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Father, we pray that You would guide the elected officials of Massachusetts as they vote on this bill. We ask You to give them wisdom, and to help them see parents, children, and families as You do.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Massachusetts House is set to vote on a controversial surrogacy law TODAY known as the “Parentage Equality” bill, which aims to redefine parenthood based on “intent” rather than biological or adoptive relationships.

This legislation would remove references to mothers and fathers from parentage laws, replacing them with gender-neutral terms, and permit commercial surrogacy, including cases where a woman exchanges her biological child for money. Many critics argue this bill essentially legalizes baby-selling under the guise of surrogacy.

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The bill’s allowance for genetic surrogacy, where a woman can be paid for carrying and relinquishing her biological child, is particularly troubling. Such surrogacy laws, critics contend, commodify women and treat children as products, making surrogacy inherently exploitative. This legal framework could enable extreme scenarios, like auctioning off a child to the highest bidder or making post-pregnancy agreements to sell a child, both of which are seen as morally and ethically wrong.

The potential for abuse under this surrogacy law is significant, recalling past incidents where surrogacy laws were exploited for illegal baby-selling. The bill also opens the door to scenarios where a surrogate could be paid for conceiving a child naturally with the intended father, merging prostitution and child trafficking. Critics warn that such legislative changes could lead to forced surrogacy and further exploitation of women and children, emphasizing that surrogacy laws should not turn human beings into commodities.

How to Pray about this Surrogacy Law

Surrogacy is a complex and controversial issue in the United States, even among Christians. As we lift up this bill before the Lord, we encourage intercessors to pray through these prayer points:

  • Pray that mothers and babies would not be dehumanized and treated as commodities by surrogacy legislation. Pray that all people would be honored and protected as bearers of the image of God.
  • Pray for the unborn who are under attack from all sides in America. Pray that more Americans would realize the inherent, God-given value of these lives.
  • Pray for God’s will to be done in Massachusetts and thank Him for the strong believers who are fighting for what is right in the Commonwealth.

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(Photo Credit: Anna Hecker on Unsplash)

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Eileen L Fields
June 12, 2024

Dear Lord, please open these lawmakers eyes to show them how inhumane this potential law is! In Jesus Name, Amen!

Susan CC
June 12, 2024

Yirmeyah 32:27-29 Orthodox Jewish Bible, HCSB
“Hinei, I am Hashem Elohei Kol Basar; is there any thing too difficult for Me?”
“Look, I am Yahweh, the God of all flesh. Is anything too difficult for Me?”

Oh my God, You are Yahweh, Elohei Kol Basar, the God of ALL Flesh, nothing is too difficult for You! I pray You will direct the thinking of each Massachusetts House member. You need no instruction from me. You need no information. You need nothing but my praise and honor for You alone are worthy. As these individuals vote today, I pray You will have Your way. May this vote conform with Your will, for Your glory, and the good of the people of Massachusetts. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen


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