I Prayed have prayed
"When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers." Lord, may we see true justice happening in our nation. Work in the hearts of judges and officials to seek biblical justice.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Out of the gate, the Trump administration’s agenda has been laser-focused and decisive: fundamentally fixing government and removing the waste, fraud, and woke. At first it seemed that there was nothing that could stop the massive changes. Until the courts got involved.

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In just two short months, over 120 lawsuits have been filed against the Trump agenda, which is more lawsuits than executive orders. Lawfare is the left’s favorite way to battle and they have used it to attempt to grind the wheels of the Trump administration to a halt. Who is behind this massive lawfare campaign? Is the power being taken out of the hands of the elected and put into the hands of lawyers and judges? Do activist district judges now have more power than a president?

Take the recent judge vs. Trump example of the deportations of dangerous criminals. The Trump administration’s response has been resolute.

Judge Boasberg of the United States District Court of the District of Columbia has been a vocal opponent of the Trump administration’s deportation of dangerous criminals from Venezuela. In fact, Boasberg issued a stay to keep the flights of Tren de Argua gang members from leaving U.S. soil despite the fact that the administration invoked the Alien Enemies Act.Ā  Flights left anyway, reportedly in flight before the judge’s stay was received. These criminals were headed for imprisonment in El Salvador.Ā  In a show of force, the White House showed the deplaning of the dangerous criminals into the hands of the waiting prison officials in El Salvador. Judge Boasberg spoke out against the action, clearly dismayed that his stay order did not cause planes to turn back around to the U.S.

From the Press Room podium, White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt addressed the judgeā€™s actions, “You cannot have a low-level district court judge filing an injunction to usurp the executive authority of the President of the United States.”

One must ask, who could be against the apprehension of criminals and the deportation of these illegal gang members? Indeed not Laken Riley’s family.Ā  In fact, according to an AP-NROC poll, “83 percent of Americans support deporting migrants living in the U.S. illegally who have been convicted of a violent crime.” It is the ACLU which filed the suit against the Trump administration and doing so in the liberal-leaning district of the District of Columbia where the likelihood of a sympathizing judge would be found.Ā  This is just one of over 100 examples of lawsuits designed to tie up resources, time, and public sentiment, hoping to at the very least, slow down the Trump administration.

This week, IFA sought an expert’s insight on this troubling issue for the webcast Pray with America’s Leaders, and also held a focused time of prayer about the judicial overreach we are seeing. Phillip Jauregui of Judicial Action Group, shared a couple of key points.

With the increase in judicial activism, the courts are in real danger of being seen and treated as runaway courts. The danger is that the administration or even Congress, can choose to disregard the court’s opinions, especially with public sentiment behind them. It has happened in the past. Jauregui cited incidents both in the Lincoln administration and the Jackson administration.

Jauregui shared, “The Supreme Court issued an opinion and Andrew Jackson said, well, the Supreme Court has made its ruling now. Let them enforce it. In other words, I’m the president.Ā  I enforce the law.
You can write it down on paper with your pen, but I’m not following it. And that has happened. And this is a problem for the judiciary because their power depends upon the other branches acquiescing or showing honor to them. What happens when the judicial branch is so dishonorable that the people, the members of Congress, the administration are sick of it?”

The hope is that the courts get themselves in order from the inside instead of forcing intervention from another branch of government.

Other than prayer, which is immensely critical in turning around this issue, there are some things that can be done to put pressure on the Courts to consider the bounds of their constitutional role. The Supreme Court needs to head that effort of speaking into the conduct of the lower courts.

One suggestion Jauregui had was using the purse strings of Congress to consider cost-cutting in the courts. One of the ways the Congress has been able to bring change is through the funding or defunding of programs or departments. Subjecting the courts to potential evaluation of the budget (and even a visit from Elon Musk and DOGE) may be a reminder to the courts that they are but one of three branches of federal government.

You can see Phillip Jauregui’s entire interview here. You can also download IFA’s special report on the power struggle between activist judges and the Trump administration. The special report contains profiles of several activist judges, a list of lawsuits against the Trump administration, and suggestions on how we can pray about this constitutional crisis.

What scriptures do you see as bringing biblical insight into this situation? Share in the comments below.

(Kris Kubal is IFA’s Chief Program Officer. Photo Credit: archivesnews)

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March 24, 2025

Praying for God to bless President Trump and Vice President Vance and their families. Praying for God to guide them and give them wisdom. May the forces bent on destroying them be foiled abd void.

