I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we know that You love the unborn and that You love truth. We pray for the 2024 election to result in the protection of life.
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Democrats experienced success with several pro-abortion ballot initiatives in 2022. Now, ahead of one of the most significant elections in American history, Democrat and Republican strategic ballot initiatives are addressing abortion and unborn lives.

From The Epoch Times. The Florida Supreme Court issued a long-awaited ruling on April 1, upholding a 15-week abortion ban that was signed into law in 2022. The ruling paved the way for a six-week abortion ban to take effect on May 1.

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A second ruling on the same day allowed an initiative to amend the state constitution to guarantee abortion access to be placed before voters. …

Barely a week later, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld an 1864 law banning nearly all abortions in the state. Three days later, the Biden campaign initiated a seven-figure ad buy in the Grand Canyon State, including a billboard that reads, “Abortion is banned in Arizona thanks to Donald Trump. He won’t stop until it’s banned nationwide. #TrumpsAbortionBan.”

Democrats are leveraging abortion as a central issue in the 2024 election, and they are waging that campaign through ballot initiatives in key battleground states.

The theory is simple, according to political analyst Keith Nahigian. “Ballot questions help to get more independent expenditures for ‘get out the vote’ campaigns,” he told The Epoch Times.

In Arizona, a campaign is underway for a ballot measure amending the state constitution to provide the “fundamental right” to abortion up to the point a baby could survive outside the womb, typically around 24 weeks. …

In Nevada, a petition drive is in the works to include an amendment on abortion access. In Colorado and Maryland, voters will decide on abortion-related  amendments in November.

“The Democrats’ strategy heading into this election cycle was to put these measures on the ballot in every big swing state,” Phoenix-based Republican strategist Marcus Dell’Artino told The Epoch Times.

Republicans are using the same tactic with election integrity — placing related measures on the ballot in nine states, including in Arizona, Florida, and Wisconsin. …

The movement to amend state constitutions to guarantee abortion access is a calculated strategy by the Democratic Party to rally voters to the November election.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee laid out the strategy in an April 5 memo.

The committee attributed a ballot measure to add abortion to the state constitution in Ohio for the “historic” turnout during an off-year election in November 2023. Voters in the state passed the measure 57 percent to 43 percent — a margin of 14 percent. President Trump won Ohio by 8 percentage points in both 2016 and 2020.

“When abortion is on the ballot, voters turn out to defend their rights,” the memo states. …

Capitalizing on Momentum

Momentum around the issue of access to abortion has been building since the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade, the seminal decision that, for decades, limited restrictions states can impose on the procedure.

Within 18 months of the Dobbs decision, seven states put abortion-related ballot questions before the public. In red and blue states alike, voters came down on the side of access to abortion. …

Democrats have hammered the issue for over two years while Republicans have been slow to admit that many of their own voters don’t favor a near-complete abortion ban.

In Virginia, Democrats took advantage of Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s interest in a 15-week abortion ban to campaign on abortion access in 2023. They retook control of the state’s General Assembly, prompting prominent Democrats to make abortion a centerpiece of the 2024 campaign.

“The prospect of a national abortion ban is real,” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said in December 2023.

Ms. Whitmer launched the Fight Like Hell PAC in June 2023 to raise campaign funds for Democratic candidates who are “unapologetic in their fight for working people and their basic freedoms.” …

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, who was narrowly elected in 2022, says her victory was aided by backlash over the Dobbs decision. She said the battle for abortion access will cause independents and pro-abortion Republicans to vote for Democrats again in 2024. …

Republicans, now tuned in to the issue, are treading lightly.

President Trump said on April 10 that the Arizona Supreme Court decision “needs to be straightened out.” …

Arizona Republican Kari Lake, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, said the court’s decision was “out of line with where the people of the state are.” …

Election Integrity

Republicans have chosen election integrity as a theme for 2024 and have lined up ballot initiatives to match. …

Voters in nine states, including four swing states, will decide on questions related to election integrity in November.

Wisconsin voters, who decided on April 2 to bar the use of private donations to fund election operations, will vote in November on a constitutional amendment stipulating that only U.S. citizens may vote. Voters in Idaho and Kentucky will both weigh banning noncitizens from voting.

Florida voters will consider a referendum to prevent candidates from receiving public campaign financing if they agree to spending limits.

Arizona voters will decide on a legislative referendum that requires partisan primary elections and bars the use of primaries in which the top two or top four candidates advance to the general election regardless of party affiliation. …

In Nevada, voters will consider the opposite in a question posed by Democrats. Silver State voters will decide whether to adopt a nonpartisan “top-five” system for primary elections and to allow ranked-choice voting for general elections.

