I Prayed have prayed
Almighty God and Father, may we never settle for division but prayerfully ask the Spirit to teach us all things so that we can make decisions that advance the Kingdom.  May we always pray for our political leaders that they may find repentance and perform their duties with the fear of the Lord.  May we think deeply about our beliefs and ask You to correct us when needed.  May this nation reclaim her biblical foundations and advance once again in the ways of Your Kingdom. 
Reading Time: 6 minutes

My years of believing in Santa Claus were pure enchantment.  On Christmas Eve, I would open the window next to my bed, stuff my pillow between the sill and the screen, and stare into the frigid night sky, waiting for a glimpse of his sleigh.  My assuredness was heart-thumping, and my certitude was immovable: Santa was coming.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


I also remember the Christmas Eve I saw my parents through the slit in my door carrying stacks of presents down the stairs.  My assuredness was heart-thumping, and my certitude was immovable: There was no Santa.

Who and what we believe in is monumentally central in forging our character, crystalizing our thoughts, and shaping our sense of identity and purpose. But how does one doubtlessly declare that their beliefs are empirically verifiable and universally true?

Jordan Peterson is often asked, “Do you believe in God?”  A student of Carl Jung, Jordan will usually grimace and gaze upward, flail his fingers as if playing air piano, and embark upon a carefully crafted, meandering reflection that flummoxes listeners into thinking he’s avoiding the question. But he is not.  He handles the question with the depth of seriousness it deserves. For Peterson, to tersely toss a one-word answer oversimplifies belief and God.

Despite the most rigorous personal wrestling with belief in God, it neither changes reality nor determines if He is Lord and Creator.  No matter how certain that little boy’s belief in Santa is, it does not change reality.

Where Were You?

Like 9/11, the OJ verdict, or the Kennedy assassination, everyone remembers exactly where they were when they heard the news.  I was doing yard work in my parent’s backyard when my mother poked her head through the screen door. “Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts.”

At that moment, I knew uncountable believers were cheering while countless others mourned.  The celebrators believed a very dangerous, Hitleresque man was finally getting what he deserved.  The mourners believed a corrupt cabal of sociopathic elites was punishing a political rival.  The celebrators believed our democracy was saved.  The mourners believed our republic had fallen.

How do we begin to illuminate for the watching world why the people who believe in God can be so deeply divided in their beliefs about the presidency?

It’s All About the Kingdom

The Kingdom of God is the everlasting realm that reigns over and beyond every other system on earth and in the heavens. The Kingdom of God is the yeast released from heaven to earth and is the power to transform, renew, and reconcile all things.  The Kingdom of God contains everything necessary for an abundant life:  Truth, peace, power, light, authority, creativity, healing, provision, and transformation.

If a kingdom is divided against itself, it will not be able to stand—Jesus in Mark 3:24

The Kingdom of God is not divided, yet much of the church and its leaders certainly are.  Hence, the conundrum: How can brothers and sisters in Christ hold drastically differing beliefs on monumentally essential matters that impact hundreds of millions? Is Christ Himself divided or ambivalent on these topics? Are only half of us right? Are all of us wrong?

For we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God. The one who is spiritual discerns all things … as we have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2, excerpted from verses 12, 15, 16).

If the people of God have the mind of Christ, is the mind of Christ divided on the topic of the presidency?  Further, is the presidency primarily about a man, or is it about a kingdom?

America is unique among nations, with governmental structures and founding principles intentionally drawn from the Bible. Therefore, we can simplify American politics to its base feature:  It’s an outworking of two kingdoms. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.  The Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of dark.  The Kingdom of Life and the kingdom of death.  The Kingdom of good and the kingdom of evil.

To devolve American politics into a contest between leaders is to risk missing what transpires in the kingdom realms. It is deeply distressing when believers parrot the predictably tedious lists of insults and accusations the mainstream media releases like confetti from a cannon.  Because politics is a Kingdom matter, we must grimace and gaze upward to craft a mindset to handle these intricately complicated topics more thoughtfully.

Like in the days of America’s founding, we need intellectually rigorous debate in the public square because it’s the Christians who have access to the mysteries and wisdom of heaven.

We speak about these things not with words taught to us by human wisdom, but with those taught by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:13).

Meditate on this passage from the apostle Paul and then turn on cable news. You may notice that we shouldn’t listen to them; they should listen to us.

A key consideration for the presidency of the United States is:  Regardless of the personal beliefs of the one in office, do their policies buttress the Kingdom of God or oppose the Kingdom of God?  Yes, the Kingdom of God is forever advancing, but can we discern the difference between what helps or hinders that movement?

A nationally recognized pastor recently said, “If I vote Democrat, I would have to violate seven ordinances of God simply based on the platform.”  While many believers refuse to comprehend why their brothers and sisters in Christ would support Donald Trump, it simply requires us to turn off the news, play some notes on that air piano, and contemplatively ask the Spirit to teach us.

Those who love God must hate evil (Psalm 97:10).

We hate abortion. We hate the sterilization, castration, and mutilation of children. We hate unnecessary war. We hate an open border. We hate fiscal irresponsibility. We hate a corrupt justice system. We hate forced climate initiatives that decimate the poor. We hate what the mRNA vaccines have done.  We hate how the US surrendered Afghanistan. We hate Islamists lauded while Christian’s demeaned.

We hate being called extremists, domestic terrorists, and white supremacists. We hate when race is used to divide people. We hate being subjugated by The WHO, The UN, and NATO. We hate rigged elections. We hate the coordinated collusion of media, big tech, and government. We hate the FBI, DOJ, and CIA being used to punish innocent Americans.

We hate the disregard of our Constitution. We hate the rewriting of our history. We hate being watched, scored, and regulated by ESG, DEI, and CRT. We hate the initiatives of the WEF.  We hate the systemic decimation of the nuclear family.  We hate globalism.  We hate the resistance to and suppression of our Christian faith.

We love The Lord.

Placing aside the personality and defects of each candidate, we can weigh the fruits of the implemented policy.  Conjecture and forecasting are unnecessary as we have a four-year history of one administration’s policies and three and one-half years of the other to analyze.

With the exception of his handling of the mRNA vaccines, Donald Trump’s policies oppose, in some measure, each evil system on this list.  Conversely, Joe Biden has not only actively promoted policies to bolster each evil system on this list—he promises to accelerate them even more.

This list is real. It is happening right now. Dark, spiritual principalities energize the systems lurking behind each issue. And because of this list, millions and millions of individuals are being exploited, persecuted, denied liberty, and severely mistreated. Christians should engage with politics because people are suffering, beyond the chyron and behind the top fold.

Yuval Noah Harari, the false prophet and unholy scribe of the World Economic Forum, was recently asked what will happen if Donald Trump has a second term.  He said, “That would destroy everything we have been trying to create here.”

The enemy of our enemy is our friend.

It is why nearly every prophet of the Old Testament was actively engaged in politics. They consistently called out corruption, rebuked evil kings, and warned people what could happen if God was not honored first in all things.

But we live in the far greater portion. We live on the other side of Resurrection, an event the prophets of old only hoped would be true. Nonetheless, while the reconciliation of all things unfolds throughout the universe, we are still responsible for cultivating the Kingdom and subduing the chaos here on earth.  Part of that responsibility may include contemplating politics deeply and being willing to refine and defend our ideas until they are immovable.

A believer recently said to me, “When Jesus came to earth, he didn’t fight to remove Herod or the Roman Empire.”  To which I responded, “Of course He didn’t. He does that next time.”

Until then, Christians are charged to stand up, speak out, and resist the works of darkness. At the end of the 18th chapter in the Book of Acts, Apollos did precisely that.  He “rigorously refuted his Jewish opponents in public debate.”  And it says he was a great help to those who believed.

How, Then, Shall We Pray?

May we never settle for division but pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ. May we prayerfully ask the Spirit to teach us all things so that we can make decisions that advance the Kingdom.  May we always pray for our political leaders to repent however needed and perform their duties with the fear of the Lord.  May we pray about our beliefs and ask the Lord to correct us when needed.  May we pray that this nation reclaims her biblical foundations and advances once again in the ways of the Father’s Kingdom.

Keith Guinta blogs at www.winepatch.org. He is a husband and father, and he has been a worship leader and church planter. Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images.

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Kay Hockman
June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024

President Trump is our only choice in this election – His platform is for life and for states to decide. He is Pro America and keeping our borders, and will do what he can to reverse this invasion.
President Trump is Not a politician and as a result accomplished more in his term than any other President, as he is not afraid to stand up and in the gap- like shutting down the child trafficking in the government and on our borders – like MOST other Politicians Do/ARE DOING. He is against the cabal-governmental establishment
I pray for God to lead, protect him and provide him with a Godly administration. There is NO OTHER OPTION for the USA.

