I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, we pray for President Trump!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

8:00 a.m. ET, July 15, 2024: The FBI’s investigation into the assassination attempt is still “very active” as of late last night, according to ABC News.

While authorities still do not know much about the man who shot Trump, they believe that all the evidence points toward him being a lone wolf shooter. Nevertheless, they are continuing to dig into his phone and his past to garner all they can.

Meanwhile, questions remain over the actions of the Secret Service leading up to the shooting. How was the shooter able to get a clear shot without being stopped? Many, including United States Senators and Representatives, are calling for an investigation into the Secret Service.


3 pm ET, July 14, 2024: IFA’s Dave Kubal issued a statement in response to the assassination attempt.

The attendee who was killed has been identified as former Fire Chief Corey Comperatore, who lost his life protecting his family.

President Trump is traveling today to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the GOP Convention.

Russia used the assassination attempt to criticize the United States. Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova posted this on Telegram: “This actually is American democracy, which has been driven to a suicidal condition by liberalism.”

12:50 pm ET, July 14, 2024: Melania Trump issued a statement on the assassination attempt, posting on X.

Melania Trump
July 14, 2024

I am thinking of you, now, my fellow Americans.

We have always been a unique union. America, the fabric of our gentle nation is tattered, but our courage and common sense must ascend and bring us back together as one.

When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron’s life, were on the brink of devastating change. I am grateful to the brave secret service agents and law enforcement officials who risked their own lives to protect my husband.

To the families of the innocent victims who are now suffering from this heinous act, I humbly offer my sincerest sympathy. Your need to summon your inner strength for such a terrible reason saddens me.

A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald’s passion – his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration. The core facets of my husband’s life – his human side – were buried below the political machine. Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been with through the best of times and the worst of times.

Let us not forget that differing opinions, policy, and political games are inferior to love. Our personal, structural, and life commitment – until death – is at serious risk. Political concepts are simple when compared to us, human beings.

We are all humans, and fundamentally, instinctively, we want to help one another. American politics are only one vehicle that can uplift our communities. Love, compassion, kindness and empathy are necessities.

And let us remember that when the time comes to look beyond the left and the right, beyond the red and the blue, we all come from families with the passion to fight for a better life together, while we are here, in this earthly realm.

Dawn is here again. Let us reunite. Now.

This morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence. We all want a world where respect is paramount, family is first, and love transcends. We can realize this world again. Each of us must demand to get it back. We must insist that respect fills the cornerstone of our relationships again.

I am thinking of you, my fellow Americans.

The winds of change have arrived. For those of you who cry in support, I thank you. I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide – thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or a woman with a loving family.

What are your prayers for the Trump family? the family of the victims? Please post a prayer in the comments.

9:15 am ET, July 14, 2024: President Trump says God protected him:

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin.

Posted at Truth Social:

8:45 am ET, July 14, 2024: Gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks, age 20 was killed by Secret Service. It is now confirmed that one attendee was killed by the gunman and two others were critically injured. This video explains but viewer discretion is advised. Please pray for the families of the victims and for President Trump. Please continue to post your prayers and insights from the Lord in the comments.

Update 10:30 pm ET. President Trump posted to Truth Social:

I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Update 7:45 pm ET: Trump Campaign reports he is fine; however, an attendee of the rally has been killed. Secret Service killed the suspected shooter.

Former President Trump was rushed off the stage by the Secret Service at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, after apparent gunshots rang out.

Gunfire appeared to break out shortly after Trump began speaking at the rally at Butler Farm Show grounds on Saturday evening.

Join IFA to pray NOW on our conference call line at 667-771-7910 2452# or join our ZOOM line: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88068450310

The former president had just begun to fire up the crowd when as many as five shots were heard, and he went down, surrounded by Secret Service agents.

“And then the worst president in the history of our country took over. And look what happened to our country. Probably 20 million people [came in illegally]. And, you know, that’s a little bit old, that chart… that chart’s a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that sad, take a look at what happened over…” Trump said before gunfire rang out.

Photo Credit: Charlie Kirk on X

Share your prayers for President Trump below!

(Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52646574)

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July 15, 2024

Thank you God, Commander and Chief of thhe Royal Army! You know how much America needs him. We ask you to continue to protect him and all who are fighting to get America back on the right track. Amen

July 15, 2024


carlene renner
July 15, 2024

thank God for answering our prayers and protecting President Trump. we must continue to pray for President Trump and all our leaders in Congress and the Supremem Court. Only Gods power can turn back the evil trying to take over our beloved country.

July 15, 2024

We LOVE you and want to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Along Side YOU President Trump , Our GOD and His Holy Angel Army!

We are here with with you with BOOTS ON THE GROUND!

Thank YOU !!

With jJesus Mighty Presence we go Forward and WE WIN!!!

C Irene Hunt
July 15, 2024

God is sovereign. He kept Pres Trump safe for a purpose. God is in ultimate charge of the 2024 election outcome. All believers research the candidates and pray for wisdom in choosing your people to support to be in charge of our country. I pray we wake up and diligently pray for God’s will. Don’t take a back seat and sit on your hands because you know God will prevail. Be the Church, and act as His children.

July 15, 2024

Prayers for Our Nation as We Seek Support and Leadership for Our Nation!
Thoughts & Prayers for Our Nation and Its Leadership!

July 15, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for protecting Donald J. Trump. I pray for your continued divine protection and blessing on this man and his Family. Lord send forth your Angels to encamp around them, that every evil plan would be foiled and brought into the light. Lord I pray they would draw close to you and that their enemies would be scattered. In Jesus name. Amen

July 15, 2024

Heavenly Father, It is written, “Because you have prayed to Me about (this evil), I have heard you”. 2 Kings 19:20
We are asking that in Your mercy, You would deliver us from evil. We are powerless against the enemy, but our eyes are on You.
“Thus the Lord was moved by entreaty for the land and the plague (destruction) was held back.”
2 Samuel 24:25
Your Word is the sword of the Spirit. Faith is the shield which extinguishes all the flaming missiles of the evil one. Eph. 6
We repent of the evil of our land and humbly ask that You would forgive us and turn us back to You. There is no one who can help us but You. You are God over this nation and we turn to You alone.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen

Jane Ludwig
July 15, 2024

Heavenly Father, we rejoice in Your protection for President Trump. I thank You that his mother had given her Bible to him a long time ago. May Your written word and Your Presence guide him in a fresh new way.

Darlene Estlow
July 15, 2024

Father, thank you for Donald Trump’s courageous spirit. Protect him and help him to grow in you. May he listen to your word and trust you in a new way.

Vickie Duggins
July 15, 2024

Lord, Heavenly Father, I Thank You for Mr. Trump being okay and I really thank You for intervening in this situation.
Thank You for having Your hand on him. Lord, I also pray that Trump will be able to have boosted security going forward!

In Christ’s name, Amen!

Gail Aberman
July 15, 2024

It was ALMIGHTY GOD that saved the life of Donald Trump and he acknowledged that! Yes there were the secret service agents that rushed to him after he was shot ! But it was obvious that this was fulfilling ISAIAH 54:17! I will keep Donald Trump and his family and this Nation continually in my prayers! America : We need to repent of every form of idolatry, violence, hatred, pride and abortion and more !! It is time for The Remnant to be bold and courageous and come together in unified prayers and be The Salt and The Light this nation needs us to be! I repent with a broken and contrite spirit for where I have missed it! God has been merciful but we must be led by The Holy Spirit and repent quickly when He convicts us to !! The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous avails much power! Remnant believers PRAY ON !!

Ruth M
July 15, 2024

This morning as I contemplate your greatness Almighty God it is clear that your sovereignty embraces the United States of America. You are the God that raises man into power and brings them down. You are the God that opens doors that no man can shut, and closes doors that no man can open. It is by your sovereignty that your plan continues for President Trump. Almighty God we are not elevating man but YOU in his life, in his family and those who are believing in YOU. Almighty God embrace with your arms the family of the life that was lost during this attempt of President Trump. I pray for the full recovery of those two wounded in the hospital. I pray Almighty God that you will continue working in President Trump give him wisdom and knowledge in all his does in his campaign. Use what the enemy meant for evil to turn it around for his good and for your glory in Jesus’ name. Be thy glorified in His life. Amen!

Stan Martin
July 15, 2024

YOUR a grifting shill.
Trying to make $ off the President’s assaination attempt!

July 15, 2024

Thank you, Abba Father for watching over our beloved President Trump and was said earlier, President Trump’s full acknowledgment that it was God watching over him that save his life. My prayer is for the healing of those other individuals who were sadly hurt and for the Comperatore family who i know will be sustained by faith and love with the loss of their husband/father/son/uncle/brother.

