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Father, we mourn the loss of the hostages executed by Hamas, though we know that You make all things work together for our good. We ask that You would use these barbaric executions to show the sympathizers and activists around the world how evil Hamas truly is.
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Following Hamas’ killing of six hostages over the weekend, the Global Imams Council released a statement strongly condemning the terrorists.

From The Jerusalem Post. The Global Imams Council has released a statement condemning the murder of hostages at the hands of Hamas terrorists.

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The statement, which was released on the Global Imams Council’s X (previously Twitter) social media account on Sunday, September 1, 2024, referred to the actions of Hamas as ‘barbaric,’ stating, “We are deeply saddened and outraged by these heinous murders, which violate all principles of humanity, religious teachings, and international law.” …

The statement, issued at the Islamic Seminary of Najaf in Iraq, held Hamas alone responsible for “the deaths and suffering of all innocent lives lost since October 7 …”

A call to action

The statement concluded with a heartfelt message to the families of the victims of the Israel-Hamas war, as well as a call for all religious leaders to stand against Hamas’ terror …

Share your prayers for the people of Israel and the remaining hostages below.

(Excerpt from The Jerusalem Post. Photo Credit: Juan Camilo Guarin P on Unsplash)

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Roger Collier
September 5, 2024

Father God in the name of Jesus we ask protect these in harms way! You oh LORD are our source. Thank you, Amen!

September 5, 2024

Lord of Life, We praise and thank you for the precious gift of life. Thank you for the courageous statement from the Islamic seminary in Iraq that condemns the jihadic and brutal killing of hostages by Hamas. We are grieved by the brutality of demonic antisemitism we see on display around the world and ask that you continue to give wisdom.and courage to all lawmakers, law enforcement agencies, lawyers and judges to bring justice for the victims. We continue our pleas for your protection of Israel, the peace iof Jerusalem, and salvation for all you have chosen from the foundation of the world. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen


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