I Prayed have prayed
Father, we mourn the death of Candi Miller and her unborn child. We pray that You would protect Americans from these dangerous pills, and that You would eliminate abortion in America.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The media is trying to frame Candi Miller as a victim of abortion bans. In reality, she died after taking the unregulated abortion pills that Democrat lawmakers fought to have mailed to all 50 states.

From Operation Rescue. Candi Miller, a 41-year-old mother of three children, learned she was pregnant in the fall of 2022. Candi had several health conditions (high blood pressure, lupus, and diabetes) that needed to be carefully managed by a qualified obstetrician throughout her pregnancy.

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Unfortunately, Candi reportedly fell prey to fear and trusted a website that provides mail-order abortion pills instead. …

“These drugs are dangerous enough when taken according to protocol,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, “with a complication rate four times higher than surgical abortions.” …

“This is the definition of lawlessness,” said Newman. “In the end, innocent babies, and moms like Candi Miller – and her family – pay the price. Our hearts go out to them.”

Again, the media is attempting to blame this tragic, completely preventable death on Georgia’s heartbeat law. ProPublica, the propaganda machine that published the information about Candi’s death, stated she “ordered abortion pills online, but she did not expel all the fetal tissue and would need a dilation and curettage procedure to clear it from her uterus and stave off sepsis, a grave and painful infection. In many states, this care, known as a D&C, is routine for both abortions and miscarriages.”

Those statements are correct. However, the author went on to claim that Georgia had made the D&C procedure a felony offense. This is blatantly false. …

… The process of removing an already dead, unborn child, which would have been the case in Candi’s situation, is not an abortion – and is not illegal in Georgia or any other state. …

Three children lost their mom because of Aid Access recklessly sending mail-order pills to Candi’s address in Georgia – without verifying her pregnancy, without ruling out risk factors or advanced gestational age. As irresponsible as the FDA has become, it still does not recommend a chemical abortion be performed beyond 10 weeks gestation. …

Share your prayers about the abortion pill below.

(Excerpt from Operation Rescue. Photo Credit: Liudmila Chernetska/Getty Images)

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georgia thomlison
September 25, 2024

This is heartbreaking news about this mother of three that died because of taking the pill to cause an abortion. I am praying for this family. Praying that these pills will be outlawed!

September 24, 2024

I stand outside an abortion facility to help women and babies . I’ve seen over and over and over ….these poor mom’s have ZERO idea what they are doing …no matter what the type of abortion. ANY TYPE OF ABORTION IS MEANT TO KILL A LIVING HUMAN….. But they don’t even know that …they think it’s a clump of cells that they’ve been lied to about. So , it ‘s nothing short of SHOCKING when they see a perfectly formed baby ….tiny as it is….IT STILL IS A HUMAN BEING !!! If it’s going to be done and the women is not ever going to change her mind…why on earth would ANYONE mail out a DEADLY PILL, totally unregulated and no medical monitoring ?? This is a death sentence , as the complications run high . It’s the politicians who should be put in jail for this and many of the insane people who call themselves MD’s who approve of sending a death pill in the mail. Unconscionable.

John Soccre
September 24, 2024

Ok, so we will just ignore the fact that news is coming out that maternal deaths in Texas increased by 56% after the state’s 2021 abortion ban, because we want to believe that we are pro-life…. Women are dying because of abortion bans. And, you can be against abortion and not believe that the best way to reduce abortions is through legal means. Laws are not only not the only way to reduce abortions, they are not the most effective way. Maybe Jesus was right when he taught that laws do not change people’s hearts. For me, I’ll stick with Jesus.

    K D
    September 24, 2024

    Exactly! Time to stop being so pro life we kill people!
    And abolish the death penalty too!
    We can’t even get it right anyways!

    John Soccre
    September 24, 2024

    And let’s be clear. We are Christians. Bearing false witness or not being truthful should be a concern to us. So to find the truth, you don’t say, ok, I think abortion should be illegal so let me find some organization, any organization that says abortion pills are dangerous and if I find any organization that says that, ‘look I found proof!’ An honest person would research medical journals and really see what the truth is about abortion pills from experts who make a living protecting our health. If you think they have an agenda, then start reading medical journals to try to understand how they are written. You don’t have to get a doctorate to read a few articles and see how they are put together. If you think there is a flaw in logic, at least try to find out how those articles are written and how they get published to see what possible flaws might exist. A ‘flaw’ is not something that you disagree with, you need actual proof from being a little educated.

    John Soccre
    September 24, 2024

    Just did a quick google search, the Journal of the American Medical Association says that abortion pills are safe…. hmmmm, Christians not worried about being truthful???? Should I trust a group with a political agenda (IFA) or a medical association with an agenda to protect the health of Americans????

Darlene Estlow
September 23, 2024

Thank you for the facts presented in this article. The lies will be devastating to more women in Candi’s position. Women getting abortions does not set them free. It enslaves them to lies.

September 23, 2024

Pro lifers niw have blood of innocent women on their hands.

September 23, 2024

Excellent, clear, concise, factual article. Just as important, its is written with compassion; especially in this heartbreaking case.

September 23, 2024

Heartbreaking in so many ways…

I do pray for Candi’s family, but also pray for God to intervene in this spiritual battle—that pro-abortion groups would not use Candi to promote their cause, that God would let His light shine on the darkness of these pills, & that truth would be openly shared that abortion and a D & C procedure are different things…

Oh Jesus, how we need You to work miracles in this arena…open Americans’ eyes to Your Truth & the truth on abortion & all the heartache surrounding it,

In Jesus’ mighty Name—

    September 23, 2024

    D&C and abortion care are the same medical procedures.

      September 23, 2024

      Not exactly the same at all. D&C’s are done to help for various reasons. Abortions are done for one reason. And abortions done at home with just a pill are certainly not the same as one’s done in a hospital. The people pushing the pill are criminals in my view.
      Lord, may this one sad death result in others being saved.

        K D
        September 23, 2024

        No, you are bearing a false witness.
        Your Opinion is not Fact.

      LORI LEE
      September 23, 2024

      Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove tissue from inside your uterus. Health care professionals perform dilation and curettage to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions — such as heavy bleeding — or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion.

    September 23, 2024

    Does this worry you?
    Because the pro lifers lied and killed women?!

John Ennis
September 23, 2024

I pray for Candi Millers family. I pray for our country to return to God

    Kelly Conwen
    September 23, 2024

    Praying for women to be liberated.

      Roger R
      September 23, 2024

      Me too!

        Carol Jones
        September 23, 2024

        Yes! Liberated ~
        …from the lie that abortion is NOT the murder of a human being
        …from the lie that abortion is the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy
        …from the lie that the abortion pill is safe
        …from the lie that your ‘problem’ will be solved once you have an abortion
        …from the lie that says there is no emotional baggage following an abortion
        These are just a few of the lies women need to be liberated from.

          September 24, 2024

          Please show your evidence. Not your opinion.
          You now have innocent blood on YOUR HANDS!

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