June 11, 2024

I just waited on the Lord befoe commenting, as I always do.
It was amazing to me how few people felt that comments were worthy
of their “Amen”. To me, it is so interesting how diversified commenting is
and that is indicative of people who like to have the freedom to speak out.
Our forefathers thought it was very important and crafted the foundations
of our nation to reflect that value. When someone does and says the things
that Biden has freely done and said and we don’t bat an eye, but go with it
because he is the representative of a political party that we favor; well there’s
something not quite right about that. If a person thinks that they can just do
or say whatever they feel like doing or saying (no matter the consequences even),
that person better not even consider himself or herself to be a Christian. Our Lord
advises not to love the world; the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride
of life, but to love God with all our being. I gladly give my support to an imperfect
man who wants to at least try to be of value to other people and not just want to
get more and more for himself. The unmerciful attack of Trump is certainly not Godly!
If the real purpose of such actions is to punish a criminal, there are plenty of them
coming across our border; not the one that only made our nation more respected
by every other nation; which basically is the first responsibility of our President.

Lord, because we love You and want to please You, we ask that Your will be done
in such a way that Your name is glorified and magnified in all the earth.
In Jesus Name, Amen

Brian Lynch
June 11, 2024

We have to look at the big picture here, folks, rather than nit-pick. The Dems have been hijacked by the New World Order/Global Elite. Everything that they support is evil and is about destroying the fabric of our culture. Obama is a major player as one of Biden’s handlers, and he swore on his father’s grave that America would become a Third World country. The Dems sure seem to be making every effort to bring this to pass. President Trump, again, is a flawed human. However, he at least doesn’t espouse and embrace the radical, evil policies of the Dems and Joe Biden, their puppet. Trump hasn’t tried to push God out of our society the way the radical Dems have. Liberalism will destroy this nation, plain and simple. We desperately need President Trump back in office, if our nation is going to survive. Lord Jesus, may Your will prevail in the November elections.

Jane Fain
June 10, 2024

This response is to anyone in the comment section who believes the 2020 election was not “rigged”. I was watching FOX NEWS October 24, 2020 and Candidate Joe Biden was at the microphone. I wrote what he said word for word. The following is a quote: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Why didn’t Pence stop the vote and give 10 required days to investigate those in congress who objected. This isn’t the first time there has been an objection about the results, in congress.
No one heard about any court taking up the case regarding the voter fraud, because no judge would listen to the evidence. Corruption in the courts If there was no fraud they could have taken up the case and proven that there was none.
Also, the majority of our press on cable is NOT free.
I would much rather have a man in the oval office who tells the people of our nation what’s going on even if crudely.(the left always uses sex or some other corruption to accuse their opponent of because that is what they are guilty of themselves. They have hidden it so well because the main stream media in years past would NOT report on it., Their goal is power and control and they will use any means to keep it. The Illuminati started the Democratic party. Information from Ambassador David Scott. He served years ago. Anyway go to this website:https://www.sordrescue.com/files/ugd/c20b31_3063fc30c6e6419db41ee383ec15a7ba.pdf

Brian Lynch
June 10, 2024

No, President Trump is FAR from perfect. However, his beliefs and values are SO much better for America than the Democrat/New World Order positions are. Under President Trump’s watch, we were by far a stronger, more secure nation than we are with Joe Biden. He is being used to destroy our nation, plain and simple. and simple. My vote will be for Donald Trump. I ask the Lord to make a way for him to be elected in November. Our nation’s future hangs in the balance!

Gayle Anderson
June 10, 2024

My issue is that he has made comments that reveal squish on pro-life. He allegedly opposed both decisions by Florida and Arizona; and allegedly does not believe a heartbeat law is correct. In my conscience, I cannot vote for someone who will not protect life from conception to the grave. I can move on from his position on the jab and how he handled the pandemic. But I cannot look away from squish on life issues. I am praying that he will change on this so I CAN vote for him. But I am done voting for the “lesser of the evils.” That only keeps moving us more and more left.

    Bridget in Texas
    June 10, 2024

    No candidate is perfect – no one on this earth is. We all sin every day…examples are saying something that hurts someone’s feelings, or something much worse.

    We must pray for all candidates and vote in every election.

    As a conservative Christian, I strongly believe we must vote for the person whose policies are the closest to God’s principles. It is very clear for me that Trump’s policies are the closest to meeting God’s principles as compared to Biden, even if Trump has swayed in the area of Abortion and he is soft on same-sex marriage as well. I also take into consideration the Republican vs Democrat party platform issue positions. iVoterGuide has a really good one that includes the page numbers of where the info is found in each of their actual party platform policy doc. I’m copying the link here – it’s good through 2024: https://docs.ivoterguide.com/Brochures/SaltLight_2020_PARTY%20PLATFORM.pdf

    June 11, 2024

    Pray and make sure you look at the Democratic platform and that of OBiden- death is their mantra, abortion and they are hand in hand with the WEF which is to eliminate the population to be that of somewhere like 1 million people.
    Trump stands up for Truth, our Constitution/Freedom , Life and our Religious freedoms…He is the only option.

Janet Hickey
June 10, 2024

You failed to address who supports the LGBTQ community. Who we align ourselves with well the Bible says we will receive the same pinishment

Mac Garrison
June 10, 2024

All Believers must become mature enough in their faith and in their world view to clearly understand that this election is about the very survival of our Constitutional Republic, the United States of America.
Today’s Democrat Party is the personification of evil. They willingly and publicly denounce God and His Word. One of their top priorities is the murdering of babies. Their DEI efforts have almost destroyed our military. The current administration is a collection of unqualified fools.
Is Donald Trump the perfect candidate? No. But he is SO MUCH better than Joe Biden or any other person the Democrats might trot out. His first administration was good for America. He can do even more if given second term. Trump confesses that he has had an experience with God, which changed his life.
The charges brought against him in New York are all totally false, and will quickly be overturned on appeal.
Unify Christians and put on your full armor!!

June 10, 2024

Thank you for your wisdom and courage. We should be able to have healthy dialogue and debate, but the many are negative and bitter.

In the name of the Lord, we pray for these with erroneous opinions and shallow speech.

June 10, 2024

It seems this is really not about prayer but politics. When you say “Placing aside the personality and defects of each candidate….” is that biblical? Neither of the two presumptive nominees are men of God. Neither are people of integrity. Trump is egocentric and would love to be a dictator. He is now a convicted felon and is known for his womanizing. In 2016 we said, with sad accuracy I believe, “I could stand on fifth avenue and shoot someone and not lose any votes.” Just WHAT are we praying about? Asking God to place Trump in office? Oh, our country needs prayer desperately. I lean toward praying that God will take out both Biden and Trump and raise up men and women of integrity. We need our governmental representatives to be men and women of integrity, not those striving after power and afraid to stand for truth. Moreso, God’s people need to humble ourselves and cry out in repentance and pray for revival that begins with us.

    June 10, 2024

    You seem to dwell on name calling and personal defects.
    You say you want God to take out Trump?
    Who is the alternative man or women with integrity, you say?
    Maybe you should consider running? lol
    Peace out

Cara Baker
June 10, 2024

We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Also, he who is without sin cast the first stone. Remember Joseph in the scriptures boasted to his family about the dreams he had. He was then sold into slavery by his brothers and then eventually put in prison by Potipher, and there is where God helped him realize his true position. Once humbled and ready to listen and do it God’s way, he was given the ability to interpret Pharoah’s dream and then lifted up out of the prison. Then put second in command over all Egypt. We all deserve imprisonment for our sins, thank you Lord for dying for us on the cross that we too could have redemption from our sins. Donald Trump has the anoiting to be the President of the USA however, God is repositioning him to “listen” instead of opening his mouth.

Susie Harling
June 8, 2024

This article clearly states the issues we as Christians have to pray about and how important it is to face the truth when we decide how we should vote in the coming election.
I pray that we will follow the teachings in His Holy Word as each of us decides how to vote.

June 7, 2024

This article is full of unfounded, unproven assertions and half truths. I’m relatively new to this tabloid. Does the author have to prove any of these things on his list or do you all just eat up because this is a supposed Christian site and you are gullible and biased?

    June 7, 2024

    Your blanket statement is no better than what you accuse the author of. Either list the “unfounded, unproven assertions and half truths” you dispute and provide “proof” of your assertion. Otherwise, you are just a hypocrite.

      June 7, 2024

      I didn’t write the article so it’s not my burden to inform my readers. If an accusation is going to be made by a contributing editor then it should be substantiated by facts. Not just thrown to the wind to see if it sticks. Example: Joe Biden has not only actively promoted policies to bolster each evil system on this list.

