Joe reads the teleprompter and recites scripted lines. Our last president knew how to draw the line, what policy works at a border and what doesn’t and that reinforcement of workable policy “isn’t about pleasing people – it’s about protecting the nation”. He was firm. Many might not have liked his style but who cares about “style points” when it comes to running a nation to get what needs to be done…done!!
I feel terrible for these border towns and states. I am burdened for them. I could care less about whether they are run by Dem or Repub. IT DOESN’T MATTER!! What matters is the protection of the people in that town. The federal edicts that dump immigrants in their towns is wrong in every form and shape. The federal shadow government running the show could care less about these towns, cities or the people. They throw out their virtual statements and one liners for the media to broadcast to give the illusion of “looking good”… while sitting a thousand miles away in the comfort of their protected castles creating tomorrow’s narrative and sipping on their drinks. Those in power refuse to act – they already know what policies work and what doesn’t… and they refuse to help our towns, citizens and nation because their agenda and pride are in the way. They cannot bring themselves to say “we are wrong”.
Unless certain officials find the courage to come forth and admit the fact they screwed up 100%, the matter will continue to worsen. They have already decided to “suppress” the news of the crime element already affecting citizens, towns and cities.
*Lord we need your help. Our nation needs the truth of what is/has happened to pour forth without reservation. We ask that You would place the seeds of courage within a few of our officials and multiply it to speak the truth out loud – continually. Many of these towns do not have the resources to support this influx of people. Our system does not have the resources overall in this nation. Please Lord – BRING courageous leaders forth from everywhere to force our federal officials to change course!! We need true leaders of action and solutions – not illegitimate officials paying lip service to the media while building their financial war chest for another election. God help our nation and leadership because many have lost their way. Amen.

    March 23, 2021

    Wow, you are not a real Republican or a real Christian if you believe this. Demonrat! Flee from us for you are of the Devil!

Candice L Cheek
March 23, 2021

Psalm 150
Praise the Lord
1 Hallelujah! Praise God in his sanctuary. Praise him in his mighty expanse.
2 Praise him for his powerful acts; praise him for his abundant greatness.
3 Praise him with the blast of a ram’s horn; praise him with harp and lyre.
4 Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and flute.
5 Praise him with resounding cymbals; praise him with clashing cymbals.
6 Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. Hallelujah!

    Susan CC
    March 23, 2021

    I love this Candice. When praise goes up, blessing come down!

March 23, 2021

I am moved by your requests. I don’t think there was any thought out into the Biden move to accept these people. If it was called an emergency, or crisis you could get federal help. We will pray that a solution presents itself from God. Be strong.
Dear Lord hear the words from The Mayor’s mouth for help. Heap abundantly on his small city and have all be supplied abundantly. In Jesus Precious And Powerful Name. AMEN!

Candice L Cheek
March 23, 2021


david a burgher
March 23, 2021

Nehemiah in 400 BC era in the Bible wasn’t crying for nothing when he heard the walls of Jerusalem were destroyed and the gates on fire. He knew his own hometown was at a brink of chaos from surrounding nations. Fast forward 2400 years later to 2021. Same song second verse!!

Lord, please forgive the blinded eyes and deaf ears of Biden who has sold his soul the devil. He has surrendered his mind and body to slow suicided and totally oblivious to it all. He can repent even now with a blinding Light from heaven and a voice from heaven saying, “Joe, Why are you persecuting me?” Lord, spare our nation from internal destructions, In Jesus name.

March 23, 2021

Too busy blaming Trump for all this. President Trump had halted this crisis by making a deal that the other countries blocked entranced into their countries. Del Rio is not the only city battling this. Uvalde is also. These illegals are busting through private fences and trespassing. Now they are putting these people up in hotels and bringing them to Dallas to hold in the convention center. How about we put them on buses and transport them to DC and dump them in front of the US Capitol and White House. Let the democrats and Biden deal with them. Better, dump them in Biden’s hometown in Delaware especially in front of his home he visits every weekend.

    March 23, 2021

    Certainly is tempting, isn’t it? Amen!