Marriet Bowser
March 24, 2025

It’s very obvious what is happening.. President Trump’s enemies are joining forces again to thwart the right efforts of our elected president to bring an out of control government under reasonable order. God is sovereign, I seek His wisdom for the judges, may they do same.

Kendrea J Stubblefield
March 24, 2025

walls boarders
Isaiah 60:18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.

March 24, 2025

Sounds Like King David

March 24, 2025

Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto the all the inhabitants thereof.
Vayikra/Leviticus 25:10

March 24, 2025

Please also pray about the current Supreme Court judges race in Wisconsin. A liberal win can block Trump.

March 23, 2025

ā€œBut just before dawn the Lord looked down on the Egyptian army from the pillar of fire and cloud, and he threw their forces into total confusion.ā€
ā€œHe twisted their chariot wheels, making their chariots difficult to drive. ā€œLetā€™s get out of hereā€”away from these Israelites!ā€ the Egyptians shouted. ā€œThe Lord is fighting for them against Egypt!ā€ā€
ā€­ā€­Exodusā€¬ ā€­14ā€¬:ā€­24-25ā€¬ ā€­NLTā€¬ā€¬

Chuck Arnold
March 23, 2025

It is difficult to believe that Christians are not praying that Trump would stop breaking the law. It is difficult to believe that American Christians are for having a president with no constraints on his power. It is scriptural to believe that a president who is unconstrained in his power is dangerous. Trump has a history of being convicted of fraud, of being liable for sexually assaulting a woman, and now of abusing his power. And Christians support this. This is shameful and will result in great harm for the credibility of Evangelical Christians. Shameful.

    March 23, 2025

    May the Lord open your eyes to truth. Real Christ followers know the truth, and the truth is God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob has chosen and is using our great President Donald J. Trump to make America great again for His own glory and Kingdom.

      John Soccer
      March 23, 2025

      And just exactly how are my eyes to be opened to the truth??? Truth of what. You will defend literally ANYTHING that he does, anything you see with your own eyes. Everyone saw the access hollywood tape of him bragging about grabbing women by the genitals. Everyone saw with their own eyes what happened on Jan 6. Everyone can now see that he breaks the laws and judges try to stop him and you blame the judges. Ridiculous and shameful. Everyone saw the meeting with the Zelensky. You will defend literally anything and blind yourself to what is obvious truth. Shameful. Disgraceful.

    March 24, 2025

    What law is Trump breaking?

    March 24, 2025

    Please! You are operating under falsehoods. You are misguided and blinded by the enemy’s hatred for President Trump. God put him back into the Presidency to expose the evil that has penetrated our government to the point that it is unrecognizable. The left has thrown everything including the book at him to stop him and the majority of the American people from bringing America back from the brink of destruction. We are not going to stand for it anymore. This is a spiritual battle that has to be fought. We pray for President Trump as he goes up against these wicked judges and bureaucrats and politicians who are driven by hatred and their wicked schemes. We pray for America to wake up and fight, fight, fight! With God nothing is impossible.

Neil Sogge
March 23, 2025

The judicial branch is problematic under its theoretical framework because of the human tendency to show political favoritism rather than sage partiality. The Supreme Court was set up for lifetime appointments by the President. They were made also to swear to follow the Constitution, not to be concerned with politics. Nonetheless, imperfect people filled these slots and have gravitated to their natural human biases. Then they were egged on and encouraged by certain Presidents going back to the 20th century if not before. The result has been activist judges, clearly unconstitutional. One of the latest tactics developed has been for political operatives to encourage older justices from the Court to step down at such a time when their same general political leanings could be continued on through the next appointed justice. The judges are not supposed to be political, but the activist justices always seem to lean sharply to the left. The issue affects states. A good many states have elected judges. That is good. But not all states have fallen into that category. The people of Kansas have come across an abuse of their state supreme court through the lawyers who have appointed them, largely activist judges. An additional pray request would be that the citizens of Kansas would vote to move to elected judges for their supreme court.

