I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for safe, secure, and efficient elections. We pray that You would prevent fraud and show us the results as quickly as possible.
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With differing rules and legal battles, experts are saying that Americans shouldn’t expect to see election results on Nov. 5.

From Just the News. Counting or certification of the November election results are likely to be delayed nationwide, as states are promulgating different rules on receiving mail ballots, ongoing and likely election litigation, and possible investigations over irregularities, warns an election integrity proponent.

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As the 2020 election results were delayed until Joe Biden was announced the winner of the presidential race the Saturday after Election Day, there will likely also be a delay in announcing this year’s presidential contest. The delays this year could be the result of a variety of factors, especially with such a close election, according to Honest Elections Project Executive Director Jason Snead. …

Ballots after Election Day

The states and U.S. city that accept ballots after Election Day are Alaska, California, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia.

The states with the latest deadlines for accepting ballots after Election Day are Illinois and Utah, which are both 14 days. …

Third-Party vendor problems

Some jurisdictions experienced delays in posting the election results due to issues with third-party vendors.

In Florida counties, most notably Broward and Palm Beach, the third-party vendor’s servers were unable to handle the amount of traffic to the county elections websites that post the election results for the public to view, The South Florida Sun Sentinel reported. …

Litigation delays

Election litigation — an almost certain eventuality — may also delay the election results. …

As of last month, Republicans had filed more than 100 lawsuits regarding election rules. Meanwhile, Harris’ campaign told The New York Times in August that its election legal team has increased 10-fold over what Biden’s was in 2020.

Regarding election litigation, Honest Elections Project Executive Director Jason Snead told Just the News on Tuesday that since election results could be “delayed because of a rules change, you’ve just created a dynamic where either side can claim the election has been stolen.” …

Two critical swing states

Snead also said that delays in election results will likely occur if the race is close. He noted that Arizona and Pennsylvania are the two swing states he is most concerned about.

Arizona’s most populous county, Maricopa County, with 4.5 million citizens, takes “days and weeks to tally votes because so many are mail ballots” that voters wait to drop off at voting locations on Election Day, Snead said. While Arizona allows ballots to be preprocessed before Election Day, it “almost doesn’t matter if so many people are able to bring ballots on Election Day,” he added.

Snead told Just the News last month that mail ballots should be required to “come in the day before Election Day, or run your ballot yourself with ID.”

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania has not had “comprehensive reforms” like other states because of Democratic governor Josh Shapiro blocking election bills passed by the GOP-led legislature, Snead said Tuesday.

As a result, “Pennsylvania might count votes for days after Election Day,” he explained. …

Certification issues

Adding to the complexity nationwide, some election boards are required to certify election results. For example, last November, Michigan enacted a law to clarify that local canvassing boards must certify election results.

Following the delay in election certification in Delta County, Michigan state officials Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) and Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) reminded local canvassing boards “of their ministerial duty to certify election results.” The Democratic officials noted that the Delta County board had been warned of the legal consequences they could face if they didn’t certify the election results, including a misdemeanor charge of Willful Neglect of Duty. …

Share your prayers and scriptures for election integrity below.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Hill Street Studios/Getty Images)

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Linda Lucas
October 7, 2024

Our Lord and our God,
Please dispense with those corrupt Dominion machines and every other tactic of corruption planned against a righteous election for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and every other state that our enemies are trying to influence with evil intent. In Jesus’s mighty Name, please insure us a true and fair election this time, we pray. Forgive us for thinking in 2020 that things would work out like the should and not doing our part to pray hard and sincerely that Your will be done in all our elections. Let Your mighty will be done in our states as it is in Heaven, in Jesus’s Name we pray and thank You Lord, for hearing us! Amen!


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