Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the chairman of the voting company Smartmatic, has been promoted to the role of President within George Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
The December 4th announcement adds to the long list of intricate ties Malloch-Brown has to the progressive megadonor, including renting a home from him in New York. Malloch-Brown will be filling in for Patrick Gaspard, who many allege will join Joe Biden’s cabinet, potentially as Secretary of Labor.
“Succeeding him as president will be Mark Malloch-Brown, the former UN deputy secretary‐general and UK minister, who currently serves on the Foundations’ Global Board. Malloch-Brown will take over effective January 1,” the Open Society Foundation’s press release reads. The press release contains no reference to Malloch-Brown’s position as Chairman of Smartmatic, the voting company that has seen its results tampered with and enjoys a close relationship to Dominion. . . .
Prior to his promotion, Malloch-Brown served as Vice-President of Soros’s Quantum Fund as well as vice-chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute.
Malloch-Brown’s new position, however, adds to the growing list of suspicious connections U.S. voting companies have with anti-Trump actors, as Soros has funneled millions into beating President Trump.
(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Article by Natalie Winters. Photo Credit: Dreamstime.)
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Just to think: These Socialist-agenda, Communist, Marxist people (and “others”) have given themselves over to possession by evil! and all because of self-ishness, greed, pride, the love of money, and their absolute refusal to acknowledge that God exists. If you really think about the question of whether or not GOD exists the question arises “do we humans know everything? What percentage IS there to know? What percentage do we already know of all knowledge? So being that no one knows these things it would stand to reason if we do not know all things then GOD CERTAINLY COULD EXIST IN WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW! Now it is extremely difficult at times to pray for those we are angry with or that we do not like, but if we do not pray for these people, there may be no chance for them to repent or even be saved. All we have to do is ask ourselves if I were in this group being heavily influenced by evil, when they face the Lake of Fire they will ask themselves “would I have turned if someone had prayed for me?” or “I wish someone had told me about this place because I would have turned around the other way”. We should also ask God to allow the blinders to come off their eyes, and the plugs come out of their ears so they can see and hear rightly. Just because we pray for them does not mean we have to like them or agree with anything they are doing. God’s judgment will be swift and final! Dear God please help us of the house of God to do what You have desired for us to do, in Jesus name amen.
Father, keep my eyes on You. You are more than able to make a way. I worship You. Please continue to expose every secret corrupt thing done in darkness. Please call many into account. A season of accountability and consequences -that may lead them to repent.
Please dismantle alliances that benefit the kingdom of darkness.
Unravel entanglements (personally, corporately, nationally, and globally) that are evil.
Please continue to raise up those who are not afraid to call out hypocrisy like Jesus did.
Breathe on the Church. Refreshment for those who are weary.
And help us to stay the course until Heaven intervenes in the earth for the glory of God. Thank You, Lord.
We pray for the soul of George Soros and this lord and pray that their works in our country and in the world would be destroyed. We intercede for the children who are trafficked, the babies that are aborted as sacrifice to feed the Luciferian rituals of such men. We pray for Elijahs to be raised in Your House dear Lord to combat the likes of these. Accept our petitions for a safe place to live for our Children and for their children, dear Lord. May America still have a mission for Your Kingdom come, our Precious Lord. May the power of the Resurrected Christ sweep away the evil men and women and their greed that would have them sell out their own country. We here know that for them to steal this election is to let them have America as their toy to destroy. We continue to pray that Justice would flow from your throne throughout America. You, God, who hate unjust weights, we ask you to bring your Justice to them and their works. We beseech you Almighty God through the works of your Son and by His name, Jesus, Amen
Just to think these evil people are double agents and have sold out us and the United States of America out for money! Yet when they are in charge, prosecute others and accuse them of the very things they have done in secret. Please reveal all their plots Father God and destroy these plots. Remove their people they have planted in high positions and the Mayors that are dismissing all the police and other officials in Jesus name amen.
God, we beseech You to bring equitable justice forth. Your word says …there is no more delay. The proverb spoken/words will not be prolonged.
Heavenly Father, we pray for those who are blind and under the influence of the evil one. We ask that you intercede and push back the enemy and make a clear path for truth to come through. We ask that you open blind eyes and deaf ears. We ask that you reveal all truth and make a way for our country to unify and become one nation under God. We repent for turning a blind eye to corruption and letting our country and our leaders not be held accountable for their actions. We ask that you guide us through this messy and muddy path and lead us not with fear but with your faith, and your strength, and your wisdom. Help us to remember that you are always with us and the Holy Spirit is our counselor and our guide and our wisdom. In Jesus name we pray! Amen!