I pray for an awakening in this country and for them to embrace God our Savior and to continue praying for this country. This in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Cynthia D. Yore
July 15, 2024

Thank you Heavenly Father for Your protection of Pres. Trump. Praise God that he acknowledged that it was You who kept him safe. May this incident be the beginning of an awaking in our nation to turn us back to God. I ask for quick healing for Pres. Trump. I ask for healing in the two other individuals who were injured as well. I pray for the comfort of the family who lost their husband and father in Jesus name. Amen

Barbara Hallett
July 15, 2024

Praise to you Almighty God for protecting President Donald Trump. I believe you have a reason for him to run again ,and a future for our country that only he can fulfill. I pray protection over him going forward, and may he be always attentive to your leading, guidance and wisdom that comes only from you, not from man. I pray that with your help, Father, he may lead our country back into unity together and away from division. I pray for protection over the entire Trump family and give them your peace in this time. Also, I pray for the family of the man who lost his life on Saturday. Give them your peace which passes all understanding. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen 🙏

Concetta Yamauchi
July 15, 2024

Thank God for his Personal Protection & Saveing President Trump🙏🇺🇸🎁❤️🇺🇸🎈

Gabriella Brandeal
July 15, 2024

President Trump: I am praying for your protection at the Republican National Convention. I am also praying for the tone of the campaigns to radically change to focus on issues and nothing else. I pray for the protection of your family and for the Vice Presidential nominee: for their safety at the convention and throughout the campaign. I pray that people would appreciate the grace of Almighty God who intervened on your behalf. I pray for spiritual revival and that many would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and accept Him as their personal Savior. May Americans be desirous and willing to place peaceful, civil discord over differences in views regarding issues. Your diligence and love of our nation is so refreshing and so needed. Let us not grow weary in doing good. God bless you! Gabriella Brandeal

Emma Whitaker
July 15, 2024

Lord let all be exposed 🙏
You know all about it
Father I know it will take many processes to get us back to one nation under God
Our eyes are on you alone, Jesus.

    Emma Whitaker
    July 15, 2024

    Many algorithms will have to happen, but Lord all things are possible with You.

Scot Stoddard
July 15, 2024

God bless & keep protecting pres TRUMP… God is good!

Carol Clifford
July 15, 2024

I pray that where there is hate, let there be love; where there is anger let there be peace. We need to come together and be one nation under God. I Jesus name🙏❤️

Colina R.
July 15, 2024

Father God, I know You work all things out for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to Your purpose. We release our faith to bring unity to our nation and right the wrongs that have been happening the last 3 years, and especially comfort the family of Corey who was killed at the rally.
We also speak healing of those critically wounded at the rally. Thank for protecting President Trump. Thank you for giving him such resilience and boldness, and passion for our country. Increase his walk with You, our loving, Heavenly Father, in your son Jesus’s name!

Maria de los Ángeles Hernández-Pistorino
July 15, 2024

Lord, You are the One in charge! Thank You for protecting Former Pres. Donald J Trump. YOUR WILL BE DONE! Prayers for the loss of life of Corey. . Condolences to his family. Prayers for those critically wounded. Lord! GOD BLESS AMERICA!🇺🇸

Linda Oliver
July 14, 2024

Abba Father, thank you for calling Corey to the position of serving as you served. Bless his family as they are restored to peace and comfort that only you can give.
Thank you for answering the prayers of your saints who asked you to protect President Trump with your hosts of Angel armies. You are the great “I AM” and worthy of all praise and glory in Jesus name, Amen and Amen!

July 14, 2024

In Thanksgiving for divine protection for President Trump in this senseless act of violence, raising up our country at this crossroads, and remembering the dearly departed Corey Comperatore, his wife and daughters. Also, remembering Melanie, Barron and all the Trump family that they may feel the love and support from this nation. Lifting up the injured and praying for their and President Trump’s swift recovery. Praying the upcoming convention will be God-centered and that speeches, talks, sentiments may unite this nation. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

J. Pirkey
July 14, 2024

Praying for President Trump and the other victims of this senseless shooting!

July 14, 2024

Praying for President Trump and his family. Lord, we ask for protection for all of them. I also ask that You reveal the truth of exactly what happened and why it happened. I pray that there will be accountability so this never happens again. I love seeing You Lord being given the glory for saving President Trump from the bullet. I see your hand in this, thank you for that reminder and confirmation. You have it under control.

Mary Jo Green
July 14, 2024

I give God all the Glory for saving him, I mourn the loss of the beautiful man who was a God fearing man!
We must return to God on our needs for our nation to be great again!
May God Protect the RNC , our country, and our republic

Ms Mary
July 14, 2024

Thank You, Lord, for protecting President Trump. I thank You that no weapon formed against him will prosper.

Nancy Sprague
July 14, 2024

After watching that WSJ video I’m convinced that this administration LET him be shot! You don’t wait till AFTER an assassin shoots! Let’s be brutally honest here!! Also after warnings that he was there?!
I thank You God Almighty for sparing Pres Trumps life! I thank You for the SS that were there to stop any more evil. Continue to bless Our dear President Trump with good health and victory. And with Salvation in Jesus Christ Amen

Mary Foster (Google Drive)
July 14, 2024

A friend of mine said she was in a prayer group a day or more before the attempt on Pres. Trump’s life and said she was strongly impressed to pray down any assassination attempt. The hand of God is clearly on his life.

July 14, 2024

LORD the GOD that SEES ALL THINGS PRETAINING GOOD OR BAD 😞, FAITHFUL FATHER, YOU ARE THE GOD OF JACOB, ISAAC AND MOSES, AND YOU ARE THE SAME GOD YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER MORE YOUR HANDS IS ON AND IN CONTROL, MAN IS OUT OF CONTROL, BUT YOU SEE EVERYTHING, YOU DON’T SLEEP OR SLUMBER, MY KING JESUS I THANK YOU FOR YOUR PROTECTION FOR Mr. Trump, and other’s Just outside doing THINGS peacefully As your Word says, , But the Devil comes to kill, steal and destroy, and I Thank you Father that your Head of protection were Over All, WE AS YOU people’s Are so grateful 🥲 For All You doing and what You allowed to do, for you to get the Glory and not man, I honor, PRAISE You my King Jesus glorified You only My King 👑🔥👣⭐❤️🙏 in your Only begotten Son name Jesus Christ Amen ❣️👑🔥⭐👣❤️

July 14, 2024

Father God,
We lift up President Trump for healing of his injury and divine protection to cover him and surround him and his family every minute of every day as he works to bring our nation back to the place you intended for us to be. A light on a hill for all to see your power and your glory shining through us into the darkness.
Draw President Trump into a deeper place with you and give him the strength and the courage to follow you, Jesus.
Open the eyes of all people to see the important work you are doing through this man who works tirelessly and selflessly.
Thank you for protecting him from the sniper’s bullets. And any other attacks against him, past present or future.
Father we pray for those injured and killed yesterday and for their families that they may know you and look to you for their comfort and peace.
In Jesus mighty name and by the power of his blood we pray, Amen and Amen

Esther Wylie
July 14, 2024

Father we praise you for you only are worthy of praise. Thank you for protecting President Donald Trump. We ask you comfort the family of the brave fireman who lost his life yesterday. Father we desperately need you to call America to repentance. Speak to hearts , and draw us back to faith in you. Father we ask you to unite our country in love. Unite us in a desire for righteousness. Help us to forgive and love each other. Give us leaders who have integrity. Give us leaders who fear you rather people. Use this experience to draw President Trump closer to you. Give him wisdom and surround himself with men an women he can trust. Let every stinker be revealed. Let those who could be bought or bribed be exposed and a fired. We look to you to Save us. In the name of Yashua my Messiah Amen

Paula Hammock
July 14, 2024

Thank you, Papa, that Satan did not get his way. Thank you, for preserving this country from evil; please continue to do so. I rebuke and I bind the thief who came (comes) to steal, kill, and destroy President Trump, his family, and this country. I stand with the Body of Christ decreeing that America shall be saved. No weapon formed against us prospers, this is our heritage and our righteousness is of the Lord. I ask You, Papa, to deliver us from the evil of socialism, Marxism, and communism. Holy Spirit, order our steps, as one body, with one mind, and in one accord fully equipped to accomplish the will of God in destroying the works of the devil. Today, I decree the sleeping giant, the church, is completely awake and alert. And, that all confusion and all delusion is removed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I decree that we live, move, and have our being in the Spirit of God; and, the Spirit of God has His way in us revealing the mystery of Christ, in us, to the world. I bind all sideline spectators and I decree that we all take our place in His fully functioning body. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

July 14, 2024

Praying for a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family!

Carol Davidson
July 14, 2024

Praying God and his angels cover the Trump family during this time of hardship. Protect them from the harm the evil forces are planning. Protect our mighty warrior who is risking it all for our country and freedom. In Your name sweet Jesus I pray🙏🏻❤️

July 14, 2024

Praying for President Trump and the other victims. Jesus bring comfort and healing to them all.

Jacqueline N.
July 14, 2024

I pray for healing for President Trumps as well as anyone who was injured. I ask God to have mercy on our country and to heal our land. I Pray for protection of President Trump and his family, his land, and his finances. I pray against the evil corruption behind this evil act of attempted assassination. May all those who were involved at every level, be convicted. Lord, God bless President Trump and his family! God bless America!

Ann Shaw
July 14, 2024

You, Father God, are our only hope. We as Americans, pray for your healing hand on our nation.
In Jesus’s name we pray Amen

Roland Glosson
July 14, 2024

There was a guardian angel that stopped that bullet and God has a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family members and his team.

    July 15, 2024

    You are absolutely correct. GOD bless you. All glory be to YAHWEH, our Heavenly FATHER!

Teresa Guzman
July 14, 2024

Prayers of protection psalms 91

Laurel Harmon
July 14, 2024

Continuously praying divine protection on President Trump! A bloodline of protection and angelic hosts, Psalm 91. “No weapon formed against him will prosper and every tongue that rises up against him will silenced.”

