I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for answered prayer in all that has been revealed. We pray for justice and truth to emerge from these hearings.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tomorrow the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin a series of oversight hearings, beginning with the testimony of former Acting Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein.

PLEASE, PLEASE don’t let the complexity of these matters bore you into slumber on this issue.  We have labored in intercession that the truth would come out for years now.  We have been praying for the restoration of justice. This hearing is an answer to our prayers and is the beginning of a process in the Senate that will likely last weeks.


  1. The deeds of darkness would be exposed: “He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light.” (Job 12:22)
  2. Justice will be done and these proceedings would be a warning to others: “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” (Proverbs 21:15)
  3. The blessing of those who fight for justice: “But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come on them.” (Proverbs 24:25)

Senator Lindsey Graham issued a statement outlining what to expect in the hearing, Oversight of the Crossfire Hurricane Investigation: Day 1: “Mr. Rosenstein will testify about the new revelations contained in the Horowitz report concerning the FISA warrant applications and other matters. This will be the first in a series of oversight hearings regarding all things Crossfire Hurricane and the Mueller investigation.” Here is a listing of the committee members who will participate in the hearings:

Majority Minority

The day after the hearing, Graham is planning to issue subpoenas related to “any current or former executive branch official or employee involved in, the Crossfire Hurricane investigation . . .  or the receipt or analysis of reports prepared by Christopher Steele.”  Graham is seeking testimony form FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and many others. That same day, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-WI, is planning a vote on issuing subpoenas for documents related to the origins of Crossfire Hurricane. Johnson was the one who subpoenaed and received the unmasking of government officials requesting General Flynn’s identity.

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June 3, 2020

God blesses are those who hunger and thirst for Justice, for they will be satisfied. Thank you Father God for your faithful promises. Many are hungering and thirsting for your justice. Help us to be diligent like the woman who demanded justice from a corrupt judge and got it.

June 3, 2020

Lord God Almighty – we pray that your Holy Spirit would saturate the Crossfire hearings. We ask that those truly seeking the truth would be given the courage and strength to be Your warriors on earth. We pray those with half a heart for truth…. those who will only go through the motions because they don’t want to know the truth – we pray that you would expose them, cause their hearts, tongues and mind to be tripped up and exposed. Reveal to the entirety of our nation those who want to play politics and those who are truly trying to serve our nation. Let any witness be compelled to tell the COMPLETE truth and not hold back due to fear. Give any witness the constant prompting of your spirit to tell the truth and not try to disguise or sidestep it. Protect everyone participating from the fear of repercussions. And fortify their presence with the prompting desire of your promise “That the truth will set them free”. We ask that in Jesus name.

June 3, 2020

Thank You Heavenly Father for answering our prayers. Thank You for going before us to fight for us and for Your amazing love that endures forever! You are such a good, protective Abba Father and we give You praise and honor. Come LORD, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Prepare the way into the Senate Judiciary hearings that are starting today. Deal with each heart as needed for the deeds of darkness to be exposed. Bless and send Angel’s to watch over and protect those who are fighting for justice. Give them: courage, wisdom, knowledge, discernment,strength, protection, stability, a sound mind and the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Cover them in prayer, the blood of Jesus, and the
full Armor of God so they are shielded and protected from every attempted attack of the enemy. Let the truth be shouted from the rooftops in all forms of the media. Let eyes be opened and minds enlightened and set free from deception. Let justice be done and let others not be so easily deceived into crime. Thank You for such an amazing nation where we’re free to pray,evangelize, and worship You. Let us continue to grow in grace and freedom. Forgive us for the territory we’ve lost in the past by trying to appease man and keep peace. Restore to us what the locust has stolen. And let us bring You glory. In Jesus Name. Amen

Sammajane Way
June 2, 2020

This has been a long time
coming, but Praise God He has answered our prayers. Now we need to pray for justice to be done and the eyes of the world to be opened.

June 2, 2020


June 2, 2020

2 Chronicles 20:22 spoke loudly to me this morning:

And when they began singing and praising, the LORD set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; so they were routed.

At the start of the singing and praising, GOD set the ambushes. GOD routed the enemy. Then the enemy helped to destroy each other!

Yesterday our president resolutely walked right into the battle zone and held up the Bible, the sword of the Spirit! I see that as very significant. I believe the President thereby sounded the trumpet, the call of GOD to the spiritual warriors to rise up. Here we go!