Susan Eddlemon
March 23, 2025

We can also add to the above prayer:
” Please also remove those judges who are standing in the way of Your Justice being done. In Jesus’s name, amen”

March 23, 2025

We can surely see, and understand many issues here are at play. Its not just corrupt ” governing” officials bringing tgese cases to court against President Trumps decisions to right the wrongs of our country’s former ” leaders” but its corrupt judges bought and paid for by those before President Trump took office,many right during the weeks of Joe Biden’s last days as acting president, and others still.sitting judges from Barak Obama’s residency. Many sinful acts put these judges in place. And, on both sides of placing the judges and the judges accepting, included MONEY.
What did Jesus Say? Matt.6 is so full of golden Truths applicable to all generations, and all that strive to serve God and country.
Mt. 6: 19-24 ” Do not lay up for yiurselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where theives break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,where where neither moth or rust destroys and where theives do not break in and steak. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
33. ” But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

We also could continue reading through Matthew 7 for more wisdom and teachings right from Jesus, but lets just think on the above verses a moment.
Prayerfully consider a few important thoughts. These verses are threefold, as many are throughout the Bible. They apply to each person, each family/church and our government officials. If these principles are not held to in each part of our society, that part will fail.
It starts with each person, it carries us through every decision we maje everyday. Especially, verse 33 ” Seek first the Kingdom of God”.
The ones responsible for placing government officials and judges, without a vote that counted by the majority, were not seeking God first, and were putting money befure God and our country for their own selfish purposes. That is what this all comes down to.
We need to pray about more than this one piece, this one judge and case. We have many factions striving to destroy what God is trying to accomplish through His Will and Plan. Most of these demonic controlled workers of darkness, are out for earthly conyrol and power, and all the earthly wealth they can obtain. They have no light, and care not about any person in our country or any illegal immigrant, they reallly are not concerned about their welfare or safety! Its all selfish and and useless words to stir emotion aganst President Trump! Meanwhile, not serving God first, not even knowing Him, is causing every single person on both sides of the aisle, and each of us to suffer.
People we really need to continue Praying, keeping all things in perspective, align our prayers with
God’s will, through Jesus Christ, who ultimately is the Head, Royal Spiritual King, over His Bride the Church and we who are part of His Church as taught in the Bible, know we are on a path separare from this world. Yes, we live here now, want good things to happen but these events will soon be a mist in time.
Keep focused on serving and Obeying God, no matter what! Keep praying for those in government to also seek Him first to want to be righteously making decisions and judgements based on
for the good of the people and country they are to be serving , under God!
We are to be One Nation Under God, as our founding fathers declared, and as our Bible guides us to be First!
Dear Father in Heaven,
Your Name is above all names.
Its Your kingdom, that has come, upon Jesus’ ressurection after His death, that showed us through Your Word, that Your will was done then, as told to all throughout the Old Testament. The Messiah had come, to seek and save the lost. We now 1000’s of years later are still seeking, but have now been saved, and asking to help us in these days/ years ahead! Keep us near to you in all we ask.and do. Help us to help others who are still lost, and need found. We ask that will be done on earth as it is in heaven. ease give us our daily beeds to survive here, each and everyday. Forgive us our debts and sinful ways, as we also forgive others. Lead us not to be tempted by the world’s illusions of success and prosperity, but deliver us from the evil of wanting the riches of this world first. By the evil of the enemy trying to lead us astray in every area of our lives.
Keep us close to You, providing a wsy of escape of temptations surrounding us. Bless our President Trump, keep watch over him, his family and his cabinet, our congress and senate, and judges that are deciding all these cases against our country ‘s livelihood and safety.
For its all Your kingdom first and foremost! Abd its Your Power and Your Glory that lasts forever
In Jesus Christ’s Name we pray

Amy M Price
March 22, 2025

Lord, let justice flow through America like a mighty river! Amen

Anne Forbes
March 22, 2025

Thank you, Kris Kubal, for this insightful article. I understand better how critical this issue is, and how important it is for the Supreme Court to address it. I will be praying about it!

March 22, 2025

When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked are in power, they groan. Proverbs 29: 2

Janea L. Gardner
March 22, 2025

Agree for all three practical actions. Prayer, Supreme Court , and Mr. Jauregui’s suggestion of using the purse strings of Congress to defund the lower courts that have liberal activist judges . Also the ACLU as well as those behind this massive lawfare must be brought before the righteous judge of all The.Lord of Lords and King of Kings Jesus Christ. On God’s Miracle Mountain standing on God’s promised word spoken by the prophet Isaiah 25. Heavenly Father right now we do seek you to ask you for the fulfillment of your plan that has been set in motion. All around the world , the high walls of Satan’s city are / would continue to come down. Amen.