Barbara Whisenant
July 14, 2024

I agree in prayer with you for the families devastated by this tragedy, & President Trump. I ask that God envelope those affected within his loving embrace & give divine protection to President Trump. In Jesus most Holy name, & by his blood shed for all of us-Amen.

Teri M Liberator
July 14, 2024

Humility is the most important virtue needed at a time like this so that we can all hear what God is saying to us through this tragic incident .?Let’s pray for more humility for all of us.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
July 14, 2024

O Merciful and Gracious God, Giver of Life, Health, Safety, and Strength: please receive my sincere and fervent thanks and praise for blessing President Donald J. Trump with a successful recovery from the pain and wounds of an assassin’s bullet sustained on Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pennsylvania. O Lord, fill his heart with daily remembrances of Your goodness that he may serve You, and the citizens of the United States of America, with a holy and obedient life. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.” [Matthew 5:10 CSB]

M. Santiago
July 14, 2024

Sweet Jesus , we praise you for saving President Trump’s life . It was nothing but your hand of grace and mercy that had your Psalm 91 heavenly messengers fulfill your word in keeping him in the secret place of the most high under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. Comfort those that mourn for the passing of their husband , father and yes he is a HERO laying across his family to protect them from harm . I thank you 🙏 that he is with you now in heaven receiving his heavenly rewards for being a child of GOD . Please heal the other two people that were shot and are at healing now at the hospital. Restore their bodies according to your word in Psalm 41:3 , Isaiah 53:5 and Jeremiah 30:17 . We praise you Lord that you receive our cries of prayer . We ask that you would unite our spirits to pray your perfect will everyday and to remember to put on the whole armor of God daily as this is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE not a flesh and blood battle . We cast down every vain imagination that would exalt itself up against the knowledge of GOD . We praise you oh LORD we love you 😇🫶🏼🕊✝️👑 and we bind the hand of the enemy in Jesus precious name to keep Trump and his family safe from ALL harm and May he fully recognize that YOU ALONE LORD SAVED HIS LIFE from the enemies bullets . Thank you bless you oh Lord as we seek to worship you in SPIRIT & TRUTH , in JESUS NAME WE PRAY 🙏 AMEN

Marianna Forrester
July 14, 2024

I am humbled and grateful to God for saving President Trump! And so awed by his and Melania’s beautiful, dignified and righteous responses to the incident. No vitriol; just a humble call for unity and God fearing in the face of evil! God bless America and Thank You Jesus for saving our president!!

Sandra Hammann
July 14, 2024

Thank you Father God for protecting our beloved President Trump yesterday. He is the only person keeping us from a one-world atheist socialist communist government. Thank you Father for your angels watching over President Trump and his family. We stand on the scripture; “No weapon formed against him will prosper.” I bind evil away from President Trump and loose the power of love. The demoncrats have tried for 8 years to take out President Trump and now have come down to assassination. I pray for total recovery for President Trump and that Your spirit will fill him to overflowing and he will walk in miracles. I pray your richest blessings on President Trump and all his family. Thank you in Jesus’ Name. Amen

July 14, 2024

Heavenly Father, thank you for the Hope you have given us. Our world and its people have fallen to the depths of evil. Forgive us Father. Restore our country to “One nation under God.” We grieve the loss of life and injury of those who attended the rally for Trump. Evil was behind it. Bring our nation closer in unity, through this grave crisis. Let us not retaliate, but pray for those who want to hurt us. Lord, we need you. Your people groan with despair, but you, Father are our Hope for a brighter future. The best is yet to come.

Michael Custer
July 14, 2024

Amen, President Trump was saved I believe, by my
Lord and Savior. He has in been selected to clean up our beloved government and repair the damage to our country through crime and corruption. I truly pray that others will join me in this noble task. God bless President Trump!!

Lucy KB
July 14, 2024

We worship and praise you Lord for your Providential Hand that reached down and protected former president Trump from certain death. Praise you Lord God for your tender mercies and loving kindnesses that are new every morning. Please watch over and protect President Trump, his family, his staff, his security detail and for all the ralliers.

Carla Dennis
July 14, 2024

So proud of your strength and quick thinking. Thankful you are OK and able to move forward. Praying for your recovery in body mind and spirit. Leadership at it’s best displayed yesterday.

Mary E. Skelton
July 14, 2024

LORD God, You are the ultimate peacemaker. May You enable NewsMax’s Greg Kelly’s suggestion to be implemented. He proposed that President Biden, former president Trump and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appear together and jointly speak to the nation about quelling the inflammatory rhetoric and returning to more calm and civil discussion of the issues. Each could address his own supporters as well as the nation as a whole. By Your grace, LORD, they might even apologize to each other. This would go a long way in uniting and healing us as one nation under You, God. I add that perhaps Franklin Graham could act as a moderator. I leave this situation in Your capable hands, our Father and our God. AMEN

    July 14, 2024

    Amen I’m in agreement

    July 14, 2024

    You don’t make a deal with criminals – you don’t negotiate with terrorists. You don’t apologize for something criminals have done…you call for the rule of law to prevail. Why not just open all the doors to the prisons and let the criminals out so we, the victims, can apologize to them for the crimes they committed? Scripture says you will be held accountable for your own actions. On earth and in heaven.

    “Your throne, O Lord, is established on righteousness and JUSTICE.” PSALM 89

    No one is above the law. Equal Justice for All.

      Mollie S
      July 15, 2024

      Biden is not our enemy or a terrorist.
      He is a political opponent.
      End the vitriol & rhetoric now.

    July 14, 2024

    Let him, joe biden, that called for threats against Trump and Maga supporters, have his own news conference to recant and ask the deranged folks he has emboldened to stand down! Let biden be responsible for his own inflammatory suggestions of harm for Trump and us, his supporters; let him acknowledge his words and the consequences of his words that has caused 2 people to die and 2 or 3 to be injured! Him and the democrats alone need to accept the damage of their words! Like Hillary calling Trump supporters deplorables! Robert deniro calling for just what happened, someone to try to kill Trump! The view for 8 years has spoken unthinkable harmful lies about Trump; AOC has spoken harm to Maga supporters! Lets not forget to mention Pelosi and Maxine Waters hateful lies and suggestions to run us out of restaurants, etc! And don’t forget joy Reid and msnbc, abc, NBC, CBS, and on and on with democrats never being held accountable for the damage of their words! Let them all hold a news conference to repent for their words in JESUS NAME! Amen!

      Larry Spivey
      July 15, 2024

      Republicans made fun of Paul Pelosi when he was attacked. Many on the right have made threats as well. Both sides are guilty & both sides beg God’s forgiveness right now!
      In Jesus name,

Linda Martin
July 14, 2024

I praise God Former President Trump was protected but pray for the families of the others who were either killed or wounded . Prayers that America will remember and return to unity again! I J N, Amen

June Darley
July 14, 2024

Thank God that He is in control and nothing will stop GOD ‘s plan for Trump to finish his role as President. We all are here for our part to finish the job with our name on it (little or big).So get on the train and do your job. Lord, raise up the righteous and cast down the wicked. You know who they are by name. Expose the Liars among our leaders that they may lose their places of honor- may your will be done.
Time to stand for the truth and stay on the path. God bless America- one Nation under God.

Lois mader
July 14, 2024

Thank you Father for your protecting cover for President Trump; we shall “fight” on our knees praying that our county be unified to protect all life.

Susan Harris
July 14, 2024

I’m very sad that this happened at all. There’s families who’s lives are forever changed now. I’m asking God to send them comfort and strength to process thru this. I’m also thanking God for continuing his faithfulness in His plan for our troubled, divided nation. And for His divine intervention of keeping Trump alive and still committed on his journey for God’s plan. I’m praising God in this storm! He will always be God and His will will be done. I pray this in Christ’s name, amen.

Mick Michieli-Beasley
July 14, 2024

Our evening family rosary begins tonight at 8:30 pm EST. We’ve asked Archbishop Vigano and Melania Trump to pray with us.
Asking Our Blessed Mother to care for all of her children!
Pray ❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️

Kayline Thomas
July 14, 2024


Ginny Evans
July 14, 2024

I thank God that HE protected Donald Trump yesterday and am so saddened that a good man was killed! Father, forgive us as a Nation, a world, of our sins and heal our land!!! May God’s will prevail in the Name of Jesus!!! Please continue to protect Donald Trump and his family and keep them safe in the Name of Jesus!!! Amen, Amen and Amen!!

Caroline Powers
July 14, 2024

My family and I are so grateful to God for protection of Donald Trump yesterday! Thank you Melania for your words. We love you and your family. Thank you for your sacrifices in serving us. We pray for the injured and the hero who was killed in the stands! May God heal our land.

Aletha Karen Bass
July 14, 2024

I have been earnestly praying for Pres Trump ever since the vicious attacks by various states pursuing him through the courts began. As we entered this election cycle, I felt in my heart & spirit that we needed to pray for his protection. I’m thankful that our heavenly Father had his hand of protection upon Pres Trump yesterday & am praying, giving thanks, & asking for continued protection for him & his family.

