I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would strengthen our grid and protect our infrastructure. Give our leaders wisdom as they seek to guard against and prepare for cyber attacks.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Is America prepared for the very real possibility of massive cyber attacks on our critical infrastructure? The experts say no.

From CBN News. If war ever reaches the American home front, most people might expect to hear an air raid siren. But what they may actually hear is silence, when many of the things they rely upon each day stop working.

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The Commission on the National Defense Strategy recently warned senators the United States is “unprepared” for a “devastating” cyber war that will bring life in towns and cities across America to a standstill. …

Experts see the next war beginning with a keyboard attack on America’s critical infrastructure, threatening to cut off the internet, electricity, water, transportation, and financial systems. It would mean almost everything, from phones to gas pumps to cash machines to traffic lights suddenly stops working.

Cyber security expert Dr. Samantha Ravich of The Foundation for Defense of Democracies said, “We’re very vulnerable.”  …

“A soft underbelly of our country is our water system. And those water utilities don’t often have the best cyber security. They have old technology,” Ravich said.

After a cyber strike on your local water plant, your water tap might not work, or your water could become dangerous to drink.  In 2021 a hacker tried to poison the water supply of Oldsmar, Florida by increasing the levels of sodium hydroxide. The city now says it was operator error, but in the last year, foreign actors from Iran and Russia have been linked to water facility attacks in PennsylvaniaIndiana, and Texas. …

Ravich advised, “I think that every household can be more prepared for 30 days off the grid. Think about your water. Think about your food stocks. Think about your emergency communications plans. Think about, do you have people in your house that need medicines that are refrigerated?”

Even though US experts know that the next war will begin in cyberspace and are scrambling to beef up America’s defenses, they also know that in this very internet-connected age, there are likely too many vulnerabilities to defend.

Share your prayers for our grid and our infrastructure below.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: FLY:D on Unsplash)

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Rose Rocha
August 30, 2024

Lord, your word says we he have not because we ask not. So I am asking.

Please Father give your church,: technical people or whoever is willing to receive creative ideas on how to stop these cyber attacks and circumvent the taking down or interruptions on our infrastructures.

Make a way where there is no way. What is impossible with man is possible with you. We trust you God. And I am convinced that you will not leave us or forsake us.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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