We’ve reported numerous times on events in Georgia on election night at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta. We’ve now uncovered more on the incident that exemplifies the 2020 election in Georgia.
On election night we were told that voting stopped in Georgia’s State Farm Arena due to a water main break. President Trump was way ahead in the election at that time. But a couple days later we uncovered that the water main break never happened. First an attorney in the Atlanta area asked for information related to the event via an freedom of information request and he shared with us that the only item he received was a couple of text messages related to the event:
After posting this, we found out that the water department in Atlanta never even received a call regarding the water main break. [Editor’s note: Epoch Times is now reporting that the water came from an overflowing urinal.)
Next it was uncovered that a mother and daughter team, Ruby Freeman and her daughter “Shaye” Ross as well as a couple others, stuck around after sending everyone home and started running ballots through tabulators. Ballots were pulled out from under a table that were previously covered up and processed with no Republican observers. . . .
On Sunday night we uncovered another observation of events that night.
One of the other individuals who stuck around moved from his regular station and moved to another cube where he held numerous calls with someone as the ballot counting went on. Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer points out where this mysterious man in red placed himself:
According to the composite, the man in red makes two phone calls on Election Night at 10:58pm which then triggers the removal of the ballot cases from under the table covered in black material. Within a couple minutes four boxes of ballots are wheeled out from under the table.
We now believe the man taking the calls and organizing the massive “suitcase” scandal that night is Ralph Jones. . . .
We have video of Ralph Jones taking time out to speak with Ruby Freeman while she was filmed counting ballots. . . .
. . .Mayor Bottoms paid Ralph Jones Jr’s consulting firm $3,600 during her runoff last year.
And then she won her runoff! What a great investment!
The AJC reported on Keisha and Ralph in 2018.
According to records obtained by Channel 2 Action News and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the campaign paid more than $3,600 to RJ Mays Consulting, whose registered agent is Ralph Jones Sr., registration chief of the county’s election department.
The filings raise questions about potential conflicts of interest and what experts called an alarming lack of separation between a top election employee and active political campaign. . . .
(Excerpt from Gateway Pundit. Article by Jim Hoft. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
Share your thoughts on this third suspect in the comments below. . .
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Almighty Everliving God,
We humbly ask you to grant us the Grace to seek Truth, to recognize it when we find it, the courage to embrace it wherever it is found, and the wisdom to exclude all else that is not Truth.
In Jesus’ Precious Name. AMEN.
….evidence everywhere yet the clock is ticking, and as usual the liberals succeed.
I pray that the details of this fraud will be exposed, and that their efforts to take over our election will be completely destroyed.
I live in Atlanta
Close to The State Farm Arena!
Our state should be de certified and our legislature directed to convene to instruct our electors to vote for Trump. We have evidence on tape!
Help us JESUS!
Glad to hear this.
I am so tempted to say, “Smile your on Candid Camera!” But, I don’t think those people are smiling right now. Every time I see that video, I know that corruption is being exposed, but I’m silently saying to myself…Now what? Are they going to do anything about it? So,then the Word of God says to me… Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding…I know there is more to this scripture verse, but there are many scripture verses I could quote. The answers to all lifes problems can be found in God’s Holy Word of which I am to meditate on day and night.
I agree with your question, Barbara, “then what?” As we see that Hillary Clinton has not been made accountable and unless i am mistaken i Believe the people to set up Michael Flynn seem to have got their hands slapped publicly but are off scott free. Father revamp our Political justice system and send crooked politicians to prison and maybe that will put the fear of God in them enough to call out and resist corruption, thank you Jesu
I agree with everything you have stated. WHEN OH WHEN will these corrupt devils be held accountable for their actions? IF they were prosecuted perhaps this would deter any further acts of fraud and corruption.