    Ruth A Nietz
    March 23, 2021

    Very well said,Lisa and Mcn. I totally agree with what you said. Thankful for those who are speaking out and praying for more to speak out with boldness, courage and truth that the Lord will honor!
    I think the idea would certainly get someone’s attention if the buses transported the people to DC. That is where the policies are being made. It might get their attention and be confronted with the truth that their policies are failing the immigrants as well as American Citizens. The policies this administration is implementing are not humanitarian at all.

    March 24, 2021

    I was thinking that perhaps volunteers could hand out small index cards to various individuals as they cross the border or board busses. These cards would contain addresses of the homes or vacation homes of the various politicians of the democratic party. We could then instruct the people that these are the homes of individuals that “willingly invited” you to our country. Those politicians keep telling the rest of America they will take care of you… so by giving out their home addresses, we are helping them “keep their word”.

Susan Willis
March 23, 2021

Lord I don’t even have words but you have a plan you are in control I can only put this in your hands you continue to shine your light into the darkness. Please help this mayor give him wisdom and courage. Thank you Lord for this man. Amen

March 23, 2021

Lord it is your will for all men to be saved and we ask for the souls of these immigrants and our hearts go out to any children and pray for their safety they not be used as pawns in this scheme. We ask You to intervene in those responsible for making decisions Biden his staff etc. We ask that the country of Mexico and the others involved be held responsible accountable for their own people. We beseech you Lord to admonish convict them of their lack of responsibility and TURN this back in their courts. They repent for allowing and governing in this horrific fashion.
We love and care about these people but it they need to be taken care of by their own countrymen.
Let this penetrate in hearts of the leadership in Mexio to produce a rapid radical miraculous change and in our leadership as well here in the US. We ask for more mayors and governers have the boldness and courage to speak up. We ask for their protection and for their families. Thank You and praise You Lord.
If anyone can add to this please do.

Matthew 18:6

As leaders, you are responsible for those you lead

Matthew 18:6, NASB: “but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Danny N.C.
March 23, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, if only the people in Washington would listen to the pleas of Mayor Lozano and others like him, but having seized power through illegal means, it seems unlikely they will listen to calls for true justice now, let alone act on them. Lord, while I do not believe Biden himself is the Lawless Man You warned us of, I do think he is a harbinger of things to come and is helping pave the way for far darker players. Lord, Your word seems remarkably silent on the future of America. I have no doubt that darker days are ahead, but I know also that You can be a God of surprises, and I hope You have a bright and surprising role for America in these dark days. Lord I pray you will humble the wicked who now try to tear this nation asunder, and open the eyes of the masses to the horrible depths to which America has sunk. I pray our nation may yet be a beacon of truth, hope, and piety in this darkening time. Perhaps America, or part of it at least, might be the Wilderness mentioned in Your word. Lord I have faith that America is not more directly mentioned in Your word because You have a secret and surprising purpose for us. Even if our nation suffers a great catastrophe, as some believe, it is still in Your power to make great use of us and I fervently pray You will. May the evil infecting our nation be removed from us like the cancer that it is and May America, or even some remnant of it, yet stand on Your side of the line in the titanic struggle now unfolding. Lord bless those poor souls struggling to illegally enter this nation, and punish the wicked people on both sides of the border who encourage and profit from this crisis. May the nations that are their homelands be blessed and find stability that these poor people do not feel a need to flee. Free them from the fear and violence than now afflict their homelands and if it be Your will, let a restored and righteous new America help our southern brothers and sisters to these ends. In Jesus precious name I pray O Lord, Amen.

    Susan CC
    March 23, 2021

    I so identify with your prayer, Danny. I posted this elsewhere but felt it a right response to you as well…Amen to your mighty prayer. So many countries are profiting on crises and to all those players, beware!

    “Right here, right now,” blazed through my mind as I prayed through the following prayer this morning.

