I Prayed have prayed
Lord, God, we ask for wisdom and discernment--so much of what is happening around us has another layer of intent. Give us the desire to dig deeper, see the spiritual battle, and the plans that men make that are for their own gain.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Left-wing billionaire George Soros has indicated that the coronavirus pandemic paves the way for societal changes previously thought impossible, calling it “the crisis of my lifetime.” Soros had lived through the Second World War as a youth.

“Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary,” he said during an interview on May 11. . . .

What do you think? Is this pandemic the gateway to revolution for progressive ideas? Or might it be the beginning of revival? Or something else? Leave a comment.

In the course of the interview, Soros briefly talked about President Donald Trump, accusing him of wanting “to be a dictator. But he cannot be one because there is a constitution in the United States that people still respect.”

While the constitution, according to Soros, “will prevent him from doing certain things,” that does not prohibit the President from trying, “because he is literally fighting for his life.”

“I will also say that I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations,” Soros added.

Soros is a prolific financier of left-wing causes throughout the United States and around the world, including abortion, euthanasia, population control, same-sex “marriage,” transgenderism, and more.

His Open Society Foundations spend almost $1 billion annually in 100 different countries, including $150 million per year funding the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the leading abortion company Planned Parenthood, and other liberal groups. He invested $5.1 million in a super PAC dedicated to funding groups working against Trump’s re-election; and is an aggressive supporter of the European Union who has spent money in hopes of influencing the elections of multiple European nations.

In January, he announced the launch of an international network for educational institutions for the purpose of advancing his interpretation of “democratic values” and combating the rise of “nationalism.”

(Excerpt from LifeSite News. Article by Martin Burger.)

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Michelle Andres
May 26, 2020

No weapon formed against us shall prosper – no matter who funds and designs it – Lord let Your hand pierce the heart(s) of those plotting against all of Your designs and let their actions and plotting be rolled up on them for correction, understanding and repentance to You – even at the highest levels – bless Your Bonhoeffer’s where they re right now and Lord bring a dream or an encounter with You Lord for Mr. Soros.

In Jesus name I plea, Amen.

May 26, 2020

This is a move by the progressive to test the time. God knows and is looking for the intersessor to fill the gap. its time to step up to the plate.

Scherry McGuire
May 22, 2020

It is up to Christians and especially the intercessor to move any revolution in the direction of revival which is always on God’s mind. As we move along in prophecy we will come to some very dire events and conditions but I believe before all that we will come to revival unlike any revival the world has known.

David The Burgher
May 22, 2020

His fight to the bitter end of himself, God is using to advance the His own Kingdom as never before. The attack Satan was permitted to use against Job, though as horrible as it was, only purified Job to see with his eyes the broader scope God intended for him that he was not able to see with all his wealth. JOB WON THE BATTLE.

Mary Ann Canfijn
May 20, 2020

What immediately comes to my mind are the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 and in Ephesians 6:10-20.
Truly, may we followers of Christ become fervent intercessors, for Jesus Himself is the Captain of the LORD’S

Phyllis Templeton
May 20, 2020

Yes we are in a revolution against Evil. And it pertains to George Soros and the likes of him.

May 20, 2020

As for what I believe will happen, I think politically we may see a Red Wave in November, as the Left has hideously overplayed its hand… over and over again.

As for a spiritual revival, I do not know. I am hoping for that, because, in part, the political feeds off the spiritual. If the people don’t know God, the political will eventually get poisoned and die.

May 20, 2020

Soros and other Leftists are so full of horse dung. He warns us of Trump’s lust for absolute power, yet it is the American Left that has seized this opportunity to exact authoritarian measures on its citizens. Antifa uses violent fascistic tactics in the name of being anti-fascist. But… Pres. Trump, if he’s trying to be a dictator, is dropping the ball of the coronavirus opportunity pretty badly.

Progressivism IS fascism, plain and simple. It is a collectivist system in which the government tells society how to live for its own good. And, the elements of that society that act independently will be treated like bad children by the Big Daddy Government.

But, this is Soros’ warped idea of freedom and democracy. You see folks, The Left is Orwellian. Freedom Is Slavery, and Slavery Is Freedom.