Sad that anyone could be bribed for any amount to help rig an election but it’s hard to believe $3000+ would twist anyone’s arm. A begger on the street maybe but a businessman? That’s just hard to believe. I hope facts are being presented here and not accusations and suspicions. Father in the name of Jesus, heal AmericaOf all lawlessness, our politicians, our businessmen, our citizens. Heal us. Expose secret agreements and schemes performed in darkness, shout it from the rooftops with whistleblowers. Father vindicate the innocent but catch the guilty redhanded and bring them to justice. Restore A healed normalcy to America, Put a stop to the four years of constant schemes and coup against our President and allow him to accomplish all Your and His goals to drain the swamp, free us from corruption and the NWO, socialism, communism, racism, sexism, hedonism and all other evil isms, heal our nation financially, politically, as well as the food industry, meat industry, farming, the entertainment industry the media, education, medicine and any other important areas and industries that i cant think of right now. We are desperate for your intervention. You told Abraham if there five righteous Sodom would be spared. God help us understand your version of righteousness because Lot and his family including his sons in law made 5 yet Sodom was still destroyed. You spared as many as heeded your angel. Father pour out the wisdom, conviction heartfelt repentance and prayers our nation needs for you to spare us and pour your spirit out, heal our land we humble ourselves and admit our sin and unrighteousness and we hope in your mercy and the righteousness of Christ. Father you alone have the answer the fix for us and our nation, help us, the church, and President Trump to get with your plan and program so you can bring it to pass. Thank you! amen!
Replying to the $3000+to pay someone off.In Nevada gift cards for $25 and t-shirts was enough to commit felonies,people will sell their souls,just look at all the elected officials and others and what they did to steal an election.So very evil.
I wish it were more than 5, but only Lot and his two daughters made it out of Sodom. His son in laws(pledged to be married to his daughters) thought his warnings were a joke Gen.19:14, 26 and stayed behind,his wife died looking back to Sodom..😔
The Angels led Lot, his wife, and 2 daughters out of Sodom; however, the wife disobeyed the directive to not look back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Sadly, there were not 5 righteous people in that town!
However, many people are praying and interceding on behalf of the US and this election. We are waiting for God to speak and I do not believe he has spoken yet. Also, I find it interesting how the social media platforms, Chuck Schumer, and others are trying to rush this process, including trying to ‘confirm’ some of the opposition’s cabinet selections. If Mr. Biden is indeed the presumptive president-elect, then why the hurry? Is it because they think the ‘election’ will be overturned because of irregularities?
One good thing coming out of their desire for power is the revealing of the type of people they want to head the various cabinet and government positions. These peoples’ agendas are anti-God and anti-US Constitutution. Darkness is coming to Light!
Communist Vipers and enemies of God exposed to the public. May truth and justice prevail.
Also, (from the bible) when Christ rose from the dead, the father in heaven designated him the final authority in all maters of planet earth and beyond. In this way, we can rest assured that Devine justice tempered with mercy will prevail. May Christ send the Sprit of truth to each believer and follower offering Devine comfort in these tumultuous times.
I would have loved to read entire article but unable to because of unremovable popup!
“Those who STAND will be approved of GOD! Thank you FATHER for these young, vibrant healthy, Roaring LIONS” And all unceasing praying Intercessors that ignite/inspire this up/coming young generation. EZEKIEL 22:30And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before ME for the land, that I should not destroy it: ….(at this time may the Lord see/pleased to see HIS ecclesia boldly, standing, declaring, decreeing HIS WORD) over this HIS COUNTRY & WHOLE WIDE WORLD: R-E-S-E-T!!!! HIS KINGDOM COME, HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH, in Jesus’ mighty name, BLOOD, WORD of our testimony.
Why don’t you just scrap the whole U.S. election and start over completely with normal polling stations, real ballots and competent, honest individuals to oversee the process and tabulate the results. Is that so hard?!!!
Amen. I would like to see that also but these states in question have not admitted guilt and even the courts have been corrupt, God help us!! We need a miracle at this point but that is your specialty! Father Let us all hear you laugh and show the enemies who’s boss!! Dont let them get away with wicked schemes, in Jesus name
Sure sounds like some people have some bitterness in their soul that needs to be addressed and dealt with quickly before it poisons them and the people around them! I’m talking those who are trashing our President Donald J. Trump! If people don’t like him then they at least need to respect The Office of the President for pete’s sake! Also, these same people are disrespecting God’s prophets too and he doesn’t take kindly to that! His Word says, “Believe God and you will be established, and Believe His Prophets and you will prosper!”