    Father, I pray You are shifting nations as we persevere in prayer. I pray You are shifting us off the enemy’s foundations and severing unholy alliances. As we believe for this miracle, please remove and separate. I am humbly asking You Lord, show us what You see, show us what You are doing. You are separating the light from the darkness in our governments taking them off wrong foundations and setting them upon the Chief Cornerstone. On behalf of your nations, we renew our covenants with You, Yeshua. You are the ONLY sure foundation. Set us apart for You, let us be holy unto You. Do what only You can do. Take us off every wrong foundation and plant us on the Cornerstone. There is no power, no fortress, no stronghold, too difficult for You. Break through where there seems to be no way. Turn the darkness into day! God of Glory, show us Your face. Deliver us and our nations as You delivered the children of Israel from Egypt and set us free to worship You in spirit and in truth. May our nations bring honor to You!” taken from

    On November 9, 1989, the wall “came down” in Berlin beginning the end of the Cold War. The song, “Right Here, Right Now” was written about that event. I believe there is a date for the “severing of the unholy” we are currently facing but this point in time is only known to the Lord God Almighty. Keep praying, keep trusting but until we can see this with our own eyes, stay right here, right now and know He has given you purpose in this time!

March 23, 2021

We pray that the Lord would pierce the hearts of those in positions of power and authority and as a result they would comply with both his word and the laws of this nation. If not, I plead with the Lord to remove them from their positions of power and authority and replace them with just and faithful servants.

March 23, 2021

It isn’t surprising at all regarding the border crisis. Mr. Biden planned for this on week one of his “presidency”. It is so wrong, the residents cannot handle the number of people crossing over and is costing the taxpayers down there big time. I pray that this crises could be handled in the best interest of residents and immigrants. Very unfair for both; we really need to stop illegal immigration, they must come in legally. But at the same time, the U.S cannot support everyone either.

    Danny N.C.
    March 23, 2021

    Indeed, it seems difficult to expect those who achieved their positions through illegal means to act lawfully and honestly in other matters. As long as our nation is a hostage to their schemes, we should expect nothing but lawlessness, lies, and chaos.

Mary Tuzzolo
March 23, 2021

Father in Heaven I prayfor Grace, Widsom and power that the mayors, cities and citizens who are grappling with this ongoing issue would band together to raise one torrential voice that cannot be denied. Praying the American people will “wake-up” to the bogus “Woke” agenda that fuels this problem and deluge their congressmen/women, senators on state level and inspire them to take back their state’s constitutional rights in this and other matters.. That officials on the federal level will rise to protect United States citizens in this regard and every other area we are under attack.

Linda Willis
March 23, 2021

Mr President, please see reason and have mercy on residents on our southern border. They cannot handle the numbers of people. So unfair and dangerous to immigrants and residents.
Stop illegal immigration, they must come in legally.

    March 23, 2021

    We are being attacked by illegals from the southern border! When will it start happening from the northern border? The eastern border? The western border? From the skies??? Chaos happens when elections are stolen.

Sharon Culp
March 23, 2021

Lord You are the God who sees. I pray for Mayor Bruno Lozano and his requests for help from our Government. Lord I ask for Divine Intervention over this crisis and for the safety of all involved. Psalm 21 Our Help is in the Name of the Lord. Lord I pray for a great FAITH in You in this Nation among leaders, Churches, and unbelievers to taste and see who You are. Luke 1:37 For nothing will be impossible with God. Psalm 35:1-28 “Contend O Lord with those who contend with me……….let them be turned back and disappointed who devise evil against me! Let them be like chaff before the wind, with the Angel of the Lord driving them away.
Father many coming across our borders are children, some are criminals, some are families. I pray for the safety of the people but also the border towns and ultimately our Nation. Lord Thy will be done. Lord I pray for repentance and revival in this Nation in The Church first, in our Leadership and in our families. May You be Glorified! May our praises of You out way our complaints. In Jesus name. Amen

Christen McClure
March 23, 2021

Father, please send laborers into the harvest of our nation’s leadership and those who have entered our country. If they haven’t yet,help them to get born again and enter into a living relationship with You. Bring water, food clothing and resources to those who need to experience Your compassion and grace. Provide protection for the children from evil and comfort them with Your Holy Spirit.

March 23, 2021

D.C. needs the supernatural wisdom…and divine intervention on red sea scale

Voter remorse

March 23, 2021

Lord, give supernatural wisdom to Mayor Lozano. Open the eyes of our leaders. Give protection to the town of Del Rio, Texas.

    Susan CC
    March 23, 2021

    Yes and amen Joy. I join you in asking for wisdom and protection for Del Rio and the countless other towns and cities under “assault.” I also pray for a supernatural rise in power and authority over this administration. I humbly pray the fear of the Lord would fall heavily on each and every one and swift action to rectify ALL wrong. Amen


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