I Prayed have prayed
Lord, global authorities have plans to undermine national sovereignty and freedom. Frustrate their schemes, Lord!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

As the World Health Organization’s annual World Health Assembly quickly approaches, many Americans are both concerned and confused about what could transpire the week of May 27–June 1, 2024.

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.


Multiple versions of the so-called “Pandemic Agreement” and its International Health Regulations amendments have been released, but much ambiguity remains as last-minute changes continue amid the process of crafting these highly contested documents.

Throughout the negotiations, the Biden administration has insisted that this Pandemic Treaty is merely an “agreement” and not a treaty, and thus requires no U.S. Senate approval. The administration also claims that the IHR amendments within that pandemic document will not legally bind the United States to the conditions and dictates specified by the WHO.

New Document Exposes U.S. Health Security Agenda

Just recently, however, a new document was released ahead of the World Health Assembly, titled U.S. Government Global Health Security Strategy 2024. This detailed, 60-page health security framework, published in April 2024, specifically cites both the Pandemic “Agreement” and the IHR amendments. In fact, the information contained within shows a willingness to comply and move forward with the WHO’s plans for future pandemics.

The very first page of the document implicitly states that “this new Global Health Security Strategy lays out the actions the United States will take over the next 5 years” and adds that “through investments and cooperation with foreign partners, we will continue to build our capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to biological threats wherever they emerge.”

Page 6 specifies: “We are at a critical juncture to redouble our efforts before the next pandemic, including by strengthening global health security (GHS) capacities around the world … collaborating with partners and allies to achieve measurable and sustainable improvements in GHS.”

Page 9 elaborates on how strengthening will take place:

“The United States is supporting efforts to strengthen global policies and legal preparedness, including negotiating a Pandemic Agreement and targeted amendments to the IHR, as these two instruments have the potential to provide the international community with the opportunity to establish a shared path forward for preventing, preparing for, and responding to international health emergencies.”

 What Do the IHR Amendments and Pandemic ‘Agreement’ Actually Say?

 The path forward is described in both of these documents. Liberty Counsel meticulously investigated the latest versions, which include:

  • establishing the WHO as a world authority on medical matters;
  • creating digital health passports to share internationally for vaccines and test results;
  • establishing health care as a right in a path to international socialized medicine (globalized heath care);
  • elevating plants, animals, and the ecosystem as equal to human life;
  • censoring “disinformation” and “misinformation”;
  • censoring unapproved medical/alternative treatments;
  • controlling water access;
  • mandating that medical staff and facilities participate in abortion, LGBTQ concerns, and forced vaccinations;
  • and requiring liability immunity for vaccine manufacturers and forcing wealthy nations to subsidize other nations.

 The definition of International Health Regulations is listed on page 59 of the U.S. Government Global Health Security Strategy document, stating that they are a legally binding instrument of international law, with 196 countries, that has its origin in the International Sanitary Conventions of 1851, concluded in response to increasing concern about the links between international trade and the spread of disease (cross-border health risks).”

Page 24 highlights the IHR and Pandemic “Agreement,” even stating: “By leveraging commitments made under IHR (2005), through ongoing efforts to negotiate amendments to the IHR and develop a Pandemic Agreement, and also with initiatives like the Pandemic Fund and other multilateral investments, we will continue to work with international partners to advance political ambition, mobilize additional resources and address critical preparedness gaps.” This has the power to “shape global policy.”

In order to achieve its GHS goals, page 24 reveals that “the U.S. government will partner with civil society, the private sector and other non-governmental organizations” such as GAVI (the Vaccine Alliance), CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) and the WEF (World Economic Forum). All three of these organizations have partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, focusing on shared goals of vaccinating the world quickly and efficiently. Additionally, CEPI AND GAVI are both heavily funded by the Gates Foundation. Mentions of these “robust” nongovernmental stakeholders can be found throughout the GHS framework.

Strategies to achieve goals include making vaccines more rapidly; strengthening acceptance of vaccines; incentivizing production and development of novel vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics; expediting emergency-use authorization; and regulatory approval of vaccines and treatments.

Page 49 suggests developing and operationalizing “a national plan for mass vaccination response to epidemics and other outbreaks,” as well as “guidelines for legal and appropriate regulatory approval.” Promoting “community acceptance of vaccinations to counter mis and dis information” is a priority listed on that same page.

The Biden administration will be working with a long list of departments such as the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, the National Security Council’s Global Health Security and Biodefense Directorate, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense.

National sovereignty and individual liberty are clearly set aside in the Pandemic “Agreement.”

