I Prayed have prayed
Lord, you are calling people to pray. We don’t have to understand why, but we trust you.
Reading Time: 8 minutes

If you have been keeping up with the coming elections, you have encountered biased media concerning Vice President Harris. We are called to pray for all authority leaders, even those we don’t like. 

Four years ago, on August 30th, 2020, an IFA intercessor had a dream about Kamala Harris. I wrote this over a week ago, but on August 28, 2024, on Give Him 15, Dutch Sheets asked everyone to intercede to protect all governmental leaders and those running for office. He also prayed to protect Supreme Court members and Vice President Harris against attacks. I believe this further confirms the importance of this message today. 

“I was at an event and then had to get to the airport to join my group. They had left ahead of me, and I was afraid I would miss my flight. I didn’t know how to get to the airport fast enough.

“Kamala Harris offered to take me to the airport in her car. I said yes, and she drove me to the airport. She was very friendly and attractive and asked me what I thought about some things. I told her that I thought she was a good communicator.

“She asked me what I thought about women’s reproductive “rights,” and I was able to tell her that I was pro-life and that is why I could not vote for her. She seemed to understand.

“She asked me what I did for a living, and I told her I was an intercessor. She asked me to pray for her, and I agreed. She asked me which airline I was flying, and I said American Airlines (which I never usually fly anymore, definitely not first class). She dropped me off at the first-class entrance. I went to sit down on the American flight in the first-class section of the plane with my group.”

As she shared her dream with me, this intercessor was very candid. She admitted, “Before this dream, I didn’t like Harris very much. This isn’t my first time having trouble interceding for leaders. I had this same issue praying for the Clintons when they were in office. I knew of a Christian group of women who invited Hillary to study the Bible, and they had met for many years. That challenged me as an intercessor. And I began praying for Hillary Clinton.” 

When she had this dream, she recognized God was calling her to intercede for Kamala Harris. She said, “Though I didn’t know why, I felt her to be a threat, but having that dream helped me see her in a different light; she’s human. I felt a sense of compassion. That dream was in 2020, but this month, I stumbled upon something that reminded me of it. I found an article that said Kamala called her pastor and asked him to pray for her presidential run. I felt the confirmation of God as I saw that she reached out and asked for prayer,” she said. 

This isn’t the first time people have received prayer burdens for Vice President Harris. Another intercessor had a vision of her in 2018.

She saw a “dark horse” become a piece on the chessboard. As she prayed into this vision, the Lord later revealed the dark horse was Kamala Harris. She was shown to be a key player. Other more prominent names were thrown in the ring as the 2020 election began, but this intercessor believed the Lord wanted her to keep praying for/about Harris. She asked the Lord why Harris was a chess piece on the board. She sensed the Lord saying that, like in a game, her steps were being ordered by someone else. The saddest part of her vision was that she was expendable, much like a knight in chess. She is being used as a part of a bigger plan and is unaware of it.

Other intercessors from different states have also been receiving prayer burdens for her. 

God is seeking those who will stand in the gap. Intercession does not mean we with the ungodly policies she supports. We recognize that just as the enemy has a plan for Harris, God also has one for her. It begins with her repentance and turning away from evil. 

Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Maybe you can relate to the intercessor who didn’t like Harris very much. It’s hard to pray for people who support and celebrate such evil as abortion and promote transgenderism and other unbiblical choices. But the fact that God has spoken to intercessors about her in dreams and visions reveals His heart for her redemption and for her to do the works He desires her to do (Ephesians 2:10). His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. To her party, she may be nothing more than a piece of a plan, but to Father God, she is a person created in His image. She is a person for whom Jesus died. 

If you have been resistant or defiant in praying for her as our nation’s leader or don’t know how to pray for her, ask the Holy Spirit. He is the Helper who prays through us when we don’t know how to pray (see Romans 8:26).

If you have been guilty of mocking her with many other Christians, repent and ask God to show you His heart for her (see Ephesians 5:4, Proverbs 24:17-18). 

If you have cursed her because of the evil she has supported, repent and pray for her salvation. Jesus did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them (see Luke 9:54-56, Matthew 5:44).

We all know that Vice President Harris has been influenced by her Indian and Hindu heritage, but Christianity has equally influenced her. Did you know that when she lived in Oakland as a young girl, a neighbor regularly took Kamala and her sister to a Christian church? In her adulthood, she joined the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco. This is still her church and who she contacted when asking for prayers. 

  • Pray for V.P. Harris to repent. The blood of Jesus is enough to cover her sins, just as it is for ours. If she confesses with her mouth that Jesus is Lord and turns from her wicked ways, God will remove her sins as far as the East is from the West. Lord, save her (see Romans 10:9, Isaiah 55:7-9, 2 Peter 3:9). 

Vice President Harris credits her connection to Hinduism with fueling her pursuit of social justice. She calls herself a Christian but is connected to her Hindu heritage and is married to a Jewish man. She embodies Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity and is diverse, but this pluralism is rooted in Hindu beliefs. 

  • Pray for V.P Harris to know Jesus Christ personally as the only way to heaven and the Father (see John 14:6, Isaiah 44:6-8). 

Both of Kamala’s parents (now divorced) were involved in civil rights and racial equality activism. This influenced Kamala to pursue justice, which is honorable; however, it has to be God’s justice. When she asked her pastor for prayers, the scripture he shared and advice he gave her was from Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

  • Pray she would use her office to promote true justice according to the Word of God and not the culture. Let her be a righteous voice for biblical justice. Let her be a sign and a wonder (see Isaiah 1:17, Proverbs 18:5, Proverbs 31:8-9). Pray that she will “do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.”

People are receiving dreams and visions about Harris, and some prophetic words for her date back to 2017. 

  • Pray that God would speak to her and those connected to her through dreams, friends, and family, and let her hear the Word of the Lord (see Job 33:14-18, Proverbs 12:15). 
  • Pray for protection, and that man’s plans will not prosper, but God’s plan will prevail. Pray she will run to God and not from Him (see Psalm 21:11, Proverbs 19:21).

The intercessor who shared her dream believes that the many people praying for Harris demonstrate that God is giving her a window of opportunity to repent from her ways and receive mercy. What she decides to do is up to her, but we know our prayers can make an impact.

I remember watching It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth a long time ago. An elderly intercessor shared a dream she once had about Former President Barack Obama after he was elected. She had seen him in a church on his knees when a wind blew through the church, and He was filled with the Spirit of God. When she awoke and prayed, the Lord told her, “If the church prays, I can change his heart. But if they don’t, He will turn in the opposite direction, far from me.” Her word proved true, as we saw him go the opposite of everything biblical. Her words caused me to repent because I refused to pray for him. I told God I did not want to repeat that mistake.

This could be the case with Vice President Harris. I am not predicting she will be our next President. I am urging us to look at her through the lens of eternity. She is a soul Jesus died for, and as someone in a position of authority, we should intercede just as scripture asks of us. As intercessors, we must pray without bias or inserting our personal opinions. 

When I asked the Lord how to pray for our elections this time, He said, “Pray for MY will to be done, MY way.” The emphasis was to be on Him. This scripture has been on my mind a lot. Every Christian knows it: the Lord’s prayer.

In this manner, therefore, pray Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen (Matthew 6:9-13).

Father, I come into Your Presence humbly on behalf of Vice President Harris. Forgive me for resisting interceding because her policies and lies angered me. Forgive me for mocking when I should have been praying. You said that “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (see Matthew 12:34).” If cursing and mockery have come from my lips, it’s reflecting what is in my heart. Forgive me, Lord. I come before You and ask for a miracle concerning Vice President Harris. You see what she is promoting and defending, and it is NOT what You approve of nor desire for her life. She wanted to make a difference and bring justice. I pray that she would be used by You to bring true justice. I ask for the greatest miracle of all for her: salvation found in Christ alone. Lord, speak to her. Speak through those closest to her. Speak to her in dreams. Job 33:16-18 tells us You speak in dreams and terrify with warnings to turn people from their wrongdoing and keep them from pride. You warn people with dreams to preserve them from the pit and keep them from perishing. You do not desire that any would perish, but that ALL will come to repentance, including ungodly leaders.

We pray that she would forsake her wicked ways and turn to You. We pray that any plans made for her that are not from You will fail. We pray she will be a voice for true biblical justice and reject an evil agenda. Open her eyes to see the path You are setting before her. Right now, she is on the path that “seems right” to men, but Your word says that path leads to death. Open her ears to hear Your warnings and words. Give her the wisdom to give careful thought to the path she is on. Let her not turn to the right or left, but turn from evil (see Proverbs 4:26,27). Vice President Kamala Harris, God is calling you to repent and consider Your ways. We pray you will choose life through the only name in Heaven given by which men can be saved (see Acts 4:12), the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

 What do you think about the intercessor’s dream? How is God stirring you to pray?

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=78594193.

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Loretta Biller
August 31, 2024

I believe this intercessor is right to pray for Kamala and to encourage others to do the same. I will be more generous about this myself.

Barbara Wildner
August 31, 2024

If you remember Jezebel had her profets pray for here. Her heart was to gain more power. People are taken over by evil spirits and you can’t mix Hindu or any other false religion with the holy spirit. Some of God’s children do not discern spirits they use their emotions. We need to pray for the Church for eyes to be opened so we can set people free!

