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Swedish residents woke up to a startling and frightening letter left in mailboxes in many cities across Sweden.  Sweden, who has allowed over 200,000 Syrian “refugees” to enter its country, has seen an explosion of violence and crime in the past year.  The country was not prepared for the mass-messaging of threats received in mailboxes on December 10th.

From The Daily Mail:

Police in Sweden are investigating chilling letters posted through letterboxes across the country threatening to behead people unless they convert to Islam. The notes, which are signed ISIS and carry the terrorist organisation’s flag, threaten to decapitate ‘non-believers’ unless they become a Muslim or pay a religious tax. They have been distributed among several cities including Stockholm and warn ‘the police will not save you from being murdered’.

A copy of one of the ISIS-branded letters posted through doors in several cities in Sweden

The letters, written in Swedish, threaten to behead anyone who does not convert to Islam or pay a special tax. Translated, the notes said: ‘In the name of Allah, the merciful, full of grace. You who are not believers will be decapitated in three days in your own house. We will bomb your rotten corpses afterwards. You must choose between these three choices: 1. Convert to Islam. 2. Pay the jizya [religious tax] for protection. 3. Or else, you will be decapitated. The police will not prevent or save you from you being murdered. (Death comes to all of you).’

Swedish radio stations reported police were investigating the new threats and comparing them to previous warnings of violence. The notes promised attacks within three days and were posted last Thursday (December 10), in areas including Ronneby, Sigtuna and Västerås with officers on patrol in the latter over the weekend to ensure no one acted on them.

Emil Andersson, police chief in Sigtuna, around 30 miles north of Stockholm, told Radio Uppland the threat was being taken seriously and officers were increasing security measures. He added the Swedish intelligence agency was also involved in the investigation and examining the symbols and language used in the letters.

Swedish people have previously held demonstrations, pictured, in solidarity with refugees fleeing Syria
More than 200,000 refugees have entered Sweden this year with many heading to Stockholm, pictured

More than 200,000 refugees have entered Sweden this year with many heading to Stockholm, pictured

Tensions have been mounting in Sweden over the influx of asylum seekers from Syria, with more than 200,000 arriving this year. Last month authorities brought in border checks to check the identities of all entering refugees.  Meanwhile in October, members of the Assyrian community in Gothenburg were targeted with sinister graffiti daubed on restaurants and businesses. Markus Samuelsson, one of 3,000 Assyrian Christians living in Gothenburg, said he found the walls of his restaurant covered with the messages ‘convert or die’ and ‘the caliphate is here’.

The messages bear all the hallmarks of the chilling psychological warfare employed by ISIS in the Middle East, but as yet Swedish police have been unable to track down those responsible.


From The Blaze:

Taken from letters to the Prime Minister of Sweden from citizens of the country…

“There are no apartments. No jobs. We don’t dare go shopping anymore without a gun, but we’re supposed to think everything is great. Women and girls are raped by these non-European men who come here claiming they are unaccompanied children, even though we all know they’re grown men. Sweden is now the rape capital of the world. I should say, there’s one other country some place in Africa that actually has a higher rape rate, but it’s a country in the middle of Africa. This is Sweden. Girls now have a one in four chance of being raped in Sweden. It has skyrocketed in just the last couple of years. Instead of torch-like processions against racism, we need a prime minister who speaks out against the violence. Don’t make this about racism. In all honesty, I don’t even feel the government ministers see the problems. There’s no one in meetings who can tell them what real life actually looks like.”

Glenn Beck, who recently was in Sweden saw the situation first-hand, adds:  “Rather than helping, the Swedish government rebuffs citizens by cautioning against racism and calling for more gun control. Sound familiar? When a government puts immigrants before citizens, Swedish citizens have no place to live, no jobs and they need to carry guns everywhere they go. The Swedes see the welfare system failing them. They have to get used to the fact that the government has prioritized refugees and migrants above native Swedes.”

Compiled by Lori, at the Glenn Beck Program

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