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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for peace instead of chaos, order instead of lawlessness, and an end to the antisemitism fueling vitriolic riots.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The protests at American universities did not happen organically. Two big names are funding the protesters.

The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights offers stipends to campus-based fellows who could aid campaigns demanding the U.S. cut ties with Israel. These fellows are paid stipends for a three-month term of part-time work that can include protesting U.S. relations with Israel.

Although some have speculated that these paid protesters receive funding from overseas, U.S. billionaires are bankrolling them. The funding for these fellowships comes from the Education for Just Peace in the Middle East, which has received $700,000 from George and Alexander Soros’ Open Society Foundation since 2018, and $515,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

This matters. Congress and the IRS might want to examine whether these grants fit the charitable purposes defined in our tax code.

On Headline Prayer Live on Tuesday, April 23, the first segment addresses these protests and protesters. Click here to watch.

Writing for WORLD magazine, Erick Erickson asks another important question: Why is President Biden so quiet about the hateful riots at Columbia, Humboldt State, and other places? He also details the murderous spirit at work: “Over the weekend, a white protester with her face covered stood with her back to a group of Jewish students at Columbia with a sign calling for Al-Qasam, Hamas’s military wing, to execute the students behind her. The sign, with an arrow pointing in the direction of the Jewish students, read, ‘Al-Qasam’s Next Target.’ The Jewish students were waving Israeli and American flags. The anti-Semitic students on campuses across America have been burning both the Israeli and American flags.”

On Monday, Biden offered a very qualified statement: “I condemn the anti-Semitic protests. I also condemn those who don’t understand what is going on with the Palestinians.” Erickson writes: “After the Michigan Democratic primary, Biden began shifting his positions on Israel to placate anti-Semites, many of whom voted ‘uncommitted’ instead of for Biden. To publicly denounce the racism and anti-Semitism now sweeping the left would elevate Biden’s stature but risk his re-election. He has chosen to be led by the polling of anti-Semites rather than lead America against them.”

Let’s pray that the president of the United States would stand up boldly for truth and for the Jewish people, and against the murderous threats of violence against Jews, Americans, and Israel. Amen.

Photo Credit: By SWinxy – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=147639893.

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April 29, 2024


April 29, 2024

Biden’s got to go.

April 29, 2024

Yes, and the reason that “the State of Israel” exsist is because of the currupt Lord Rothschild, so go figure.

Jan Blake
April 29, 2024

Father, I knew in my spirit from You that these were funded protests by American billionaires/a tactic used over and over again for many years.

Abba, we ask thst Upu would bring confusion into this liberal, anti-Jewish camps and block all funding to these liberal causes that are destroying college campuses and individual lives. Holy Spirit, we release your power to do a mighty work in the lives of these billionaires and bring them to salvation as well as changing the hearts of the protestors and draw them to a personal salvation experience with Jesus Christ – change each of them from a “Saul to Paul” conversion experience so they become world changers for Jesus with their generation. Remind us to continue to persevere in prayer and not lose hope because You are in sovereign control over all these events and You Will receive all the glory and honor You so richly deserve. We love you Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit,.,,,in Your son’s precious name, Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen & Amen.

Grant Windholz
April 27, 2024

Oh Lord, please bring stability and truth inside American universities instead of lawlessness and conflict. Only you can fix this huge mess that mankind has caused! We desperately need you Jesus!

Bruce Pearson
April 26, 2024

Ironically Soros is a Jew of the worst stripe, funding persecution against his own people.

April 26, 2024

Read the Balfour declaration which was cowritten by the Rothchilds.

Barbara Janicki
April 26, 2024

“Let’s pray that the president of the United States would stand up boldly for truth and for the Jewish people . . . ” This statement from your article reminded me that one of President Trump’s first actions when he was elected was to move our American Embassy to Jerusalem. Many prior presidents had promised this action but not followed through – actions always speak louder than words. Everything Trump did supported and strengthened our relationship with Israel. We should be an ally to Israel – we are the only two countries founded on God – Israel because God chose them and called them to be His people when He called Abraham and made a covenant with him – the US because we came into being due to people fleeing religious persecution and seeking the freedom to worship God freely rather than being forced to follow the dictates of the government church of England. Acknowledgement of God is in all our founding documents and still on our money!