Linda Hebert
August 31, 2024

Thankyou Lord for “interceding on our behalf and on behalf of “all” those that You gave Your life for. Thank you for opening our eyes to our own biases, preferences, and vindictive opinions. I repent Lord and choose to “pray” Your Will and Your Way” for the souls that You died for to save.
I also thank you for the “history ” of how VP Harris was raised; messed up and mixed up coming from this world’s lies and confusions. Thank You also that I don’t have to like her or believe her to pray for her repentance, and turning to You, Savior and Lord of all. So, I lift her up to you Lord and pray for her repentance and acknowledgement that only You Lord Jesus is the way, the truth and the life eternally. Also, I ask for you to heal her broken heart as she learns that she is where she is because of the agendas of her oppressors, their lusts, their power, their own well fare. Once that is accomplished, they will drop her just like they dropped Biden and will use “anyone” to get what they want. Seek “True Justice, walk with God and let God repay them” Amen!

Paula Dupree
August 31, 2024

I will pray for her and other leaders, for this is God’s will.

Don Peter
August 31, 2024

Yes, let us pray for her.

Don Peter
August 31, 2024

This is a prophetic message. Indeed we need to love and pray for Kamala Harris, who needs the Lord just as we do. She is human with the same needs but has been deceived about how to accomplish certain things, not being based on the Word of God but the word of man. May the Lord speak to her through godly people He places in her path that she may recover a healthy fear of the Lord and come to salvation.

Lorraine Zito
August 31, 2024

Thank you for this article, convicting and an exhortation. Praying for her (not to her) does not mean we endorse her. Her soul matters to God and it should to us. 1 Tim 2: 1 “…all men.”

August 31, 2024

Praying for a Satan worshiper is a noble thing, but don’t pray that she win this election because of a so-called dream. Satan sends dreams as does God.

    Linda Hebert
    August 31, 2024

    Dear David, Kind regards intended’, we are all satan worshipers until Jesus reveals Himself to us and offers us the free gift of salvation, simply because it pleases Him to do so. Eph 1:7-9. God’s grace and peace to you and yours.

Roger DiPaolo
August 31, 2024

This prayer not right, it is evil!

“Vice President Kamala Harris, God is calling you to repent and consider Your ways. We pray you will choose life through the only name in Heaven given by which men can be saved (see Acts 4:12), the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. ”

Praying to Kamala Harris is wrong! We only pray to God.
Including this “prayer” “to” Kamala is so wrong as to poison the entire prayer! Based on this I am doubting that the dream about Kamala was from God at all! I cannot imagine this email actually having been approved by IFA. I am both shocked and extremely disappointed.

    Mary Beth
    August 31, 2024

    Roger, I think that because this statement of warning addressed to her (Vice President Kamala Harris, God is calling you to repent and consider Your ways.) is embedded in the prayer to the Lord, you inferred it was prayer to her. It is not a prayer to her. It is, as I said, a warning to her.

Wilma Brubaker
August 31, 2024

Are you all trying to open the door to Kamala’s presidency? I have had Holy Spirit dreams and a check in my spirit reading thru these dreams. But will wait on the Lord. Kamala Harris is quite smart, her word salads rooted in Marxism, from childhood. People need to do the research and decipher some of her phrases. She knows what she’s doing and very dangerous. Of course God’s hand not so short that He can’t save the vilest of sinners. 🙏🙏🙏

Ximena Sempertegui
August 31, 2024

First of all, I think the intercesor lied when she told Mrs Harris she was a good communicator. We all know that she cannot put two sentences together that can make sense.

Although I don’t like her ways, I did pray for her and for Obama.

Maynard Beck Sr
August 31, 2024

This article presents a misconception of Kamala Harris being a “victim” of manipulation, a little brown girl who had to ride buses to school…. I prefer to paint a very different picture. She is the very embodiment of the Jezebel Christians have been praying against for years. (See Dr. Michael Brown’s book “Jezebel’s War with America”). She has inherited the mantle of Maragret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood and friend of Adolph Hitler) who embodied Jezebel from the scriptures. There was a comment to an article on IFAPray.org several months ago that had a very powerful group of anti-abortion scriptures. I will not mention the commentator’s name since they received snarky comments about citing “too much scripture”. I just want to thank them to avoid being accused of plagiarism. Here is the edited version of that comment. My prayer is that ALL the unrepentant supporters of abortion be turned over to the promise of God’s Covenant. Here is the edited text of that comment: “Please search all of YHWH’s COVENANTS–does HE COMPROMISE? Is He limited in POWER? Does HE say it is OKAY to sacrifice children… but just not “up to a certain point” (only late abortion)? AT THE HIGHEST COURT, after 50 years of the abomination of abortion running rampant in America, THE ANCIENT of DAYS, YHWH EL ELYON, OUR FATHER–ensured that Roe. vs. Wade was overturned. The CREDIT goes to GOD. His HEART is for America to preserve LIFE…just as it is mentioned 10 times in Deut. 30–“CHOOSE LIFE” not death and destruction– and the VOWS God is looking at are BIBLICAL VOWS based on God’s Word (Deuteronomy 30) that America made in 1607, 1620 and 1630 – YHWH changes not! (Malachi 3:6) NO SOVEREIGN but YHWH EL ELYON, GOD MOST HIGH for His New Covenant Nation of America! NO KING but Jesus Christ!         Deuteronomy 12:31 You must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.       Leviticus 18:21 You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the Lord.      Exodus 22:29 “You shall not delay the offering from your harvest and your vintage. The firstborn of your sons you shall give to Me.     Exodus 13:12-16 you shall devote to the Lord the first offspring of every womb, and the first offspring of every beast that you own; the males belong to the Lord. But every first offspring of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck; and every firstborn of man among your sons you shall redeem.         Exodus 34:19 “The first offspring from every womb belongs to Me, and all your male livestock, the first offspring from cattle and sheep.       Deuteronomy 18:10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer (pharmakoi-the abortion pill)              2 Kings 3:27 Then he took his oldest son who was to reign in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering on the wall. And there came great wrath against Israel, and they departed from him and returned to their own land.        2 Kings 16:3 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and even made his son pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had driven out from before the sons of Israel.    2 Chronicles 28:3 Moreover, he burned incense in the valley of Ben-Hinnom and burned his sons in fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had driven out before the sons of Israel.                    2 Kings 17:17 Then they made their sons, and their daughters pass through the fire, and practiced divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking Him.     2 Kings 21:6 He made his son pass through the fire, practiced witchcraft and used divination, and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord provoking Him to anger.       2 Chronicles 33:6 He made his sons pass through the fire in the valley of Ben-Hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft, used divination, practiced sorcery and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking Him to anger.      Isaiah 57:5 Who inflame yourselves among the oaks, under every luxuriant tree, who slaughter the children in the ravines, under the clefts of the crags?      Jeremiah 7:31 They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, and it did not come into My mind. Deuteronomy 12:31 You shall not behave thus toward YHWH Your God, for every abominable act which the Lord hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.      Leviticus 20:2-5 “You shall also say to the sons of Israel: ‘Any man from the sons of Israel or from the aliens sojourning in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones. I will also set My face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given some of his offspring to Molech, so as to defile My sanctuary and to profane My Holy Name. If the people of the land, however, should ever disregard that man when he gives any of his offspring to Molech, so as not to put him to death, then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off”…                 Psalm 106:35-38 But they mingled with the nations and learned their practices, and served their idols, which became a snare to them. They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons… Jeremiah 32:35 They built the high places of Baal that are in the valley of Ben-Hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I had not commanded them, nor had it entered My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.      Ezekiel 20:26 and I pronounced them unclean because of their gifts, in that they caused all their firstborn to pass through the fire so that I might make them desolate, in order that they might know that I am the Lord.”’       Ezekiel 20:31 When you offer your gifts, when you cause your sons to pass through the fire, you are defiling yourselves with all your idols to this day. And shall I be inquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live,” declares the Lord God, “I will not be inquired of by you.      Ezekiel 23:37 For they have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands. Thus, they have committed adultery with their idols and even caused their sons, whom they bore to Me, to pass through the fire to them as food.      Jeremiah 19:4-5 Because they have forsaken Me and have made this an alien place and have burned sacrifices in it to other gods, that neither they nor their forefathers nor the kings of Judah had ever known, and because they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, a thing which I never commanded or spoke of, nor did it ever enter My mind      Ezekiel 16:20-21 “Moreover, you took your sons and daughters whom you had borne to Me and sacrificed them to idols to be devoured. Were your harlotries so small a matter? You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols by causing them to pass through the fire.      Isaiah 55:10-11 For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return without watering the earth, making it bud and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat, so My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it.     1 Samuel 15:22 But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”    Malachi 3:6 “I AM YHWH. I CHANGE NOT!””

Linda Lucas
August 31, 2024

Father god, forgive me for looking on Kamala Harris with distain. I am no better than her for looking down on her. You saved me, and You can save her also. I pray that she reaches out to You, Lord, and changes all the ideas that she has for evil, as those such as Obama has led her to do and believe in. Help me to pray efficient prayers for her salvation. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus’s Holy Name above all names! Amen!

August 31, 2024

People have come under a strong delusion as the Bible tells us would happen in these last days. We need “discernment”.to “know” the truth. I have prayed for our leaders but see the errors of Kamala Harris and cannot ever consider her to be President. God help us if this should happen.