Mary Beth S
March 22, 2025

Deuteronomy 1:16-17 – (Moses speaking) – “At that time I commissioned your judges, ‘Hear the cases that arise between your brothers; and judge fairly between a man and his brother, and the foreigner who is with him. You are not to show favoritism when judging, but give equal attention to the small and to the great.”

Psalm 2:10-12Ā  Therefore, kings, be wise; be warned, you judges of the earth. Serve YHVH with fear; rejoice, but with trembling. Kiss the son [or: Kiss purely], lest he be angry, and you perish along the way, when suddenly his anger blazes. How blessed are all who take refuge in him.Ā 

Deuteronomy 19:18-19Ā  The judges are to investigate carefully. If they find that the witness is lying and has given false testimony against his brother, you are to do to him what he intended to do to his brother. In this way, you will put an end to such wickedness among you.

Psalm 9:7-8Ā  But YHVH is enthroned forever; he has set up his throne for judgment.Ā  He will judge the world in righteousness; he will judge the peoples fairly.

The webcast on Thursday was very informative., and I agreed with each of Kris’s and Philip’s prayers. YHVH, The Righteous Judge of the whole earth, we cry out to You, who reigns supreme over all the judges of the earth. Our judicial branch needs to be “pruned”, and/or in some cases may need to be removed or severely censured. Our constitution mandates a Supreme Court (article 3, section 1), and gives Congress authority to establish any lower courts. So may Congress consider seriously the ways and means available to them to bring the lower courts into proper alignment with their stated purpose, and that is not to legislate! Legislating from the bench needs to cease! We want a justice system that is just, that judges fairly and constitutionally. We want less appointed judges, and more that are elected by the people and answerable to them. We want an end to lawfare, frivolous lawsuits, and federal injunctions that are primarily obstructionist, while some are purely evil and lawless. Please come to our aid, YHVH, for injustice is an affront to You and will destroy our nation.


Diana Devlin
March 22, 2025

Father I thank You that you keep us in prayer focus through IFA for Our Country & Our President, His Cabinet, & those in office.
I pray confusion into the enemies camp as he continues to attempt to come against Our Country in every facet. They are so confused that they cannot give or receive orders; they are filled with fear & are fighting against themselves bc a kingdom divided Will Not stand.
Father surround True Justice with Your Power and Presence. You Word says – Justice Justice you will prevail!
I humbly but boldly ask that you continue protecting our President of the USA, and his cabinet, all their families, the elected officials, attorneys working for our nation from physical harm and harm to their character as long as they are doing what is right according to Your Word.
Satan, the LORD Rebuke You in this matter and ALL matters concerning God’s Word, Our President Trump, Our USA Constitution, Our Nation, and His Church. So Be It! AMEN!

March 22, 2025

LORD, continue bringing out into the open ALL the works done in darkness. The battle of judges against the directions of President Trump is not a fleshly battle, but spiritual. Open the eyes of our understanding to see and know this and TAKE OUR STAND with You in thus battle, knowing that IN YOU the VICTORY HAS ALREADY been won!

Susan Eddlemon
March 22, 2025

O Redeemer of the world and our only help in our present trouble: save us from the corruption that has been established over generations in all three branches of our government, AND ESPECIALLY IN OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM. . Many of our judges have taken bribes or have been blackmailed, and their lives and families lives are now at risk from murderous, greedy, and evil men. Save us Lord, and expose all of the evildoers. In Jesus’s name, amen!

David Engle
March 22, 2025

Rom 13:1 – Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God.
1 Tim 2:1-4 includes the command to pray as well as God’s purpose in our praying….for all those in authority. The “all those” includes the good, bad and the ineffective ones. I suggest we not only continue to pray as Paul instructed Timothy, but include heartfelt thanksgiving for the very form or structure that the Lord has established in America. The individuals who make up our government structures should be prayed for but let’s not forget to be thankful. We must be careful to avoid the enemy’s trap that tries to get us to focus on the personalities of those who occupy the positions. Since God once used a donkey to accomplish His will….He clearly can use ANY person in a position of authority.

March 22, 2025

Dear Lord, please work in the hearts of all these corrupt, evil judges to turn from there wicked ways before it is too late for them. May we see justice in this case and all others. Please help America and the world, without you we will not survive. You are our only hope, there is no other. Please have mercy and grace upon our nation. In Jesus name I pray.

March 22, 2025

NO weapon formed against Trump, his administration, or his EO’s shall prosper!!

In Jesus’ name!!

We decree: Trump’s EO must stand!!


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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