I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for justice for Donald Trump. We pray for an end to lawfare and for justice.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Did New York’s Attorney General overstep her boundaries in Trump’s fraud case? The Appellate Court thinks this might be the case.

From The Wall Street Journal. The Democratic Party’s lawfare strategy to defeat Donald Trump took another blow last week, not that it received much media attention. Three prosecutions have already hit snags, and now a New York appellate court has expressed considerable doubt about Attorney General Letitia James’s $489 million fraud prosecution and verdict.

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A five-judge appellate panel on Thursday heard Mr. Trump’s appeal of a lower-court judge’s penalty for allegedly inflating the value of his real-estate assets to obtain better loan terms. Ms. James’s lawsuit was unusual since nobody claimed to be harmed by the former President’s alleged legerdemain, which is ordinarily required in fraud cases.

Several appellate judges noted as much. “I’m sorry, what’s being described sounds an awful lot like a potential commercial dispute between private actors,” Justice John Higgitt noted. It seems, he mused, that the AG is “going into an area that wasn’t intended for her jurisdiction.” He suggested the court may need to impose “guardrails” on the AG’s power. …

Ms. James literally campaigned for her office on a pledge to prosecute Mr. Trump for something. …

What do you think of AG James’ actions? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66881640)

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Tonya Grisham
September 30, 2024

No party was defrauded, loss any money, this is nothing but blatant election interference. No crime was committed except by the judge. Pray for God to clearly show what happens when one political party becomes Socialist, anti-God, anti-Christian and anti-American.
No one made any complaints but the AG Letitia, she is coming after Trump trying to mess up the election. Letitia James should be removed and should have charges pressed against her for overstepping her boundaries. Fani Willis should also lose her position and have charges brought against her.

Barbara Andersen
September 30, 2024

Lord, I pray that Your will be done, with Your truth and justice prevailing in this matte.r

Jerry Givan
September 30, 2024

Bottom line, no party was defrauded, loss any money, this is nothing but blatant election interference. No crime was committed except by the judge. Pray for God to clearly show what happens when one political party becomes Socialist, anti-God, anti-Christian and anti-American.

    Tonya Grisham
    September 30, 2024

    Thank you Jerry! I had to copy some of what you said. I couldn’t find a better way to say it.

Catherine Harrington
September 30, 2024

No doubt she overstepped her boundaries!!


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