I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray that our nation would turn away from abortion and turn toward You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Following President Joe Biden’s presidential memorandum yesterday revoking the ban on federal money going to NGOs that provide or promote abortion overseas, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) released a statement decrying the move as “grievous.”

While the so-called Mexico City Policy was put in place by then-President Donald Trump (and other Republican presidents in the past), Democrats had always revoked the policy. The Trump administration had even expanded the Mexico City Policy. By overturning it, Biden has freed up U.S. government money to organizations performing and lobbying for abortions around the world. . . .

The statement continued with the USCCB offering assistance to the new administration to protect the lives of the innocent: “(T)he Catholic Church stands ready to work with him (Biden) and his administration to promote global women’s health in a manner that furthers integral human development, safeguarding innate human rights and the dignity of every human life, beginning in the womb.”

The bishops explained, “To serve our brothers and sisters with respect, it is imperative that care begin with ensuring that the unborn are free from violence, recognizing every person as a child of God.” . . .

Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the USCCB, warned in the statement that “our new President has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender.”

Singling out the “injustice of abortion” as the “preeminent priority,” Gomez added that “as Pope Francis teaches, we cannot stay silent when nearly a million unborn lives are being cast aside in our country year after year through abortion.” . . .

Opposing the USCCB’s decision to issue a statement critical of Biden’s pro-abortion plans, Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago blasted the conference, calling the letter “ill-considered.”

Despite Biden professing to be a Catholic at the same time as promoting the pro-abortion agenda, Cupich argued that “there is seemingly no precedent” for criticizing the president.

Pope Francis, who wrote his own letter extending his “cordial good wishes” to the new president, also saw no need to criticize Biden.

(Excerpt from Life Site News. Article by David McLoone. Photo by Anna Moneymaker-Pool/Getty Images.)

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JoAnn Jernigan
February 5, 2021

Biden is not even living up to the standards of his professed Catholic faith. Also the Bishop can’t find the guts to rebuke him for it – it’s so disgusting. Proverbs 24:25 NKJV “But those who REBUKE the wicked will have delight and a good BLESSING will come upon them.”

February 4, 2021

A baby, the perfect creation, made in God’s image. Seeing a newborn baby shows us the handiwork of the Creator himself. If we don’t value the gift of life, we don’t value the one who gave it. Lord, forgive us for our inaction and have mercy for the sin of our country and the sin of us, the citizens. The cries of the unborn is deafening.

February 4, 2021

Have mercy on us O Lord our Creator! Create in all of us clean hearts, O God. And renew a right spirit within us all!

February 4, 2021

Father, You are the LifeGiver. Forgive us for our rebellion against YOU, for selfishly demanding our own way which leads to destruction and chaos. Give courage and wisdom to Your men and women to respond rightly to the evil wishes in our culture. Turn our hearts to fear You appropriately. Jesus, we need YOU.


Ann Robins
February 4, 2021

..back in the day Biden would have been ex-coomunicated from the Roman Catholic Church! But, in God’s eyes, murder is murder, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

February 3, 2021

But will the Catholic Church do anything to stop him. No. That was one of three bills. I pray that the church will say. “ until you change this You are not welcome “. Just saying something and doing nothing is idle talk and will not resolve the sacrifices of innocents babies to Satan. It’s true horrible and the whole world is guilty for excepting this . Our tax dollar’s pay to execute innocent children. We too are guilty. Why aren’t the 75 million who voted signing petitions of impeachment. Now,along with the church. We are letting him get away with this murder and we too are responsible with our money he kills. Now all over the world. The lord gives us the power over this. We the people. God forgive us.

    February 4, 2021

    I believe the Catholic Church should excommunicate Biden and Pelosi. They’re words and actions mock our God and they use His name in vain with forked tongues. They may think they’re getting by with their murderous assault on the unborn and the decision of disposal but they are not Christians according to Gods commandments.

Darlene Estlow
February 3, 2021

Father forgive us. Draw your people to see truth and to revere your word as from you. Give us repentance. Call our leaders to account for their embracing the killing of unborn children. Bring righteousness to our nation and convict your people to reject the standards of the culture and the need to pray.


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