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While it’s no secret that many Christians are beyond bewildered this election season, with some expressing extreme dislike for both presidential nominees, the president of Intercessors for America is urging believers to both pray fervently and to vote in November.

IFA President David Kubal

In a phone interview with The Christian Post, IFA President Dave Kubal said that in light of how much distaste exists for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton “we know that it is a strategy of the enemy to stir up as much hate as possible in this process.”

Scripture commands Christians to intercede for their leaders whether they like them or not. In 1 Timothy 2:2, Paul instructs believers to pray “for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

How, then, should Christians in the United States pray for this particular election in a way that’s in keeping with the Kingdom of God?

“First of all, we have got to be wise and use discernment and to ask the Lord for wisdom as to how to interpret things,” Kubal said.

“I also think we need to pray that the truth would be known, that each believer would know the truth, and that believers would step into the polls. And then, as they are in the polls, that they would ask the Lord for His guidance — that they would vote according to His Kingdom and that His Kingdom would come, and His will would be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton
(PHOTO: REUTERS/AARON P. BERNSTEIN) Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton greets supporters at a rally at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada, August 25, 2016.

Kubal notes that Christians have three moral options in front of them in this election: Vote for the liberal platform, vote for the conservative platform, or vote for a third-party, which he sees as a non-vote.

To paraphrase Edmund Burke’s famous line that all that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing, Kubal added, “this is a perfect time to apply that concept even if they are bothered by some of the things they hear.”

CP asked Kubal to speak to the various ways sincere believers translate their faith to inform their politics in that some are leaning right while others lean left, and if it’s possible to be on one accord spiritually given such vast differences in the Republican and Democratic platforms.

Times have indeed changed, Kubal said, as the culture as a whole now lends much less credence to a biblical worldview than it once did.

In the past, both parties still operated from some shared assumptions, but “over the course of 40 to 50 years, that has not been the case,” he noted.

“Today, ‘love’ is applied to everything and it doesn’t work with an incorrect understanding of the fallen nature of man,” he said.

While forbidden from endorsing a candidate in his capacity as president of the IFA, Kubal does not hold back from sharing what he thinks needs to happen on a governmental level.

“For the most part, Washington, D.C. and our current political system is broken and there is too much dependence upon the state, debt is out of control, there is acrimony on the floor, and we need somebody who can change all of that. We need to vote for the candidate that can best change things.”

Most importantly, when believers pray — when they “pound the heavenlies” — things change and intercession changes history.

“God only releases certain things through the prayers of his people. I believe that God is waiting for his people to come together in humility and unity to pray that the next president would be used by Him to take this nation on the course of direction that He desires,” Kubal emphasized.

“And I do not believe it is towards destruction or unraveling. In God’s heart He would always desire nations to be obedient to him and enjoy his presence … and I have hope that the American church can come together in unity.”

With all that said, Kubal believes that great shakings are coming, and that in the near future the contrast between light and darkness will be very clear. And unless remorse and repentance sweeps the church a spiritual revival is not going to happen anytime soon.

Noting that God has a penchant for turning those who once gave approval to murder into saints as he did with the Apostle Paul, CP asked Kubal how Christians can pray for people in leadership who are steeped in darkness.

“Pray that God grants them a spirit of repentance, that they might come to know Him,” Kubal said.

Intercessors for America is a nonprofit Christian ministry that began in 1973, whose vision is “to see God’s purposes for America fulfilled through sustained prayer and Spirit-led obedience,” by informing, connecting, and mobilizing networks of intercessors who will pray and fast for America.

By Brandon Showalter, Christian Post.

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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