August 31, 2024

One more thing.. I apologize as I digress. If president Trump does not act swiftly to end abortion, not mollycoddle around with various “terms of weeks”.. declaring whether or not is okay to slaughter an innocent child before that “supposedly okay” time, none of the discussion about Harris repentance and/or salvation will amount to a can of beans. That is the one thing, the one egregious sin.. of all others- that is way more important than anyone’s salvation.. whether it is Kamala Harris or anyone else. As most of you already know, abortion is a blood sacrifice to a demonic entity.. the Demonic God molech. And that blood sacrifice ritual- is the gruesome fuel that has kept Kamala Harris illegal career alive through her rise in various offices in California- all the way up to where she is now.

August 31, 2024

This article on Kamala Harris hits home. Several years ago during worship service in church, I started telling God that I was angry at Him for allowing Obama to be re-elected as president as Obama was destroying Christianity and our country. Suddenly, I was in an open vision and I saw a child of about 8 years old sitting in a corner on the floor, crying with his arms in front of his face. It was Obama, who obviously suffered childhood trauma. God spoke to me and said “that is how I see him”. It made me realize that God sees all of us as his little children and wants all of us to come to repentance. We do need to pray for all of our leaders, good and bad, as they all have the same chance for redemption until their last breath.

Cyndee Potter
August 31, 2024

At first, this was hard for me to read then God showed me that his plan is the right plan and I don’t have to help him make that decision. I need to pray the same way for everyone not just for the ones that I want to be in position. God’s will while be done.

Cathy Womach
August 31, 2024

We are to HATE sin and love the sinner! Let us all be VERY aware of the Harris Walz Presidential Candidacy as VERY EVIL! They are COMMUNISTS in sheep’s clothing! DON’T BE FOOLED! They both have strong Marist ties. Kamala’s father is a MARXIST, teaching OUR children as a college professor on CA! Her mother is a very liberal activist. She was indoctrinated and brainwashed at a very young age. Walt has deep
ties to the Chinese regime and culture. They both hate America and our God Given Freedoms and are hell bent to take them away!

PRAY for them, YES, but VOTE for them……NO!!!!! Spread this truth.


Go to My Faith Votes for Biblical guidance on voting ….

In Faith and Action,


August 31, 2024

Contact Dutch…tell him that.
See who’s prophetic voice is right.
Many ultra conservative pastors and people/ christians..are way too gleeful about the potential demise of america.
Our founders made a covenant with The Lord- and yes we are backslidden..however.. remember that God is merciful above all else.
Also, it is hard to find in recorded history a nation that was more sinful and backslidden than Israel.. and look how much he loves Israel and desires for her to be saved

August 31, 2024

Abba, you know my heart and my innermost thoughts. Give me and this group of intercessors your thoughts, your will, your ways in praying for those “in” government who currently represent the evil of this world. You see all, you know all. We ask for justice and truth to flow like a mighty river from your throne over the United States of America and all nations and tribes of this world.
We also decree your Word, You are not willing for any to perish. So in agreement with your Word we pray for Kamala Harris, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and all those pushing evil agendas. We pray for their salvation, that you will shine your light in the darkness and reveal yourself to them. You do not get glory for anyone to perish for you came to seek and save the lost.
We pray divine protection over Kamala Harris. Send your warring angels to surround her and do not allow her to be taken out by those who are using her as a puppet in the grander scheme of their evil agendas. She is dispensable to them as are many others. Reveal to her the hidden agenda of those she has ignorantly put her trust in. May she know the truth and may the truth set her free. Use her to reveal the plans and motives of the puppeteers who are manipulating her and so many others. We ask you to make the paths of the demonic forces behind this movement slippery and dark. Send confusion into their camp so they will fight one another. Send your mighty warring angels to fight them in the heavenlies and allow your kingdom to come and your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Arise from your throne and scatter your enemies!
Abba, we forgive those who have trespassed against us and remember we have also trespassed against you. We humble ourselves and pray and turn from our own wicked ways. Having done all, we stand. We pray for justice. Many of us have a righteous anger. We have been so naive and in the dark of what has been transpiring over many years. Forgive us for not seeking you more and looking to the things of this world more than you. We have been sobered by the revelations coming forward in this decade and in this hour. Thank you for the great awakening! Thank you for raising up the prophets in this hour. Protect them all. Protect all other leaders you have anointed to restore America back to you, both political and religious. Protect Kamala Harris and lead her to paths of righteousness.
Wake up those who are called by your name and sleeping in this hour, for in such as an hour as we think not, the Son of Man cometh. Let us, your people, who are called by your name turn from our wicked ways so you will heal our land. Let us be your glorious church, knowing our position in the heavenlies, and ruling and reigning with you. You are coming for a glorious church, one who fearlessly faces the dark forces launched against us. May you find us faithful in this hour. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

August 31, 2024

We are days and weeks from not having freedom in America and THIS article gets a spotlight?? The Democrat platform is a throne of iniquity and responsible for bloodshed, war and misery throughout the world. Do I pray for Kamala’s repentance? Yes. I pray she makes it to heaven. I do not want to see anyone perish. But Kamala needs to be removed from her place of influence. I mean, she is on record as agreeing with social media censorship – what’s happening in Brazil this today is a very real possibility in the U.S. this year with Kamala. She went along with the 2020 fraudulent election, she’s illegitimately in her office, covered for Joe Biden, didn’t so much as call President Trump after the attempted assassination against him and lied about something as basic as having worked at McDonald’s.
I was going to just let this article go but then I came across a video of Kamala’s race baiting pastor (in the mode of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and AL Sharpton) and I could no longer keep quiet. Whatever the kind characteristics Kamala appeared as having in a dream back in 2020, the reality of the danger she represents to the United States and the world, as well as the evil Kamala is willing to enforce, cannot be overstated.

Debra Torgerson
August 31, 2024

Thank you for opening my eyes to the need to pray for the vice president in earnest with love. It has been hard for me to do so, as I’m sure it has been for many. I was prideful and uncaring.

August 31, 2024

I just prayed for Hillary for the first time in my life. Thank you for helping me to grow in my spiritual maturity. I agree with you when you say you are not asking us to pray that Harris will become president-. as I will not pray that either. However I have prayed along with your other prayers here, for harris.
-for the first time as well. I have never mocked her. I have a questioned the Lord at length..however- about why he allows so much evil in the world.. and age old question- I know.
I realize that when we are allowing ourselves the privilege of being a conduit to which the Lord teaches people we must be careful about how we State things.. however I feel I must add at this time that in view of repeated and ongoing not only prophecies.. but recieved wisdom- that many receive- that President Trump is our Cyrus- and has been appointed as such a time for this-, to be president, in spite of the stormy path he is on.. I would say that it is safe to say that He-, would never allow anyone at all to be in that office again-,this time.. except for President Trump
Lord, Lord thank you for lifting up president Trump.. as he Has Lifted you up, maybe not in the traditional Christian way.. but has honored you in every way possible- as a person not yet having become a Christian. It has been stated repeatedly that not only Cyrus but others have been used by you in history of the world- to do your purposes that did not seem like the logical person..and that is a great lesson for us to learn- and to trust you in praying to you.. for our seeking of what your plan is. These past 3 years at least -,out of the past four, have been very eye-opening for me-,as I have learned to trust,..as much as I ever have- the prophetic realm of Christianity. I could not get past the Prophecies of Kim Clement and his mentioning.. along with-, ” ‘Trump shall be a trumpet, and-, “there shall be a Mr Clark”..”
, who is.. Clay Clark, that organized the Reawaken America tour with General Mike Flynn.. this is beyond the pale and for me, impossible to ignore. For me this seals the fact that prophecy is real.
Thank you for this Revelation Lord

In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Gloria F Hargrove
August 31, 2024

August 31, 2024
A few weeks ago, God impressed on me the need to pray for VP Harris. She has a soul that God desires to redeem.

Gloria F Hargrove
August 31, 2024

A few weeks ago, God impressed on me the need to pray for VP Harris. She has a soul that God desires to redeem. Blessings not cursing.

August 31, 2024

Kamala Harris is Not human. She is a demon in desgice. I’m begging our GOD not to let her win this elecciones. If this happens, our GOD and Father’s judgement will fall upon America. She will approve abominable laws. Expecially laws against the inoccents.

    August 31, 2024

    Mamy do not realize the extent to which the demonic can affect humans

August 31, 2024

UHHH . . . I look at her FRUIT – and it’s NOT good! Communism NEVER is. It has KILLED many millions last century and it will continue to kill many more.

Dr. Bridget A. Bonczyk
August 31, 2024

Yes, Jehovah, Our Abba Father, forgive me for not praying more for Vice President Kamala Harris due to her left wing policies for our great Nation. Elohim, you are the Supreme One, the Mighty One. You are exalted and magnified! You are worthy to be honored and respected. Am believing for salvation’s in this season. Not only for Kamala Harris, however, for her running mate, Tim Walz as well. May your will be done in their lives today and in those who stand behind the liberal and left wing policies. We pray that they choose life through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The only name in Heaven given by which men can be saved. Thank You that Our prayers for this election are not in vain. Thank You that our fasting for this election is not in vain. Thank You, that Your Word from Acts 4:12 is not in vain, “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved” (NASB).