Oh, while I’m on that note, allow me the tangents and let me list a few more. Heh heh…

* Color blindness is racism (according to UCLA)

* Racial preferences are anti-racist (affirmative action, identity politics, and claiming only white people can be racists)

* Sexual Orientation is biologically determined, but biological gender is fluid

* The constitution is both sacred and outdated and racist (when Trump does something the Left doesn’t like, it’s a constitutional crisis; when the Right defends the constitution, the document’s outdated and white supremacist)

* Exclusion is Inclusion (If you’re a conservative or a Christian, you are not welcomed)

* Hate is love (They claim to love our hate, while they demonstrate violently against us calling us every name in the book)

Nancy Carmickle
May 19, 2020

“Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?
“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying,
“Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.
“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision.” (Psa. 2:1-5)

Yes, Lord, have them in derision!

“Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” (Psa. 2:9)

Yes, Lord, they can never win against You because You are mightier than anyone, man or demon!

Elena pando
May 19, 2020

All the plans of the devil and his gang are thwarted in the name of Jesus!
The king of Kings and The Lord of Lords!!

Pedetin Ezeigbo
May 19, 2020

As believers we are trusting in The Lord to give us victory for His word says ‘ Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says The Lord’. Zechariah 4:6b

Ron Jaeger
May 19, 2020

Dear Lord,
The Spiritual battle with humans began in Eden. Satan and the fallen angels began even prior. This COVID pandemic maybe the work of Satan, given the wickedness and evil that spawned it and spread it. We know that Abba Father IS in control and ultimately prevails over ALL evil and wickedness!!

Those who would consider this or any pandemic as an opportunity to perpetuate their policies or agenda for ‘change’ is pure wickedness! May you. Abba, turn Your light of truth, in its full force, on to reveal these demonic and nefarious intents so that all truth will be revealed for ALL to see Your truth and love for all.

Nancy Ivy
May 19, 2020

This is OLD news. It is referring to a speech Soros gave September 10, 2012. Why is it being used now? Where is the transcript of the speech for fact-checking?

Jamie Hanson
May 19, 2020

Dear Lord,

Please let the change Mr. Soros is expecting be one that glorifies you! Let the change be a great revival and a resurgence in your people coming home to you. Please defeat Mr. Soros evil intentions and turn this pandemic into a shining new era of Millions of new belivers in you! In your son Jesus name I pray, Amen

Ronald Spiess
May 19, 2020

It’s of some comfort to know that Soros will spend eternity in Hell given the misery he as inflicted on so many people, especially the German Jews in WW2.

    May 21, 2020

    Umm… Watch that. Jesus died for Him, and I doubt that He would be “comforted” that Soros is on his way to Hell.

    That being said, justice is satisfying, but let’s be careful to pray for the salvation of our enemies and then maybe secondarily for their judgment.

      May 21, 2020

      The Bible says Jesus died for HIS sheep, and if George Soros is not one of His sheep, chosen before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), then he is indeed bound for hell. Only God knows; I pray even for this evil man that the Lord would have mercy on his soul and grant him saving faith. If not, then it is indeed biblical to be comforted that the wicked will be punished.

        May 21, 2020

        “…*if* George Soros is not one of His sheep…” vs. “Soros *will* spend eternity in Hell”. The meaning of these statements is not the same. Sorry, you gloated over your enemy in a way that, in my opinion, God would not approve of.

        If I need to clarify my position, I’ll attempt it here and now. I ask God, as it comes to mind, to bring this man down. I mean, from his worldly power, to disgrace. But, God also wants to save that man. YOU were a sinner BEFORE you became one of His sheep. And, since God doesn’t tell us who’s names are written in that book and who’s are not, we have to treat each lost soul as a candidate for salvation. This goes for the wicked Soros.

        Again… I pray he experiences a worldly fall. I hope, however, he experiences a spiritual rise.

Michael Jones
May 19, 2020

Can we stop this madness.
No Only Yahweh

Robin Romano
May 19, 2020

I think the same gallows which were built for mordtecai and was used for Harmon will be used for Soros. The boomerang effect. Soros refuses to acknowledge the God who created him and the world. His evil underhanded plans will not come to pass. I pray for the wealth of the unrighteous be transferred to the righteous.

Gary S. Lurch
May 19, 2020

Soros is mentally ill and a criminal! He should be locked up and throw away the key. The people need to wake up, the man has never earned a dollar! He as stolen every dollar he has! He makes his money in the stock market a gambling house! Close it down!!!!

May 19, 2020

Lord we saints come into agreement to ask you remove Soros and Pelosi from their platform of deceit and destruction of our country and from the godly principals America was founded on Instead of receiving the blessing and protection Trump has been providing they are acting like Nabal the fool.
In 1 Samuel

16 Night and day they were a wall around us the whole time we were herding our sheep near them. 17 Now think it over and see what you can do, because disaster is hanging over our master and his whole household. He is such a wicked man that no one can talk to him.”

