I Prayed have prayed
Lord, many American eyes are on France during the Olympics. Bring many into your fold during these two weeks while so many organizations are bringing the gospel and much needed prayer.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The opening ceremonies of the Olympics highlighted how much the people of France need prayer, and as they’re influencing America for the next two weeks, focusing our prayers on France will help at home, too.

In case you didn’t watch the opening ceremonies or haven’t heard, they encouraged three-way sex, featured a nude man — covered only by a strategically placed vine — who emerged from under the cover of a giant meat tray on a table many are saying mocked Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.”

They also featured a red, white and blue balloon floating by a bruised and battered Statue of Liberty, as well as a white horse that may have been one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Ironically, the Olympics Charter states, “No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.”

Thomas Jolly, artistic director of the opening ceremonies, denies that his choreography was inspired by the Last Supper or Da Vinci’s masterpiece, saying, “The idea was to do a big pagan party linked to the gods of Olympus.” There is a painting with a similar setting in a painting, “The Feast of the Gods” by Jan van Bijert, in which Apollo has light shining behind his head, but it’s nothing like the halo worn by the woman, Barbara Butch, in the opening ceremonies, which is much more similar to halos of saints and deity in classical paintings. Among those flanking Butch were drag queens and a little girl, watching it all.

In an interview for BFM, a major news network in France, one of the performers during the opening ceremonies, drag queen rapper Piche, defended what they did, saying  “The Last Supper” has been used in pop culture for years.

Even if Jolly is honest about his inspiration, depicting “a big pagan party linked to the gods of Olympus,” is honoring and inviting ancient demons to the games.

Catholic Bishop Robert Barron, from the U.S., posted a video in which he said:

Now a question I would pose, and we all know the answer to it: Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way? Would they ever have dreamed mocking in this gross and public way, a scene from the Qu’ran? And as I say we all know the answer.

It’s not just Christians who are offended

According to a poll taken by the U.K.’s Daily Mail online publication, 73% of their readers found the opening ceremony to be “grossly offensive.” Only 13% voted no, and 14% didn’t watch. There’s been so much backlash that the International Olympic Committee and NBC removed the opening ceremonies from their online platforms and YouTube.

According to the French site www.20Minutes.fr, the IOC is claiming they don’t have the rights to air their own programming in certain regions. Our host in Paris, Rob Plaster, translated this from the article:

The IOC has only retained broadcasting rights in certain global markets. Specifically, the IOC does not have rights in Europe and the UK, among others. As a result, images from official Olympic venues and areas are geo-blocked for these markets, which is why the videos cannot be viewed. They have not been removed.

Our hostess, Nichole Plaster, found the entire opening ceremonies on the web platform of a French television station, so the IOC hasn’t geo-blocked it from France, but it’s not on YouTube here. Also, the entire opening ceremonies are available for London 2012, Rio 2016, and Beijing 2022.


The Olympics made a statement about the opening ceremony, but it didn’t sound like an apology. A spokesperson said this at a news conference: “Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. [The opening ceremony] tried to celebrate community tolerance. We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense, we are really sorry.”

The IOC reiterated the non-apology.

We will discuss and pray about this blasphemy at the Olympics and what it means about our world on Headline Prayer Live, Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 12:15 pm ET. Call 667-771-7910 (access code 2452#) or watch at IFApray.org/watch. We will also share encouragement from Christian athletes competing in the games.

There’s hope for France

The night after the opening ceremonies, the lights went out in the City of Lights, leaving District 18 in the dark long enough to highlight the lights that did not go out: They were shining on the Basilica of Sacré Coeur, which has hosted 24/7 prayer since 1885.

When the Plasters arrived in Paris in 2003 they remember that there were only about about .5% of the French population that was Evangelical.

When I performed here in 2005 my performance was shut down because between dramas I was sharing my personal faith in a public place.

According to Worldometer and the National Council of Evangelical Christians, by 2023 the Evangelical presence had risen to 1.15%. That might not sound like much, but that’s a 15-fold increase since 1950.

The Plasters remember when they could count on two hands the number of French Evangelical Churches in Paris. Now, Rob Plaster estimates there are more than 50.

Take a moment to praise the Lord for this move in the right direction!