This is not the time to abandon our true allies in favor of our foes. How foolish! Lord, grant us the courage to stand with and for our friends in Israel even when popular sentiment is against them. May people come to know the truth of what is really happening in Israel and the truth about Hamas, as opposed to the lies put forth by the media. It is only the truth that will set us all free to do the right thing. We pray the protesters would realize they are supporting evil rather than what is right and that they would stop their destructive, violent actions. We pray for the peace and the prosperity of Jerusalem and of Your chosen people. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Rev. Vernon York
April 26, 2024

It doesn’t matter what race, nationality, religion group or cause that these mobsters represesent, their lawlessness should be swiftly and harshly dealt with! If it was then they would think twice before engaging in this ongoing insanity! If George Soros and other named financiers are guilty of even half of these crimes, they should be swiftyly and permanently dealt with. Sadly these grougs, even after burning down police stations, looting, commiting murder etc. are swiftly released by the organized crime syndicate known as the US Government who are owned and controlled by the highest bidder. In final analysis God/Yaweh puts up governments and takes them down and He has given us a mirror image of our rotting transgressions! REPENT AMERICA! Proverbs 14:34

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    R M
    April 29, 2024

    In the older days, what is happening on college campuses and the public statements would be considered treason. These agitators including Soros would have been “roasted” by Sen. McCarthy during the 1950’s and would have become “wind chimes” at some prison. Recall what happened with the Rosenbergs for passing sensitive material to Russian handlers. God is watching now….

Barbara Janicki
April 25, 2024

“Let’s pray that the president of the United States would stand up boldly for truth and for the Jewish people . . . ” This statement from your article reminded me that one of President Trump’s first actions when he was elected was to move our American Embassy to Jerusalem. Many prior presidents had promised this action but not followed through – actions always speak louder than words. Everything Trump did supported and strengthened our relationship with Israel. We should be an ally to Israel – we are the only two countries founded on God – Israel because God chose them and called them to be His people when He called Abraham and made a covenant with him – the US because we came into being due to people fleeing religious persecution and seeking the freedom to worship God freely rather than being forced to follow the dictates of the government church of England. Acknowledgement of God is in all our founding documents and still on our money!

This is not the time to abandon our true allies in favor of our foes. How foolish! Lord, grant us the courage to stand with and for our friends in Israel even when popular sentiment is against them. May people come to know the truth of what is really happening in Israel and the truth about Hamas, as opposed to the lies put forth by the media. It is only the truth that will set us all free to do the right thing. We pray the protesters would realize they are supporting evil rather than what is right and that they would stop their destructive, violent actions. We pray for the peace and the prosperity of Jerusalem and of Your chosen people. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

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Rev. Vernon York
April 25, 2024

Would someone from IFA who is in charge of this website and arbitrarily blocking my comments please contact me and explain what Truths you are intentionally blocking and why?? You have my email. Thanks

Rev. Vernon York
April 25, 2024

This website blocks out comments they don’t agree with. It is another example of our controlled media

Lori B
April 25, 2024

I feel sorry for all these evil people when they meet God. It is a scary thing to think about spending eternity out of Gods presence and in the presence of the Evil One.

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April 25, 2024

It remains an unfortunate fact that of the large number of billionaires and even just millionaires around the world and those resident in the USA, the relatively small number that are mentally sick and whose fervour aims only to destroy, are the leading lights of a worldwide movement aimed only at destruction.
The work of the Devil will always have to be paid for – usually in terms of perpetual misery and torment in Hell for eternity. This is not a “light sentence” – to know that you are deliberately consigning your eternal soul to the torments of Hell must surely be a sobering thought even for the most evil of mindsets !
To those well-known “Families” whose financial support is so central to most of the EVIL in this World, I say “God is watching you and recording your every evil act. Most of you are approaching the Day of your Judgement – age is something not even your cash volumes can deflect – and very soon you WILL face your maker. I pray that Almighty God will look sternly on the evil you have deliberately unleashed upon His World, and that He will punish you accordingly. Amen”

Joan Page
April 25, 2024

George Soros does ALL the funding

    April 25, 2024

    Not quite ALL, but certainly in volumes recordable by the Almighty whole Scales of Justice remain totally untainted by all the hubris of American politics.