They haven’t yet heeded God. Please take action on behalf of your servants Trump and those of us who stand with him. Thank you Lord God Almighty. You have a strong right arm.

Cynthia Carswell
May 19, 2020

Psalm 2:4 The Lord laughs at the plans of Soros and others like him who are pawns of the anti-Christ. The nations are not Soros’s but belong to Christ Jesus! Psalms 2:7-8

7 “I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
8 ‘Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. NASU

    May 19, 2020

    Amen! well spoken, the Angel’s are harkening to prayers that are declaring God word!

Linda Lindsey
May 19, 2020

Mr. Soros and others in the group with the dark agenda are going directly against God and Godly principles. The ones that will be destroyed in the end of this will be Mr. Soros and his “companions” in this work of Satan.

Karen Secrest
May 19, 2020

I pray Mr. Soros will have a Damascus Road experience.AMEN

May 19, 2020

People do not remember the history of George Soros. He sold out his family, people (Jewish People) to the Nazis in order to gain wealth and power. He is evil, hates God and has no respect for our current form of government or its Constitution. G. S. has done many evil things, and I don’t understand why he is not in jail. This man does the work of evil and Satan.

Darlene Estlow
May 19, 2020

We are seeing the face of evil but God uses the evil to bring forth His will and awaken them to pray. We are seeing the fruit of prayer in our nation and people are seeking God.
Father, we praise you that you are calling your church to prayer and using evil to bring revival. Send repentance on your people and on the unsaved. As Jehoshaphat did in 2 Corinthia 20, may we go forward with praise for your mighty hand in our affairs.

    May 19, 2020

    I truly believe a great revival is coming to America. It will be one like this nation has never seen in its history. There will no entity, power, group or whatever that will be able to deny its source or power. I, personally, have been praying for this for many, many years. I feel in my heart that God is beginning to move. Praise The Lord.

      Darlene Estlow
      May 19, 2020


      May 19, 2020

      Go to Mudcreekchurch.org and watch “Praying on the Mountain”. A prayer for a spiritual revival started on January 20 with a sweet little 95-year-old preacher in the North Carolina mountains. It will encourage you.

May 19, 2020

I, too, survived World War II, but came out of that dreadful experience (with the loss of my young father, and with the awareness of the terrible sufferings of my uncle who served in Burma), with a great respect for LIFE!
Whereas Mr. Sorros with his on-going support of left wing causes apparently came out of his experience with a totally different set of values. It’s the old saying: The same sun that melts the butter hardens the clay.

Dorothy Ter Horst
May 19, 2020

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling George Soros. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.

Eunice Montfort
May 19, 2020

George Soros is a very evil man. He has taken the wrong road from his youth. I pray for God to change his heart, but I fear that he has followed the path of evil for so long that his heart is seared and he can no longer hear the voice of God. He is hell bent on destroying America.

May 19, 2020

Lord of the miraculous – we pray for the wealth of Soros to be exposed for how it has been obtained. We pray and ask that his wealth would, through your hand, be shifted to those who pursue Godly and holy works. You Lord are the great I Am and can do anything. Let this be done according to your will. Amen

Amanda (ajk)
May 19, 2020

BOTH! God is never outdone, out thought or overcome! Yes, the enemy is moving pieces into place, but there is ALWAYS a Checkmate move by The King!

May 19, 2020

Prayers of deliverance from the evil intent, God will raise up the righteous and pull down the wicked, his days are numbered and Soros is coming against our annointed president, God is on the throne. And the Body of Christ is crying out for this awakening.

    May 19, 2020

    In this season which is the year of the mouth!
    We are to use our mouths to declare the word over the evil system and plots of the enemy.
    And, be confident when you declare the word the angels go make it happen on our behalf,the word says so.

Gary Imhoff
May 19, 2020

As with good to great pool players, they look 2, 3, or even 4 shots (or more) beyond where they are at that moment in the game. They even place balls in positions on the table with their first shots that they know they will need by the end of the game. George Soros is a master of this and he has placed things that we don’t even see that he will need down the road to bring about a totalitarian world order.
I woke up this morning with this going through my mind and then I read this.

May 19, 2020

If God is for us, who an be against us!!! God will fight this battle for us, but we need to pray, pray, pray! Like

never before, Soros agenda is not your agenda, all that is good and holy he cannot destroy, unless we wake up

and intercede for our President and Vice President and entire cabinet!