July 14, 2024

Praying that the Lord gives Donald Trump wven more resolve to atand strong in this recent tragedy. Praying for the devastation this man caused by attempting to Assassinate someone over politics. The evil that it takes to think of of taking somebody else’s life should never be tolerated. May the Lord bless and keep Trump family and the other families affected by this tragedy. May we the people stand firm and pray with resolve and commit to elect leaders that have the best interests of the people who vote for them and their freedoms in mind.

July 14, 2024

Crooks was not the shooter. Whistleblowers saying that SS told to stand down.
Our king is Jesus.
Our kingdom is His alone.
Darkness can only be driven out by light. We must pray for God’s light to shine and continue to uncover the darkness until the republic of the United States is once again unified.

July 14, 2024

Crooks was not the shooter. Whistleblowers saying that SS told to stand down.
Our king is Jesus.
Our kingdom is His alone.
Darkness can only be driven out by light. We must pray for God’s light to shine and continue to uncover the darkness until the republic of the United States is once again unified.

Patricia Marrs
July 14, 2024

God thank you for protecting our President Trumpm !! We lift up the families of those who lost their loved one and the ones wounded. Pleased Lord have mercy heal them quickly !! Lord we ask you raise up a standard against this evil !! We pray legions of angels around President Trump and all those attending his rallies and the convention!
Lord do not for sake us ! 🙏
Lord project our country 🙏
Help us to be better at serving you
And being a light for you !

July 14, 2024

Praying for full healing , I bind trauma and loose peace,, Life and Wholeness in Jesus Name . Pray for comfort and strength to you President Trump, Family, your secret service and all at the Rally. Father God release your Holy Angels to go before President Trump, and our Nation to protect and secure Freedom to all. Thank You President Trump for your continual yes to serve this Nation , to serve us for Freedom sake, God bless and protect you.

Evelyn Bishop
July 14, 2024

We are praying for you President Trump and for families of others who were killed or injured. So glad the prayers we prayed for Trump and family with Ark of Grace Ministries was answered. To God be the glory.

Loretta Russell
July 14, 2024

Thank you Jesus for sparring the life of former President Donald Trump!
Keep him safe and Protected with your Loving Arms and you Dear Mother Mary amen🙏❤️🥰

July 14, 2024

Praying that Trump draws closer to God. Thankful he s up and going again and shooter s bullets failed at their proposed mission. Praying for Trump s family…Lord ease their pain grief and increase their faith in You! Also, Praying for shooter s family at the loss of their 20yr old son. Praying truth comes out this planned attempt on Trump’s life. Who s behind it. Whose bullets were fired? Why no SS coverage for “that building” etc. God bless Trumps & America.
Isaiah 54 17 & Matt 10 26

Doctor Jack
July 14, 2024

Love you DJT and RFK and would absolutely love to see you both working together at the highest level of leadership for our country and our world.

T. Alex
July 14, 2024

I CANT GET ANY PRAYER GUIDES! I put in my information for each one but never get guide, ckd junk & spam mail but nothing. Please post to be able to download without entering our information as it doesn’t work.

June Datley
July 14, 2024

God has His hand on Trump. I pray that everyone that loves this Nation will pray for the peace of us all and stop the hate against this man of God that shows his love for All people. God is in control and no person can stop Him and His plan for making America great again. Amen

Mike M.
July 14, 2024

Declare Ps 91 protection over Trump and his family, as well.as everyone who was involved who has been affected by this incident. With a hedge of angelic protection around everyone. In the blood and Name of Jesus’ in the power of Holy Spirit Amen 🙏

July 14, 2024

I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over President Trump and all of his family, most especially Melania and Barron. God‘s word says no weapon formed against the shell prosper in Jesus name we claim this, psalm 91 the whole prayer is a prayer of protection in Jesus, holy name, we pray over top of their family in Jesus name amen

Geraldine Fede
July 14, 2024

Oh I went to church today of course as I go every Sunday.

God press you and President Trump

Ellen Bittner
July 14, 2024

Heavenly Father, I pray that the people of this great nation will heed your plea to us as found in 2 Chronicles 7:14, which states, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” I pray for strength, endurance, wisdom, and courage for President Trump and his family and team. May President Trump always seek your guidance in the humility which comes from wisdom. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

July 14, 2024

Go about 11 minutes in to this prophetic word to hear from our Amazing God about the assassination attempt on Trump! Confirming an uplifting for all of us believers!


Rose DeRito
July 14, 2024

Dear President Trump, the Lord is with you have no fear America is with you we all love you God bless God, bless America and President Trump l

alice L Pickart
July 14, 2024


Don Coleman
July 14, 2024

Thank you Melania for your beautiful words. The Jesus of the Bible is greater than hatred. For God so loved is still the mantra of heaven. May the people of God model that love at all times.

Ann Shaw
July 14, 2024

Our God is a mighty God and nothing can thwart his purposes. Thank you Almighty Father, that there were people, AMERICANS, who prayed and united together. GOD BLESS AMERICA. We as a united nation will continue in strength

On Jesus’s name Amen

Roxana Galindez
July 14, 2024

Father God thank you for protecting Donald Trump from this horrible attack that happened to him. We Thank you death had no sting we also pray for the peoples who got hurt in this event that you comfort those who got hurt and comfort family who loss thier love one in this event. Thank you God for angles that was assigned to protecting the people at rally this didn’t turn for the worst. What the enemy meant for evil you turn around for your good. Thank Jesus that America will be saved.

Emma Whitaker
July 14, 2024

Father thank you for first lady 🙏
In thankful for your protection
Help our nation find you and your purpose 🙏

Karen McMahon
July 14, 2024


July 14, 2024

Thank you Lord for sending Mr. Donald J. Trump to us and for saving his life after yesterday’s horrific assassination attempt. Let us pray for those who periled and for those who are in critical condition. Let us all put on the armor of God not losing heart in support of Mr. Trump and his family. Wrap your mighty arms around him and continue to protect him from the evil forces. In your name Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Sara S.
July 14, 2024

AR 15 rifle, Mathew Thomas Crooks. REGISTERED REPUBLICAN
20 year old male

    Ann Shaw
    July 14, 2024

    I pray that God will forgive him and minister to his family. I pray for those who were injured and for the family who is grieving the loss of their loved one.

    If God’s people will humble themselves and pray and seek God’s face, God will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.

    Sarasota Smith
    July 14, 2024

    Praying for the family’s

    July 14, 2024

    Anyone can register as any party member, that means nothing!

Susan CC
July 14, 2024

Genesis 50:20 You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result—the survival of many people. (Joseph speaking with his brothers)

Isaiah 45:7-8 “… I am Yahweh, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make success and create disaster; I, Yahweh, do all these things.” (The Lord’s words to Cyrus)

Romans 8:28, 31; 11:28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose…If God is for us, who can be against us? For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. (Paul reminding us, God works in all things)

Dear Lord and Almighty God, You are Lord, Almighty and the Eternal One! I know You do all things for Your great purpose, so as we remember the tragedy of yesterday, I pray You are planning to bring about an abundance of good. May the families of the dead be consoled. May the injured praise You and thank You as they heal. May all who witnessed this carnage be comforted and if there is more, I pray Your justice will come to each and every individual involved. I believe (with clarity) You made known just who You are for and I believe Your can show with the same sureness, who You are against. Lord, please open those doors that have been closed. Please raise up those who have been wronged and for those who have long been planning and been complicit in all the harm of the past few years, I pray removal. There is so much to be said about yesterday but only You know the truth of it all. May the truth be revealed quickly and fully and I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ…the Way, the Truth and the Life. Amen

Neil Sogge
July 14, 2024

Lord, I thank You for the most perfect secret service that there is–Your angels. What falls short for sinful man is in Your perfect sovereign hands to redeem. You have spared Donald Trump for a purpose, an instrument to combat the evil that is ravaging this country. May people be resolved to stand up for what is good, to stand like Trump stood; to love like Jesus loves. And may this country be turned around, repenting of evil and wickedness, and bringing themselves to You. May this country be spared, so that its continued purpose to reach out to the world with the Gospel go on even stronger than before. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

July 14, 2024

Thank you Lord for saving Donald Trump from the enemy. Thank you for giving your angels charge over him to protect him. I ask that you give him wisdom and strength. Open all people’s eyes to see your mercy that you’ve shown to him. Thank you Father for opening the eyes of the lost and for drawing them to you Lord. Thank you for good things to come and for your heart for all people. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen.

Rick and Valerie Knapp
July 14, 2024

Our family are praying for you and your family.We thank God for His protection, and that you and your family are continually in His care. God bless you and keep you.

July 14, 2024

Some folks are saying they are happy like pro choice folks, cuz they say now he must understand what it feels like to not be safe in public and feel hunted. Pray for their hearts to change and also for trumps policies to change. Pray for the sins of the country to repent soon!

Nancy Smith
July 14, 2024

It was a staged insider event with crisis actors, like 1/6…just to mislead the public.
Don’t be fooled!

Reply Report comment moderated
    July 14, 2024

    Tell that to the family of the “actor” who is DEAD today! I could say more but I definitely don’t want to justify this foolish remark anymore than this.

    July 14, 2024

    I can’t believe you would think like that. Did you even watch the event. Praying the God opens your eyes to the truth.

    Suzie Montclair
    July 14, 2024

    It’s people like you who destroy our country!

    Sarasota Smith
    July 14, 2024

    It was posted on. Webmaster.
    The shooter was a Republican.