    June 10, 2024

    “….full of unfounded, unproven assertions and half truths.”
    Is there a particular item on this list you disagree with? As for ‘just eat up’ which Scripture do you feel mis-quoted, mis-used? It would be beneficial, to me, at least, to hear the opposition. Thank you.

Phyllis Heiss
June 7, 2024

Do recall that Samson was chosen by God in his day and he was less than perfect morally. God always uses the weak and imperfect to promote his will so no one can boast at the end results which are always good. God is moving right now to help restore our nation through Donald Trump, an imperfect man, to bring glory to Himself. I am honored to be alive at such a time as this and see the working of God in this matter.

    June 7, 2024

    If you want to compare Donald Trump to a biblical figure I think Barabbas would be a better choice. Donald trump is an adulterer, a liar, a cheat, a thief, a rapist, a conspirator, a misogynist and the people still choose him for some reason. People can rationalize just about anything I have learned.

      June 7, 2024

      And what makes you think you know the Heart of God? Have you taken the log out of your own eye before taking the speak of your neighbors? Do you know from personal first-hand knowledge that the things you accuse and judge Trump for are true? Or only because that is what Liberal lying Democrats and media told you? Look long and hard at where your judgment comes from. I highly doubt it comes from God. I think evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo says it much better than I can. He recently stated: Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America.

      Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.

      Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time.

      Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden.

      The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!


        June 7, 2024

        What makes you think that God blesses someone that is perpetually dishonest, not just once or twice but unrepentant and dishonest every day of his life. Any time you hear the word rigged he is lying. If you do not believe so then prove it.

          John Soccre
          June 9, 2024

          Paul, I don’t think you will convince anyone to change their minds. Thank you for posting on here. I appreciate what you have been writing.

          June 10, 2024

          You say that Trump is “perpetually dishonest”, “unrepentant”, and “dishonest every day of his life”. Why? Because you listen to the mainstream media. It is their opinion and now it has become yours. I disagree and don’t think he is lying when he says the word” rigged”. Again, my opinion. If you think Biden is any less dishonest and unrepentant, you are fooling yourself, again a result of listening to one-sided news reports. Neither are perfect men, but when you look at the policies they support and how they relate to biblical teaching, there is only one clear choice and that is Donald J. Trump.

        June 10, 2024

        Amen bro!

John Soccre
June 7, 2024

If there was a passage in the Bible that said that Christians should all support Donald Trump, then yes, all Christians in the US should be united in their support for him.
The title asks the question, ‘can believers be divided in their beliefs about Donald Trump?’ From the article, it seems that yes, they can be divided but if Christians do not support Trump then their beliefs are as infantile as a child that still believes in Santa Claus. The author hates a list of things that he implies that Trump also hates but Biden does not.
None of the things listed are explicitly mentioned in scripture. One could argue that his interpretation is accurate. Regardless, here are a few things that are explicitly mentioned in scripture; sexual immorality is wrong, adultery is wrong, bearing false witness is wrong. Regardless of whether you believe that the judge in the most recent Trump trial was unfair, a jury of 12 found that he committed adultery and lied about it. Trump cannot be on the board of a charity in New York because he was found guilty of fraud (bearing false witness). One may not believe this evidence, though it seems much stronger than the evidence of Santa Claus. But even if one finds the evidence that Trump has committed sexual immorality and the bearing of false witness lacking, it does not mean that other believers that do trust this evidence are as silly or infantile as children believing in Santa Claus.
I don’t think it is helpful to the body of Christ to demonize evangelicals who also love the Lord as being simpletons simply because they do have reservations about the former president.

    June 7, 2024

    Why do some Christians believe because they read their Bible they know the heart of God and can judge others. Please explain God’s love for King David, the adulterer and murder? We are fighting a spiritual and earthly battle between good and evil. In my opinion, anyone who supports Biden is on the side of evil. A vote for Biden is a vote in support of Satan’s evil plans. I for one will not question God’s choice and His test to the church. The Holy Spirit has instructed me and nearly every Christian I know to vote for Trump and trust the Lord even if we don’t understand why. You should ask yourself why you haven’t received God’s message. Have you asked God and truly truly listened and accepted His answer. The point is, God is not going to convict some of His church to vote for Trump and some to vote for Biden. I recommend you read the words of Evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo who states it much better than I can:
    Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America.

    Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.

    Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time.

    Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden.

    The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!


      June 7, 2024

      Isn’t this entire article a judgement on Biden? So why is it ok to Judge Him and not Trump? Seams one sided and biased to me.

        John Soccre
        June 7, 2024

        Yes, it seems that if someone is hesitant to support Trump because of examining a few Biblical issues, they are judgmental, but if someone says they could never vote for Biden because he is awful, horrible, rotten… that is not being judgmental. I think it is safe to assume, hypothetically speaking, that if Trump commits adultery that we can assume that he is repentant, God’s chosen, but if Biden were to commit adultery, it would simply be another sign that he is awful, despicable, rotten to the core and definitely not repentant. And when we made those statements about Biden, in this case, they would not be judgmental.

      John Soccre
      June 7, 2024

      In terms of revival, I respectfully disagree. I work closely with college students. I am an Evangelical, I talk about my faith and the Bible regularly. I build relationships and college students trust me. They ask me how Evangelicals can support Trump when they see him as corrupt. If I say, ‘well, many Christians believe he has an anointing, and so we support him regardless of any moral issues that we see….’ That type of response turns them further away rather than creating the seeds for conversion. I confident you will disagree, but that is what I am saying, I disagree, I do not think political issues are keeping us from revival.

    June 10, 2024

    Many of us, including Trump supporters, do not condone his actions in his personal life. But we are all sinners and we know that God forgives us if we repent and are truly sorry. When you say “a jury of 12 found that he committed adultery and lied about it” is not even what the trial was about. This supposed adultery happened about 20 years ago. We have no evidence or accusations of adultery since that time. Do you know if Trump repented? Only God knows that so I think we should reserve judgment for God. As for Biden, he also committed adultery with Jill when she was married to someone else. Put aside their personal lives and look at their policies. Very few of Biden’s policies, if any, adhere to biblical teaching. He not only accepts abortions, transgender surgeries and hormone therapies for children as well as wide open borders, he actually promotes these policies by using taxpayer funds. Trump’s policies, on the other hand, are a polar opposite of Biden’s. As Trump has stated, conservative policies are “common sense”, whereas the left’s radicalism has gone off the charts. We’re all entitled to make our own decision on who to vote for but I’m voting for the common-sense Christian polices of Trump and would never vote for Biden even if he were the only one running.

June 6, 2024

This is one of the biggest pieces of propaganda I have read in a while. The writer should join up with Fox News, the network of lies. Unbelievable that so many are in the brainwashed cult of Trump.

    June 7, 2024

    The point is God is not going to convict some of His church to vote for Trump and some to vote for Biden. God asks you to trust Him, not what the world tells you, even if you do not understand. Why has God convicted so many people to support and vote for Trump and you didn’t get the message? You believe you have a closer relationship with Christ than the rest of us? Did you even ask God or are you relying on your sinful human nature to decide? I know without a doubt God did not instructe you to support and vote for Biden. If you believe He did, I’m afraid you are listening to the wrong spirit. Evangelist and prophet says it much better than I can:
    Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America.

    Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.

    Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time.

    Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden.

    The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!


    June 8, 2024

    Kay, this is a very well written article.
    The Democratic Party is a Godless party. Unfortunately for the Republican Party, there are too many RINOs

    June 8, 2024

    Kay, I am sorry you cannot truth, Trump supporters are not a cult.

Susan Jaquith
June 6, 2024

This article was very well written and helpful. Praying for opportunities to peacefully dialogue with people within the church and this will help alot!

David Minnaar
June 5, 2024

This article speaks the truth about how Christians need to think and pray. Very inspiring!!

Paul Bechtel
June 5, 2024

What gets me is that someone needs to read an article to know not to vote for an adulterer, a liar, a cheat, a thief, a rapist, a conspirator, a misogynist, a modern day Barabbas! Not to mention that if he does win, our democracy is finished! You all are being used. He cares nothing about you!