Clearly France still needs prayer

The intercessors of Sacré Coeur are being joined by many during the Olympics, including France1Million (www.France1Million.world), which was the idea of Marty Woods. He had a vision to reach a million souls during the Tokyo Olympics, but when lockdowns postponed it, Woods was downcast. Hear how the Lord gave him a vision for motivating a million prayers for Japan, and how they now want to give “a gift of 1 million prayers from the worldwide Christian Church — for France.”

Here’s our interview:

This was Nichole Plasters’ prayer prompted by the opening ceremonies:

Jesus, May they discover your irresistible grace, your unbreakable love, that never faltered while they were yet sinners. Lord, seize the heart of these same artistic designers. May they find salvation this week and boldly testify of their conversion. Make waves in the design scene with a modern apostle who publicly changes his name and branding, as you called Saul to become Paul and proclaim your message to the ends of the earth… and a platform to influence his own leaders. Amen.

Prayers are already bearing fruit! A Christian worship service broke out in downtown Paris after the opening ceremonies.

Post your prayers for France in the comments!

[Bio]: Rich Swingle has presented in 42 nations on six continents, mostly with his own one-man plays. He and his bride Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, are currently in Paris sharing his one-man play about Eric Liddell, world-record breaker at Paris 1924: www.BeyondTheChariots.com. The Swingles live in New York City. www.RichDrama.com

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Darleen Ronsick
July 29, 2024

We rejoice that what satan meant for evil has been used by God to bring a wake up call to France and around the world

Mary Beth Phillips
July 29, 2024

I visited France with my husband in 1998. During that trip we visited Notre Dame, Sainte Chapelle, Saint-Louis-des-Invalides Cathedral in the Musee de Armee and Sacre Coeur and prayed in these churches. It was very obvious from the artwork, the stained and painted glass windows that French citizens knew Jesus in the past. Those believers are in the Great Cloud of Witnesses now. They had to have prayed to God while living in Paris, in France, in centuries past. I now join my prayers today with the prayers to Jesus over the centuries of history of France for salvation.
Heavenly Father, grant those living in, visiting, passing through, France, true repentance in Jesus Christ. For these who do not know, love or bow their knees to Jesus, make them miserable in their current “spiritual walks”. Give them an urgent desire to know the Kings of kings. Reveal Father, Son and Holy Spirit to them in visions and dreams. Draw them, woo them, O God. Plow the soil of their hearts, remove thorns and remove the birds of the air who have eaten the Good Seed of the Gospel so that they are ready for the Seed to be planted in their hearts. I pray for repentance, not just remorse for sin, that many may come into the Kingdom of God through Christian outreach during these Olympic Games. May revival start and be fanned into a flame that becomes a conflagration so that Christian Spiritual Awakening changes the very heart of Paris and spreads from the Channel to the Mediterraean Sea, from the Atlantic to the borders of France and beyond. I pray these prayers in the Mighty Name of Jesus. All glory and honor belong to You King Jesus! Amen

Janet Craig
July 29, 2024

Heavenly Father, Master, Redeemer, Savior. Lor I come together with other that You would by your Holy Spirit, and Your ministering Angels be sent to France to bring revival to the land and bring about many salvation and turning from the evil to You our Savior and LORD.
You Father are able to do all things. We will stand on Your principles, and statues that bring about Salvation to all who will believe. You are and amazing God and You desire that none should perish but all would come to salvation.
Thank You Father for hearing our prayers, In Your Sons name. Jesus.

Ben Lowery (Me)
July 29, 2024

Me and my family did not watch the opening ceremony but for the comments from others and we’re so happy that we did not we are watching the Olympics very very limited. We know what the Olympic committee or this clown in France was trying to say I do pray for France and the athletes that are Christians. .

Heath Myers
July 29, 2024

Lord, send revival to France. May the city of lights know the Father of lights. In the name of Jesus.

Laurie Ilg
July 29, 2024

Dear Lord, I pray for those who are walking in this darkness that they see your light, will turn away from evil, and walk towards you, Lord. I pray they hear your Word, see your Word, and make every effort to walk in righteousness with you and follow you forever, my Lord. Thank you Lord Almighty for all that you so graciously provide us. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. ✨💕

Herb Johnston
July 29, 2024

That is really nice and encouraging that worship broke out in downtown Paris after the Olympics, or after the spectacle of the opening of the Olympics. It’s also encouraging in Rich’s article that Church presence has grown by 15 fold. Like someone posted here in the comment section where sin abounds, Grace abounds much more. Another thought, when people are lost and are struggling to gain attention and approval, they’re repeatedly practiced behaviors as we know resemble adolescent behaviors because they are not yet on the path that matures us in Christ. So what we are seeing our children acting out. However, it becomes tragic when these adolescent behaviors go unchecked past a certain point and become not only unlawful but often harmful and even tragically hurt people physically.