Please keep your unkind disrespectful comments to yourself! 🙁
Why aren’t our elected officials doing something about this? It is very disheartening, but thank you for letting us know and I will continue to pray!!
I agree – why isn’t our elected officials doing something about this – how much more proof do they need?
I’m thankful for those who are trying to let people know.
Because they are siding with the culprits! Corruption this deep involves thousands! We are praying for mercy and for God to intervene, but our corrupt and sinful nation does deserve His justice!
I’ve been praying for the Lord to forgive us. My husband used to say, that “sometimes God has to paint with a broad brush”…but I am still praying He will forgive us and not forsake our country.
This is such an obvious case of conflict of interests. Either they aren’t intelligent enough to know this or they are politically motivated. Either way, it stinks of voter fraud. Shame on the people who think they have the right to manipulate our elections to suit their biases. Nothing could be more unAmerican.
Get over it! No one in Atlanta would barely vote from Trump. He decided to isolate black voters & spew hate & division. So, black voters sent a clear message. He disrespect black men & women his entire time in office. So, when we answered back at the polls you cried voter fraud. Stop filling people with lies…I was an active volunteer for several states to make sure he was a one term non leader. Keep the prophet-lying going it will be you all that will answer to God. Because we are assured by God this is Biden’s time. He is a Great leader & No he does not believe in abortion. However, the law of the land states roe vs wade made abortion legal. So, if you don’t believe in abortion work on reducing the rate among believers that are having abortion at higher rate than non believers. It appears the church need to get back to speaking the truth to it’s followers & stay out of failed political agendas….
Dear Velma,
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I gather the prayers preceding yours did not resonate with your soul, so here is one I hope you will find uplifting.
Father, thank you for our great nation, one nation under God which offers liberty and justice for all.
Lord, our country is divided and the oppressor attacks at every angle through varied means. Where there is hatred, we speak love; where there is division, we speak unity; where there is violence, we speak law and order. Your Spirit is a Spirit of Truth, may it flood our nation from coast to coast and border to border.
We acknowledge you as the King of Kings, and President of Presidents, the Supreme Judge reigning above the US Supreme Court. May your will be done at every level of our government, in the Legislative, Judicial and the Executive branches, at the federal, state, and local level, – that all would abide in you and act according to your Word.
You tell us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us, so we pray for those we disagree with, those who persecute us. We choose to forgive them and ask you to bless them with greater knowledge, divine wisdom, and overflowing measures of your love.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Your ignorance is sad and astounding. Trump actually did something to help the black community as opposed to years of empty promises from Democrats. He signed prison reform into action. In 8 years Obama and Biden never even gave it a thought. He implemented opportunity zones which directly help black businesses and was the first President to fund black colleges ongoing. Before they had to ask for grants every year. Biden never introduced any of these changes. Democrats say all the things that sound good to get your vote and then do nothing of any substance. Same old story.
Praying Jesus will open your eyes to Truth. All evil dictators & powers have ALWAYS had the media on their side spewing their lies that the people believe. Abortion is a stench in God’s nostrils & legal doesn’t mean it’s right just like slavery was legal but Godly people fought & died to end this horrible sin, as any God fearing Christian would fight against the evil of choosing who lives & dies based on choice. It’s delusional to justify murder based on legal. Who will be next?
Do your job at teaching church members to importance of the life & a true relationship with God! Trump is over.
Biden/Harris is President & VP!
No one committed fraud. Stop the lies God is not pleased. Keep Bottoms & the others names out of your hateful mouth.
You are a blind and deluded person. I do feel sorry for you for being so unwise.
Don’t forget to “amen” your own comment because no one else is lol. Pedo Joe Biden is an abortion lover and a child molester. You must have missed all those clips of him sniffing little girls hair and touching them inappropriately. Poor thing. Stop watching CNN so you can stop making a complete fool of yourself 😂😂😂
Well, If God’s will that Trump serves a 2nd term it Will happen if not the challenge to Biden’s presidency will come to naught. NLT…Act 5:39..” ….If they are planning and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. BUT if it is from God, you all NOT be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!”