Issue Ownership

Ballot measures in national elections may be most useful in defining the stakes of the race by keeping hot-button issues in the public’s view.

“You can’t make people think anything, but you can make them think about things,” said Nicholas Higgins, a political science professor at Northern Greenville University. Political parties tend to put social issues on the ballot in part to force attention to matters in which they have some advantage. …

“Biden, and therefore Democrats generally, are suffering from an enthusiasm deficit,” said Donald Nieman, professor of political science at Binghamton University.

“Ballot measures on abortion and marijuana legalization will energize core Democratic constituencies … which could be a game changer,” he told The Epoch Times. …

What do you think of these ballot initiatives and this strategy? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: mstahlphoto/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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June 22, 2024

God give those running for public office to courage to stay the course against abortion. There is nothing that You can’t do. May they fully surrender to you and seek Your guidance. Amen

May 12, 2024

Lord, we so need Your help. Forgive the lack of unity in Your church about the value of life, human life especially. Forgive our selfishness too.
Please give the Republicans a clear pro life platform for 2024.
Lord, can we please pass a federal law to stop using tax dollars to promote and perform abortions, here and abroad.
Can we please pass a federal law to forbid the sale of baby body parts. Forbid the use of all aborted baby body parts in organizations, including colleges in experiments, even for so called medical reasons.
Can You please move someone to pass a law to require a doctor face to face exam and ultrasound before prescribing chemical abortion drugs, for the safety of the mom at least.

May 10, 2024

In the Mighty Name of Jesus we bind, rebuke and bring to no effect all of these plans of the devil. We know that you have a plan for America and each of us. We pray Father that you alone get the glory when you show up, show out and thwart the devils plans for America during the upcoming election. Help us to seek you and your kingdom first by getting into your word and having solid relationships with you. You inhabit the praises of your people help us to lift our voices to you in praise so we know that you are right beside us. I thank you my Savior for every blessing. I stand in awe of you knowing you alone are God and so worthy to be praised!! Help us to remember Psalms 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation, of whom shall I fear? The Lord is the STRENGTH OF MY LIFE, of whom shall I be afraid? Standing on your word, Father. Soli Deo Gloria

Darlene Estlow
May 9, 2024

Father, may we look to you for wisdom and not to ourselves. I pray that those who have biblical values would vote those values. My Faith Votes is having a letter writing campaign to call voters in various states to vote their biblical values. Bring many out to be involved so we can open the eyes of those who love you to the value and importance of voting.

Grant Windholz
May 9, 2024

Oh Lord, please help the pro abortion baby killers throughout this country 🙏! They have no idea that they are killing off God’s children, or should I say celebrate it! It looks incredibly grim for these people. All written in stone in the bookof Revelation!!! This outcome is unstoppable!

Peg B
May 9, 2024

LORD, the only strategy we desire is Yours. Defeat every misleading initiative, and grant sound mind with each vote cast. ‘Life’ is found in You, therefore, bring forth the victory. Please hear this plea. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

May 9, 2024

The Lord knows the make-up of the people in each state. Although I am very pro-life, I believe we need to seek the Lord in how to pray for our specific state so that the life of the unborn is protected. Maybe that battle will have to be won a little at a time. “With God all things are possible.” Let’s believe and decree that the lives of the unborn will win out in each state.

May 9, 2024

So what was the “new” pro-life strategy?

Zoe Ella
May 9, 2024

Basing a campaign on the right to kill unborn babies almost at will has an aura of evil about it.

Unless they can come up with proof that is not speculative, basing a campaign in election fraud, whether or not it occurred, is a weak approach, lacking solid evidence.

Both issues are based on using people’s emotions, and not requiring deep thinking on the current and probable policies of either party.

Valerie Lozensky
May 9, 2024

It is expressed that no one can kill themselves. It’s against the law. They will be sent to a hospital, or a place of holding, so they cannot harm themselves. Hence, people should not have the choice to purposefully kill the babies. They are God’s creation, with a heart beat They have been given life. Praise to the Lord of all creation.

Greg T. Berry
May 9, 2024

I believe these strategies are impotent. The only real impact will come from convincing people of the value of life.
I would like to suggest an aggressive ad campaign.
Millions of people have had sonograms and these have been used to convince expecting mothers to save their children.
A photograph on a sonogram noting the age in weeks (This is life) followed by a photograph of the child noting age in years (this is life fulfilled)

May 9, 2024

If abortion becomes a “fundamental” right, then why would suicide, or murder if anyone for any reason not be a “fundamental ” right and no longer need to be punished? What need would there be for prisons, police, our constitution to proclaim that we the people have an inaluenable right to life, or liberty?

May 9, 2024

Please help us Lord, You are the only one that can, without you we will not survive and neither will the world.


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