Lord let us remember to not think of these things in the human perspective as our natural thought process does not rely on you.. and we must continue to focus on your power ,love and purpose.. remembering that these things we see- while they are repulsive- they are a deception, and they do not guide the direction of your work. Thank you Lord that you knew these things would happen and you’re not discouraged,and help us Lord to continue being the prayer conduits through which you work.
In jesus Name, Amen

B. Hawes
July 29, 2024

Galatians 6:7 – Don’t be misled – you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. NLT

Donna Mckelvey
July 29, 2024

thank you for bringing this information to our attention so we can agree in prayer the Jesus will be lifted up during these Olympics.
May many come to a personal faith in Jesus Christ.
“Thank you Jesus that You remain the same Yesterday, Today and forever. “

Debra Walls
July 29, 2024

Romans 5:20
…Where sin abounded, grace much more…

Joanne Rice
July 29, 2024

I prayed and made fb friends aware of this blasphemy. Vindication is mine says the Lord

July 29, 2024

Praying for Paris to be brought to repentance through the love and prayers of Christians everywhere!

July 29, 2024

Brothers and Sisters, a reminder from Rom. 2:18- 32(from NKJV, OLIVE TREE, site)

The demonstration of such wicked things, clearly shows many evil demonic acts as described in these verses Its not an aguement, nor a matter of interpretation, nor a religious or political freedom choice.
Yes we truly need to pray because darkness is covrerng so many in our world today.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

May Our God and Father hear our prayers, open our eyes, our hearts our minds To The Truth…and help us to believe, obey, teach and walk in His Truth, His Word, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Son
we pray

Julie Jones
July 29, 2024

Timothy 4:2-4
New International Version
2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

Heavenly Father, forgive us for having grown numb to the blasphemy allowed to go unchecked in our world today. Father, even those who call themselves Christians are being deceived. Father, we know that You do not need defending, but we need to be bold in calling out deception when we see it, using the truth of Your word, so that souls would not be lost. Give us opportunities to speak the Truth in love. In the blessed name of Jesus, I pray.Amen.

Richard J. Clifford
July 29, 2024

I pray that the IOC will make a formal apology for this fiasco that has broken the hearts and minds of millions around the globe. Also, I hope that France will rediscover the faith of its fathers.

Jeannie Huppert
July 29, 2024

I agree w/Joel Moore, & Jan Crouch & whoever else “fits”. DEfund the UNgodly. BOYCOTT all companies who do devilish things like drag queens, blasphemies of our Lord Jesus Christ & / or God’s Bible; and the like. What did the man say about when good people do nothing the bad flourish? Lots of people have spoken out for which I am thankful! Even people like Ben Shapiro, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, LOTS of Christians and patriots, Glenn Beck, etc. Do we need to more often speak the Truth in Love? More often, more places, longer periods of time? 1 thing I think we need a bit of care about: some have changed their “minds” & flipped, like Tractor Supply. For awhile they went woke, but then changed back to sanity.

Betty Gasch
July 29, 2024

We will pray for France but we also need to pray that the Body of Christ wakes up and voices respectfully that we don’t condone the blaspheme of Jesus Christ.

July 29, 2024

Let us pray for Saul to become Paul

Joel Moore
July 29, 2024

Prayer is always the answer, along with that I am favor of defunding the IOC and restructuring the Olympic Games and how they are handled.

July 29, 2024

Get a grip, people. From what I’ve read, this presentation, which I did not see, had nothing to do with religion.

Missy Dice
July 29, 2024

May God arise and His enemies be scattered. Father in Your great mercy, please forgive Your created people and give grace unto us for salvation through this horrid event. We trust in Your Word. May millions get saved and eyes opened and outraged for righteousness because of this plan of attack of Your enemy. You are on Your throne. You will not be mocked. All glory to Jesus! May He be high and lifted up!!


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