Headline Prayer LIVE is streaming live Headline Prayer LIVE live at 12:15 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Father, give us courage and bravery to stand up for what is right. Let us be led by Your Word and truth.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
“Kevin Freeman of Economic War Room walks through the big issues of the 2020 election with election fraud evidence that has never been debunked or refuted. Finally, a solution that should erase the doubts and settle the matter for fair-minded individuals. There is good news, find out how you can play an important role in healing and restoring America.”

(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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J Eaton
January 7, 2021

Why was this the presented sooner? Yesterday the electoral votes were counted giving Biden the win for US President!

Yvonne Pendleton
January 7, 2021

We know this! Repeating it does not change it!Declare!Believe!God in His time will move in justice&power by His Spirit!

Gail Segars Rainey
January 5, 2021

The swamp that President Donald John Trump has promised to drain is getting larger minute by minute to not only include those in Washington, DC, but all over the nation apparently. So, the True Judge, Yeshua HaMashiach, will be intervening against this spirit of anitchrist! Our Lord over His America has to let us get so evil that it will only take His Divine Intervention to correct us (for maybe four more years). The window of mercy is open now, but it can also close depending on what Christians do or don’t do: called sins of omission and/or sins of commission.

Sheryl Alexander
January 5, 2021

We must stand up for righteous elections now or the true voice of the people will never be heard again.

January 5, 2021

In Georgia, lawyers were sent to inspect the machines. A few machines were hidden in a locked room on a different floor before the lawyers arrived. Lawyers were allowed to inspect the remaining machines. The hidden machines remain locked in a room on a completely different floor. Please pray that the elections staff or the cleaning staff will have courage to come forward and tell where the hidden machines are.

milton parker
January 5, 2021

Righteousness shall prevail and justice will be served. Tyranny must fall in the name of Jesus. No certification. All that is hidden shall be revealed and justice shall triumph. Lord grant wisdom and discernment to our leaders. No weapon formed against this nation shall prosper(Isa. 54:17).

January 5, 2021

It is also very easy to load votes on a “flash drive” and then upload thousands of votes into the computer system. In a matter of less than a minute, thousands of votes can them be included in the final count, without even using actual ballots.

    Harmony Talbot
    January 5, 2021

    Lord YOU know all things, You hear and see all things. YOUR arm is not to short to stop and expose all fraud and rebellions’. We humbly ask for “YOU to arise and all YOUR enemies be scattered, may all YOUR foes flee before you”. Num.10:35 Thank you, “that YOU cause ALL things to work together for good to those who love YOU and are called according to YOUR purpose”. Rom.8:28 THANK YOU that everything YOU do is necessary, important and is being done as quickly and efficiently as needed to complete all of YOUR plans and purpose. “MAY YOUR KINGDOM COME AND YOUR WILL BE DONE on earth as it is in Heaven”! Mat.6:10 Please BLESS all who are fighting on YOUR side! For the enemy has a side and YOU have your obedient followers !!! AMEN!

    Diane A
    February 7, 2021

    Dave thank you for reminding us of those tangible weapons that were/could again be used to take away our voting rights

Barbara Telford
January 5, 2021

Please consider adding the ability to share IFA articles through venues other than just FB, Twitter or email. I have spent much time trying to share IFA articles, however I refuse to use FB or Twitter.
Thank you for the important work you are doing for our nation and for the Body of Christ!

    January 5, 2021

    There should be an option at the top of your screen if you have Android to copy the website to share anywhere. That’s how I sent through messenger.

January 5, 2021

I firmly believe that intercessory prayer is the most important thing we can do. Seeking God’s heart on behalf of this nation is critical. Willingness to fight the battle in the heavenlies with Scripture, fasting and prayer brings results here on earth.
Watch this video and pray for direction.
There are times we can take affirmative action and speak up in unison.

Joy Schtakleff
January 5, 2021

** I couldn’t follow through with Everylegalvote.com there is a problem in the system

Continuing to the Higher source which is Greater.. King over all Kings, Master of the Universe where my voice is heard!


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