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Lord God, we ask that You be near to our nation’s leaders as they may be facing distress. Give them clear answers to the problems they may be facing.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted the Biden administration’s willingness to restart nuclear talks with Iran, fearing they could lead to sanctions relief and concessions — but little substantive change in the country’s nuclear policy.

“The ayatollah understands only strength. I led a response to the Iranian threat that protected the American people from its terror and supported the Jewish state of Israel,” Pompeo told the Washington Free Beacon on Thursday. “Adopting the European Union model of accommodation will guarantee Iran a path to a nuclear arsenal.” . . .

In 2018, the Trump administration pulled out of the deal three years after it was brokered by the Obama administration with Britain, France, Germany Russia, China and the European Union. The accord reduced sanctions against Iran in exchange for the country reducing its stockpile of enriched uranium needed to fuel nuclear weapons. . . .

Since the US’s withdrawal, Iran has admitted it’s breached the 2015 deal by using advanced uranium-enriching centrifuges in an underground plant.

Pompeo credited the Trump administration’s steadfastness, saying that European nations “wanted to appease the Iranian theocracy for my entire time as secretary of state.” . .

Earlier this week, Pompeo said America needs to show strength when it comes to dealing with Iran. . . .

“When the Iranians sense weakness, they’ll attack,” Pompeo said on “Fox News @ Night.” “What we did is that when they came after an American, we made this very clear: Whether they attacked an American through a proxy force in Iraq, whether they attacked an American through Hezbollah in Syria, wherever it was, wherever Iran was responsible, we were going to hold the Iranians accountable. That’s the kind of strength that built the deterrence model that we had with respect to Iran. I hope that this current administration won’t give up on that.”

(Excerpt from The New York Post. Article by  Lia Eustachewich. Photo by Jessica McGowan/Getty Images)

What do you think of Pompeo’s comments? Share in the comments below!

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February 27, 2021

Mike Pompeo is one of the strongest Christians that has been in our government. He was loyal to President Trump and helped him in every way he could. He is working with the ACLJ now. This man deserves our thanks and our praise. Thank God for men of integrity like Mike Pompeo!!

George Sr.
February 24, 2021

Mike Pompeo was a prideful and arrogant man who did nothing but disgrace the office that Trump appointed him to. Trump was a godly man but he made a huge mistake with Pompeo. What a total loser!

    February 27, 2021

    Mike Pompey is a good, godly man who stood with President Trump. I have never heard a bad thing about him, nor has anyone I know. Why would anyone say that he is arrogant or prideful?

February 23, 2021

Lord I thank You for Mike Pompeo and that he stands on good Christian principles. I pray that Biden will heed his advice. In Jesus name.

February 23, 2021

I thank The Lord for Mike Pompeo a great man of God.
The Lord has given him the wisdom to deal with this evil dictatorship in the Middle East .
This man has the courage and the determination not to make any deals with dictators that persecute their own people if they are not willing to accept their demands.
The Middle East has already said that Biden doesn’t have any courage or strength to deal with the problems that are present in this region.
They said Biden is weak.
“Father keep us from these evildoers, and that the present administration will open their eyes to the threats that the USA has, and that they will their eyes to you.
Thank you for Mr. Pompeo a man that stands for your truth.
In Jesus Name Amen!

February 23, 2021

Thankful For Mike Pompeo to rise up with a strong voice of urgency regarding Iran and the weakness of this current administration(evil is at hand) we need to pray and not back down on this warning.

Sandra Lupo
February 23, 2021

I think Mike Pompeo is a wise and godly man who fulfilled his duties from a place of discernment and right knowledge in the Word. It would seem that the current administration is bent on destroying that along with the solid relationship the Pres.Trump had reestablished with Israel. Evil seems to be in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We must continue to turn towards the Lord and repent and rely on HIM! Nothing else will suffice. God bless America and may God restore us to the God fearing nation we once were.

    February 23, 2021


    Sandra H.
    February 24, 2021

    I think you might have Mike Pompeo confused with another man. His name was found in Epsteins little black notebook! People are waking up!


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