I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for freeing these pastors. We pray that You would continue to protect religious freedom around the world.
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IFA previously prayed for 11 pastors falsely imprisoned in Nicaragua. Now, our prayers have been answered. Praise God!

From 1819 News. The 11 Christian pastors sent to prison on bogus charges in Nicaragua were released early Thursday morning after calls for justice by U.S. officials.

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The pastors of Mountain Gateway, a non-profit ministry formed by Alabama native Jon Britton Hancock, had been behind bars since Dec. 12, 2023, when officials in Nicaragua charged them with money laundering and organized crime.

The pastors were convicted and sentenced to up to 15 years in prison and over $80 million without proper paperwork and without a proper trial.

However, in a bipartisan effort in Washington, D.C., lawmakers and U.S. ambassador-at-large for religious freedom Rashad Hussain were successful in getting the pastors released. …

Hancock confirmed with 1819 News the prisoners had been released. He said he has been inundated with calls from lawmakers in Washington since the news broke.

The 11 were among 135 released on humanitarian grounds. According to the White House, two attorneys for Mountain Gateway, Catholic laypeople and students were also released. …

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(Excerpt from 1819 News. Photo Credit: rattanakun via Canva Pro)

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Bill Johnson
September 7, 2024

Thank you Father for answering these earnest prayers for freedom for your precious Saints! Thank you for continuing to show us how effective prayers can be!!

Roselyn Brown
September 7, 2024

Heavenly Father, we thank you for hearing and answering our prayers concerning our sisters and brother that were held captive. We knew That nothing at all is impossible for you to accomplish. Thank you continuing for hearing and answering our prayers. All our trust is in you, our hope is you, our faith is in you. Thank you Heavenly Father and blessed your awesome name.


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