April 25, 2024

I bind the lawless, murderous, and blood thirsty demonic spirits connected to Amalek and jezebel and loose truth, justice, rule of law, peace and love over Columbia University. Sean Feucht is having a “Let us Worship” concert on Columbia campus today ? tonight. I cover him and his team with the protective blood of Jesus and for signs, wonders, and miracles to flow at that service for salvation and truth to be done. let the love fire defeat the hate fire. Let the worship permeate the atmosphere and with joy. dancing and passionate praise to defeat the enemy at the gate. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. Antisemitism is bound and stopped in its tracks. I speak boooooooooomang to the people who have funded the pro Hamas protestors. Protect and use the police and national guard as needed. This is a Haman boomerang season and God will not be mocked without consequence in His Esachar timing.

April 25, 2024

Is anyone aware of the genocide of Palestinians being perpetrated by the Israelis? Then take into account the U.S. funds Israel.

    April 25, 2024

    The babies and children raped and then beheaded and thrown to the dirt were Israeli – NOT Gazan Hamas !

    April 25, 2024

    Probably not as there is no genocide being perpetrated by the Israelis.

    April 25, 2024

    Probably not as there is no genocide being perpetrated by the Israelis. A wise man said, “get a dictionary and do the math” and that will clarify that there is no genocide.

    Barbara Janicki
    April 26, 2024

    “from the river to the sea” is the chant at all these pro Hamas protests. The meaning is quite clear – everyone knows it is a call for the genocide of all Jews. And yet the protests continue – funded, enabled, excused unapologetically, allowed to continue – demanding the genocide of all Jews, something which began with the Oct. 7th murder of unarmed civilians including women, children, babies. This was not a military conflict between two opposing armies – this was a military slaughtering of unarmed civilians. On the other hand, Israel attempts to target selective military places and sends leaflets forewarning the civilians before they attack – a task made more difficult because Hamas doesn’t care about the Palestinian people, a fact made clear by their use of civilians, women and children as human shields and by the fact that they build their installations/tunnels under hospitals or schools further putting the lives of the people in harm’s way. Yes, one side’s stated goal is genocide, but judging by their words and their past actions, it is not Israel. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    April 26, 2024

    The genocide is (& always has been) being done by Hamas/PLA, etc. as they use citizens as human shields, put their weapons in homes/schools/hospitals, starve their own people by w/holding the aid, refusing to let their people leave the area.

Karen Mireles
April 25, 2024

People need to know that not only Soros and other big money people, but also Iran is funding these students and sending their people through the open boarder to do it. People need to wake up to the people who are trying to destroy America and usher in a one world government.

April 25, 2024

Dear Father in Heaven,
Hear my prayer for peace in Jerusalem and the Middle East. May both groups worship you in Spirit and Truth! May the US stop sending aid unless the hostages are freed. Deliver us from evil on all of our school campuses! Use us for your glory! I bind evil all over the world and I loose life and salvation in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jeshua I pray! Amen

Linda Poe
April 25, 2024

Is Congress aware of who is funding the rabble rousers?

    Joan Page
    April 25, 2024

    I’m sure they are!

      April 25, 2024

      Joan, I am sure that Congress – and the Senate – are ALL wholly aware of the sources of funding supporting the current wave of pure evil flooding tsunamilike across so many of “our” seats of indoctrination – just as they have done for five or more decades.
      The question is “How do we motivate our ELECTED government into taking the necessary actions to control and direct the activities of the UNelected bureaucracies that form the SWAMP ?”

    R M
    April 29, 2024

    Congress doesn’t care. This shows when stupid heathen voters elected AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and others to Congress.