    June 5, 2024

    First and foremost, we are a Constitutional Republic. Nowhere in the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights or the Constitution does it say the word DEMOCRACY…nowhere. When Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government was formed, he said “a Republic, if you can keep it.”
    Second, would you vote for a man who wants to push the transgender platform on children? How about partial birth abortion? What about a president who has a DOJ call parents “Domestic Terrorist”? How about homosexual marriages? All of these things go AGAINST God’s word! If you can vote for someone in office who supports all this bc he is a “good Catholic” and if you have a clear conscience to do this, all I can do is keep praying for you. We need to vote for the person’s POLICIES and not personalities
    Lastly, I want to add that if anyone here are pastors of a church and think it is ok for gay marriages, pro transgendering our children, please seek God’s word in context. If anyone is going to a church who accepts these teachings, seek God’s guidance. These are not the teachings of Jesus Christ

    T Mc
    June 5, 2024

    Adolf Hitler is reputed to have said that evangelical Christians were the easiest to subvert. And he made an agreement with the Vatican they could continue with their churches and schools as long as they did not criticise him, the nazi party and their policy and practise. Evangelical Christians in America seem to be in a sort of Vatican agreement with the ‘great leader’.

    Barbara Janicki
    June 5, 2024

    He DID win and our democracy wasn’t finished (how short our memories are) but in fact our democracy flourished during that time – energy independence, no new wars, private sector growing, middle class growing, small businesses able to start and to sustain, we were out of the Paris Accord, the Iran deal (why are we again giving them money to build a nuclear weapon? this is not wise) the Mexico City Agreement, we had lower taxes and gas prices, new favorable trade agreements, funding for HBCs, no catch and release at the border plus remain in Mexico, bringing American manufacturing back to the U.S. – the list is longer even though all we heard during this time was “Russia, Russia, Russia” – we knew our lives and our economy and our national security (North Korea stopped their missile testing during this time) were better – but the media/powers that be did not want us to connect our booming economy and world peace etc. with the policies of the Trump Adm. that were making these things possible. Heaven forbid we should connect the dots between good policies and good outcomes. Better to keep us focused on debating the names/labels we can put on any person who opposes their global agenda and puts America first instead – as long as we are divided over the person, the policies never get looked at – just label someone racist, transphobe, narcissist, Nazi, anything to divide us and to divert us from the reality that while we are arguing over pronouns – they are stealing our freedoms one by one. This new line about “our democracy being finished” if Trump wins is pure propaganda meant to instill fear in people and get them to believe a lie when all they have to do is to recall life 2017-2020 for themselves. But they are counting on – “a lie repeated often enough is perceived/received as the truth.” Let truth prevail over fear and lies! Lord God, thank You that we can look to You for eternal truth. Please give us Your wisdom to deal rightly with our earthly affairs, we take heart and hope in the fact that You alone are sovereign over the affairs of men. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com (post “put on your oxygen mask”)

      June 7, 2024

      When Trump worked with the Russians to dig up dirt on Clinton that was an attack on our democracy, When he pressured Selenski to publish dirt on Biden by withholding funding, that was an attack on our democracy and finally when he sent his goons to the capital to take over the government over a big lie that he won the election that was an attack on our Democracy. There is nothing in his history to suggest that he will not continue dismantling it. If fact he has been threatening retaliation.

      This is not a new line. This has been a major concern from many Republicans that have not drank the Kool aide. Documentary Film Maker Ken Burns is one of the more recent people to speak out. Trump is corrupt and refuses to play by the rules, every word that comes from his mouth is a lie. Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness.,

        June 7, 2024

        I know without a doubt you have prayed and asked God who you should support for President, because if you did you would support and vote for Trump. God asks to trust Him, even if we don’t understand or disagree. Why would God instruct millions of Christians to support Trump but you didn’t get the message? Do you believe we are all deceived and you are so special you are not? You might want to take this to God in prayer. Evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo recently wrote: Who is your god? It certainly isn’t the Jesus I worship. All of your accusations against Trump are what the media, Democrats, and corrupt courts told you. Have you taken the log out of your own eye before the speak out of your neighbors? Have you asked God who to support, listened for His answer, and accepted it with trust even if you don’t understand? Or are you making a flawed sinful human decision? God would not instruct part of His church to support and vote for Trump and part to vote for Biden. So why are millions of Christians supporting Trump? Are we all deceived or are you? Evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo recently stated: Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America.

        Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.

        Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time.

        Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden.

        The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!


    June 5, 2024

    Go home democrat Paul. You are on the wrong website! Christians are to not bring up what GOD has forgiven! We all have a past, including you Paul! Paul in the Bible killed Christians thinking he was doing it for GOD! GOD dealt with Paul and FORGAVE him for all of his sins! Who never forgets or forgives is the devil! Or satan! Or beelzebub! Who do you serve? If GOD, then stop bringing up things that are under the Blood of JESUS! In JESUS NAME! Amen!

      June 8, 2024

      Actually I’m a registered Republican and support the Lincoln Party organization. You talk as though Trump has stopped lying and has repented. Every time he says the world “rigged” he is lying. His sins are not in the past they happen everyday right in front of you but you just give him a pass. God also removed the scales from Paul’s eyes and I pray he does the same for you. Stop blaming Trump’s sins on God! Amen!

        June 8, 2024

        Paul, where on earth did you read that we are blaming God for Trump’s sins? You say you’re a “Lincoln Party” Republican yet you think our stock market is fabulous? We are in record high inflation and my family and I personally feel this inflation. Biden isn’t running the country, the Swamp is.
        I will be praying for you as well as anyone else who feel Biden is the best man for President

        Heavenly Father, unite Your Body of Christ to see the truth!

    James T.
    June 6, 2024

    That’s right. That’s exactly who Biden and his family is. One of the most corrupt crime families to ever live in the White House. I pray for his soul, but for now he shows no remorse for how he has destroyed our nation.

      June 7, 2024

      Destroyed? Do you mean the record high stock market, the record low unemployment or decrease deficit spending? Before you answer do your research.

        June 9, 2024

        Our stocks value has decreased by 40%. Our grocery bill has doubled. Income approximately 6% over last four years.

    June 7, 2024

    Who is your god? It certainly isn’t the Jesus I worship. All of your accusations against Trump are what the media, Democrats, and corrupt courts told you. Have you taken the log out of your own eye before the speak out of your neighbors? Have you asked God who to support, listened for His answer, and accepted it with trust even if you don’t understand? Or are you making a flawed sinful human decision? God would not instruct part of His church to support and vote for Trump and part to vote for Biden. So why are millions of Christians supporting Trump? Are we all deceived or are you? Evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo recently stated: Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America.

    Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.

    Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time.

    Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden.

    The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!


      June 8, 2024

      I can safely say that you and I DO NOT worship the same God. I worship the God of the bible. Try to reconcile trump with the Beatitudes, try to reconcile him with the Ten Commandments or Micha 6:8. My observations of Trump come from the evening news. Where do you get your news? How do you know it’s not biased? Millions are supporting Trump because they are all in a large cult and have turned their back on the bible and Jesus.

        June 8, 2024

        Paul, you are trying to cause dissension and you need to stop the trolling! If you love to troll, I suggest you go onto Truth Social. You would have a field day. Your welcome and enjoy

        We are not a cult. We want America to turn back to God. Biden isn’t going to help with that.

    June 10, 2024

    I am sorry you have been so brainwashed by the left. Your words, “an adulterer, a liar, a cheat, a thief, a rapist, a conspirator, a misogynist, a modern day Barabbas” can be applied just as equally to Biden if you would care to look. I’m not voting for either of these men to be a pastor at my church, I am voting for the person who has the policies that would get this country back on the road to biblical principles, and it certainly isn’t Biden.

June 5, 2024

Everything Jesus said about what a human should be, Trump is the opposite. So have fun rationalizing your vote, but at the end of the day, you are supporting a prideful, narcissistic, pathologically-lying sociopath. He is a con man, and you have been conned. In the process you are rubbing Christianity through the mud.

    June 5, 2024

    Dennis, so you will vote for someone who supports partial birth abortion, transgendering children, homosexual marriages? Showers with his daughter?
    I am voting for Donald Trump on his POLICIES not personality.
    We all fall short

    Mary McBeath
    June 5, 2024

    Have you asked what God says about Trump or are you relying what the Democrats and the media are saying?

    June 5, 2024

    And do you support Joe biden? A man whose daughter wrote that he showered naked with her while she was a teenager! Sad!

      June 7, 2024

      What happened to stop bringing up things that are under the Blood of JESUS! In JESUS NAME, Hypocrite?

    June 7, 2024

    The Holy Spirit has convicted millions of Christians to support and vote for Trump but not you. Are we all deceived or are you? God would not instruct some of His church to vote for Trump and some to vote for Biden. God asks us to trust Him even if what He tells us makes no sense and we don’t understand. Have you asked God and truly listen and accepted His answer? Obviously not. Please pray and follow God’s direction instead of using sinful human wisdom. Read the words of evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo:
    Who is your god? It certainly isn’t the Jesus I worship. All of your accusations against Trump are what the media, Democrats, and corrupt courts told you. Have you taken the log out of your own eye before the speak out of your neighbors? Have you asked God who to support, listened for His answer, and accepted it with trust even if you don’t understand? Or are you making a flawed sinful human decision? God would not instruct part of His church to support and vote for Trump and part to vote for Biden. So why are millions of Christians supporting Trump? Are we all deceived or are you? Evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo recently stated: Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America.

    Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.

    Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time.

    Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden.

    The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!


Cindy Doolan
June 5, 2024

HALLELUJAH!! YOU, sir, said the truth SO WELL!! THANK YOU.

June 5, 2024

May we pray that many of the writers of these articles be led by GOD and find repentance! There will always be a division; those led by CHRIST and those that are not! We may all call ourselves Christians, but we are known by our fruit! Why so-called Christians don’t like President Trump baffles me! He supported everything GOD is for while in office, and has and is leading a GODLY life today! I can only conclude that the same jealousy of Trump that consumes the democrats, consumes may who call themselves Christians! You people calling for Trump to repent have no idea whether he repents or not because you are so self-righteous! Why don’t you all repent for going against GOD’S obvious choice for such a time as this! FATHER GOD please deal with YOUR stiff-necked folks that are self-righteous and maybe don’t even know YOU! Please deliver them into righteousness in JESUS NAME! Amen!

    June 5, 2024

    I responded but IFA didn’t post? So a short response: I merely mentioned concerns about the behavior of a politician. And the events I mentioned happened. When did concern become evidence of ‘bad fruit’? I did not mention repentance and sin, you did? Where did the accusation of jealousy come from?

      June 5, 2024

      Can Trump get a break? Have you never sinned? Have you never needed forgiveness! Do you have a perfect past? If Trump has not harmed you, and his positive GOD honoring presidency for 4 years didn’t touch you, what is left but you are jealous! Trump is not the same man that committed those old things yet you are still accusing him for his past! Are you jealous? Examine your motives for bringing up his past that he is no longer living! FATHER please protect Trump and his family from sad people that won’t let him live down his past though they have lived down theirs, in JESUS NAME I pray! Amen!


June 5, 2024

True believers take their direction from our HOLY SPIRIT and trust HIM! True believers are not tossed about with every wind of doctrine! Our WORD says MY sheep know MY Voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow! I began praying when I knew nothing about Trump except he had married 3 times and had a TV show called the Apprentice that I never watched! Yet when Obama was running the 2nd time, I began praying that Trump would run against Obama! I was surprised that I was praying this, but I knew that I was being led by our HOLY SPIRIT to pray this! Before this, I knew that Donald Trump was studying the Bible at his request with Paula White! This had been going on for about 15 years weekly when he decided to run for President against Hillary Clinton! I know that he had 2 elderly aunts in the Hebrides’ that prayed for revival for many years until revival came! I also know when he ran and won that he was being led by GOD! I know that he was consecrated as President with his hand on his Aunts’ Bible who had prayed for the revival! I also know he was and is GOD’S choice for such a time as this! As for unfaithful, opinionated, wishy-washy christians, I give no thought except to pray for their deliverance! David of the Bible was not a perfect man yet GOD said David was a man after HIS (GOD’S) own Heart! No matter what anyone thinks of Paula White, she is an excellent Bible teacher and loves JESUS first and always! Donald Trump knows how to repent as do I! When President Trump was in office, we had peace and prosperity! “When the righteous rule, the people rejoice! When the wicked rule, the people mourn! FATHER GOD please wake up YOUR stiff-necked people to hear from YOU and to stop questioning YOU! Please deliver President Trump and us Americans from the diabolical plans of satan who is using biden to destroy America! Save President Trump and us from the plans of the enemy of our souls that is using democrats to destroy us all in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Marlene Severson
June 5, 2024

I believe Donald Trump is our man for president! I am praying into that. Praying for him and his family protection, discernment and divine encounters! Turn the lights on Holy Spirit all over for such a time as this.

June 4, 2024

Trump is proving through God’s miracles that he is the choice for the Lord to be able to restore our country to what He wants it to be. God is greater than any political view or political party. He is all knowing, all loving, all powerful, full of mercy and grace. He loves all people and all people are imperfect. That’s why we need Jesus. Praying that each one of God’s children will pray with purpose and direction and find and do God’s perfect will. We don’t have to understand God’s will, just obey that peace that passes understanding. Amen 🙏 !!

Paula Moore
June 4, 2024

Amen; Lord thank You for the above well-stated article.

Zoe Ella
June 4, 2024

I notice that you are believing that there are only two candidates to choose from and that two parties are the only choices, one being good and the other evil. It is not that simple. I do believe there is another candidate who wishes to be considered and who the two current parties are trying to suppress. If he could get on the ballot (he is almost there) he could offer Americans choices that avoid civil war. We do not need to be so fixated on either-or thinking. Both parties are anti-life in one way or another. One man is weak and has yielded to the influence of sociopaths. The other yells instead of debating and seems to not know what respectable behavior or following the laws is. We need to look at what options are available, instead of fixating on either-or thinking. I understand tat there are those who consider Trump the beloved, but he and Biden are elements in a political system, neither is particularly religious, and neither is chosen by God.

    June 5, 2024

    Zoe Ella,
    In elections, only 2 Parties get the majority of the votes so I am not casting a vote for a third or even a fourth party candidate. It’s something to think about.

      Mary Beth
      June 5, 2024

      I agree, Jennifer. Dividing the conservative vote has always resulted in a loss for conservatives, at least in my humble opinion.

Jeffrey Sayle
June 4, 2024

As Franklin Graham said, “ We’re electing someone to lead America not a minister. Biden has led us to complete evil, including no mention of Christ. In Trump’s presidency, we celebrated the true meaning of Christmas. All it takes for evil to exist, is for good men to do nothing.

June 4, 2024

Believers cannot vote for Trump, he is every bit as evil as Biden. I won’t put my support behind the like of either one as one day I’ll have to face my maker and give an account.

    June 5, 2024

    Bob, who else is there to vote for? Jill Stein, the communist? RKJr who keeps changing his stance on his pro choice beliefs?

    June 5, 2024

    Donald Trump is not the typical Republican politician. For one, he is described by many of his followers in cult like terms. He is called ‘anointed’, ‘instrument of righteousness’, and ‘God’s chosen.’ All of this is interesting in light of the comments below that seem to agree that Donald Trump lacks the character of a Christian leader as described in the scripture.

    And then there is his random and unpredictable behavior and his lack of defined policies. It was after he got the Republican nomination that he revealed what his abortion policy would be. He has yet to say what he would do about Ukraine or Social Security or the military.

    And then there is the shocking lack of maturity shown in his petty dispute with the Chief of Staff and twitter battles with celebrities, the constant chaos in his administration as heads of state changed.

      June 5, 2024

      I can support the Republican party by voting for Republican senators and representatives. I cannot dishonor my Lord by voting for Donald Trump. I may write in another Republican candidate instead.

      June 5, 2024

      You are wrong! I respectfully disagree with you! Donald Trump is not a wicked man, he is a sinner saved by Grace just like you? and I! Go ahead and not be led by GOD! I guarantee that you haven’t asked GOD about any of this!

        June 5, 2024

        I never said he was wicked. I gave an accurate portrayal of his behavior that concerned me. And I am led by the spirit.

        Please notice you added in your saw words that were never there. If you cannot interpret words, which are black and white and frozen in place on a page, what makes you think that you are hearing the Holy Spirit properly and not misinterpreting him because of your intense emotions??

          June 5, 2024

          Sorry. I changed halfway through my statements. You added words that were never there.

          June 5, 2024

          I was responding to Bob ma’am! Not you!

    June 7, 2024

    You have to ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Not cop-out by voting for a 3rd party (who is still a Democrat) and zero chance of winning. You are using human judgment based on information told to you that you do not know is actually true. God would not tell different people in His church to vote for different candidates. God asks us to follow Him and do what He asks of us even if we don’t understand. God has instructed me, my family and friends and every Christian leader I follow to support and vote for Trump. You truly believe we are all wrong? I don’t like Trump and never have but I believe the Holy Spirit instructed me to support him since 2016 and still does. Evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo recently wrote:
    Who is your god? It certainly isn’t the Jesus I worship. All of your accusations against Trump are what the media, Democrats, and corrupt courts told you. Have you taken the log out of your own eye before the speak out of your neighbors? Have you asked God who to support, listened for His answer, and accepted it with trust even if you don’t understand? Or are you making a flawed sinful human decision? God would not instruct part of His church to support and vote for Trump and part to vote for Biden. So why are millions of Christians supporting Trump? Are we all deceived or are you? Evangelist and prophet Mario Murillo recently stated: Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America.

    Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.

    Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time.

    Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden.

    The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!