August 31, 2024

I agree with the Bible’s admonition to pray for those in authority and do so, but this article is a bit over-the-top when it comes to this woman.
Many religious people of the world pray, but that doesn’t mean they are seeking Truth and the Holy Spirit’s counsel.
We need to remember the countless thousands upon thousands who have been harmed (and continue to suffer) by her practices and policies over the years. … “you will know them by their fruit.”

Sharon Kohler
August 31, 2024


Ana Sanchez
August 31, 2024

I’m beyond disgusted with this article. Comrad K’mala is very much aware of what she stands for. She is the daughter of a Jamaican Marxist who teaches in Stanford and an Easter Indian mother. They divorced when K’mala (which means how bad in Spanish) was 7.
I don’t believe for a minute she’d lend a helping hand to anyone other than herself . Remember dreams are not always the Lord speaking to you. They can be your subconscious replaying bits and pieces from media you have exposed your soul to. Beware of false prophets in the end times. Deception is at most high right now. I will pray she will not win this election that the Lord will give this country another chance for the sake of the less than 10 who are faithful. That no one be harmed. That babies are protected. That these demon rats tool of Satan are exposed and brought to justice for the blood is on their hands that has been shed

August 31, 2024

I agree with this and agree with those praying for her, in Jesus name.
I also like to pray a certain prayer for those who are blind as Saul of Tarsus, who thought he was doing the right thing on the road to Damascus. The Lord is able to reveal Himself to them, open their eyes to the Truth, transform and deliver them from evil, in Jesus name.

August 31, 2024

This has been such a God word for me this morning. Just a few hours ago I was on a rant with Pappa God, and she (VP Harris) popped up in my rant… You see up until today I am very indifferent towards her… I am going to be transparent because God knows my heart. I do not, not like her, but I really cannot see her, much less listen to her. Her very presence makes me uneasy and stirs my spirit. I too heard Dutch Sheets saying our need and duty to pray for her… I prayed an un heartfelt prayer… But this morning during my rant with Abba He showed me her soul, and how much He loves her and how much He grieves for her… and how Jesus died for her…So there I was telling Him how (I) felt about her, like He didn’t know… But being able to tell Him, I was confessing to Him, and when He showed me my heart I was able to repent and pray rightly for her. Thank you for the big confirmation today!

August 31, 2024

There must be opposition to all things or else how should you know good from evil? The article’s message to pray for Kamala is profound for as I too did not have anything good to say about her and it opened my eyes to the true love of Jesus.

    August 31, 2024

    That scripture reference was in either today’s or yesterday’s devotional from cbn.. how timely!!🙏✝️🇺🇸

Janet E Mishler
August 31, 2024

T thank you for this article it really touched my heart, and I repented before the Lord thank you again for speaking the truth

August 31, 2024

Great article of exhortation, Gloria. Thank you!

The Lord spoke a name to my heart as I read: “Mary Magdalene”. And then, “seven devils were cast out of her.” Ms. Mary was not a very popular soul back then, except with the ones that used her.

What a turnaround when she met Jesus!

As the Lord told me years ago as I struggled with a less than stellar co-worker: “He’s still breathin’, so he still has a chance.” It was an “ouch” moment for me. The Lord was hot-shotting me to pray for him. And I did. When I left that job to go into full-time ministry, I heard later that he was involved in a local church and his attitude had completely changed. Good lesson.

As I read through the comments in this article, another thought came to me: 2 Chronicles 7:14—If MY people who are called by MY name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

The penitent hearts, including my own, were poured out in most of the comments. I believe this is also what the Lord means by “humbling ourselves” (bowing to His Will and command in praying for our enemies); “turn from our wicked ways” (complacency; rebellion in what He’s asked us to do); “seeking His face” (His Will, not our own).

When His people do this? Our Country will be delivered and healed. And on a side note: Let’s stick with Him on the ways and people He uses to do it, turning off the deceptive voices from the media and from anywhere else.

August 31, 2024

America will continue to be One Nation under One god”Jesus Christ” . Amen!

Barbara Jones
August 31, 2024

First off, to even get the inclination that this woman is a good communicator…
First red flag.
Pray for her salvation, yes, of course.
There was also, a prophetic word some years back about a woman president who would be so evil and bring America into communism.
Many at that time thought it would be Hillary Clinton, after all, she was running.
There have been more than one word about Obama, which none have come to pass, thus far.
This dream does not resonate with me.
There are only two options, being this is the end times and things HAVE TO,
go along with Scripture period.
I’m very cautious of dreams and prophetic words that don’t line up with Scripture.
She is either going to further America into communistic rule or The Father will give America for (Israel’s Sake) President Trump, and the church will have grace once again until the rapture.
These people who just because they do something what we call spiritual doesn’t mean they are.
Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, All portray themselves as religious people.
I think we need to be very careful what exactly we “read into” dreams and such.

    August 31, 2024

    Well said Barbara!!

    August 31, 2024

    Even if you don’t buy into anything that was said, scripture definitely exhorts us to pray for our leaders.

    I don’t know what your experience has been as a believer, but mine has been that God sees us as we’re meant to be, not always as we are. It’s not that he doesn’t know how we are acting or being now, but he fights for our future.

    This is part of Faith. Where we pray into and from the position of God‘s will, not by what we see now.

      Barbara Jones
      August 31, 2024

      He Already sees us how we are, and “how we are going to be”, or as you put it, how we’re meant to be,
      “only” if we’re going to get saved.
      Otherwise, we are not going to change. He knows that.
      We will remain the same, unsaved, lost. And, that is how he sees us.
      We are either saved or unsaved in His eyes.
      I have no clue if she will get saved.
      What I see is, who she is now, and, more than likely, she will play a role in taking down America, because we are in the end times and America must fall and lose her world power.
      And if we are paying attention to the world stage and watching “Biblical Prophecy”, not man’s prophecies, it’s right in front of our faces.
      I never said not to pray.
      What I did say, is, I’m very cautious to read into dreams and I must mention visions and even prophetic words that Do Not line up with Scripture.
      The Word has given us all the information we need to know in these last days.
      The Word is our safety net and
      ALL THINGS must Line Up with the Word.
      Deception is already huge in the church and people most certainly want their ears tickled, the desires
      “of what they want to hear”.

      August 31, 2024

      Remember..not all will be saved
      Not all who have sold their souls will respond to the Lord

    Ana Sanchez
    August 31, 2024

    I totally agree with you

    Ana Sanchez
    August 31, 2024

    I agree with Barbara Jones 💯

August 31, 2024

I have prayed and will continue to pray for VP Harris. For her to repent for her ways of thinking and acting. I pray she would move more
towards God’s Agenda for the United States Freedoms and Constitution, etc.

August 31, 2024

We do need to pray for those in the position of authority in this nation. May God soften their hearts, bring those to repentance that need salvation and may he remove those from those positions who fail to draw close to him or align themselves with the demonic things of this world.
We all need salvation and to have our faith planted firmly on Christ Jesus. May we live our lives in a way that brings honor to God and glorifies his name! Holy Spirit have your way in me and on and in this nation!
In Jesus Name

August 31, 2024

I just saw this and wanted to share a dream I had that involved Donald Trump. It goes along with the theme of prayers for Kamala Harris in that the emphasis is prayers for our nation to repent not for one candidate or another. In the dream my wife and I were on an island that seemed like Hawaii (although I have never been there before). This island was surrounded by the ocean and it didn’t have beaches. It was surrounded by cliffs on every side that I saw. We were at what appeared to be a fund raising or campaign event for Donald Trump. Everyone was dressed very nicely and we were all seated outdoors like at an outdoor wedding. Donald Trump was seated in the front by himself and he seemed dejected. There was a pastor who was standing and praying and he appeared to be in great consternation as he prayed like he was under a heavy burden or that he knew something was wrong. As he prayed I saw that the ocean began to churn and the waves began to rise suddenly and they looked like they would consume the island. (It didn’t appear to be a storm but something that affected the ocean levels). I turned to my wife and told her that things were going to start happening a lot faster now and then we tried to escape. It was just her and I and we climbed on top of the nearby houses to try and find an elevated position and we stayed on roof tops for a while to try and get to the other side of the island. But when we got to the other side the ocean was just as bad on that side with enormous waves getting ready to consume the entire island and that’s when I woke up. We are going through the book of Revelation right now in our church and I sensed that the Lord was communicating that there would be some events in the near future that would reveal His prophetic time clock has begun.

Sue M Nofziger
August 31, 2024

Wonderful article. I often find myself praying for those I totally disagree with but God doesn’t ask us to pray for no reason. He is able! And the disciples were living in one of the most evil and corrupt governments of all in ancient Rome.

August 31, 2024

I confess to you, the word that I have had thoughts and words that you would not approve regarding Kamala Harris. I know that I’m forgiven and going forward, I will simply pray.