    July 14, 2024

    Was the storming of 1/6?
    Also why didnt the Secret Service intervene?

Viera Anabalon
July 14, 2024


Emma Whitaker
July 14, 2024

Thank you Father for protecting President Trump 🙏
While we wait for Your plans to unfold Father give our nation repentance. True repentance Father in Jesus name 🙏

Clarice Hawkins
July 14, 2024

Father your Word says that your salvation is forever, and your setting-things-right will never be obsolete Isaiah 51:6 msg. Our nation needs your intervention to set things back into Your holy order. The enemies of this nation seek to kill, steal, and destroy her. Even Lord to lie about and kill those that disagree with them . I say NO in Jesus name!! Your purpose for America will be accomplished! In Jesus holy name! Amen!

July 14, 2024

Psalm 91. He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the almighty. Lord, keep former president Trump safe from all harm. Cover him with your wings where he may seek your refuge. May his faithfulness be a shield. Bring comfort to all who have lost loved ones last night and all who were injured.

Lynn Neathery
July 14, 2024

Oh Lord, the One True God, I pray that the unsettled, sad, angry and whatever emotions would drive us as a country to repentance. Lord, what we need more than anything, anyone is faith in You. Thank you for protecting Pres. Trump, but may this event not take us farther from You, but bring us back to You. I pray that you work in the hearts of Americans and show us how we have turned away from You in our country, and how the dysfunction we see is a result of that. Oh, God, may Your Holy Spirit be strongly at work to help us to return to You and Your precepts. We need You more than we need anything as You are our refuge and strength, our Redeemer and our protector and provider. May we trust in You, not people , not weapons, not philosophies, not parties. You alone are God and worthy to be honored, glorified and praised. Amen

    Dennis Crane
    July 14, 2024

    Thank you! May our eyes be on Jesus, the victorious One, who is in the process of making everything perfect once again.
    May all recognize that satan is behind this and many would be set free from his lies.

Kathy Warrington
July 14, 2024

Thank you Father for your protection of President Trump, and that there was minimal loss of lives. Our prayers go out to the loved ones and families of the victims who were injured and killed. It was a trauma for all who were at the rally. We pray against and bind fear in the name and by the blood 🩸 of Jesus . Perfect love casts out fear. May your grace and your peace be over each one. Amen

July 14, 2024

PRAYING FOR YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP. My prayers also to the family of the man killed. GID BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP AND FAMILY GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💓

Tina Kalil
July 14, 2024

God bless President Trump and make America safe again.

Judy tetu
July 14, 2024

I pray for better protection by secret service. In his Florida rally he showed up as the lead golf cart unless a cart was ahead of him. We didn’t see. Secret Service should have gone in front, on the sides and in back. I was worried when I saw this. He loves greeting the people but i pray for protective shields at the podium and behind last seats behind Trump. Of course we pray for divine intervention/ protection. Praying this event will truly show Pres Trump God is in charge and give Him the glory for all things.

Mariam Joof
July 14, 2024

I for one migrated, and as a strong Catholic, I stand with the red party, , Republicans and Trump. It is about who upholds and advocate and live by God’s values be implemented in this earth. I am pro-life, and against all the other God forbidden acts and traits.

Thank you America, I had a revelation that if Trump wins the USA is saved from the wrath of God.. judgment would befall this great nation and her generous people. That have been very accommodating to people like us in all works of life. I stand with y’all and pray for Trump. God bless the USA.

    Mason Gearhart
    July 14, 2024

    Trumps new policy doesn’t stand for life.

      Deborah Launey
      July 14, 2024

      The platform has been watered down. Christians, like Tony Perkins, FRC, are fighting to return it to former strength. BUT it is also true in this election that we must choose the better man (there is no perfect man except Jesus Christ!). Pres. Biden is actively supporting abortion at any stage of life. Not voting is in effect a vote for Pres. Biden.

Sarasota Smith
July 14, 2024

Pray for Trump, stop political violence, pray for peace.

Sarasota Smith
July 14, 2024

Trump was shot by a registered republican over his abortion policy!
Repent today!

    Kathy Warrington
    July 14, 2024

    How do you know that! What an insensitive, unwise comment to make.

      Nancy Smith
      July 14, 2024

      No it was a fake staged event just like 1/6.
      Don’t be fooled!

      Macy Lee
      July 14, 2024

      It was already reported & confirmed!
      Plus the lefties don’t have guns, duh!

        July 14, 2024

        They might have guns..at this point nothing can be assumed

          Sarasota Smith
          July 14, 2024

          Registered Republican.

    July 14, 2024

    So what? He obviously wasn’t a Republican! So what folks? Read your Bible and stop being tossed about with every wind of doctrine, or what you hear!

    Watch and Pray
    July 14, 2024

    FYI. Registered Republican does not necessarily signify his allegiances or beliefs. Many Democrats in PA registered as Republicans to vote against President Trump in the primary. His donations were to Democrats.

    Let’s agree in prayer for President Trump and his family, the grieving family of the man who was killed and for healing for those injured. Pray also for conviction of sin leading to Repentance, Awakening and Revival in our nation. God have mercy on the USA.

Janelle Pennington
July 14, 2024

We thank God that Psalm 91 is just as true today as it always has been, and forever will be!!!!

Linda Marsh
July 14, 2024

Father thank you for President Trump and your divine protection.
Be with the victims family’s and WTH those who survived. In Jesus

Lori Clifton
July 14, 2024

We are praying protection over you and your family President Trump! We believe the hand of God is on you and IF you will humble yourself before Him, seek His face, and quickly obey to act upon what Holy Spirit is directing you to do, America will be saved!

Trust Jesus to lead the way and carry you, as your Lord and Savior. Act as His ambassador and a tool in His hand, that His Kingdom comes and His will is done, here on earth as it is in Heaven.

Surround yourself with Godly counsel – mature, Spirit-filled, Christians who seek the Lord, will pray for you and provide you with prophetic wisdom and direction as you are growing in your relationship with the LORD.

So be it, in the name of Jesus Christ – Amen!

Be strong and courageous! Let’s fight hard for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the Lord’s will be done.

‭1 Chronicles 19:13

Theresa Morgan
July 14, 2024

May God have mercy on our country, the United States of America; Land of the free and home of the brave. We must turn back to the God of the Bible and stop the slide downward. May President Trump heal quickly. Peace for the person’s family who died.

July 14, 2024

Father God you are Jehovah Rapha our God that heals. We praise you for your protection over this nation and President Trump. We thank you that more people were not injured or killed. We ask for your healing touch to come alongside President Trump and all who were effected by this act of violence. We pray for the families of those that lost their lives. Heal our nation Lord (body-mind-spirit) in Jesus name!

JoAnne Pazara
July 14, 2024

Long LIVE D. Trump. 🇺🇸 His guardian angel did an outstanding job today ❗️👍🏻❤️🙏

July 14, 2024

Dear Father: Praise you for your continued protection and help. You alone are worthy to be praised. Continue to shine YOUR light into the darkness surrounding these events as you have so many others lately. Let those things that were done in secret and orchestrated and funded by the enemy to further cause dissension and harm be brought to light and everyone involved held accountable. I pray for Mr. Trump and his family but also for those that were injured and killed during this and their families. If anyone on Trumps team (Secret Service) has been paid and compromised to turn their heads and not do their job, then also let that be brought to the forefront and promptly addressed. I pray YOUR WILL will be done on earth as it is in Heaven and know that you have this and every scenario and situation under your watchful eyes and extreme power. Thank you again for sparing Mr. Trump. Please Father, help him to see that it WAS YOU protecting him. That even when the Secret Service failed, YOU did not. I hope he comes to the full realization of where his help comes from and repents from his sins and declares YOU as his Savior and his running mate so America can humble herself before you once again. To YOU alone be all Glory, Honor and Praise. Amen

July 14, 2024

Thank you Lord for having your angels guarding our President today
To You be the glory
Lord heal you quickly President Trump
You are in our prayers 🙇‍♀️🙌🏻❤️
I echo the prayers below
God bless our country
May we once again become the country that put God in His rightful place!
2 Chronicles 7:14

Kim Horton
July 14, 2024

Lord, we praise you for your protective hand upon Pres Trump this evening. Continue to keep him safe as well as his family with Your protective hedge around him. Lord. May we have a great victory this November so that our country can move back to You. Help us seek Your face and put You in all areas of our government. Oh God grant mercy on this nation that we may continue to be one country under You and Your ways.. Help us to reach out to others to tell them about Your plan of salvation through Jesus Christ for Your glory in Jesus name amen.

July 14, 2024

Father, thank You for preserving President Trump‘s life today. I ask, God, for Your grace to be on the families who have injured or deceased loved ones as a result of this violent act, that You would meet their needs in every way and draw them to Your light. Thank You for the incredible grace that You poured out on that rally today, God, that the people in attendance didn’t erupt into pandemonium and panic. Father, I feel like Your grace was lying like a blanket on the crowd today, and fear couldn’t take hold. Thank You that You have Your hand on Donald Trump, and I pray that You would establish him in that position You’ve destined him to occupy.
Please continue to show him favor, keep him and his family protected with your angels, and draw his heart more and more fervently to Yours.
Please expose those things that are in darkness, that they would be brought to the light; and work justice in this situation. I pray these things in Jesus’ Name.