I pray that George Soros will destroy his own message which is not representative of the American Manifestation of God in our country. His endeavors to destroy our country should not be allowed to gain any/none footing in our country. Let his work me destroyed by the truth of God coming forth.
Father in the name of Jesus! Our enemies are NOT carnal but are principalities and powers in high places who work through human counterparts. You call us to BLESS our enemies not curse them! When we see evil exposed and see people In high places suspected or fully exposed for Evil deeds we are not called to curse them and think that we are better for ALL have sinned and all need Christ. We need to obey you and bless our enemies and pray for them the way Jesus taught!!! Getting caught and public exposure Could be the blessing they need for you to be able to wake these folks up but that is fir you to decide we are called simply to BLESS our enemies and so we chooseyo obey Jesus and we choose to bless them now and henceforth. You are willing that all be saved. We understand that America has many enemies within and abroad but we do not have all the facts nor do we know all the players or their their hearts, their motives, only you alone know all that each and every detail and only You alone can help our nation and help the wicked and the traitors to see the error of their way. We are called to CO-operate WITH you not work against you and your word! Cursing them works against your word so we BLESS our all our enemies the great and small! We wish them YOUR very best which is Christ, true Love, true Repentance, true Redemption, true Reform, true relationship with you! Please father instruct your church to cooperate and do things YOUR way! We leave all judgement to YOU and you alone and we obey you to bless bless bless them!!! ..we bless them, we bless their families, their souls, their spirits. We appeal to you to perform your word in us and in them and in our nation! Your word says your judgments are in all the earth, and that you will cause even your enemies to submit to you!!! Psalm 66:3: say unto God, you are awesome in your works by the greatness of your power shall your enemies submit themselves unto you!!! Father instruct the church fully as to how we need to obey how we need to pray, what declarations of your word need to bemade and how to poise ourselves and fight this battle WITH you every step of the way not against you. In Jesus name we ask and receive these things!
Father in the name of Jesus! Our enemies are carnal but are principalities and powers in high places who work through human counterparts. You call us to BLESS our enemies not curse them! When we see evil exposed and see people In high places suspected or fully exposed for Evil deeds we are not called to curse them and think that we are better for ALL have sinned and all need Christ. We need to obey you and bless our enemies and pray for them the way Jesus taught!!! Getting caught and public exposure Could be the blessing they need for you to be able to wake these folks up but that is fir you to decide we are called simply to BLESS our enemies and so we chooseyo obey Jesus and we choose to bless them now and henceforth. You are willing that all be saved. We understand that America has many enemies within and abroad but we do not have all the facts nor do we know all the players or their their hearts, their motives, only you alone know all that each and every detail and only You alone can help our nation and help the wicked and the traitors to see the error of their way. We are called to CO-operate WITH you not work against you and your word! Cursing them works against your word so we BLESS our all our enemies the great and small! We wish them YOUR very best which is Christ, true Love, true Repentance, true Redemption, true Reform, true relationship with you! Please father instruct your church to cooperate and do things YOUR way! We leave all judgement to YOU and you alone and we obey you to bless bless bless them!!! ..we bless them, we bless their families, their souls, their spirits. We appeal to you to perform your word in us and in them and in our nation! Your word says your judgments are in all the earth, and that you will cause even your enemies to submit to you!!! Psalm 66:3: say unto God, you are awesome in your works by the greatness of your power shall your enemies submit themselves unto you!!! Father instruct the church fully as to how we need to obey how we need to pray, what declarations of your word need to bemade and how to poise ourselves and fight this battle WITH you every step of the way not against you. In Jesus name we ask and receive these things!
God is good! May they repent before the LORD and also confess everything publicly. So much damage has been done. America needs healing. We need a mighty move of God. And if those who have worked relentlessly to destroy us would truly repent and do all within their power to help us heal, God would see and extend mercy to them.
LORD God, please hear our hearts cry and come and heal our land. We love you LORD. You are good! We need You!!! Help us to forgive. You are beautiful, LORD! You are our amazing God!!! Thank you for Your mercy and grace, beautiful LORD!
