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Many would believe that it is illegal for a church or pastor to share their thoughts on an election.  Or that it is against the law to host a voter registration rally in the church.  Many pastors are afraid to even stand up for issues that have political ties.  But did you know that pastors and churches are far less restricted than many would like you to believe?  The Johnson Amendment was a detriment to our nation when it was passed for political gain by attempting to shut the network of churches and pastors against President Johnson’s campaign.  Today, many progressives like to threaten churches, pastors and even believers with IRS action and losing their 501 (c) 3 status if they utter a position that can be tied to politics.  The divisiveness of politics can leave many churches willing to only speak of issues of unity and love, while leaving the tough discussions the Church needs to have unsaid.  This Special Report by Intercessors for America gives you the inside information on how much, what and who can share as it relates to political thought.   Read it, learn it and don’t let others misuse it against you.  The Church needs to be boldly taking it’s place in our nation more than ever, and if we do not do what we are currently allowed to do, we will lose that freedom soon as well.



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