“Velma”, from your writing mechanics and your lack of facts I wonder where you are really from and what you are really a part of, and even what your name really is. I pray that for your benefit Jesus will reveal truth, justice, and his love to you.
Don’t concern yourself with my name. God knows my name. But, God is not tolerating your lies. Every hate filled tactics sent out against Biden/Harris will return void. It is over…understand clearly Biden did not need to cheat to win. We voted to impact the nation.
I could care less about receiving a amen. I can stand with God easily!!!
Velma, I pray there will be no amens to your opinion, for that is what they are. I pray for your eyes and ears and heart be lead by our Lord that you may have peace in your soul, clarity of mind and filled with thanksgiving. The Lord loves you!
Really? When you are standing with God you don’t need approval from men!!!
Velma, we’ll get over it just as soon as we see the proof that this election wasn’t stolen. So far, all the evidence is pointing to the fact that it was. Question: Will you get over it if Donald Trump wins re-election because the proof shows that he did, and all the fraud just exposed all the corruption in our election, and more.
He will never win the President position again. He dishonored God!
What dishonors God, is lying, cheating, and stealing, of which this assumed election of Joe Biden is quilty of. You are not facing facts because you do not like them. I pray that you will know the truth and be set free from deception. God bless you.
I am praying for the truth to be exposed and that THE TRUTH WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!
All of these people should be locked up for a long time.
Keisha Lance Bottoms, Mayor of Atlanta: You need God to take you into the truth and to quit being so dishonest.
Keisha Lance Bottoms, Mayor of Atlanta: You need God to take you into the truth and to quit being so dishonest.
Father God I praise you and trust only in you and your word. You say when the enemy comes in like a flood, you raise up a standard against him. I pray Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that truth prevails in the courts of this nation as it prevails in the courts of heaven. That Truth straightens that which is twisted. You up root the evil and reveal that which has been done in secret. Bring to light and expose those who have perpetrated evil against this nation to destroy our freedoms. We now the enemy is not flesh and blood for we war not against the flesh and blood but against those who are following the evil one, And do evil in the site of you. Bring them to justice. Praying for the salvation of their souls. That they turn from darkness to your most marvelous light and makes Jesus their Lord. Praying that Your Right hand Lord God bringsforth righteousness and justice in the supreme Supreme Court today and each day they convene. Today is the day that the Lord has made. May the will and purposes of God prevail. I pray this in The Mighty Name of Our Lord And .Savior Jesus Christ.
I am praying for salvation for ruby freeman, shaye Ross, and Ralph Jones. May they come to a saving knowledge of the love of God for them. Their only hope is found in Him who died and was resurrected, Jesus Christ the son of the Most High. Give them no rest until they make peace with you o LORD. Amen
Lord, reveal the truth. You and you alone can make things right. May we as Christians depend upon you to guide the minds of those investigating the wrongs done during the election.
Dear Lord, I want to pray for these people who have been identified, Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Ross, and the Registration Chief, Ralph Jones. I pray that you would convict them of the evil thing they’ve been involved in and give them no rest or peace until they repent, come forward and confess to what they’ve done to the right people – please direct them in this Lord, that they will go to people and sources that won’t cover up what they’re confessing but will bring it out in the open and take it to the Trump legal team. …and then, of course, draw them to yourself. I pray this in Jesus precious name. Amen
One lie leads to many others in this sordid “literal” orchestrated case of thievery and attempt to steal an election.
These people have stopped at nothing to undermine the choice of voters. Thank You Lord for exposing the evil deeds of darkness.
May each one from top “Atlanta mayor” to bottom be held accountable for their wrong doing. Grant no peace to the orchestrator of this planned coup. Enough already. These evil people have worked four years at the “very costly” expense of taxpayers to unseat a duly elected President.
Their evil deeds are an embarrassment to the world. Lord deal with each one in all the swing states accordingly. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Reveal reveal reveal Lord Jesus!! Explode the news across this nation of truth. Break the coverup. Break the underlying lies and propaganda against you and your anointed. Jesus I declare you Lord over the earth, over America, over this election, over every vote that was honest and legitimate. Thank you Lord!!!
Pray that someone in authority and fortitude will step up and bring justice to all who were involved in this travesty!