Right now, I pray that she will see the handwriting on the wall regarding how she’s being used. We declare and decree that this will break her heart in a good way. We pray that God will bring some of the good heartfelt remembrances that she has regarding the influence of Jesus Christ and Christianity in her life, true Christianity. We thank you, father that Kamala will have all of the opportunities that our heavenly father intended for her to have in her lifetime to acknowledge, love and serve him. Many times it’s the things that hurt us that drive us toward him. He doesn’t cause them, but he certainly does use them.
By faith, I thank you Lord for Kamala Harris’ return to you and true faith.♥️🙏🏻

James Mass
August 31, 2024

Praise god

Mary Beth
August 31, 2024

Lord, thank You for working in and through us as we pray in accordance with Your will and purposes. As we align our hearts with You and Your Word, You transform us. “God’s power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowing the One who called us to his own glory and goodness. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these we might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” 2 Peter 1:3-4 As we stand in the gap for others, You step in and intervene to accomplish Your will and purposes in their lives as well – to give them opportunity to respond to Your dealings with them. Our intercession changes no one and saves no one, for You alone have the power to save and transform lives. But it does play a role in allowing us to co-labor with You, and we want to do it well.

Jo Ann Scanland
August 31, 2024

Very good article. I do pray for the conversion of the Democrats and Republicans that push for abortion. May God’s Holy Will be done and may God have mercy on our country.

Shalyn Sanford
August 31, 2024

I appreciate this well-written, thoughtful, and insightful post. I’m thankful for these perspectives as I pray for our nation, the upcoming election, and VP Harris.

Bill Bennett
August 31, 2024

Add to the prayer….Lord, as you did with Pharaoh of Egypt;; give opportunities to repent, but if they refuse and harden their heart, then set them aside or even take them out.
If taken over by Satan, their hearts will be hardened, then remove them supranationally. Amen

Zoe Ella
August 31, 2024

I agree that Harris is being used as a chess piece or a puppet. She has been doing exactly what her puppet masters would like, and perhaps also believing in the lies they feed her. These puppet masters do not have loyalty to those who serve them. They will no longer be interested in her once she has accomplished for them what they want Yes, she needs our prayers.

Karen Jolly
August 31, 2024

Great article I have been praying for all the candidates. Thank you

Steven Henke
August 31, 2024

Christ Jesus, What a Wonderful Saviour.
We love ❤️ and Trust in you alone Jesus.

We pray by your Holy Spirit, that Billions of people on this earth 🌎 will accept Christ Jesus as their Saviour this year.
We trust you Father, Son and Holy Spirit to accomplish this.
Please use us to assist you in this great task.
Love to you, in Christ Jesus,
Steven H.

August 31, 2024

Hello, I also have been mocking her (actually while watching the news just last night) and have forgotten that men can change. I feel so badly that I behaved that way and will pray for her and other’s even when it is difficult to pray for people that have evil intentions. I should have remembered that Jesus died for all and that He has the power to awaken people. I repent Lord and will need your help praying as I should.

August 31, 2024

This is very good, and convicting. I have to remind myself that people doing horrible things in office are made in the image of God, and He loves them.

It’s especially difficult for me to take the time to pray for our leaders because I have so many family members who have turned away from walking with the Lord. But I will try more than I have done.

August 31, 2024

When I pray for someone who is turned against God, I always pray that they will forsake their ways and turn to God in truth and follow Him. That way we are praying according to His will. If we pray that they are blessed in their sins, they will continue to sin and sin more unrighteously. So, I agree and will continue to pray for those who are doing evil and have evil agendas such as Kamala Harris.

    Janis Sizemore
    August 31, 2024

    The scripture says that it’s his kindness that leads us to repentance.

    Let’s pray for his kindness 🙂

August 31, 2024

Heavenly Father,
We trust you. We declare Proverbs‬ ‭21‬:‭1‬ over Vice President Harris: “It’s as easy for [You] to steer a [politician’s] heart for [Your] purposes as it is for [You] to direct the course of a stream” (TPT‬‬). Reveal Your heart and make Your self known to her. Raise up godly counselors around her. May their influence increase. And silence the gossips, accusers, and slanderers. May their influence decrease.
Let every idol be torn down and Your name be lifted high. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.

Janice Davis
August 31, 2024

This is beautiful and powerful. I commit to praying for Kamala Harris in agreement with the scriptural truths declared in this article. My heart is convicted and I repent of any mockery or disrespect I have thought or voiced against VP Harris.
I praise God that this article has been shared and pray that the Holy Spirit of truth and light will shine into every fiber of Kamala Harris’ being, bringing her conviction, repentance and humble surrender to the One who reigns in majesty, the One whose throne has been established from the beginning.

August 31, 2024

This is an article from the Illinois Family Institute’s Saturday email and important to share the facts about Kamala Harris’ Rev. Amos Brown. https://www.frontpagemag.com/kamalas-racist-white-devil-pastor/

    Marilyn Pearson
    August 31, 2024

    Thank you for attaching this information about Kamala’s pastor!

    Barbara Heller
    August 31, 2024

    Thank you for this article. We can and should always pray for people to come to repentance and be saved, but it’s good to have all the facts.

August 31, 2024

First, I pray that the Lord helps all of God’s people see others as He sees them. We too, are sinners and need to recognize that before we decide to pray or not pray for others. I will pray for God’s protection for our country and that He will use people like VP Harris to work His will, whether they are aware of it or not. I will pray that she responds to the Holy Spirit and repents of her sin, just as we all must do, in order to be saved and have a relationship with Christ. I will pray that God places her in a position where she can grow as a believer and not be led by unbelievers who are themselves led by dark spiritual forces.

Billie J. Minor
August 31, 2024

This is not someone for whom I would intercede. Yet , having read the entire script here, I will remember to pray for Kamala Harris. She is a sinner such as I was who is in need of salvation and for whom Jesus died. Scripture tells us to pray for
all in authority, and I will pray that His will be done, and not my own.

Linda Hulsey
August 31, 2024

My husband and I pray each night at 9 pm for our country and Israel then we pray that God would show the evil that lurks in DC and we come against it in Jesus name then we pray for trump to be filled with the holy Spirit and for his safety but only once we prayed for salvation of Biden never thought of praying for Harris salvation guess this is wake up time for us to pray for her too

David Whitlock
August 31, 2024

I pray every night that the Democratic party and leaders are somehow obliviated to a has been column. Evil and the Devil rule their party and I can’t pray for her redemption. When evil becomes good and good becomes evil (that is now) and you can’t see it most likely. I wonder when Christian Soldiers step forward for God to redeem our Country. Allowing our borders to be open for votes needs to stop !

David H, Coe
August 31, 2024

That is our call to pray for VP Harris to repent and come to the loving heart of Jesus.
Doubt it?
St. Paul was a murderer of Christians before he became one.

Donna Talley
August 31, 2024

Wow several nights ago I awoke to a voice in my head telling me to pray for Kamala Harris. For repentance and cleansing of body, soul and spirit. These past few days have have been having thoughts of her throughout the day. That she is being lead astray and deep down she’s actually a kind person. I don’t know but reading this article enforces that I must continue to pray for her. The change will begin with her.

August 31, 2024

I agree with Karen and the writers.
I will be praying for Kamala Harris for salvation. I pray she will turn to the Lord to save her soul from eternal damnation. She would repent and be a blessing to this nation as well.
Forgive us Lord and bless us Lord!

August 31, 2024

I hate what Kamala stands for, and what she is doing, but that doesn’t mean I can’t pray for her, and I will start for the sake of her soul and to stand up to the puppeteers. But I had a vision in 2021, where she went to open a door and it was an important door. It was locked, then she started trying to flirt with whoever wouldn’t open it, but it wasn’t opening and then she started knocking and then banging and the scratching and screaming, and I heard the words.
“The way is shut.” So I can pray for her soul, but I would never pray for her to be president or still in power in some sort of governmental capacity.

    Linda Alger
    August 31, 2024

    I agree with this post 100%. I too have prayed for her by the unction of the Holy Spirit & that a hedge of protection would surround her & Walze
    & for her salvation & for the Holy Spirit to open her eyes to the Truth. I will pray for her more often, as Jesus loves her too, but does not agree with her antichrist policies. Even if she gets saved, she is NOT capable of running our country. I believe President Trump is Gods man for an Hour Such As This. It was very hard for me too, but Jesus said to pray for those who persecute you. Jesus died for WHOSOEVER WILL, At the same time I am asking that her message fall on deaf ears and that God will remove ALL ungodliness from our government. Then of course, never ceasing to pray for President Trump & his family & J.D. Vance (his unsaved Indu spouse) and The Supreme Court including a Hedge of Protection. Also. including Robert Kennedy in this prayer. I do not want harm to come to any of them, but I DO NOT WANT WICKED LEADERS in our government & Pray & Declare that they will Not prosper & for their deception to be exposed & removed. Also prayer for President Trump & J.D.Vance to obtain a closer walk with the Lord Jesus & that they would listen & follow His Divine Wisdom & be filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

August 31, 2024


August 31, 2024


Kathy Andrews James
August 31, 2024

Wow, very convicting causing my heart to repent as I am guilty of not praying because of her evil agenda and even mocking her! I am guilty big time! I am so so sorry Lord Jesus forgive me!! Who do I think I am… wow forgive me and help me have your heart towards those in leadership even though who oppose you and your way’s! I need your wisdom to intercede for these individuals and keep my own heart from hardness of heart. Soften my heart Lord Jesus….

    August 31, 2024

    Hello, I also have been mocking her and have forgotten that men can change. I feel so badly that I behaved that way and will pray for her and other’s even when it is difficult to pray for evil intentions. I should have remembered that Jesus died for all and that He has the power to awaken people.