July 14, 2024

Remember Uvalde shooter?
Police sniper could have shot him before he entered school!
But didn’t, teacher’s & students dead…

PA shooter was pointed out by
Many per BBC, red hair MAGA witness to COPS & SS and no one took action, stopped rally or shooter who hit Trump, killing 1 & 2 critical 🙁

Praise God, Thank You JESUS for preservation of Trump’s life.
That President had ears to hear… turn to right or the left as YeHoVaH directs (1/2″ difference)

    July 14, 2024

    Amen… Divine Intervention.. DT was and will continue to be protected by the Power of the Living God.

    To God be the glory.

    July 14, 2024

    A registratered Republican shot him.

      July 14, 2024

      So what? He obviously was not a Republican! He was either paid, totally deranged, or fueled by all of the hateful rhetoric and lies of the democrats against Donald Trump for the last 8 years! So what does his registration mean today when he is dead? You make too much of the 2 parties when it is really a battle between good and evil! We’ve all been praying for Trump and America for 8 years and GOD is responding in JESUS NAME! Amen!

    Sarasota Smith
    July 14, 2024

    This was staged, like 1/6.
    It was all fake. No shooting took place.

Elie PasionCaiani
July 14, 2024

Thank You Lord for Your Truth! Thank You for the full Armor of God. Thank You Lord for our Angelic guard!
According to His word, no weapons formed against Trump will prosper! Holy are You! Thank You Lord for perfect peace!
No weapons formed against Trump and Your Body/Church will prosper will prosper…(Isaiah 54:17)

Cynthia D. Yore
July 14, 2024

Heavenly Father, thank you that your Holy Spirit encouraged me to pray for Pres. Trump’s protection. His life is in Your hands. You have plans for Him. Thank you for a speedy recovery. I pray for those who lost their loved ones today as well. I ask that they be given Your comfort. I ask it all in Jesus name. Amen

July 14, 2024


Sharon S
July 14, 2024

Thank you Father God, for protecting President Trump. God Bless the people and their families that were killed and or injured. I pray that all that were involved in this evil plan, even any secret service members, that you Lord God Almighty will bring all to light and truth be told. So that they will pay for their crimes!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!🙏✝️

July 14, 2024

Father, we are praying father that your mighty hand protect President Trump and the evil agenda that America has planned against him. Father bind the enemy bind him, bind him, bind him. We praise you that your mighty hand and hedge of protection was around him. We lift those that were injured and the person who died father comfort those family’s…. we ask all of this in Jesus mighty name Amen

July 14, 2024

I pray that President Trump is healed and is protected by the angels of God. I pray for the families of those who were killed by this terrible man. I pray for justice to be served if it was a conspiracy. God save America!!!

Mary Frances Begley
July 14, 2024

Praying for our President 45

Jennifer Garcia
July 14, 2024


Anne-Marie Brummer
July 14, 2024

Thank YOU LORD JESUS for keeping President Trump safe and keep your hand on the victim’s family as well as the other wounded.

Betty Dilbeck
July 14, 2024

I pray the for a speedy recovery and the lords protection over him, his family, and all those who stand along side him for the lord Jesus’s plan & purpose to manifest itself. The lord God says vengeance is mine says the lord.

July 14, 2024

“Heavenly Father, we lift up President Donald Trump before Your glorious throne. Please thoroughly heal his wounds, oh Great Physician. Bring full exposure and swift justice for this evil deed, as well as loving comfort to all impacted. May this tragedy prompt strong unity and sincere repentance throughout our nation. In the mighty name of Yeshua HaMashiach we pray, Amen!”✝️🙏

    Sarasota Smith
    July 14, 2024

    TRUMP please change you position on abortion!
    God is angry!
    His vengeance is heard!
    We are humble and ask for no more threats of life!

      July 14, 2024

      Do not blame the shooting on GOD! GOD is not angry and GOD would not have killed an innocent man while going after Trump! Read your Bible and learn of my Heavenly FATHER’S ways!

Marialyce T. Boudreau
July 13, 2024

It is evident that our Lord👑 intervened…because of the ongoing prayers of intercessory prayer warriors who have been praying for President Trump’s protection, safety, and for all if his family over the past into the present.

I pray 🙏 the Lord 👑 will bring great good, truth, salvation. Protection, and have mercy and grace upon the USA and President Trump and his family.
Prayer for the family of the man who gave his life at the rally, and for those who were physically harmed, as all who were traumatized by the whole event.
I also pray that the powers of evil behind this incident and other unknown evil plans be arrested and the enemy’s plans put into derision. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
July 13, 2024

Almighty God, You are a fortress of defense in the time of trouble. I thank You for preserving President Donald J. Trump’s life in the midst of the danger and violence he has suffered after being shot in the head in an assassination attempt at a political rally in Pennsylvania today. Look upon him in mercy and grant him Your peace, not the peace of this world, but the peace only You can provide, that he may cling to You in faith and not be afraid. Allow President Donald J. Trump to recover from his injuries, repair his brokenness and make him whole again, and restore him to wellness and good health, In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.” [Matthew 5:10 CSB]

Lisa Ailsworth
July 13, 2024

Divine, Covenant, Holy Ghost, Angelic, Relational, Supernatural Protection prevail continously, in Jesus’s name.

July 13, 2024

Divine, Covenant, Holy Ghost, Angelic, Relational, Supernatural Protection prevail continously, in Jesus’s name.

Bishop Samuel King Tataw
July 13, 2024

Lord Jesus I pray for rapid healing and comfort over your son Donald J Trump . I pray you comfort and Strengthen him right now lord . I pray for courage and wisdom to continue this campaign in Jesus mighty name .
Amen !

Jerome Lazarczyk
July 13, 2024

God showed Brandon Biggs the assassination attempt on Trump.


Nadine mccarthy
July 13, 2024

We thank you God for this crisis and that you protected President Trump. You are an amazing God and you use everything to show us your truth. God we ask you to comfort those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones.You are near to the brokenhearted. You are faithful and you will never leave or forsake us.

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 13, 2024

Thank God, for the protection of President Trump. We have seen the hand of God Protecting Him. I am sadden because the Joe Biden would not allow Trump, nor John Kennedy have resource of Protection while on the Campaign Trail. Seems a lot like January 6, problem- when the security was denied. Well there is a lot going on and God is going to expose ALL. We will have answers! Christians we must keep praying for a cleansing of of the Evilness, lies, and worries. Lets us put all of this in Gods hands praying for Victory. Just want to say A Big Thank You (God )for moving Trump just a little so HE would miss the bullet. God You have done this many time in the Bible, Your Word. Praise God

    J Ektrne
    July 14, 2024

    Oh, Lord, you can actually make this campaign rally for the Trump campaigns and everyone in it in impenetrable
    So everyone will marvel and see that Your mighty hand is in it !!!
    Please fight our enemies Lord, only you can make a way that we don’t have to get into violence, but you can rise of Gideons and fight our big enemies in Christ name I pray

Ernestine Betchan
July 13, 2024

God bless America! Lord we pray for those who were shot by this evil person or group who intended to kill our president! Protect the innocent supporters of freedom and truth! May you reign over America again Lord! Help us to spread your word to unbelievers so that more may come to know u and accept u as Lord and Savior trust in you! Amen

July 13, 2024

Praying for President Trump and those who injured and in one case, killed. This is a sad, sad day, Lord.

    Maddie Kotbey
    July 14, 2024

    Please know God judges our behavior and punishes our actions through others!
    We repent and repent on behalf of Trump abortion policy!

Paul Gruber
July 13, 2024

Heavenly Father I lift up President Trump to and his family. Thank You Lord that Your Hand of Protection was on him, Thank You that he was not killed. Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray that You bind up satan and his demons and daily protect everyone who has a target on their back because they support the right man to lead our country who Loves his country and the American people, who stands up for life, Israel, our Military and Freedom which You gave our great nation. Daily protect President Trump, his family and his supporters because we are in a dark spiritual battle. In Jesus Mighty and Powerful Name Amen! God Bless you Mr. President.

Donna P
July 13, 2024

Thank you Lord for the miracle of diverting the bullet headed for President Trump’s brain. May he really feel Your action this day and be forever publicly grateful. And may this day of tragedy shake the haters into a sense of reality……. that words have consequences. May many hear from you regarding their words and actions in these troubling days.

Cynthia Reid
July 13, 2024

Praise God for His Angel Army surrounding President Trump! We may not see them but they are there! Thank you Lord! We ask continued protection for our President Trump and his family. Lord Jesus unite our Brethren to hold fast in faith and stay secure in standing together for each other and our nation. One nation under God, You are our foundation. I pray we repent of our sin, any lies of the enemy that we may have believed and ask that You search us, know us and let us know of anything we need to repent of and guide us in Your Truth. Help us to not be reactive but proactive. Help us to love, as You teach us by Your love. Help us to unite with prayerful hearts and attitudes to seek Your ways. May others come to know You, Jesus! Those who need You, may they see You and believe in You, now. I pray this and more in Your mighty name, Jesus. Amen

    July 14, 2024

    Yes Lord, I pray now it’s the time Republican and Democrats be peace with each other. In Jesus name, Amen.

cheryl wakes
July 13, 2024
Maria morais
July 13, 2024

Heavenly Father please put your hands of protection over President Trump and his family!!! Keep him safe from the snare of the enemy Lord and please comfort the family of those who have died and are injured Lord. Please bind all the forces of evil in this hour Lord and thwart the enemies plans against the innocent. I pray you will guard President Trump and all those who are standing on your truth and may you bring your justice upon the wicked!!! They will not escape Lord fir vengeance is yours. Amen!!!