Ann Shaw
June 4, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant us wisdom to discern your truth and courage to obey and walk with you. May we humble ourselves and pray and seek your glorious face so that we can turn from our wicked ways and turn to you and boldly walk with you so that all is shall honor you above all things.

In Jesus’s name Amen

Elizabeth O. GA IFA Prayer leader
June 4, 2024

Great article! I agree that we must put personalities aside and look at the value systems that are presented before us. If we are studying the Word of God according to 2 Timothy 2:15-16, taking note of the warning, then we will develop that Mind of Christ referred to in the article. Unity in Christ is not a problem, if we truly follow His precepts. I pray that we guard our hearts with all diligence during these times and not allow our senses to be overtaken by the lies of the enemy.

Revs. Jerry and Sonia Mashek
June 4, 2024

Very Concise and Complete Article for The Ignorsnt Christians in the Church!

    June 5, 2024

    Revs Jerry and Sonia,
    Can you please explain your comment? Did you mean “ignorant”?
    I thought this was an excellent and well written article

      June 5, 2024

      Reverend Jerry and Sonia, thank you! And for the ignorant and self righteous, read your Bible and learn of GOD! HIS ways are not our ways, and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts!

Betty J Lewis
June 4, 2024

Prayer and waiting on the Lord for His answer as to who to vote for in 2016 was what caused a lot of us in the Prophetic/Apostolic to vote for Trump. Nothing has changed. I was at memorial service in a church I had never visited before recently and one of the associate pastors alluded to abortion as necessary. So with that said, how are the believers being taught from some of the pulpits that would cause them to vote for the one who is against the Lord, the constitution and His Church, not to mention Israel?

June 4, 2024


Mary Beth
June 4, 2024

Judy, Rich and Keith – the prayer call today was so encouraging – all of it. What stood out to me most was the discussion about unity. True spiritual unity has nothing to do with agreeing with each other – that is a natural phenomenon that usually reflects a common personal agenda. Or a false unity can occur because one or both parties is willing to compromise. However, God’s Word and Truth are never to be compromised. True spiritual unity comes from aligning with God’s agenda which is clearly defined in His Word. As we align with God’s Word and character we will have true spiritual unity. I Peter 1:2-4 “May grace and shalom be yours in full measure, as you come to a full knowledge of God and Yeshua our Lord. God’s power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowing the One who called us to His own glory and goodness. By these He has given us valuable and superlatively great promises, so that through them you might come to share in God’s nature and escape the corruption which evil desires have brought into the world.”
May we come into that full knowledge of You, Lord in order to share in Your nature. And may we see disunity and division as Keith’s pastor put it – as “an indication that some of us, or all of us are wrong”. – and then have the humility to seek you in regard to the issue and welcome your conviction and correction.

    Rich Swingle
    June 4, 2024

    Bless you, Mary Beth!

    I was raised as an Evangelical Quaker, and we never voted on anything. We’d wait on the Lord until everyone was in agreement or those who were not would stand aside. I was on a committee to pick a student speaker for graduation at George Fox College (now University). The school is named after the founder of Quakerism, who was steeped in the Word of God. We kept waiting on the Lord until our list of potential speakers was down to the one we chose. The Lord honored that process by giving all of the speakers at that event (I believe we only chose one of them) the same passage of Scripture! Wish I could remember what it was. That was a while ago, but I’ll never forget how that event encouraged me to seek unity in the Body of Christ.

      Mary Beth
      June 4, 2024

      Wonderful testimony of how God will work if we allow Him to do so! Thank you, Rich!

June 4, 2024

Oh, my, as you spoke today, Keith – and Judy and Rick, and as I was led to consider the unity we can have ONLY as we have the mind of Christ,
and how it contrasts to the DISunity we are living in, and our prideful lack of love for one another –
which Jesus said would be the means of others knowing whether or not we are HIS –
it struck me that we have lost our saltiness, and so are being deservedly trampled underfoot.
Is our saltiness renewed by our tears?
Tears of compassion for those ensnared by deception?
Tears of anguish over heartless and pervasive child sacrifice?
Tearful prayers to our All-Wise God – first, as to how we can obey and love Him more –
and then, therefore, how we can obey Him in loving our neighbors as ourselves,
going (even when its scary) and making disciples of them,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to observe all things He has commanded us,
knowing that He will keep His promise to be with us always, even to the end of the age?
Lord, You have promised to hear our cry!
We are crying to You!
Thank You for hearing our prayer.

Darlene Estlow
June 4, 2024

Thank you, Keith. We need to hear this and think. We so need to understand the issues out there and go beyond personalities, whether national or local!

Rich Swingle
June 4, 2024

Well said, Keith! it was an honor to serve with you today on Headline Prayer Live!

Tina Freeman
June 4, 2024

I’m grateful to the Lord that he gave you the wisdom to write this article. While listening to the Live Prayer, your words stood out to me and the Lord convicted my heart as to where I have been. He has opened my eyes through the words you spoke and have written. Thank you, Lord Jesus

June 4, 2024

Here’s an idea. Back when the Sound of Freedom movie came out, I had a couple of T-shirts made through Amazon with the slogan “God’s children are not for sale” on the front. I wore these T-shirts in my community a few times. It brought people out of the woodwork’s, people that agreed. It was amazing. Satan loves to keep us in silence, divided not knowing one another. I am going to have a new T-shirt made soon. There will be three slogans stacked on the front of it. They will read.



TRUMP 2024

Gary Dockall
June 4, 2024

Thank you Keith, such an anointed article! His Kingdom rules and we as His children who must maintain a biblical Kingdom worldview that must always take preeminence above our political views and opinions.

Marilynn Harrison
June 4, 2024

Thank you for writing and publishing this article. I wish each and every believer in the USA could/would read this. It is excellent and the most succinct and well written explanation of how a believer should prayerfully evaluate a political candidate and vote on who best stands for our Biblical morals/values, in leading our nation and honoring our God given rights/principles

June 4, 2024

Good article. Paul lets us know why divisions are necessary:

1 Corinthians 11:18-19
“For, in the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you. And I believe it in part, for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized.“

You spelled it out clearly: with all its flaws, and flawed representatives (and president), the Republican party is so much more in alignment with the kingdom of God. It’s my observation as a pastor, that many Christians have jumped on the “virtue signaling“ bandwagon, feeling very virtuous in condemning Trump (“orange man bad “). No, Christ is a not divided, but I am thankful that God has used Trump to expose the “virtu-signalers” and contrasted them with the “kingdom seekers” who can see past Trump’s harshness to focus on the children, families, values and culture that one party seeks to preserve and another party seeks to deconstruct and destroy. Kingdom seekers: unite and stay strong. Virtue-signalers: repent and come to your senses. You’re still our brothers and sisters whom we love; you just got snared in the enemy’s lies.

Sharon Kay Hessler
June 4, 2024

We live in very decisive times, and it is hard for Christians to stand up against the evil that is out there, but we must. The Lord is with
us if we let him be, continue praying for God’s grace to help guide us and stand tall for what is right.

June 4, 2024

Thank you Keith! This article is beautifully written, thought provoking and informative. I have often wondered if I was wrong about my support for Donald Trump. I have asked God to guide me in His truth on how to vote. I am against the Democratic platform and have been for years bc it doesn’t align with my faith and I can no longer vote for them.
This isn’t about Democrats vs Republicans; it’s about GOOD vs EVIL and we need to continue to pray for all leaders, especially for them to come to Jesus and be saved.
This article affirms my gut instinct to vote for Donald Trump in 2024. He isn’t a perfect man nor is he a savior but I believe God used him “BIGGLY” in his first term and I know God will use him again!

Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing our prayers and uniting Christians all over the world to stand strong and be the Body of Christ we are called to be. Thank You for boldness, discipline and wisdom for this day and time. Thank You for allowing us to be apart of Your Kingdom in such a time as this! May Christians everywhere fight the good fight of faith and not against each other and may we bring Your Kingdom and Your will to come to earth as it is in heaven! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

David Denbow
June 4, 2024

What a fine view to hold! There be many of us who need the help to process all that is happening in our country and how to stand – believe – act.
Thank you.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Linda Hanratty
June 4, 2024

This is an excellent article which I am going to forward to many people. Thank you for the depth and insight with which you wrote it.

June 4, 2024

Don’t be deceived. God will not be mocked. Lord, remove the scales from our eyes to see the truth that You have set before us. Let us follow You Lord and stand for righteousness not join sides with evil. Lord, You use flawed men and women to do Your will. You see their hearts Lord and not their faces. For You Lord search the heart and You only know the motives of the heart. Let us love what you love Lord and hate what You hate (Proverbs 6:16-19). Lord, thank You for President Trump and all of those who You have raised up for such a time as this. Lord, work in them a clean, steadfast and persevering heart, one on fire after You. Lord, deliver America and bring awakening and revival to her. Lord, restore the reverence of You once again to America and make her great again. All praise and honor is yours! In Jesus Holy Name, Amen

Joyce Swingle
June 4, 2024

Another strongly argued, beautifully written piece, Keith. Thanks for blowing the smoke off this subject for us.