Sheila Dunn
August 31, 2024

I pray the madame vice pressident heart will be turned to the Lors and she will accept Him as the Lord and Savior of her life. I pray that her heart will turn toward the Lord and His ways. Abba Father, love her and I believe He desire to help her as she opens her heart toward Him. He knows how to minister to her as the body of Christ pray for her heart to be open. As state, she is a human that need to know the way of God like us all . In Jesus name Amen

August 31, 2024

I have been humbled by this article and it has helped me to see Harris as God sees her as well as many others who are not aligned with your destiny for their lives.. I saw myself prior to repenting and turning toward Jesus
I also had to repent because of not praying for leaders because of my anger/disbelief at what is happening in our country.. I simply don’t pray enough and especially for those I know are supporting evil and deceptive ways. You brought me to you oh Lord…why could it not be so for any other that is so very far away..forgive me

August 31, 2024

It is no different for Harris than anyone when it comes to ‘a window of choice’. The one exception is that it is probably different for her because of the incredible lure of power, control & the possibility of being the 1st woman to become president. She is anything but smooth in speech, relying almost 100% on teleprompters, hearing pieces (told what to say), pre-existing answer cards, etc. My point being that she is in a position that is almost 100% “puppet status”, so the pressure to conform at all times are unlike anything you & I have ever experienced. She is connected to a party platform that “insists on death” as a large part of governing. That is a battle all by itself, as Satan steers & constructs that mindset. It’s hard to know whether she has ever made a commitment to Christ but the war for her soul is in 24/7 conflict because of the various “religions” she has allowed to steer her life in her attempts to find direction & meaning.
Personally, I don’t like anyone who operates from a nonstop “arena” of lies but sadly, many politicians live in that arena because they are morally weak & think titles & power will bring them satisfaction. That fight is as old as time.
I pray that each & every time she lies or is told to say/do something unethical, that God will allow heavy conviction to rest upon her. I pray that God will send Christians across her path that will bring love but challenge her soul without condemning her. I pray she will not find rest until she surrenders to Christ & asks for His perfect forgiveness. And I pray she finds the courage to seek him. Perhaps she will experience the same fate as Moses, being driven from the “halls of luxury & prestige”…to a point where she has to cry out to God Almighty to “save me”

August 31, 2024

I believe the Lord spoke to me and said, “Until you can look at Kamala Harris and weep over the condition of her soul you are not praying according to my will.”

james courtney
August 31, 2024

i guess im guiltyof not praying for her but its hard to do forgive me i try to pray for all of leaders to look to GOD for answers not their own way.i pray for new leaders but it is in GODS hand. im 87 years old i would like to see a new leaders for our nation. GOD bless

August 31, 2024

I call forth any good seed planted in Kamala. No matter how dry and dead it may appear to be, it can be revived to produce the fruit you dear Lord intended. Thank you for Kamala’s salvation!

August 31, 2024

God comm as nded me to pray protection over all politicians. There is evil that would aspirated to cause chaos.
Prophecy has also released the word that great discernment. Is needed now to see the beast even in a 3 piece Suit.
I also repent of any curses I have spoken..

Terri B
August 31, 2024

I totally agree with this. It is easy to forget that she needs prayer because of her evil platform she’s promoting and forgetting she’s a human being that Christ died for. She’s a sinner in need of a Savior like all of us were. Thank You Jesus for Your amazing saving grace over all of us! Save her soul Lord, in Jesus’ name.

Sharon Ballard
August 31, 2024

This is a Spirit filled Word from God concerning how we should pray for our leaders. It cuts right to the truth and convicts my heart to repent for subtle attitudes when praying. We as His own need to repent and pray according to God’s heart. This is how our land can be healed. Thank you for this.

Linda M Starke
August 31, 2024

A couple weeks ago I remembered a prophetic word give part of it about Harris. She had christian background would come back to the Lord through prayer before all this. So I have been claiming that when the leaders turn on her she will expose and come to Jesus.

August 31, 2024

Thank you LORD God Almighty for sending your son Lord Jesus Christ to save the World. Thank you for separating the sheep from the goats. Thank you for giving us visions and dreams of a better World over our last 2 centuries we have lived in. Give us courage and strength to face tomorrow. Remind us to never stop standing up to bullies and hypocrites. We see your hand in the only Universe and we see the changing of our Sun as a time of apocalypse upon the Earth as you increase and worsen natural events in shining your light up on the Earth. As you continue to hurl rocks upon the Earth simultaneously intensifying equatorial catastrophic storms seemingly sending us hurtling toward a world wide global event ice age North & South of the 45th parallel’s. Give us strength as the false Saviours gather let us STAND IN AWE OF YOU.

August 31, 2024

The Lord also prompted me to pray for VP Harris and repent of my attitude toward her. I could see a dark heavy cloak/ curtain over her praying for the cloak to be lifted enough for the light of the glorious gospel to shine in. Asking for laborers to help lift the cloak. Praying for others who are influencing her as well.

Lynn Otte
August 31, 2024

Thank you so much for sharing this. It’s a great reminder that God calls ALL people to himself, not just a privileged few. I’ve felt an overwhelming burden to pray for God’s will in this election. To many I know, this is not a popular prayer because of chaos going on. But as I read this article, I felt the witness of the Holy Spirit in the truth of this dream and the need to pray God’s will in ALL things. Thank you for sharing and I will pray in agreement.

    Mary Diecidue
    August 31, 2024

    The problem is, why are so many for her and her evil ways>>>>>Those are the ones that also need prayer…….

Tom Chereck Jr
August 31, 2024
Dean R Miller
August 31, 2024

I think this is a good message about prayers for Kamala Harris. See what you think.

Miriam king
August 31, 2024

It’s difficult for me to pray for Kamala Harris because because of Obama’s policy of same sex marriage my daughter got involved in the homosexual life style at the age of 16 through a woman twice her age who abused her. My daughter also married a woman when she was about 30 who abused her and destroyed her life and my daughter ended dying at the age of 38. I can try to pray for them but it will be hard. Also I know so-called Jewish Christians who are democrats and support Kamala Harris. I have a hard time with people who claim they are Christians yet support evil agendas. Jesus was not always kind to the Pharisees and didn’t treat them with respect. I feel the same way about the democrats. My heart breaks over all the aborted babies and children who are forced into homosexuality. God will have to change my heart.

    Lynn Otte
    August 31, 2024

    It’s indeed hard to pray for those in the world who carry values contrary to what we believe. Praying for her does not by any means mean you endorse her, it’s a call to see people as people, and a call to compassion. And a call to her from God. I pray that you may find peace in your struggle. I’ve been at that point in my life so I hear your pain. I surrendered to God, and he broke the chains and gave me peace. May the Lord grant you his peace and break your chains in the name of Jesus our Lord.❤️🙏🏼

Filicia Fertig
August 31, 2024

Oh Avinu Shebbasshamayim, I praise YOU this morning as realizing as I opened my eyes, You must still have need of me today. So I ask my ‘Adon that I hear Your voice, understand Your instructions, see the opportunities, and people You put before me. We know that in Your Word it says in Isaiah 9:6-7 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the greatness of his government and peace
there will be no end.
You bring us the eternal Kingdom Abba. This government we have down here is supposed to be a copy of what is in Heaven. When You sent Your Son to be

Barbara V
August 31, 2024

Amen! I remember Charlie Shamp had a word years ago that KH would be given a time of choice. (Lord Jesus, we pray you strengthen Kamala Harris to make the right choice. That she will clearly see the path that leads to life, and the path that leads to destruction, and choose life!)

Lorrie Bradway
August 31, 2024

In 2017, Charlie Shamp gave a prophecy concerning President Trump and Kamala Harris. This was before most people in the USA even knew who she was. After I read the prophecy, I felt compassion for her. I will not be voting for her, but I will pray for her. If we see people through the eyes of God, it is easier to pray for them,

Lisa Bast
August 31, 2024

Honestly, I think Trump needs prayers as well. Prayers for wisdom, guidance and fortitude. Let’s not forget about Trump in our rush to do the right thing. It’s also important to pray for former President Trump.

Toni Kushner
August 31, 2024

Thank you for the reminder and insight. Lord let us repent for praying our way, teach me to pray , your way.

August 31, 2024

I saw a prophetic word some time ago, maybe 2 or 3 yrs ago, that indicated God was going to give Harris a window of opportunity in which to repent and if she did not, there would be consequences. but the fight of the intercessor has been for several years now, deliberately, going against the plans and assignments of the demonic forces set against America. to place someone who follows Hinduism into the governmental offices makes no sense. that is like keeping a door open to the demonic, negating all the prayer efforts to see the demonic pushed back. America has a covenant with the living God, the One Whose Name is I AM. America is a biblical based society. The cry of the merchants and farmers who went out against the British army was, NO KING BUT JESUS. Father God, help us vote for righteousness and biblical values. cast the enemy lies off of the citizens so that each one can see clearly to vote for people who stand with and for Your truths.