Leeann Ford
July 13, 2024

Prayed for President Trump and the families of those who were injured or killed! Praise the Lord that they didn’t succeed!

Debbie L
July 13, 2024

Heavenly Father, we pray for President Trump! I give all the Glory to God! God is always in charge and his plans and will are always completed. God will NOT be mocked! Dear God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit please continue to protect President Trump and his family. I also offer up prayers for the innocent murdered bystander’s family and the shooter’s family. Amen.

July 13, 2024

I believe this is a watchword for President Trump at this time.
Exodus 23:20-22

20 “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. 21 

If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your
and will oppose those who oppose you.
Mighty God, I thank you for undertaking on behalf of our president in Pennsylvania this evening. May he be continuously attentive to your direction in his life. I pray this in Jesus’ mighty name amen

Mary Olson
July 13, 2024

Thank you, father that President Trump wasn’t killed. I pray for his speedy recovery and for the families of those killed. That you would be with them and that your hand of peace would be upon them in Jesus we pray amen

Brian Humphreys
July 13, 2024

Heavenly Father,
Your guidance and protection have shielded your people in countless assaults by the adversary. We thank you today for your providence and to provide healing for those who lost lives and well-being. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Pamela Banks
July 13, 2024

Holy Father I lift up President Trump and pray this Your Holy and Living Word over your precious servant!

Psalm 94: 16-23 (NIV):
“Who will rise up for me against the wicked?
Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Unless the LORD had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death.
When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, LORD, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brough me joy.
Can a corrupt throne be allied with you–
a throne that brings on misery by its decrees?
The wicked band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.
But the LORD has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.

He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness:
the LORD our God will destroy them.”

July 13, 2024

Father God, I pray for the safety of President Trump, President Biden, VP Harris. their staff and their families and our Supreme Court justices and their families and their staff. I pray that the precious blood of Jesus covers and protects them all.

July 13, 2024

Thank you Jesus for keeping Trump safe, thank you for his protection. Please keep your hand on him and his family. In Jesus name I pray.

S. Porter
July 13, 2024

We worship You alone Lord God. Father God in the Name of Jesus Christ guard and protect President Trump and his family from further harm. Move mountains on their behalf and on behalf of the USA. Expose the darkness and shadows GOD; clearly show the true evil trying to destroy President Trump, the Constitution and the USA. Administer YOUR justice for YOU ALONE know what is best. Strike down the enemy that stands against YOU and YOUR family. Have mercy on us O LORD. Dispatch Your angels concerning us O Commander of Hosts. We open the door to righteousness filling the USA. We close the door of slavery and death in the USA in the Name of Jesus AMEN. Fill this land with righteousness. Thank YOU that the knowledge of Your glory will cover the earth as waters cover the sea. AMEN. We take refuge in YOU. Thank you for saving the United States of America. No human can take credit for who You are bringing together and what You are doing. Glory to God Forevermore AMEN. Amen

Rose S
July 13, 2024

We pray for President Trump and all he is working with and all of us. We declare a shelter of protection by the Almighty God. His blood. His massive arm around and His angles protecting, providing, great peace. We declare ps 91, Isiah 54:17 is working in Jesus Name.

Annie Jenkins
July 13, 2024

Prayers for President Trump 🙏

July 13, 2024

Father, thank you President Trump was not killed . Please stop the attempts at violence in all the rallies and elsewhere for every candidate.. Forgive us for hatred and violence in the name of Jesus.

July 13, 2024

I’ve been praying for the protection of President Trump, President Biden, other leaders including our Supreme Court Justices every day. Things could gone much worse and I thank God things hadn’t been worse!

Kevin Sherin
July 13, 2024

I prayed. Amen to prayers of protection on presidential candidates and attendees. I thank the Lord for His guardian angels. Ty for leaders who make piece and strive to protect the people.

Karen Boelter
July 13, 2024

Father, in Jesus name, we speak life and life abundantly into this situation. We thank You Jesus Your presence permeates every aspect of this situation in Jesus mighty Name. We continue to speak the blood of Jesus covers all. Thank You Jesus, that as a result of this situation, people will wake up and start to recognize the power of prayer and a revival will break out in Jesus name. We bind up the trauma that took place on every person, and we also bind the spirit of fear, anxiety and stres in the name of Jesus. We loose the spirit of truth, and peace in Jesus name.
We thank You Jesus for sparing President Donald Trump’s life. and we speak healing into the family of the deceased in Jesus Name.

July 13, 2024

Psalms 3:3
ҦBut You, O Lord, are a shield for President Trump and his Family, His glory [and his honor], and the One who lifts his head.

“No weapon that is fashioned against him shall prosper, and he shall confute every tongue that rises against him in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, says the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17 NRSV).

Daniel Herlinger
July 13, 2024

Father I pray in Jesus name for Protection and perfect health for president Trump.Father I pray in Jesus name to fight against all of our enemies within and out of our country and restore our country to law and order and restore our country to Christianity. I for one will serve The father and Jesus all my life and I plead the blood of Jesus over all! Amen

July 13, 2024


María J Gonzalez
July 13, 2024

Praying for you President Trump.
Stay strong, we love you and we are with you.

Patricia L. Wenzel
July 13, 2024

Praise God for His protection round about President Trump. My heart grieves and I am in prayer for family of the attendee who was were killed. May the Lord bring healing to injured or traumatized at this rally. I pray the full truth will be revealed and that all lies or spin will be blocked. It’s time for TRUTH, JUSTICE & RIGHTEOUS!

Father, we ask that angels will continue to be released to guard and protect President and Mrs. Trump and their family.

Gina Coffay
July 13, 2024

Father you know the spiritual battles happening now for all countries around the world. President Trump represents what I believe to be the majority of Americans and the left will do whatever they can to destroy our nation. I don’t believe they understand how dark America has become. Lord if there are those God fearing people who want to restore our country as one nation under God can you please help President Trump and your people bring the USA back to what our forefathers envisioned with your Spirit guiding them. Have Mercy on us please! Also, your people Israel.
In Jesus name, Amen

    S. Porter
    July 13, 2024

    Yes Lord God restore the USA to our divine purpose to be a land of righteousness that spreads the Gospel to the ends of the earth, Protect the USA and Israel. Help us and help Israel. Rebuke the enemy on our behalf in Jesus’ name Amen.

Antonette Maldonato
July 13, 2024

Please pray for the innocent Americans and their families that were killed and severely injured because of HATE. This country who fought for other nations and people’s for human decency has turned on its own citizens because of the vitriol for power. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

July 13, 2024

The nation is praying for our true POTUS!!!

Kimberly DeGraff
July 13, 2024

Prayers for President Trump and also the safety and protection of his family and all of those in the government.Including President Biden and his family. Lord we come against this hateful. And violent attacks on our people and country Bring this nation back to you Lord.

Darlene Thiel
July 13, 2024

God Trumps all. Praises be to the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Laurie Tebo
July 13, 2024

Thank you, Lord God for protecting President Trunp! I pray for our country and the the division that’s happening Lord, I ask for your wisdom, protection, and guidance during this time.

Judy Orr
July 13, 2024

Yes I’ve been pleading the blood of Jesus over Pres. Trump.

July 13, 2024

We love you President Trump, heal inside and out quickly, thanks be to God Most High. We bleed the blood of Jesus over you always.

Billie J. Minor
July 13, 2024

This is heartbreaking for all who support President Trump. I have prayed against such an evil against him but will surely continue to intercede for his ongoing protection. I believe the Lord spared him from greater injury and I praise Him for that. He , President Trump is courageous and Loyal to this great country of ours. I believe that he is in this race to return to the Oval Office by a divine appointment. Many Christians believe this too. If GOD ordains it no one can stop it. Amen

Margaret Hinds
July 13, 2024

Dear Jesus, I ask you to cover President Trump, his family and associates with Your Precious Blood and protect them from the snares of the evil one.
Please grant eternal rest to the innocent person that died and comfort to their family.
Heavenly Father we ask for your peace in our hearts and our nation. Thank you Lord.

    July 14, 2024

    And please protect and help our supreme court justices, give them peace and wholeness in their days. In Jesus name, Amen.

Carolyn Spencer
July 13, 2024

President Trump he has given his angels charge over you! I pray a speedy recovery for you, and may you and your team and your family be protected in Jesus’s name amen.

    July 14, 2024

    And protect Supreme court Justices too. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

July 13, 2024

Father God we thank you that the gunman was apprehended and stopped from further crime.
We ask for your heavenly hosts to surround Trump and his family and followers, encamp around this nation o God!
We also pray that you would expose all who might bre involved in this shooting and any others that may be out there. Lord I pray also against any retaliation or violent acts against president Buden or drm. Party! We are a kingdom people and we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and rulers of darkness in heavenly places. May your righteousness and justice prevail over this crisis in Jesus name.
We exalt your holy name Jesus ! We thank you for surrounding us and you exposing this evil and the extent these evildoers will go to try and take control of our nation! I declare this nation is under God and we will have our REVIVAL AND RETURN BACk TO THE LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH!