Lawmakers Are Pushing Back!

Even as plans are forged, the Pandemic “Agreement” and the IHR amendments are encountering resistance. On May 1, 2024, all 49 Republican senators, led by Sen. Ron Johnson, signed a formal letter to President Biden that urges him to withdraw his support for expanding the WHO’s pandemic authority. The letter highlights the WHO’s gross mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for major reforms, rather than granting it more power. Additionally, the senators warn that granting such power could threaten U.S. sovereignty and the constitutional rights of Americans. Thus, any international “agreement” must be treated as a treaty, which would require a two-thirds supermajority vote in the Senate for approval.

Liberty Counsel stresses: “The U.S. House holds the purse strings and can stop the WHO. Urge Congress to pass the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act (HR 1425 and S 444).’ “ Sign the petition on Liberty Counsel website. Additionally, H.R.79 will block U.S. tax dollars from funding the WHO’s agenda. The American Sovereignty Coalition has a declaration provided here that you can sign and which will send a letter to congressional representatives asking for a U.S. exit from the WHO.

Pray About the WHO

Intercessors, we are not out of time when it comes to praying about this critical issue that could undermine our freedoms. We must stand our ground and faithfully pray against global tyranny.

  • Pray that more members of Congress will reject the WHO’s plans as revealed in the IHR amendments and the Pandemic “Agreement.”
  • Pray that Congress would pass the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act (H.R.1425 and S.444).
  • Pray that the U.S. would withdraw completely from the WHO, by passing legislation such as the WHO Withdrawal Act (H.R. 79).
  • Pray that the WHO’s plans will fall apart at the World Health Assembly.
  • Pray that the plans listed in the U.S. Government Global Health Security Strategy 2024 would be thwarted.

We know that the mighty, sovereign hand of God will direct our path forward.

Lord Jesus, we declare that You are king over our rights and our nation. Frustrate the evil devices of the crafty ones, and stop them from carrying out their wicked plans.

How are you praying about the World Health Assembly, to be held May 27–June 1, 2024?

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger, and homeschooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. Visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was released in September 2023. Photo Credit: I, Yann, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons.

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May 8, 2024

Lord, global authorities have plans to undermine national sovereignty and freedom. Frustrate their schemes, Lord! Thwart the plans of the WHO! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

May 8, 2024

Lord God, we pray that the WHO’s plans will fall apart at the World Health Assembly. Preserve the sovereignty of every single country, nation, island, etc. in the world.

May 7, 2024

The World HEALTH Organization? WHO.
WHO? WHO? WHO? in the world would even sign up for their oversight?
The World Mask Organization!
We may have short memories, but not that short!
On behalf of the multiple thousands of beloved innocent people who trusted in paper masks and died from Covid:

Ruth Leaf
May 7, 2024

Our family is praying earnestly that the WHO plans will be rejected by the US and many other countries around the world. Thank you for letting us know they are meeting May 27 to June 1. We are believing God to defeat their plans!

May 7, 2024

Reject the WHO. They will controll us and we don’t want that to happen. Don’t trust them, fight it with all we’ve got. May the Lord direct our steps and protect us.

Sheila Dunn
May 7, 2024

I pray in Jesus’ Name that we, as the United States of America, will not allow WHO to rule over us concerning our health issues. We don’t need WHO. Father , we ask that you intervene concerning this issue. I join my faith with other prayers that the senseless act will be stopped in its tracks, and also , I pray the Republican senators will continue to fight to keep this diabolical act from being over the United States of America. In Jesus Name.

May 7, 2024

Lord God, we pray that the WHO’s plans will fall apart at the World Health Assembly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Karen Secrest
May 7, 2024

Since covid was the greatest political fraud perpetrated against the world, I decree All the mischief makers fall in t o the pit they thought would contain others according to Psalm 7.
May All funds be eliminated along with their partner Planned Parenthood. May All know Father God is grievedover 2 child’s death. We are now facing a memorial for 400,000 lost t o men’s fatalism in not Trusting the Creator in this pandemic.
May Hamas and th r ir drug users know the wraith of God over one child murdered much more those 100’s used in their Satanic rituals which was to guarantee success in ear. May Chin as feel the heat as they continue flooding the world with drugs and hate for all Godly living. Watch the Father wash the streets of San Francisco and New York clean once more. Hallelujah, our God Reigns

Missy Dice
May 7, 2024

Father, daily I lift up the United States of Americas leaders to You, that they be graced with salvation in Jesus Christ and come to know and have Your heart…whether they hold the office or supply the funds. Speak to Your Children to keep praying and trusting You and obeying quickly. Faith and works together. The earth is Yours and everything in it. Give us boldness and power to do as Jesus said before ascending…Go and make disciples of all nations. Accelerate our efforts. Send Your angels to combat the evil even as we pray and declare Your Words. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. So be it.