August 31, 2024

Thank you this is a reminder that we should pray God’s Will to be done I pray that we will press in and seek His face in this battle for this is a spiritual battle and only by prayer and Faith can we see God’s hand move.He sees what we don’t and He is Almighty God nothing is impossible for Him Lord Jesus we need you.Amen

August 31, 2024

God has called ALL of us to pray not only for our current leaders, but also for our future leaders, even as He has called us to pray over our families, spouses, and children. He is an ALSO God who listens to EACH of us in our prayers and has given explicit instructions to: FORGIVE.others as we have been Forgiven, and for His will to be done here on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

August 31, 2024

Thank you

Donna J Smith
August 31, 2024

Father, We ask in the name of Jesus, that You raise up events in her life that cause her to seek You..We pray that You would orchestrate events so someone with Christ in his/her life will be able to give a bold witness for you to Kamila Harris. Please open her ears to hear and eyes to see that You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
We pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.

Stephanie C
August 31, 2024

Thank you for this word. I am struggling with softening my heart for these people. I know God is telling me to love all people, even my enemies. And boy is that hard. Its hard because I feel that they will harm me or my children and grand children. I am still working on it, but this really did help for that step in the right direction.

    August 31, 2024

    Amen, Stephanie! Exactly what I’ve been feeling, and this article brought a higher perspective.

Amanda G
August 31, 2024

I believe that she is fearful and scared because of the evil ‘system’ that is controlling her now in a greater measure. While I do not agree with her policies, this causes me to have a compassion for her and does lead me to pray for her salvation and for a very real encounter with God – who can deliver her!

August 31, 2024

Overall good reminder- God is judge. Our privilege is to pray and believe.

Linda Rice
August 31, 2024

I agree. Nebuchadnezzar is our best example of God changing hearts. If it’s possible Lord, change Harris’ heart and open her eyes. Do what’s best for the Bride and make Her ready.

August 31, 2024

Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done is about all I can muster up for any of these demonic people and remove them and put godly righteous people in their positions. It’s like praying for antichrist to get saved repent turn to Jesus.

    August 31, 2024

    It is deeply disturbing that someone who has any Christian influence would support such radical abortion policies.

    August 31, 2024

    I agree with you Gabby. The Lords will be done, He is in absolutely in control allowing us to see the mass destruction that man is doing & exposing all the evil for what it is so that we do not have hope in this world but be delighted & continually think about the things above in heaven. And when He comes soon so that we do not look back like Lots wife. Our call is to continually pray & get folks not saved Jews & gentiles who hearts are & will be ready to accept before Lords return. I’m not sure the lady mentioned in this article is even human anymore, The author had the dream over four years ago which could’ve been applied then. I woke up one day & praised the Lord like every day, no thoughts on my mind like a blank slate which is weird for me, then all of a sudden an immediate out of my mouth that she is a demon, nothing else attached. This is not my normal thinking or thoughts so I think it was just possible was being informed that she sold her soul. Hatred & pure Evil is instilled in her all her life with her non Jesus believing parents & extremism. If any person who believes in murdering a child even after the child is born (which is the push right now) they are not a believer at all they are definitely not saved through the blood of Jesus. And this is where man gets it wrong the 10 Commandments are our moral law it states do not murder. I agree with you. This is all in the Lords hands. He is in Ultimate control & has the final Word. I don’t understand why people would even ever be considered a believer, no they are pure evil allowing easy to just go to the drugstore & get a pill that burns an innocent human inside a womb to kill it. This is evil pagan worship, which is unbelievably highly increasing these last days —YouTube/Spencer Smith/3rd Adam series. She in particular is like a Pharisee acting like a hypocrite but so many in the political arena are as well as so much deception happening even in churches along with all these falsely printed Bibles & false religious cult churches all leading away from our true Lord Jesus. Through many bible following believers the Lord told me to stop praying for people who have sold their souls. There is a scripture about that. Too many already have sold themselves. I wish there is hope until the official mark of the beast in that I do not know, that is a mystery for me. Not sure they could wake up unless the Lord did it. He is waking up Iran ,China- the fastest growing Christians & now he’s appearing to children through dreams. Our prisons in America people are repenting & getting saved. We can pray for a revival because we are believers but since we’re at the end times, no where in the Bible states that there will be an enormous revival before the day of the Lord. The gates to heaven are narrow but the gates to hell are wide.
    America is inconsequential to Bible prophecy & end times. Something good (hoping) or bad happens to our country. That is definitely the Lord‘s will. We are in the great apostasy of the church that even on this website some folks as well keep thinking that there’s a human savior coming to unite but that is not true our Savior has already come & we are on His side being the restraining force with Him until He comes soon, very soon. The antichrist system is for the most part set up & that is who they are setting up for, the false Christ, but in reality they should be yearning for the true & only Christ that saves the soul. I do believe that’s where we come in with prayer & helping get people to Jesus but that is so not taught in the churches today.
    I have learned so much in the last 6 1/2 years as my stepfather who was an amazing man passed & two weeks after his passing I asked the Lord, Lord what should I do & He specifically told me to study Bible prophecy so with that I follow at least 40 or more pastors. So that none of them are my idols.
    But I have to admit this last Sunday & what JDFARAG.com
    teacher will choke you up. It’s heavy with the reality of what is happened to the church. We are all to be living in constant repentance, hold every thought captive to renew your mind.
    May the Lord bless us all & keep fighting the good fight until the very end. Let us endure to the end.

Lori Meed
August 31, 2024

Excellent Gloria! Completely agree! Goes a long with Kim’s article on where we place our hope. I had a dream about Hillary Clinton when she ran against Trump. God showed me that she is a great cat, never been truly valued or cared for so she but and scratched and clawed her way to the top. I awoke with such deep compassion for her and a strategy to pray. May the church repent for our partisan ways!

August 31, 2024

I WILL pray for her to return to the Lord Jesus!!!

Valerie Angela Kauffman
August 31, 2024

I am concerned about the Bidden Administration flip flopping on military support of Israel. I am concerned about campus riots at our public universities.
And, I need an intercessor. I have been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer.

    August 31, 2024

    I had breast cancer 21 years ago. Have church annoint with oil pray and you confess sins. Gather all your healing scriptures and go to MD Anderson in Houston Texas. Number one cancer center in world.

    Mary-Angela Martin
    August 31, 2024

    I had Stage 1 breast cancer last year. Its was scary but it was a blessing it was caught early so PRAISE GOD! Trust Him to walk you through the journey every step of the way. Be the light to every technician, nurse, dr, and fellow patient. The radiologists let me blare my Christian song list when I was getting radiation treatments and a few ended up putting it on their own phones! At the end one of them told me that I really made a difference. I had my phone close to my ear whenever I had any kind of procedure. I just soaked in those positive songs so fear could not get in. God wants to use this in your life! He wastes nothing. Keep your eyes open to see Him at every turn and write it down so you can look at it often. I was 65 years old at the time but made it a vow to get a little dressed up every day for radiation. I was always going to Goodwill for a cute skirts and dresses lol. It made a difference mentally. God’s got this Valerie!!! I will be lifting you up. 😘

    August 31, 2024

    Most High God, Yahweh Tseboath, Jehovah Rophe, we come humbly, yet boldly to Your throne of Grace and Healing.

    Your works are wonderful; how You work Father in Your divine power and intervention is too wonderful for me to attain.

    I lift up Your daughter, Virginia, to You for healing, comfort and assurance. LORD, all is not known to us, but it is known to You. Whatever healing and cleansing is needed, I thank You that You are the Great Provider, Yahweh Yireh – You will provide whatever her needs are at exactly the right time- because that is how You do things– and Yahweh Rophe, The LORD who heals- heal her as You healed those during Your walk here–speak and it shall be done. Let it be known that the only way this turn around occurred is because of Your miracle – working divine intervention.

    I Thank You that You are overseeing each step of this journey, not a second will Miss Virginia be without You by her side. Saturate her with the presence of the Holy Spirit so that Your Light will shine in, about, around, before and even after she leaves wherever she is at.

    It is always in the Perfect Name of Jesus that I ask. Amen

    August 31, 2024

    Praying for complete healing for you

    August 31, 2024

    I lift you up to our precious Lord, Jesus. I ask Him to give you peace & comfort. Trust Him.

    August 31, 2024

    Praying for your complete healing, Valerie, in Jesus Name.

August 31, 2024

There is a point also that you have not considered. Satan comes in the form of an angel also. Satan attacks the mind in deceipt. Why was this not discussed as well in this article? I know the Lord does NOT delight in the punishment of the wicked but is longsuffering that all should come to repentence in Christ. However, the Bible is also clear about evil and its path to destruction because of an adulterous hard-hearted people.

Carrie T.
August 31, 2024

Thank you so much for this admonition to pray for those political leaders we disagree with.
I am reminded of a dream I had two days after the last presidential election in 2020. I was inside my home, and heard shouts from outside that someone was drowning in the lake. (I do live by a small manmade lake). In the dream, I ran outside and saw a man floundering out in the water. I dove in and swam out to him. As I got closer, I saw that it was Joe Biden. He was struggling to keep from going under. I will never forget the look of horror on his face. I grabbed him and swam to a dock. As I picked him up, it was as though he was flat and made of paper. There is more to the dream, but the important thing here is that the Lord was showing me that I needed to pray for him, and the others I disagreed with and had contempt for…many are on their way to the lake of fire…

Judy Spear
August 31, 2024

Thank you for this insightful post. It helps me to have a better understanding of what it means to pray for those in authority with whom we may not agree with their policies. Praying for both President Trump and Kamala Harris. God’s ways are certainly higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Nancy Rife
August 31, 2024

Thank you, Gloria, for this challenging article!!
Help us, Lord, to answer Your call to pray often and much for Kamala Harris! Have Your way, Lord, in her heart and life. In Jesus Name – Amen!

