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Father, we pray for protection for those in California and Nevada. We ask You to control these wildfires and to restore what was lost.
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Wildfires are raging across California and Nevada, burning several buildings and forcing thousands to evacuate.

From CBN. Dozens of wildfires in California and Nevada have forced the evacuation of thousands of residents. …

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


State officials said overnight there were 14 active wildfires burning across California. The blazes have grown by more than four times just since Saturday morning. …

A fire north of the Bay Area has burned at least 30 buildings and forced 4,000 people to evacuate the city of Clearlake. …

[Southern California’s] largest wildfire, the Line Fire, has burned more than 20,000 acres in San Bernardino County and has grown 14 times bigger in just over one day.

An emergency was also declared in Nevada as a fire south of Reno forced 14,000 people to evacuate. …

Share your prayers for the communities affected by these fires below.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Issy Bailey on Unsplash)

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September 11, 2024

Lord of compassion, help us as your followers and fellow citizens of our neighbors impacted by tragedy, never to grow weary of doing good and extending your loving care to our brothers and sisters. California may be reaping the cost of evil decision making but we know you have many of your own believers .mixed among them. Lord, you send rain and sun on the good and the evildoers, send now in your wisdom, the supernatural protection, help and blessing to all affected by these fires, just as you sent a dry wind from keeping a hurricane from forming in the gulf this week.
You are Lord, and we repent for the terrible offenses from our nation that bring judgement on us. We repent for our lack of love and kindness that you, Lord Jesus, always taught your disciples. Help our neighbors in California, especially the poor, and end the long seige of evil policies that destroy them. In you precious name, Lord Jesus.


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