May 7, 2024

We know that the mighty, sovereign hand of God will direct our path forward.

Lord Jesus, we declare that You are king over our rights and our nation. Frustrate the evil devices of the crafty ones, and stop them from carrying out their wicked plans.

Jo-Anne Fluet
May 7, 2024

Today, we live on a world of evil. Come Holy Spirit fill our hearts, and enkindle in us the Fire of Your Love. In case , in us, the Gifts of Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge. Take away all fear and help humanity see the Truth. Jesus, I Trust in You.

May 7, 2024

From the beginning of time, the one goal of the enemy of God has been to spread confusion, divisi8n and fear.. Yes we need to be informed and aware, BUT NOT BE IN FEAR!

Brian lynch
May 7, 2024

Again, I bind the evil spirits that influence the WHO- deception, dishonesty ,control, spirit of Leviathan. I loose a spirit of honesty and decency upon the United States government. Please cause our leaders to see the grave error that they would commit by joining in this terrible action by WHO. I pray that America leaves WHO immediately. Its agenda is nothing but evil and mislead. Thank You, Jesus.

May 7, 2024

I do not need the government or anybody tell me what medical treatments I need or what vaccines I need to take. GOD GAVE ME A MIND SO I CAN THINK FOR MY SELF

Allena Jordan
May 7, 2024

Lord, cause confusion, disorder and every sort of means to dismantle the devil’s efforts to give the W.H.O. worldwide authority over nations. Send Your angels to fight for freedom for us. Send thoughts and words and information to the U.S. Legislators to say “No” to W.H.O. and withdraw; to say no to the “agreement.” Do what it takes to change the minds and hearts of some who desire to give our sovereignty to W.H.O. Deliver us from this evil, King of the Universe. Amen.

May 7, 2024

Lord God, we declare that You are king over our rights and our nation. Frustrate the evil devices of the crafty ones, and stop them from carrying out their wicked plans. Preserve our sovereignty throughout the world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

May 7, 2024

Praying that Congress would pass the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act (H.R.1425 and S.444).

Eileen Highberger
May 7, 2024

We should control our own health program in the US. Countries are known to have different problems and need to control them differently.

Susan CC
May 7, 2024

“We know that the mighty, sovereign hand of God will direct our path forward.”

Psalm 33:10-11. The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.

2 Samuel 22: 1-3 And David sang this song to the LORD on the day the LORD had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said: 🎶The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation. My stronghold, my refuge, and my Savior…🎶

The Centrality of Christ Colossians 1:16-17
..everything was created by Him, in Heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions
 or rulers or authorities— all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things and by Him all things hold together.

Dear Lord and God Almighty, we know there is a time and a purpose for everything and over all of it, You are Sovereign. The plans of every nation are in Your hands and this is good. Because You are our rock, our fortress and our deliverer… our refuge, I come before You in the Name of Jesus Chris. I pray You will defeat these plans so there is NO American involvement in a global health strategy and You will create a ripple of dissent worldwide. I pray each member of Congress will have the mind of Christ on this and all national concerns. As I pray, I am reminded that we cannot ask too much of You Lord. Everything that was, that is and that will be, has been created through You, for You, and is held together by You. I pray we will soon be singing a victory song. I love You Father. I love You Jesus. I love You Holy Spirit. Amen

    Susan CC
    May 7, 2024

    …poor editing is no excuse to be casual with God’s Word…capitalized correction!

    Dear Lord and God Almighty, we know there is a time and a purpose for everything and over all of it, You are Sovereign. The plans of every nation are in Your hands and this is good. Because You are our rock, our fortress and our deliverer… our refuge, I come before You in the Name of (JESUS CHRIST) I pray You will defeat these plans so there is NO American involvement in a global health strategy and You will create a ripple of dissent worldwide. I pray each member of Congress will have the mind of Christ on this and all national concerns. As I pray, I am reminded that we cannot ask too much of You Lord. Everything that was, that is and that will be, has been created through You, for You, and is held together by You. I pray we will soon be singing a victory song. I love You Father. I love You Jesus. I love You Holy Spirit. Amen

Nancy Rife
May 7, 2024

God, have mercy on America! Do not let us get embroiled in this “Pandemic Agreement”! In Jesus Name – Amen!!


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