I Prayed have prayed
Lord God Almighty, we look to You. We thank You for the thousands and thousands of people praying and posting prayers on the Coronavirus Prayer Wall. We have faith in You!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, IFA developed a Coronavirus Prayer Wall. The heartfelt and touching prayers posted there have encouraged and uplifted us. It is a place to post the first name of someone who has the virus as well as post a prayer. Over 24,000 prayers have been posted since Friday, March 13, 2020! Click the link to read and pray agreement and/or post your own prayer.

We want to also offer you a bookmark-style prayer guide that is suitable for sharing with anyone who would like prayer during this national crisis. Called “How Do I Find Peace?,” it offers Scriptures and prayers all about the peace of God, including a prayer of invitation to knowing God. Not only will this prayer guide encourage and support you, but also it is great to share with others who may not know the Lord or who may have fallen away.

Download the prayer guide HERE. We have used the prayer categories from this bookmark to highlight a selection of prayers from the Coronavirus Prayer Wall.


Our Father in Heaven has this coronavirus under control. . . .You are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb of Almighty God. No weapon formed against you will prosper. You shall condemn it. In the name of Jesus. You are healed by the blood that Jesus shed for you. Veronica


Dear Heavenly Father, please lift those who have been in contact with someone who has the virus, lift the ones touched and ill; bring down fevers after they have accomplished burning up the virus, remove fear, let them know and feel the prayers on their behalf. Let them be aware of your presence. Let their bodies receive nourishment and cooling drinks of water, let their pantries be filled and overflowing with nutrients. As they are in this time of being apart, clothe them with patience, prayer and let the rest needed accomplish its work. Let them not infect anyone else.

As we come together as a Nation and People of Prayer, let your Healing and Covering blanket our Country, neighbors, and those throughout the world. Let hurting angry hearts be ministered to and change the voices of discord and curses to peace and blessings. We ask for our Leaders and Servants to hear Your Voice and heed Your Call, laying aside differences and work together. Marte S.



Our most loving and giving Father in Heaven, You know what we are facing at this time, for nothing comes to us that does not pass through your hand first. We know that with God all things are possible, we can take comfort knowing that you are in control. Thank you Father God, for the gift of your Son Jesus without which we would have no hope. I pray you shall come into these people who are ill bringing the peace that goes far beyond understanding and to heal them to make another testament to your limitless power. It is in the most Holy name of Jesus, I pray. Thank you again. Amen. Jennie


Father, I pray your supernatural healing over all of these people over our world. I pray salvation for their souls, for changed lives, for the peace that only Jesus Christ offers. I pray that y’all feel his presence and comfort. I pray for changed lives and I pray this in the power and by the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Susan M.


Heavenly Father, may those who do not believe receive salvation in Jesus. Father, may you quicken every believer to walk by faith and not sight or feeling. (2 Corinthians 5:7) Believing and speaking your authority given to you. (Luke 10:19, Ephesians 1:19-23, Matthew 28:18-20) Our Father has not given us a Spirit of fear. But, love and power and a sound mind in Christ. Perfect love casts out fear. As Christ is so are we! We that believe have the of Christ. Greater is He (Jesus Christ) that is in you than he (satan) that is in this world. (1 John 4:17, 1 John 4:4) May the fire of the Lord, continually anoint us to walk in His Word and ways. In Jesus name. Amen. David

Lord, we ask you to protect our families, our friends, our neighbors. We ask you to heal the sick and protect the vulnerable. Help our country to set aside our differences and come together to help each other, regardless of our beliefs. Please heal our loved ones, Lord, and help this to pass quickly and painlessly. Amen. Love one another as I have loved you.Samantha

One way to love others is to share with them who God is. Download this Scripture-filled resource to share with someone who needs God’s peace in this pandemic.


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