I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank you that you are not stopped from working in wonderful ways even in the midst of great darkness.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

There is no shortage of images of destruction, violence, and evil in this time of unrest in our nation. The news and our social media feeds are filled with them. But while you won’t see or hear about them, there are some beautiful moments of humility, peace, and unity happening in our nation. Here are just a few examples that we hope will build your faith that in the midst of the ugliness, God is at work still.

Minneapolis: Believers gathered at the site of the murder of George Floyd. They preached unity, love, and repentance. People brought food, and many came to love on and minister to the community. Then the people got on their knees, forgave one another, and gave their lives to Jesus! This beautiful scene brings hope! God is a God of redemption–how wonderful that believers gathered on the site of great evil and pain, and redeemed it for God’s purposes! (see left) Praise God!

Indianapolis: Eyewitness accounts tell of a gathering in front of the Governor’s mansion of protesters and policemen who were seen embracing and standing in unity and love instead of a chaotic eruption. Praise God!


Tulsa: Where riots were taking place, protesters actually pushed back the riot inciters when they came at dark.  The rioters threw a brick into a business and, in response, some of the protesters formed a wall and protective line to prevent further attack on this local business and halt any looting. Praise God!

Washington, D.C.:  Upon seeing the disturbing scenes of so many of our nation’s monuments and historical sites defaced by protesters, it was a welcome sight to see the wall of strength–members of the military–standing guard protectively, silently.  This order and visual sense of protection is heartening. (see left) Praise God!

Thank you Lord, that you are showing yourself mighty, undeterred by the influx of evil actions we are seeing. May your people lead the way to turn these sites of protest and riot into holy ground by prayer, worship, and the declaration of Christ’s supreme authority and redemptive blood!

Share what good reports you are hearing in the comments below.  We know there are many other instances of God moving in the midst of these ugly protests.

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fannie williams
June 5, 2020

Funerals only 10 people. What happened. At least 3 recent thousands there. Not 6 ft apart. Have not heard on news that changed???

viera Anabalon
June 5, 2020

Praise God that the power of love that comes from Him is more powerful than than any evil that the enemy wants to spread. God’s purpose is for all to come to him and find peace and solace in the midst of chaos. We overcome by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony, such as we’ve seen in the action of these wonderful people that embrace each other and lift God’s name above the hate that our defeated foe, the devil, would like to spread. As MLK said “we shall overcome” Let’s unite as one in prayer and welcome God’s of presence in the midst turmoil! His presence will bring victory as we will see the violent bow before God in repentance and the broken be filled with hope and restoration! Praise God from whom all blessings come!

Kandy Persall
June 4, 2020

Our city, Lubbock, TX, did a fairly spontaneous solidarity march led by an organization here called 100 Black Men. The local police department, major, and other city officials attended as well. Hear more at: https://www.kcbd.com/2020/06/01/black-men-west-texas-spearhead-silent-solidarity-walk-tonight-lubbock/

June 4, 2020

I am watching videos of blacks commenting on the situation. There seem to be a lot of blacks who have insight but who have remained silent. I pray that more of them stand up for what they believe. They are refusing to call themselves victims, asking for self-reflection on their own contributions to their problems, and telling liberal white people who want to enslave them in an ideology of victimhood, “I am free.” I pray that God give them wisdom, strength and courage, for the black community does face real problems and they deserve real solutions, not media lip service.

Joan Bartruff
June 4, 2020

Amen and Amen.

    Coleen Henry
    June 4, 2020

    More please! 😁

    We so need to hear these accounts! The enemy has come in like a flood, but our God is raising up a standard against him!

    People are so tired of the ugly news. Revival is coming with the good news and prayers!

Jane Zimmerman
June 4, 2020

I love these pictures and testimonies of kindness, faith, repentance, love, and healing. However, although I strongly support the military (my husband is retired Army), the sight of all those troops guarding a monument in D.C. (my birthplace) do not bring me comfort but fear at what our country is coming to. I believe it was overreaction and the wrong message to the hurting. I agree our hope and protection are in the Lord!

    June 5, 2020

    Remember sister we know how it ends … stand firmly in the Truth.

    9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
    10 ¶ Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying,
    11 “Pass through the camp and command the people, saying, ‘Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you will cross over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you to possess.’ ”
    (Joshua 1:9-11)

June 4, 2020

As horrenfic as the sight of Calvary was, it was the ground of redemption for all of mankind. Redemption paid in full with the blood of our precious Saviour.
God is not a God of waste but of abundance.
Thank you for sharing those beautiful, encouraging stories.

June 4, 2020

-raise God for unity in Jesus name Amen

June 4, 2020

These photos and information are wonderful to see. So very touching and heartfelt.

Thank you Lord for bringing about unity, love and compassion in the midst of such evil.

June 4, 2020

Jesus you have our tears in a bottle. What a beautiful picture of 2 brothers embra ing&praying as others do the devil’s work.We don t know what to do yet our faith is in you.

Lorraine Quintal
June 4, 2020

Dear Friends, it is Amazing to see what God is doing, it is time to thank God for what is happening we need to pray and put our efforts In the Lord. Praise God

BJ Fletcher
June 4, 2020

It is my prayer that we continue and understand the hand of God through all of this. To change one persons heart.. to give one person eternal life.. is greater than any destruction we have suffered. May God be with us all !!


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