Robert Joseph Barnhart
July 13, 2024

May God now bless and protect our beloved President Donald John Trump,
Jesus Christ amen 🙏🇺🇸❤️

Karen Arndt
July 13, 2024

Thank, you God for protection against the evil one, and we thank God that Donald Trump was not severely injured. We also ask that the Lord will bring comfort and peace to the hearts of the family of the attendee that was killed. Lord bless America in this time of evil turmoil. Amen ❤️

Dawn Serafini
July 13, 2024

Dear Lord thank you for protecting Donald Trump. Please comfort the broken hearts of those who tragically lost their loved ones today. And help heal the evil and hate that is trying to destroy this beautiful nation. Amen

Beverly McCreary
July 13, 2024

God protect President Trump from the haters. Heal him and , protect his family.

Jerry Ashcraft
July 13, 2024

Father as we see in these days that satan is scattering his minions among to seek and destroy. I pray for Mr Trump tonight, that You would heel and keep him safe. Watch over and give peace an and Your presence around Mr Trump and his family. For those hurt and families of those who lost life, I pray your healing and peaceful touch. Father as the gathering in Milwaukee takes place, may You in Your Omnipotence cover all those that are in attendance. It is unbothered precious name of Jesus Christ I pray! Amen!

Blanca Melendez
July 13, 2024

Praying the whole armor of God over President Trump. Ephesians 6:10-13
We have to do it every single day. As well as Psalm 91 and 23.

Sylvia Knowlton MD
July 13, 2024

i hope the Trump family withdraws Barron from NYU .. he is in too much blue ny SIGH and PRAYERS for safety of entire Trump family and all politicians now and esp for VP selection .

WHO would want to serve our country in this evil time where hollywood elite plus have been openly wanting President Trump to be killed

July 13, 2024

Father, in Jesus name surround President Trump and his family with your strongest angels. Build a shield around them. Thank you that he wasn’t assassinated. We know the “ Left” including the Biden administration want him out of the way, but that is not Your plan.

Dalila Hawkins
July 13, 2024

Lord Jesus thank you for comforting the families of the victims. Thank you for healing Donald J. Trump. Protect his family and let the truth come out Heavenly Father. Open the eyes of the people Lord and bring justice speedily! Protect this nation God from the evil forces, in mighty Jesus name!

Rita Hercog
July 13, 2024

Thank you God for saving President Trump from being seriously injured during an assassination attempt on Trump. The bullet hit his ear instead of his brains when Trump turned to his right.
I pray for your continued protection on President Trump and heal him and other people who have been injured during this shooting.

In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Linda Madrigal
July 13, 2024

I thank you dear Lord for all the protection around President Trump. . I pray for continued to protect him.,and for his family. This is horrible why anyone would want to shoot him. This is what America is like right now. Thank you for the Secret Service for their quick action

July 13, 2024

Prayers for the safety, health and protection of President Trump, his family and all supporters and the family of the deceased attendee. Heartbreaking for the fatality of a bystander there to support Trump and our country. The devil kills and destroys but our God is Almighty!!

July 13, 2024

God blessed President Trump

Stephanie Williams
July 13, 2024

Praying and dispatching Heavenly Hosts to surround President Trump and his family at all times. IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!!!

Dawna Waefler
July 13, 2024

Thank you Jesus , for protecting former president Trump this evening….. Please Jesus Continue to protect them all …..Psalm 91 in Jesus name over this Nation 🇺🇸……. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Katherine Hanberg
July 13, 2024

Psalm 91
Cover President Trump with the Blood of Jesus over, in, on, and through him

Virginia King
July 13, 2024

I’m praying for President Trump. May God protect and bring healing to him and may justice and righteousness prevail now and the coming weeks and months.

Ellen Kern
July 13, 2024

Thank you Lord that President Trump was not seriously hurt. Please continue to protect him, his family and his team from any harm.

July 13, 2024

Thank You Father God for protecting President Trump. Prayers for Melania, Baron and his family to be comforted. Prayers for the family members to be comforted whose loved one was killed and for total healing for the attendee who was injured. LORD, GOD, praying for America to repent, to turn away from the hatred and violence that has infiltrated our country. We, Your people, repent for our lack of prayer and action. Please LORD show us the paths we should follow to help achieve Your will and peace in this broken world. In JESUS’ Victorious, Righteous Name I pray. Amen.

July 13, 2024

Pray for our country🙏🏻. We are losing American 🙏🏻🇺🇸

    Stephanie Williams
    July 13, 2024

    We are NOT losing America!! Stand strong, keep praying. God has PROMISED HE WILL SAVE AMERICA!! BELIEVE HIM!!!

July 13, 2024

Praying for protection, healing and comfort. May every hidden things be revealed Lord.

July 13, 2024

Father God, I praise your Holy Name. Thank you for keeping DJT safe. I pray Psalm 91 over his family especially Baron whom I hear was in attendance of this rally, his team, his secret service. I pray for the family of the person attending the rally who was killed. I pray for family of the shooter, God can turn what was meant for evil into good. God, please bless America. We truly call on you and seek your face. In the name of Jesus the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Amen

Jeanie Kelley
July 13, 2024

Praying for President Trump.

Emma Whitaker
July 13, 2024

Father please help the family of the victims at this rally. 🙏
Protect our political leaders o Lord Jesus 🙏
Help president Trump and his family members shield them Adonai

Barbara David
July 13, 2024

Praying so hard!

    Stephanie Williams
    July 13, 2024


July 13, 2024

Lord we asking today for our country. We need you to lift our Presidente and his family. Tonight here in unity with my brothers and sisters we asking you to take control of this situation. We asking you forgiveness for our sins and bring our country together in prays.

Holly Avery-Truxell
July 13, 2024

Please bless President Trump and his family. Please bless America. We ask this in the name of Jesus.

Wendy Wallace
July 13, 2024

Thank you Father for surrounding President Trump and his family with angels as we lift him up in prayer. Thank you for protecting him from serious injury.

Timothy Runkel
July 13, 2024

Thank God for protecting Trump and the USA.
Thank God for giving Trump and supporters courage and vigilance.
May God comfort family of any innocent harmed today.
May ALL the plotters be promptly exposed and brought to justice.
May all further assassination attempts be utterly thwarted.

LeAnne Lane
July 13, 2024

Lord, thank You for protecting Donald Trump. We pray for the injured in this incident and Lord for this country! Help us to unite and turn to you!! In Jesus’s name we pray!

July 13, 2024

…trying use the phone call access. I hear the murmurings, but no interpretations. Fortunately I do understand the pray-ears are praying from their hearts. Thank you , now for muting the site! And beautiful prayer, application to our Lord God.!

Karen-Elisabeth L. Williams
July 13, 2024

No weapon formed will prosper !! You have anointed him. Thank you Father for protecting our President

Emma Whitaker
July 13, 2024

Father in heaven hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come thy will be done in our nation as it is in heaven 🙏

Lori Meed
July 13, 2024

Praying now over Trump, over the state of Pennsylvania, over our nation. Father forgive us for we know not what we do. Forgive us for partnering with a political spirit, a spirit of assassination, a spirit of violence and lawlessness. Cleanse this state of Pennsylvania and the nation from every wicked attempt to interrupt this electoral cycle in any way that is not ordained by God. Thank you for preserving Trump’s life and we ask you to watch over all the candidates in all the states as they bring their views according to our system of government and the freedom that we have to express our opinions and our political views. Your mercy triumphs over judgment. We thank you in Yeshua’s name. Amen.

Ruth M
July 13, 2024

Thank you Lord Jesus that what the enemy meant for evil for President Trump you will turn it around for his good and your glory. Thank you that you surround his family with peace, Thank you that the angels whom encamp around him protected him during this event. Thank you Lord Jesus that you will not fail President Trump but give him wisdom, strength and courage to continue. He will rise up and be stronger and bolder in his commitment because you are for him in Jesus’ name!

Darlene Estlow
July 13, 2024

Father, I pray you would continue to protect President Trump. Thank you that the bullet did not kill him. Give him a humble spirit to seek you.

Mr Paul Farrell/ Dublin Ireland
July 13, 2024

Make American great Donald Trump,
My prayers are with you
Stop the Gloabalists destroying our countries

Wanda Scott
July 13, 2024

God our protector, our healer, our justice, who rights every wrong, and hears the prayers of His children, heal and protect President Trump! We praise! We thank you! We love you! You are our God and our King!9

Jennifer Toledo Medina
July 13, 2024

Lord we pray for president Trump to be safe. Send your angels all around him, from the north, south,East, and west. We rebuke and cancel any future evil plans from the enemy against president Trump or his family, in Jesus mighty name

Janet West
July 13, 2024

Almighty God, we intercede for President Trump’s life! Save it! Be with him and his family! Expose the shooter and whoever is behind the shooting! Expose the evil in our nation!!!

Darlene Estlow
July 13, 2024

Father, we pray you would protect President Trump and foil any attempts to assassinate him. May those who attempt any violence in this way be foiled, their attempts revealed and stopped. We praise your name.

Annetta Caldwell
July 13, 2024

Lord we pray for supernatural healing over Trump. And Lord please help them find the perpetrator. Jesus we ask for angels to surround Trump and his family right now

Luz Dary Rupp
July 13, 2024

Father God please protect President Trump and his family and Jesus we plead the protective power of your blood over President Trump and his family


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