June 4, 2024

Whether or not we agree with everything said or done it ANYONE in office, we are instructed by God’s Word to pray for ALL those in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life. We are to respect the offices of those in authority,. We are to be united in Christ’s love for ALL of us. 1 Corinthians 13 needs now, MORE THAN EVER to be our blueprint in ALL of our actions and our words!

    Marianne Allen
    June 4, 2024

    Thank you, Carlotta.
    The presidents’ reigns have not affected me personally…. I buy less when it costs more. I have a lovely home and family. My very Democratic brother says the same.
    The future of our country will be deeply affected if we do not get a much more conservative Congress

Barbara Janicki
June 4, 2024

Thank you for this article laying out so clearly the choices before us. The media has successfully “branded” Trump – keeping us focused on the person (and their version of the person at that) instead of on his policies which affect us all in our daily lives. We so quickly forget it seems how much better life was during Trump’s four years even with “Russia, Russia, Russia” and then covid. “Remain in Mexico” and ending “catch and release” both worked! We forget how low the border numbers were then compared to now. (even without the wall being built)

We forget that we were energy independent – exporting oil – now were have to buy oil from our enemies. This is not a position of strength and of course we are paying substantially higher prices for gas.

Trump took us out of the “Mexico City Agreement” – which was our tax dollars funding abortion around the world and tried to defund Planned Parenthood by not allowing our tax dollars to go to that organization whose main business is abortion. These are pro life actions – they speak louder than words do.

Trump moved the American embassy to Jerusalem – many of his predecessors had promised this action, but he actually did it! Trump’s actions were pro Israel – very important.

They told us Trump would start WW111 – but we had peace and no new wars until Biden took office. How soon we forget. Harari did indeed let the cat out of the bag when he acknowledged why they hate Trump so much – Trump is for America and for individual freedoms and for law and order and for national sovereignty, and that goes against the globalist agenda of centralized control by a very few over the rest of us. (and they are the ones preaching to us about oppressed and oppressor?)

We are not electing a savior – we already have one – but we need a person who has the courage not to go along with the current power structure which is maintained by feeding us lies 24/7 through the media. Trump loves this country and he is paying a high personal price for standing up for her – being much maligned and persecuted. And many believe the lies rather than seek the truth. Thank you for the truth in this article. Lord, we thank You that Trump didn’t go along with those in power and sell our country out like his predecessors. We ask that You send more people into public service that will serve as unto You and do what is right and not be convinced nor coerced into doing what is wrong. We ask Your protection over him and his family as he seems to be fighting this battle alone. (anyone who supports Trump is labeled, targeted and attacked – they send a message to the rest of us to be silent) Lord, we look to You and ask Your will to be done – guide me and others to do whatever You are calling us to do – You have entrusted us with this wonderful, free nation and we have not been good stewards of the legacies of faith and freedom and truth that have been passed down to us. We have let them slip away while we were busy with lesser things. Forgive us. May we courageously, selflessly act before it is too late. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

June 4, 2024

I am praying for Donald Trump to be joyfully born again and transformed.

Carol Kochon
June 4, 2024

Beautifully expressed. Thank you! I am grieving that many of my Christian friends do not hate many of the entities that are listed – but support and believe in them! Yet I I know they have come to Jesus.
I’m praying specifically for the generation of my adult children and their children – they have been brainwashed by the world and lack discernment to see the spiritual / they sing repetitive praise to Jesus, yet do not dive deeply into theology and biblical understanding . They have a new definition of “love” and have been deceived into believing that they are loving as Jesus loved.

Wanda Feeney
June 4, 2024

I have struggled with family and friends regarding the issue of Donald Trump. I am greatful for this explanation. May we all be bold enough to set aside our petty differences and follow the heart of God!

Kathy Robinson
June 4, 2024

Thank you for such a thought provoking article. For years I’ve supported President Trump, not because he’s perfect, but because he love this country, and under his leadership we were safer, better off financially, as Christians we were respected and so much more. He’s fighting for us.

Robert Cullinan
June 4, 2024

This is the most outstanding presentation on this topic I have ever read. Because of such powerful words in such a brief writing, this is a must read by every Believer. This is anointed material. Thank you

June 4, 2024

That was a powerful and knowledgeable message to believers in Christ. Thank you for sharing truth about the various organizations and truth about their work remove our freedom. Americans need this truth declared and must be aware of how to pray for every evil intention proclaimed by the world elites like the WHO, UN, NATO, etc. We must stand together against this madness and continue to fight for freedom and justice in Christ. We must keep our faith and learn the truth about the elite who want to take away humanitarian rights and religious freedoms to serve the one true GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Continue praying because HE hears the hearts of believers and always rewards those who seek HIM an earnestly and in truth. May HIS HOLY SPIRIT remain in all believers. Rebuke the enemy and he will flee! Stand up for truth and GOD a will move mountains for your faith! Remember HIS word and every testimony HE has given you! May we experience Yeshua’s shalom and grace! In Yeshua’s mighty name may we keep praying in praising worship, Amen! (I have a peace about Trump’s convictions. THE MOST HIGH has a plan. A plan to prosper us and not to hurt us. A plan of goodwill and love for us. Just pray and know that HE is LORD GOD! Repent daily and seek HIS face. Stay strong and secure is Messiah! YESHUA is coming and HE is here and remands in us by believing in HIS HOLY SPIRIT that HE left for us! We feel HIM and we know HIM, so do not be afraid. Remember HIS characteristics and SPIRITS and practice them for anything other than HIM like fear is not from GOD but from the enemy. So be bold and go with GOD by showing HIS alive daily to your neighbors. I love all my family in Christ THE Messiah!)

Mary Beth
June 4, 2024

Keith, an excellent and insightful article! I have been grieved for some time as I’ve read the comments on IFA articles about President Trump. The articles themselves have been informative and helped to guide my prayers. I have always been able to agree wholeheartedly with “How you can pray for this issue”. But some of the comments I have not been able to “amen”. Some have been divisive, because they have made him out to be either a demon or a savior – and he is neither. He is a man, and like each and every one of us he is in need of a savior himself. Only One deserves that title – Yeshua! That is my primary prayer for him, that he might be saved, delivered, and wholly dedicated to the Lord. That is also my prayer for Joe Biden. But one of them clearly has set policies for our governance that more accurately reflect a Biblical standard of righteousness, as Keith so aptly pointed out.
As Brooke affirmed in her reply below, God can choose whomever He pleases, whenever He pleases, however He pleases – and for whatever purpose He chooses to deal with the nations, and to deal with God’s people. The list of those He has chosen in the past to be His “servants” might surprise many believers. Cyrus was chosen to bless God’s people, but Nebuchadnezzar was chosen to judge God’s people – both were called God’s servants. I believe that we receive the leaders we deserve. So as a people of God – the church – we need to be a II Chronicles 7:14 kind of people – repentant; humble; seeking His face, mind, and heart. And since we live in a republic, we are privileged to vote – let’s do it! But let’s also remember that He does not ask for our opinion, He asks for our obedience.

Lord, Your will be done! Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven! We make the advancement of Your Kingdom our highest priority, and our greatest desire. We care about our nation, and cry out to You for her – that she might fulfill her God-given destiny. But that pales in comparison to our desire for the establishment of Your Kingdom on earth!

    June 4, 2024

    Mary Beth, this is beautifully written!
    I, too noticed some of the comments that surprised me and made me angry but grieved is the correct word.

Ian Nowland
June 4, 2024

Pastor Douglas Wilson had an excellent summary of a good Christian position regarding Trump a few months back (https://dougwils.com/books-and-culture/s7-engaging-the-culture/the-goat-rodeo-school-of-law.html):

I have known of Donald Trump for decades, and my basic assessment of his character has remained unchanged for the most part. But after Trump came into radical conflict with the American Establishment—that basket of respectables—he revealed that establishment to be thoroughly petty and self-consciously malignant in ways that I had not dreamed. Oh, I am a Calvinist, and I always knew about total depravity, and thought I had budgeted for it. But Trump comes along, and as the infomercials on television put it . . . “but wait, there’s more.”

Bill&Kathy Doyle
June 4, 2024

Only low info voters can be deceived to vote biden- not support Trump! Wake up christians,be prepared,God have mercy on our country!

June 4, 2024

Thank you so much, Keith, for capsulizing what it is we believe in and what we should passionately defend. We can no longer allow Satan to divide the body of Christ by ignoring the elephant in the room.