Just to think: These Socialist-agenda, Communist, Marxist people (and “others”) have given themselves over to possession by evil! and all because of self-ishness, greed, pride, the love of money, and their absolute refusal to acknowledge that God exists. If you really think about the question of whether or not GOD exists the question arises “do we humans know everything? What percentage IS there to know? What percentage do we already know of all knowledge? So being that no one knows these things it would stand to reason if we do not know all things then GOD CERTAINLY COULD EXIST IN WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW! Now it is extremely difficult at times to pray for those we are angry with or that we do not like, but if we do not pray for these people, there may be no chance for them to repent or even be saved. All we have to do is ask ourselves if I were in this group being heavily influenced by evil, when they face the Lake of Fire they will ask themselves “would I have turned if someone had prayed for me?” or “I wish someone had told me about this place because I would have turned around the other way”. We should also ask God to allow the blinders to come off their eyes, and the plugs come out of their ears so they can see and hear rightly. Just because we pray for them does not mean we have to like them or agree with anything they are doing. God’s judgment will be swift and final! Dear God please help us of the house of God to do what You have desired for us to do, in Jesus name amen.
And when they (the elitists) were all fat & happy & secure in their homes and money and trusting in their schemes…..the Lord knocked on the door and said to them “You were dishonest, trusting in your riches & your titles and your own self assurance. Tonight your soul is required of thee”.
Pray for these people – at present, they have a one way ticket to hell.
From dust we came and from dust we shall return no matter how famous one’s name or the amount of money in one’s bank accounts.
Everything is temporary, and nothing is hid from the eyes of our wonderful LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
There will come a domino effect and when one falls they all will fall but hopefully before it is too late they will realize that they have been deceived and fall on their knees and repent of their evil ways and not fall into hell.
The choice is theirs.
May Archangel Michael strick the enemy of America with his Arrow of fire 🔥 and as David struck Goliath who feel down and all his army run with fear.They recognize the Power of Davids God and they scattered in seven different direction because their leader died.Just as the same thing do the same to the Goliaths of Donald J Trump in Jesus Christ Name.
This article is so concerning to me. A few months back, I’d read that Soros Open Society Fdn had a slight connection to World Vision. They responded to my query, but I am still concerned that Soros can manipulate his evil influence in generally unsuspecting ways, and we don’t even think about what that means ! And, Then name, Malloch-Brown, somehow is too close for comfort for me….as Malach, Amalech are mentioned in the Bible. No coincidences in God’s Kingdom ! I pray that Christians, especially pastors and leaders in the church, start asking lots of questions, and for all to PRAY for the Mighty and Awesome Hand of God to guide each of us to His Word, to go deeper in our True Faith in Him! Thank You, Jesus for opening blind eyes !
Karen – is Soros/Open Society connected to World Vision?
Heavenly Father, the truth is You love George Soros and all those he has influenced through his great worldly, material wealth. You would have me pray for my enemies, Lord. You tell me You have “prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies”. You have granted me the privilege to pray for and forgive those who
are evil and threaten justice and righteousness. Lord, forgive me for shirking that privilege many times.
I pray for George Soros and all those under his influence to submit to Your love and authority by the power of Your great Holy Spirit. Do not let their hearts harden totally. Allow an opening for the Holy Spirit to move them to repentance and a relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Confuse their plans for “globalization”.
Grant us your peace and prosperity under the leadership of men and women who seek to serve You, Your Kingdom, and others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Heavenly Father, thank you for being our God and Savior. For with you there is no fear. I pray you bind every evil and demonic spirit from George Soros and his minions and leave them powerless in every way, shape, or form. Have them remain listless with the only option to look up to you and your ways until they prepare their hearts to receive you as Lord and Savior of their lives. They are so lost and they need you Lord. Thank you for working in their hearts. In your name, Amen.
These evil people have no idea how big Our God is🙏🙏🙏Thank you Lord for Given us Your Son who is above ALL. We are His Children saved by Christ on the Cross🙏
Note: soros is all about the “reset” & new world order but, the “pesky” Christian’s are in his evil way. he is a bully who uses his money to talk for him.
his evil name was merely mentioned on fox news & the 2 women went into shock mode and wanted to ignore the question & move on.
So we are in his way, so no matter how much money this evil man has, God is greater. he can’t reset God.
Lord, soros is evil to the bone. He is rotten and does not believe in God because he said “he is god.”
he thinks his billions make him untouchable but absolutely no one is out of Your sight.
Lord absolutely no peace for this stain or any of his minions. he has used his money to buy his way through the political scene.
Expose all of the politicians, district attorney’s, companies, etc. etc., who have been bought & paid for by soros.
Absolutely no peace to this evil man or his minions, his only god is his filthy lucre.
he is spineless and hides behind the scenes orchestrating mayhem to nations.
Dry his money up as only You can. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.
I pray against these wicked people that are destroying our God given rights and our democracy. I pray that God will intervene and remove these men who are determined to destroy our Republic.