Pamela Derrer
August 31, 2024

Jesus, You are the Only Way to Heaven. Jesus ❤️ everyone. VP , Kamala, You know her. Asking that Jesus will move,act,do, anything that will bring, truth, mercy, grace,conviction, forgiveness to Kamala. May the HS. Rest upon her, Kamala and open up the doors of Revelation in the Bible, and. Spiritual realm. May Kamala quickly come to repent, know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, read the Bible, and become strong in the Lord and the power of His might.Then she will bless the US. May she also ask for God’s wisdom, NOT any man. And quickly trust in the Lord, and NOT herself or anyone, except Jesus. Amen

Lynn Alston
August 31, 2024

Lord, I too have been convicted in my spirit for criticizing Harris because of her politics. However, I do see that my responsibility is to pray for her to turn from her ways and be saved through Christ alone. I pray that she will repent and turn to Jesus and that the Plan of God will be done in her life and in this country. That Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.. In Jesus’ Name.

Doug suter
August 31, 2024

While reading this article!
The thought hit me . You do not have to like the person or their ideas. You have to see Kamala as I see her. A valuable soul to see light! To be pulled out of darkness! Just like Saul to Paul. Look through God’s eyes! We will see clearly now! Many blessings to all, Doug

Alberta t Snyder
August 31, 2024

Father we intercede on behalf of Kamela. She will turn from her Evil ways and serve you only. I pray Lord for truth and justice to return to our land and if she chooses Evil then may she step aside and allow Trump in.

Connie Cole
August 31, 2024

Lord, I repent of not having wanted to pray for the souls of those in leadership with anti-biblical views. I have put my own difficulty of heart towards them at the forefront; rather than obeying your precepts to pray for them anyways out of trusting you and not my own understanding. Forgive me. And Lord, thank you for this article that stirred my heart and thinking to remember…it’s not my views and opinions that count for prayers, but that “thy will be done”. Help me to glorify You in this. Amen.

Floyd J. Rosini
August 31, 2024

“All of us like sheep have gone astray “…..
“While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”….
We all stood in the same place, overcome by the world. But someone prayed for us.
And by Gods grace we were chosen.
As one of the most unworthy, Gods plan prevailed. Pray for Kamala.

Randy Moore
August 31, 2024

Thanks for sharing your insights. I have repented after realizing I have NOT been praying for all leaders. Thank you Jesus for your love and heart for righteousness.

Ron Deere
August 31, 2024

I myself have resented Ms. Harris and her leftism as well as other Leftists that RESIST Godly exhortation. I learned yesterday that this is a sort of “standing in the place of God” and have repented, but my repentance has not yet solidified in the sense that I do not yet understand what this repentance looks like. Thank you for giving me a start in this in praying for Leftists to have dreams and visions of Christ. Thankfully, Christ comes to His people in all sorts of ways, praise the Lord.

Allison Nicol
August 31, 2024

I haven’t prayed for her but I will start praying for her now.

Kathie Jackson
August 31, 2024

thank you for sharing ; Yes praying the blood of Jesus brings her to repentance and those spirits who are controlling her are rebukes and Jesus with His Mother are victorious!! Amen

Warren R. Burch
August 31, 2024

Reading this has really turned my thoughts upside down. I have prayed evil thoughts against VP Harris because of her many evil ways and beliefs. I am so adamantly opposed to abortion and to this whole gender changing thing that I truly forgot that I should be invoking the name of Jesus to pray for them to change their ways and for them to believe in the ways of Jesus. Instead I was asking Jesus to devise ways to harm them. I am ashamed of my thoughts and will now include Harris and the liberals in my prayers for them to truly be changed.

Dave Rodriguez
August 31, 2024

This hit!
I feel the struggle to pray for her but I also feel Holy Spirit provoking me to pray for her salvation.

August 31, 2024

Both parties need prayer! Both have hidden agendas!! Both need to be delivered!! And both are wolves in sheep clothing. At this point it’s just choosing the better of the two evils. Lord have mercy on us all is my prayer!!

August 31, 2024

I was surprised by a paid video that suddenly began playing on my phone. Instead of listening to her words, Spirit showed me a glimpse of her soul. It was like a child’s heart, desperate for approval. Then I understood how to pray
Lord of grace and mercy, many of us strayed from you, but you received our repentant hearts back in loving mercy. We repent now for Kamala’s seeking of love in all the wrong places. You, alone Lord know how to reveal your amazing grace and pour out your extravagant love for her so that she will truly begin to know your Way and how much you paid for us to have your Life in us. We cry out to you, Lord for your extravagant love to pour out understanding deeply into her soul and orchestrate rebirth into new Life in You alone. We praise you, thank you and bless you Lord for your amazing love and grace. Amen

August 31, 2024

Abba, in humility I lift up my political enemy kamala harris to you. May she begin to hate things of the world and for them to have a detestable taste to her…like lying, cheating, killing of the unborn, greed, desiring power. May you turn her heart toward the things of you and may her hard heart be broken to repentance and find salvation and righteousness in Yeshua. And may your bride rejoice in it for your glory. In the name above all names, the Holy One of Israel, the name of Yeshua. AMEN.

August 31, 2024

Reading this article has redirected my focus on praying for those in office, especially those, Ms. Harris, that they would do what God’s will is and not their own. I will pray differently for her. May God do an outward miracle in her life.

Shellie M
August 31, 2024

I agree that Kamala Harris just like Joe Biden are only being used and that someone else (hidden) is ordering the steps, and it is an AGENDA, and I believe it’s all tied to the one world order. She is a person too just like we all are, who desperately needs JESUS CHRIST. Without HIM, we’d all be doomed to hell. I will pray for her salvation and for her eyes to be opened to the truth.

August 31, 2024

Lord we pray for your mercy, salvation for K. Harris. May she know that Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. That true authority is from the Supreme Ruler of all, Jesus Christ and Lord God!

Daniel J Chapman
August 31, 2024

There was a word from one of the “prophets” prior to Clinton being elected that he had a good heart but his course as President would be determined by whether the church prayed for him. Lord, in Your mercy, save Vice President Harris, and in Your mercy, keep her far from the White House. May lying, deceiving lips of the machine be put to shame. Lord, deliver from human smuggling and sex trade the tens of thousands who are in this awful state due to the policies of wicked rulers. May those who want to teach our children to mutilate their bodies be removed from positions of power.

    August 31, 2024

    I will include her in my daily prayers for our country that has almost been destroyed by her administration. I pray that she does not win the election but that her soul is saved.

Robert Burton
August 31, 2024

Church Leadership needs to take responsibility for its inaction and lethargy and stop demanding that POTUS be the “Chief Church Leader” to fix all that Church Leadership has neglected through its own passivity. Billy Graham never ran for POTUS. The President represents all of the people. POTUS can support appropriate legalized abortion and still be “pro-life”… When abortion was legalized it corrected part of a problem that already existed. It is the Church and it’s leadership that needs step up and correct the rest of it.

Doyle Beitz
August 31, 2024

Lord, you are calling people to pray. We don’t have to understand why, but we trust you.

Lord I pray in the spirit of humility with a heart full of gratitude to my Heavenly Father, God, the Lord our Righteousness
for the protection of all governmental leaders and those running for office. He also prayed to protect Supreme Court members and Vice President Harris against attacks.

I believe, I receive, as a Peacemaker in the spirit of humility as a watch person, with a heart full of gratitude to Abba, our Lord our Righteousness, our Heavenly Father!
So be it, in the exalted power and authority of the Anointed Savior’s name Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ), above every name in heaven, on the earth, and under the earth, Amen!

Job 22:28; “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways!
So be it, Amen

Doyle Beitz
August 31, 2024

Lord, you are calling people to pray. We don’t have to understand why, but we trust you.

Lord I pray in the spirit of humility with a heart full of gratitude to my Heavenly Father, God, the Lord our Righteousness
for the protection of all governmental leaders and those running for office. He also prayed to protect Supreme Court members and Vice President Harris against attacks.

I believe, I receive, as a Peacemaker in the spirit of humility as a watch person, with a heart full of gratitude to Abba, our Lord our Righteousness, our Heavenly Father!
So be it, in the exalted power and authority of the Anointed Savior’s name Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ), above every name in heaven, on the earth, and under the earth, Amen!

Job 22:28; “You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And the light [of God’s favor] will shine upon your ways!

Tharesa Lee
August 31, 2024

I had a very similar about Barack Obama and went to a prayer meeting @ the courthouse later that day and they refused to pray for him because of his policies. I had to step out of the circle to remind them of God’s instructions to us. Many still refused to pray for him, but I heard God that day and know He heard our cry, but sadly so many did not cry out for his soul. Let us not make the same mistake. You are right on , God is speaking the same, pray fervently for her., in Jesus name, Amen.

August 31, 2024

Yes, FATHER GOD please send laborers to harris and to biden for salvation! Let them receive JESUS as LORD, and let her LOSE THE PRESIDENCY BY THE LARGEST MARGIN EVER IN AMERICAN HISTORY in JESUS NAME! Amen!


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