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Father, we lift up the unborn in America before You. No matter who wins in November, we pray that these precious children would be protected.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In its newly-released policy page, the Harris campaign promises abortion on demand, attacking what the VP calls “Trump abortion bans.”

From Breitbart. The Kamala Harris/Tim Walz campaign’s newly released policy page reaffirms their commitment to obliterating pro-life state laws in favor of abortion on demand across the United States.

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Harris pledged to sign legislation restoring an invented federal right to abortion, should she be elected. The Democrats use the term “reproductive freedom” as a euphemism for ending the lives of unborn babies via medication abortions and dismemberment abortions.

“As President, she will never allow a national abortion ban to become law. And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, she will sign it,” the policy page reads. …

Ultimately, abortion is Harris’s number one campaign issue, as it was for Biden before his exit from the race. While most polling shows that abortion is not a top priority for voters, one in four Democrats are single-issue voters on abortion and the majority of independents identify as “pro-choice.” …

The policy page erroneously calls pro-life laws “Trump abortion bans,” and slams the former president for picking the conservative Supreme Court justices who ultimately voted to overturn Roe v. Wade and send the issue of abortion to individual states. The pro-abortion pair also claim Trump will “ban abortion nationwide, restrict access to birth control, force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions, and jeopardize access to IVF,” although he has not promised to do any of those things. …

Share your prayers for the unborn of America below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: The White House)

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September 11, 2024


September 11, 2024

I urge people to research neutral, purely medical descriptions of abortions of every kind currently available. Chemical and surgical. At every trimester.

There seems to be confusion on both the pro-life but especially the pro-choice and neutral sides.

But I wish politicians in particular would have the procedures explained and broken down in step by step detail.

People don’t understand the risks involved in every kind of operation.

And yes abortions, especially done in mid-late stage pregnancy can result in a viable “fetus” being expelled from the uterus alive.

And the legal question is: then what of that fetus…

LORD, open people’s eyes.

September 11, 2024

Harris, during the debate, proved to America that “a women’s right” to murder defenseless, innocent children is more important to her & the Democratic party than addressing the real problems of our nation. She also reinforced to America that she nor the Dems want the individual states to have voting power or say over the behemoth called the federal gov’t. Her stance again proves, to anyone that believes life begins st conception that you are in their “way” and they (dems & abortion supporters) will “criminally use any lawfare” to get their way & run roughshod over your voting right. Christians must understand that on the issue of abortion, Harris is even more committed & dangerous than Biden.
Yes, pray for her salvation but at the same time, please pray for her removal from power & influence in anyway God deems just or necessary.

Stacey R
September 11, 2024

Folks upset cus Trump made himself & his followers look so unhinged last nite!

Don T
September 11, 2024

There’s no hate, like Christian love around here lately.

Carol R
September 11, 2024

Kamala is in office now and the babies have NOT been protected despite it being put back to the states to individually decide! FATHER GOD please wake Americans up to the evil of this current administration! Not only are they evil but kamala is a red dot Indian from India that worships Shiva and many other demon gods! Please preserve America from more of the evil of the last 4 years! FATHER GOD please restore our country from the snare of the devil! Deliver us from these wicked and evil rulers that believes babies should be aborted at will, up to and after birth for any or no reason! Where would kamala be if her mother believed like she does? Perhaps in a trash heap thrown away like garbage, like kamala wants our babies to be even after birth! I repent LORD for our country allowing our next generations to be killed in the name of “women’s rights!” Wake up YOUR people to resist and to desist this current evil administration; and let us all vote! And let’s us vote to restore righteousness to our nation in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

    Kelly Conwen
    September 11, 2024

    No baby is aborted after birth.
    Complete lie.

      September 11, 2024

      Yet, tearing apart a baby, limb by limb, piece by piece , in a mother’s womb is okay? God, have mercy on us. Forgive us ,Lord.

        September 11, 2024

        That’s not how modern abortion occurs, please educate yourself.

      September 11, 2024

      Talk to nurses that have been told to let babies die naturally by withholding care after the birth mother decides she doesn’t want the baby as it is being born! It is true! Do your own research folks! Focus on the Family and others have reported this evil!

        September 11, 2024

        It’s a lie.

        Harvey L.
        September 11, 2024

        Those nurses (if true) themselves would be in violation of their own licensures, if not criminally liable. So who ans where are these “nurses” ?
        Your lying.
        Focus on the Family & James Dobson have a long history of lying too.

          September 11, 2024

          You’re (note the proper spelling – not “your”) on the wrong feed for your argument of “lies”. The sad fact is that you choose to believe the lie, instead of doing the uncomfortable research to find out that it is being done. As far as the abortion industry, which is built on profit, deception & 24/7 lies & coverup, they have in the past & will continue to use both unqualified as well as qualified people (including nurses) who could care less about the “legal ramifications “, much less their oaths to “save lives”. Your argument is built on sand. And attacking Focus on the Family? That’s just plain pathetic & weak.

          Jake S.
          September 11, 2024

          Focus on the Family is all propaganda!
          Abortion is safe and should remain legal.
          Get the facts!

          September 11, 2024

          Aid Access mails abortion pills to All 50 states, despite bans.

    A T
    September 11, 2024

    It is a bit dishonest to call a fellow Christian a worshipper of ‘Shiva and demon gods’. I’m sure her Baptist church does not – nor does her husband.

      Don T
      September 11, 2024

      There’s no hate, like Christian love around here lately.

      Gary Hart
      September 11, 2024

      These people obviously don’t care about honesty. They lie about abortion all day long. Saying nurses execute babies after birth!
      So ridiculous!

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