I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for protecting Your people! Let all of Israel be protected and saved!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Intercessor, did you miss First Friday? IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal shared stories about the miracles God has performed in Israel. If you haven’t seen this exciting broadcast, click HERE to watch it!

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An intercessor reached out to us shortly after the webcast ended with a story of yet another miracle. As tomorrow is the one-year-anniversary of Hamas’ attack on Israel, we wanted to share this miracle story with you as well. Hear what Amir Tsarfati had to say after Iran’s attack on Tuesday:

Thus, on Tuesday night, Israel received a warning – oddly enough, from the U.S. – that Iran was about to ballistic missile the heck out of them. Sure enough, 190 gigantic ballistic missiles left launchers in Iran bound for Israel in Operation True Promise 2, a name that feels like it desperately needs a subtitle, like “Back from the Dead” or “This Time its Personal”. The attack didn’t begin well. There were a number of missiles that went up and came right back down. Five Iranian soldiers lost their lives this way. But the rest soared toward Israel in the largest ballistic missile strike the world has ever seen. In Israel, we scrambled for our bomb shelters where we prayed for God’s intervention.

When we started hearing the booms, it was obvious that something incredible was taking place. Quite a few of us went back outside to video what was taking place in the skies. In Israel, we have three layers of missile protection. We have the Iron Dome for short-range rockets, David’s Sling for mid-range, and Arrow that targets ballistic missiles that can fly outside the earth’s atmosphere. What we saw in the skies, and what you can see in some of my Telegram videos, was absolutely miraculous. All three systems were working together, simultaneously bringing down rockets at different altitudes. The odds of all three functioning as they did in absolute unison is beyond computation.

But the miracles didn’t end there. Some of the missiles got through and hit the ground. But when they did, they completely missed every place people were hiding. If just one of those ballistic missiles hit an apartment building or a mall or a military base, hundreds would have died. However, it simply didn’t happen. God’s hand was over His people. A few buildings were struck, and some minor infrastructure was damaged, but not a single live rocket landed on anyone. It’s true that there was one Arab in Jericho who had the husk of a destroyed missile fall on him when was out walking instead of hunkering down in a shelter like he was supposed to, but that’s it for the deaths. Social media is filled with stories of Israelis reporting rockets falling all around them, but not one person was hurt. Most of the rockets that made it through the curtain of protection landed in open areas – in sand, in water, in empty spaces.

Most people don’t get the magnitude of what we witnessed Tuesday night. One of my news sources, Hillel Fuld, expressed it perfectly. He wrote, “What we witnessed last night was the equivalent of God splitting the sea right before our eyes.” That is not an exaggeration, despite the attempts of the media to downplay what occurred. Again, as Hillel put it, “Last night was an incredible display of the collaboration between two of the powers that protect the Jewish people: The IDF and Hashem.” Hashem in English means “the Name”. It is God Himself.

A common phrase we are beginning to hear around Israel is that we are living in biblical times. Even the most secular Israelis and agnostics are saying it. There is no other way to describe what has taken place. We can see in Ukraine and Russia the effects of ballistic missiles. It’s devastating. But neither of those sides ever faced 190 fired at the same time. And not only did we face them, but we came out smelling like a rose.

God is truly amazing. It is one hundred percent true that most of the population of Israel still has a veil over their hearts when it comes to the Messiah. But God promised that He would never abandon His people, even when they turned their backs on Him. He laid out a plan in the Bible that would eventually have them turning their hearts toward Him, and it fits exactly into what we are seeing taking place in Israel today.

Isn’t God amazing! As terrorism increases, so does the Lord’s involvement in protecting the Jewish people.

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(Photo Credit: Cole Keister on Unsplash)

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October 6, 2024

Thank you Lord for Your Angel armies protecting Israel. Shalom, Shalom!

October 6, 2024

I am a prayer warrior from Texas, and I pray continually for Israel and the true church. We are commanded to 🙏 pray without ceasing, and since 1982 that has been my position and job from the

October 6, 2024

Oh, come and see that the Lord He is good!


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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