Norma Morris
June 4, 2024

This is a wonderful article that really touches the heart and mind of God in the matter of politics. Humans have been given free will…we have not been given a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind…we have been given the capacity for deep thought, for moral judgement, for self governance and for loving God with our whole being and our neighbor as ourselves. However, we tend to forget there were two trees in the garden and it’s easier to perch ourselves in the branches of the wrong tree and engage in throwing the fruit at each other and those below…no wonder eating of it was forbidden to Adam and Eve. The good news is we have Jesus (The Word) to emulate and consult for daily living as we attempt to discern the times and thoughtfully respond in ways that build the Kingdom.
I am so very grateful for IFA prayer resources and the opportunity to be part of America’s Prayer Team! Thank you, Keith Guinta for your thoughtful read this morning (I join you in admiration of Jordan Peterson and his willingness to think out loud!) and I look forward to following your blog @ http://www.winepatch.org

June 4, 2024

We must pray for president Trump and our nation save from the evil of this administration. God is watching and listening.

June 4, 2024

This seems correct to me the democrat party is about racial division, law fare, open and dangerous immigration, personal gain, gaining power over people They’ve completely stopped being the party I knew.

Susan Shanks
June 4, 2024

Amen and Amen

June 4, 2024

Blind spots and patterns of behavior. May all believers have the courage and honesty to ask God to reveal these hindrances that harm others and separate us from God.

Nadine Lutrick
June 4, 2024


June 4, 2024

Wouldn’t advancing the Kingdom look like electing officials that have these qualifications?

In First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus, the apostle Paul outlines the qualifications for elders
(also known as bishops or overseers) rulers, within the early Christian communities.

What are the qualifications?

1. Blameless:
○ Elders must have a good reputation and be above reproach.
○ They should live consistently with their faith and exhibit moral integrity.
2. Husband of One Wife:
○ This phrase likely refers to marital fidelity.
○ Elders should be committed to their spouses and maintain a faithful marriage.
3. Temperate and Sober-Minded:
○ Elders should exercise self-control, avoiding extremes.
○ They must be level-headed and clear-minded.
4. Good Behavior and Hospitality:
○ Elders should exhibit kindness, courtesy, and graciousness.
○ Their homes should be open to others, reflecting hospitality.
5. Able to Teach:
○ Elders play a teaching role within the church.
○ They should be knowledgeable about Scripture and able to communicate effectively.
6. Not Given to Wine:
○ Elders should avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
○ Sobriety is essential for spiritual leadership.
7. Not Violent or Quarrelsome:
○ Elders must be peaceable and gentle.
○ They should resolve conflicts in a Christlike manner.
8. Not Greedy for Money:
○ Elders should not be motivated by financial gain.
○ Their focus should be on serving God and His people.
9. Manage Their Own Households Well:
○ Elders’ family lives should reflect order and respect.
○ If they cannot lead their families, how can they lead the church?
10. Not a Novice:
○ Elders should have maturity and experience.
○ Avoid appointing recent converts who may become prideful.
11. Good Reputation Among Outsiders:
○ Elders’ character should be respected by those outside the faith.
○ They represent Christ and the church to the world.

These qualifications ensure that elders provide godly leadership,
nurture the congregation,
and maintain a healthy spiritual environment.

Don’t they provide good criteria for electing a president?

Please consider them when you’re voting.

    June 4, 2024

    You are referring to an elder or pastor leading a church. This is the Presidency of the United States. If Gos can use King Cyrus, an ungodly man, to fight for and rescue Israel, why then can’t God use a flawed man (you are flawed as well) to lead our nation back to freedom? Over & over in Scripture we see God do things and choose vessels that are so offensive to the religious sect. Maybe He’s trying to put the haughty in their places and show them HE is God and can do whatever He wants and use whoever He wants. Maybe we should get the plank out of own eyes and repent of our pride then maybe we can see the speck in Donald Trump’s eye a little clearer.

      June 4, 2024

      The problem with what you are saying is that Donald Trump tries to portray himself as a Christian leader, and many of his supporters seem to agree with this and describe him as being ‘especially chosen by God’. Since this is the case, he must be held to that standard.

        Brenda F
        June 6, 2024

        No he doesn’t. You have not done your due diligence. In addition, do you REALLY want Biden to be in the White House 4 more years? Is it not clear that there is a battle of good and evil raging, and the darkness grows darker and thicker as we speak? God HELP us!

      June 7, 2024

      Amen. Well said.

    June 4, 2024

    Jim- I agree, it would be glorious to have a President that fits all of these qualifications. However, these verses apply to church leaders. I Timothy 3:1…. If someone aspires to be an elder…. Verse 8 In the same way, deacons….
    In reality we have two options of who could win the presidency. Both men have shown us what they stand for. Who stands more for God’s ways? Neither man completely fits the Bible’s leadership responsibilities list and character traits. But honestly none of us sinners are capable to follow this as listed. It’s time to get over character assaults and dig into policies, or fruit. It seems clear which man stands for the Kingdom! Mr. Trump is a strong man and here to stand for good for such a time as this.
    And remember King David, a man after Gods own heart? God forgave his adultery and murder. Our gracious God is looking throughout the earth to strengthen heart commitments to Him. Unify Your people Oh God!

    Brenda F
    June 6, 2024

    This is not an election of an Elder. It’s the election of the President of the United States.

Susan CC
June 4, 2024

I came to a FULL stop after reading ” Yuval Noah Harari, the false prophet and unholy scribe of the World Economic Forum…if Donald Trump has a second term. He said, “That would destroy everything we have been trying to create here.”

Having never heard this name, I did some reading on Yuval Noah Harari:

-born and raised in Israel to a secular Jewish family
-atheist but practicing Vipisanna Buddhist
-deferred then exempted from IDF/military service
-PHD in Philosophy from Jesus College, Oxford
-gay man
-husband is Itzik Harari
-believes the Netanyahu government is trying to take over the supreme court to gain unlimited power

Hebrews 10:31, Proverbs 9:10, Philippians 2:5:11

Dear Heavenly Father, in Your judgement, this report is old news. You know all plans and planners long before they exist. This morning, I pray for Yuval Noah and the other like thinkers who have risen in influence and “power” in our time. We who believe Jesus Christ is our Savior, The Messiah, have no inclination toward this thinking because it is wrong. We know the eventuality of unconfessed sin. I join Keith in praying for ALL of the world’s “leaders” who are deceived and corrupt. I pray You will correct their thinking and let them feel terror as they realize they are in Your Hands, The Living God! Your Word says the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. May these men and women know You and understand that one day, they will bow before You and declare You Lord. I pray that day is this day. I praise You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit….our Triune God! Amen

Bob Huseby
June 4, 2024

…. May we pray that this nation reclaims her biblical foundations and advances once again in the ways of the Fathers Kingdom.
Very well said my friend, very well said !!!

June 4, 2024

Amen to EXCELLENT article!

This is a wonderful time to evaluate our own beliefs by the standards of the Kingdom. We must know what is truth and what is counterfeit.

Illuminate and unite Your people Holy Spirit!
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen

Onward Christian soldiers!

June 4, 2024

Excellent article! You thoughtfully and scripturally addressed the heart of the issue. Well done. I will be sharing this article with many. Thank you

June 4, 2024

Father I pray that each and every one of your followers, no matter which political party they represent, will vote according to your Will and your principles and teaching. I pray that we each will have clarity of mind and realize that to do opposite of what your word teaches is a decision you will hold us accountable for. May we recall your word as Jesus stated in Matthew 12:30 “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” I pray we each will vote our consciences as we claim and prove to be your followers. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

June 4, 2024

Do not call yourself a believer when Trump is anointed an appointed of God to b in White House!!!!

Reply Report comment moderated
    Susan CC
    June 4, 2024

    “…when Trump is anointed and appointed of God…”

    Donna, if he is anointed and appointed by God…
    “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?…“Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty?
  He who argues with God, let him answer it.”
    I was reminded of Job and encourage you to read chapters 38-40 as God answers Job’s complaints. I pray the Lord will guide your thinking as you read His Word, pray and seek His will. He is waiting for you. I pray you are saturated in the Peace of Christ, Shalom.

June 4, 2024

FATHER, send REVIVAL, an Awakening to YOUR Ekklesia to YOUR WILL for America. Awakening of YOUR Pastors to STAND & Speak out of the above TRUTHS of the DNC Platform of AntiGOD, PRO-ABORTION(antiLIFE), Lawlessness and Corruption(AntiLAW & ORDER) Perversion(Rom1:32)
Lies Stealing Killing Destroying
(Mutilation of confused youth)


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