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Father, we pray for true racial reconciliation in America, the kind that is only found in You.
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Despite the potential cost to taxpayers, Kamala Harris has expressed an interest in racial reparations should she take the White House.

From The Daily Wire. Vice President Kamala Harris signaled during an interview on Tuesday that she was open to spending taxpayer money on racial reparations, which studies show would cost trillions of dollars.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


“It has to be studied. There’s no question about that,” Harris said when asked about reparations, which numerous estimates pin well into the trillions of dollars. …


Harris said during her failed presidential campaign in 2019 that she supported “some form” of reparations, and voted in support of reparations legislation in Congress. She has not taken a position on the issue since joining the presidential ticket with Joe Biden in 2020.

Harris’ remarks come as recent polling, including from CNN this week, has found that Trump is in position to have more support from the black community, including from black women, than any Republican since 1960.

What do you think of this? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=79477019)

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October 18, 2024

The church in America is more racially segregated and divided than the entertainment industry, than sporting events. To our great shame.

Reverend MLK was correct in noting that Sunday at 11AM remains America’s most “segregated hour.”

And for those of you who seek to diminish King’s legacy, which I notice b
to be a popular trend — either due to doctrinal differences or revelations about his personal life — I urge those same critics to hold the same standard towards the multiple men of fallen character used by God in your own churches, and in the Bible, before applying racial double standards to black Christians.

Evangelical American Christianity is most certainly guilty of continued racism and inability to confront the past – both far and recent.

That is the real issue. Judgment starts with the house of God.

If the church in America were a city upon a hill for racial unity, and been paving the path true reconciliation and healing — we wouldn’t still be talking about reparations in the secular world either.

October 18, 2024

The timing of the support for reparations from the VP certainly appears to be political maneuvering for votes. Money is not the answer for America’s problems. In many cases the abuse and over spending of money is the problem. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils…” 1 Timothy 6:10. Praying Father God for Your divine intervention in bringing forth the truth and revealing hidden agendas. In JESUS’ Mighty Name I pray. Amen.

Darlene Estlow
October 18, 2024

Father, I pray this thought would not have a foothold. It is a tangled mess as to who would really get money and if it would really help anyone. I pray for peaceful relationships between the races (there is only one race, all coming from Adam and Eve and Noah). Give Congress your wisdom as this discussion comes forth.

October 18, 2024

Lord, only You understand the balance of Justice and mercy. There have been many systems of injustice throughout human history. In ancient Egypt you allowed your chosen people to be enslaved until they cried to you for mercy, Can this mean that unless we stay in uninterrupted communion with your guidance in our lives, there are dire consequences?
I was in school during the 60’s integration of public schools. In central Florida, only one black girl choose to enter the formerly white school to get a better education, so the next year they force-bussed integration. She was precious, a friend in my first gym class.
What a cheap form of reparation money gives. Acceptance is from the heart, which our loving Savior models throughout history in various ways. Handouts are truly valued only by the humble, because they realize everything is gifted from above.
Monetary reparations should be limited to specific cases and purposes. Give our congress wisdom and discernment in all matters, Lord. Amen


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