Tomorrow Rod Rosenstein will testify under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee. I am praying for the dread of the Lord to fall upon him and for us to witness the enemy “helping to destroy one another”, as it says in 2 Chronicles 20:23

June 2, 2020

Thank you for all your effort in getting to this point. May the Lord’s wisdom guide you and lead us to the truth. May he open the eyes of the deceived so they may see the truth, and bring down the mighty deceivers just as Satan fell from the heavens, may they also fall in shame.

Christine Hinshaw
June 2, 2020

praising God for all you do and praying God’s truth and reighteousness will; reign over all. thank you so much for fighting for what is right.

Patricia Moulton
June 2, 2020

Father, our gratitude for Your getting our nation on this turnaround gives usA hope for more of Your Justice and Righteousness to fall into our leadership. Forgive the blind eye that has allowed lawmakers to run amok of our Constitution and subvert our nation. Thank you for strength to each Senator to compel them to speak for righteousness or be exposed as complicit with injustice and unrighteousness. Help our nation to understand the critical importance for this hearing for our nation moving forward. Father, our prayer is that propaganda be exposed so truth comes to the MSM (run by the deceiver) that has deceived so many and robbed them of truth. Father Your people need Truth, Jesus, more than anything else but then they cannot tolerate what is not true. Help usA center on Truth and use Your magnetic test to show usA righteous and error/sin/compromise/lawlessness and we ask in Jesus’ Name and plead His blood over these hearings and each participant and senator…and media present to report Your verdict.

Joan Bartruff
June 2, 2020

Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, I pray for every member on the committee for oversight hearings on Crossfire and Hurricane and Mueller investigations. Whatever their politics, I praise You for using each member to
be used according to Your will to bring about your purposes which are beyond our understanding. Praise and Honor to You, Son, and Holy Spirit. You are Sovereign and I thank You for the measure of faith You have
given me to TRUST and not FEAR that Your desires and goodness will prevail during this time when Your Church around the world is under siege, as well as, the institutions which were set in place by You to protect and preserve the rights and freedoms of all peoples throughout history. Heavenly Father, we beseech you to look upon these days with your abundance of mercy and grace won by Your Son on the cross. Thank You for loving us so much. Protect and guide all who are in public office to lead according to Your will until once again
law, order, peace, and common sense rule while each person strives to love their neighbor as themselves. Great is Your faithfulness, Heavenly Father. Thank You. Amen.

Kim Pascarella
June 2, 2020

Dear Lord, You say the righteous are bold as a lion. Give our leaders in government discernment and boldness to speak the truth and bring justice to light. We ask all corruption be found out and Your righteous right hand uphold those who are doing their duty to administer judgment. We ask for the protection of our leaders who are uncovering what has been hidden and thank You for Your angels protecting them at all times. Enable us be faithful to pray diligently for this matter and persevere and not grow weary. We will mount up with wings like eagles. God, please bless America as Your remnant church cries out to You day and night. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Bill Ramsey
June 2, 2020

I have been praying for months that justice would be served, that those who are guilty of seriously damaging the integrity of our government institutions would be held accountable.

June 2, 2020

Thank you Lord that you expose the lies of the enemy, you know 1st hand what has been going on behind closed

doors. Let justice prevail and we must continue in prayer!!!

June 2, 2020

Praise to our Lord God who will give us justice for all the evil done trying to overthrow this President.
Protect each one of these men and women and their families let no evil come near them so that justice will finally be done. Let nothing be hidden all the way to the top of the government from the people in Jesus Name

Denise N
June 2, 2020

Lord, we pray Your will be done and that Your righteous justice would be revealed. We pray that You would grant wisdom and discernment to all those involved in the hearings. We pray that the media would report without bias so that the nation can hear the truth. We pray that all corruption would be exposed and that righteousness would be restored. Lord, we ask for Your forgiveness as we have allowed such things to occur within our country. We have sat silent as those we placed in power have abused and distorted Your will for our nation. We ask for Your mercy and grace. Give us courage and wisdom to do what is right in Your sight, to vote our principles and convictions and to participate in our responsibility in governing through fact and knowledge based voting! To do our homework and to ask for Your guidance as we move forward. We love You, We Need You and We are nothing without Your presence and power in our lives. Thank You, Lord Jesus for making the way to You! Maranatha, please come quickly. Until then, find us ready and doing The Father’s Will! In Your Name we pray, Amen!

    Howard B.
    June 2, 2020

    Beautiful prayer and right on point.

    June 2, 2020

    Great prayer! May God be glorified in this disaster that we have allowed to occur!


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