Wake up America, we cannot be walking zombies and be politically correct!!!!

No only correct in your living Word!!!! Amen

Barbara Sonin-Robbins
May 19, 2020

Blessed Father God, this man has made power and money his god, would you shake him to the core, would you reveal Yourself and heal this man who so desperately needs to truly see You. I pray for mercy the same mercy you showed to Nebuchadnezzar. In Yeshua’s Name, Amen

    Sandy Garner
    May 19, 2020

    I had this same thing come to me this morning King Jesus checkmate

Jeane Whiteside
May 19, 2020

I believe our freedom laid out by the constitution hangs in the balance and that Soros and people with his evil agenda are the real enemies and I’m looking forward to seeing them all caught in the traps they set for President Trump and all standing with him. And President Trump and Vice President Pence and their entire team kept safe by the very Creator who made them and that Soros and many others will have the blinders removed from their eyes in one way or another. God has not died and put this liberal misled progressive bunch on the throne only He rules from. May He arise and His enemies be scattered. People like Soros remind me of Hitler and his beginnings as he bit by bit tried to take over the world and kill anyone standing in the way of it. Thus WW2. Soros has helped kill perhaps as many as Hitler and still operating like that. Help him see Lord.

Elisabeth Dahl
May 19, 2020

George Soros, being a jew himself was nonetheless complicit in helping the nazis in locating and sending otherJews to the concentration camps during WW II and has no remorse. In fact he boasts that it made him the man he became according to his own words in a 60 mins TV interview. He has caused a lot of pain and misery around the world and still calls himself a philantropist. I find solace in these words:”For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bringeth forth good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramle bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good: and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil; for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”Luke 6:43-45(KJV)

I lift this situation up to You, Lord, and pray that evil fruits will be seen for what they truly are, and I ask for all that is hidden to be exposed. And that the truth again will be defined and stand unchallenged as God’s truth, and that lies and evil hiding behind political correctness and manmade ideas of “goodness and truth” will no longer stand but be clearly seen and respected by all. I pray that the riches of evil people will instead be used for what is truly good in the eyes of the Lord; and that Godgiven rights and freedoms of every man, woman and child shall be protected by our prayers and God’s mighty hand,in the US and all over the world. And that every attack on these rights and freedoms shall be unveiled, prosecuted and punished. I pray for divine safeguarding and preservation of God’s word and values and all of his people, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    Carole Ann Neve
    May 19, 2020

    So he ratted on his own Jewish people. I did not know that. Wow he is evil to the core. God will deal with him.

May 19, 2020

first we must pray for his soul but if he will not listen than we must pray that God take him away but he is danger for the world.

May 19, 2020

The Bible says., the wealth of the wicked ., will come to the righteous.., and Father I do pray., that George Soros gets saved., but if his heart remain harden ., I’m asking You., to drain his wealth and that money would go to the righteous., to advance Your kingdom. In Jesus name

May 19, 2020

George Soros is a very wicked man in need of a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that the Lord draws him by Holy Spirit and saves him. May his agenda of corruption not succeed. He is an advocate for destruction and not advancement of greatness for America. Lord open the eyes of your people to see and discern truth.

Angela Meek
May 19, 2020

Jesus thank you didn’t he cross. For laying down your life upon it so that we may have life in the fullest with you.

We as a Nation are at a crossroad (Jeremiah 6:16)it is time to choose which path to follow. The path of the ancient ones, the good way will lead us to awakening,to revival. The other to death.

Lord have mercy upon Soros. The hardened heart of stone can be transformed into clay and placed upon the potters wheel to be molded and shaped into something good.

Shane I like your comment. It is very short and leads to a very strong point,”heralding the way”.

May 19, 2020

The world according to Soros is a bleak totalitarian one. Orwell described Soros well in
showing us Big Brother.
Soros, though not the Anti-Christ, is a herald for the coming Beast.

Caroline Eagan
May 19, 2020

Dear Lord, God of hosts, we praise you for the life of Jesus, taking my place at Calvary dying for my sins, and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus!!!
We pray for Soros and his children to be drawn by the Holy Spirit of God,and receive miracles of salvation for him and family. We pray that this family and their organization to miraculously change with a different godly oriented, Holy Spirit inspired mission that can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit of God drawing them. We will Lord, God of hosts, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus give you all the Honor, all the Praise, and to you be the Dominion now and forever. Thank you Jesus, for John 3:16!!!


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