I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for the people of Nashville. Help them to get the aide that they need to recover from this devastating event.
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Tennessee authorities revised the death toll from Tuesday’s tornadoes to 24 as rescuers continued to search devastated neighborhoods for bodies. The storms struck early in the morning, destroying 140 buildings and burying people in rubble—many before they could get out of bed. One twister mowed through a 10-mile stretch of Nashville. Dozens of people were still missing on Wednesday.

How is the recovery going? Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee declared a state of emergency and sent the National Guard to help with search and rescue. President Donald Trump promised aid and said he planned to visit on Friday. Election officials extended voting hours in one county near Nashville on Super Tuesday after moving several polling stations.

(Excerpt from World. Article by Rachel Lynn Aldrich.)


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March 6, 2020

Lord I pray for those who lost loved ones and those injured from these Tornadoes. Lord comfort the hearts of those grieving and in need of healing. Lord bless the volunteers and emergency response persons. I pray safety and protection over them. Lord provide Spiritually, emotionally and physically for those in need. Thank you for those who generously gave money to help. Lord I pray that the Gospel would be shared and many would come to faith in Jesus. May You be glorified Lord. In Jesus name Amen

Barbara Hesch
March 6, 2020

I often watch the Weather channel and when they are talking about a current dangerous weather system which has a tornado threat, they always show where it is heading. They tell people to be ready and seek shelter. I start to think that I should pray over this. So I do. I go right to Matthew 8:23-27. I speak to the storm and rebuke it in Jesus name. I later learn that the tornado threat had diminished and those areas were spared. I have to believe that God does hear the prayers of His saints. Does anyone else pray against these storms and witness something supernatural? Please let me know. But more importantly let’s keep praying for God’s goodness to be revealed in such a tragic loss. I know He does His greatest work sometimes through adversity,and He uses people.

    Laurie McLean
    March 10, 2020

    Barbara, Yes He does! I have experienced this myself. The storms are part of the battle we are in and He will have mercy when we pray with faith! The more we understand the authority He has given us, the more we will do as He has called us to do! I am so encouraged to hear that the areas were spared and that you have taken up your post to pray! I know He must be very happy to have heard you and answered! I have 3 miracle stories on my blog where He gave a dream, direction in how to pray, and then the e


      Barbara Hesch
      March 10, 2020

      Laurie, thank you for your reply and the name of your blog. I read your postings especially the Sept. 18 about hurricane Florence. All I can say is amazing! My exact words when I pray over these storms is” Peace be still ” because those are the words Jesus used. And when the high winds are blowing around my area which is filled with tall trees, I lift up my hands and repeat those words. Within a minute, the winds die down and I have no fear. Isn’t this what Jesus taught us? What a wonderful Lord and Savior we have! Thanks again for your blogspot and reply.

        Laurie McLean
        March 10, 2020

        I know! When He said that, holding my hand over the swirling storm in my vision…it seemed the simplest most peaceful thing He could have said. Truly effortless! I was astonished! I repeated it and began to pray and in the next week, my sister and I had everyone we could think of joining us in those prayers, praying, “Peace be still!” Our home town was destroyed by Katrina and when Florence was coming and the same size, we knew what the east coast was in for! I was astonished at how everything I prayed…He did. In Him, we have an authority, that we don’t know. We do need to pray and listen and then pray as HE directs…so it is His will that is done. When the Children of God are operating in their full stature…it will be amazing! But Faith and Obedience are required. No more going our own way. I noticed at the last major storm, that again, did not hit the east coast…many, many people were praying, “Peace be still.” It made me so happy! I also heard that was prayed when high winds were blowing the fires to a town in Australia and He stepped in and spared them! If we ONLY knew how much He loves us…we would pray with great confidence and we would return that Love!

Darlene Estlow
March 6, 2020

Father I pray for the residents of Tennessee who were harmed by the tornado. I pray for aid to reach them. Draw them to yourself and give them hope as they trust in you. May they see your provision in their lives and be encouraged by your presence.


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