Susan CC
April 25, 2024

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; faithful love and truth go before You. Psalm 89:14

But you, Israel, My servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, descendant of Abraham, My friend. I brought you from the ends of the earth and called you from its farthest corners. I said to you: You are My servant; I have chosen you and not rejected you. Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand. For I, Yahweh your God, hold your right hand and say to you: Do not fear, I will help you. Isaiah 41:8-10,13

Then the One seated on the throne said, “Look! I am making everything new.” He also said, “Write, because these words are faithful and true.”…….But the cowards, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars—their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:5.8

coward, one who shows disgraceful fear, craven

Dear Heavenly Father, we can read about the Kingdom to come and who is destined for hell, cowards come first. We are to fear You alone. We are to love You with all our hearts, minds and souls and love our neighbor as ourselves. These protesters and their funders do not love. They are cowards who cover their faces while profaning the ones You love. I pray You are paving the way for righteousness and justice to rule in our universities and in our nation. I pray all the cowards will be exposed and they will be covered with shame. You chose the sons and daughters of Israel as Your own and You say they will not be rejected. Lord, strengthen them. Let them know NO fear as You hold them close. I pray the same for all of us who are adopted into Your family. Our help is in You and in the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray You will allow Your love and Truth to prevail. Amen

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April 25, 2024

I believe Michael the Angel of Israel is now at war with the Prince of Persia(Demonic ruler over Iran) and the Prince of Greece (demonic ruler over secular intellectuals). There are literally carved images of Greek “gods” in the walls of many of these Universities.Lord I pray your angels will break through any resistance in this Passover season and cast down and bind these evil powers. Daniel 10. Revelation 12. Glory to God, you sit enthroned over the flood!

Maria Deszcz-Pan
April 25, 2024

Nobody is funding me. On my own i join the pro-Palestinian protests to stop the killings in Gaza. I am outraged at more than 34000 deaths there, and I refuse to support this! I want to ask the opposite question: how many of our politicians, who support Israel received a free trip there? How much money do they get from AIPAC to provide weapons to Israel? Who, by the way are your donors? I pray for peace, but not for prolonging the war. This is not self-defense! 34000 to 1100 deaths is not proportional! And itcan’t be won – causes more misery and hate.

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    Patty DeGroot
    April 27, 2024

    Maria, There are 1300 Christians living in Gaza. There are 50,000 Christians living in the West Bank & Jerusalem. The Christian Palestinians & Messianic Jews need our prayers. The prince of peace, Jesus, lived out in the hearts and actions of believers is fundamental to bringing peace to the Middle East. I have been advised to not trust the Hamas numbers regarding casualties in Gaza. As we speak Israel is preparing tent encampments for Gazans to live in when Rafah is invaded. I am praying that the use of those encampments will save the lives of Gazans living in that area.

April 25, 2024

Local experience: It appears some of the anti-semitic pro-palestinian protests funded in San Diego, CA are ideologically supported by CAIR (pro-Muslim) https://ca.cair.com/sfba/palestine-resource-guide/; and communist/atheist/marxist groups including Soros. See The Palestinian Youth Movement’s San Diego chapter, https://uscpr.org/oct-2023-protests/ (formerly known as the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation) They have been protesting in front of our church on Sunday worship times since Easter when they went into the church and arose with their banner during the pastor’s message. Seeing that, the Holy Spirit cried “Jesus is Lord” through me, usually an orderly worshipper, at the attempted defilement of His house when souls were to be saved. When they were removed by security, a unidentified group remained and began to speak out about 10 minutes later during the message, and were removed. The congregation praised the Lord during this time. At the close after the altar call, Pastor asked us to pray for their salvation. Last Sunday the church began to play worship music into the streets outside the church where they demonstrated; at the close of altar call, the congregation was asked not to engage with them, but to pray for them as they left. Sidewalks in front of persons protesting that were entrance pathways to the church were also marked off with yellow police tape. Church security, some of them former military, athletes, etc walked those sidewalks praying as they walked. Spiritual warfare,

    April 25, 2024

    Pray – What do we do when we run out of “Cheeks to turn ?”
    Perhaps by sending some of these evil creatures directly to their appointed place of Judgement – thereby not wasting more of Our Makers’ time and efforts – He will then convey His Message to their souls that their worldly activities were not appreciated as they blasphemed His Holy Name.

Theresa Barbero
April 25, 2024

Dear God, please suspend all 10+ nonprofits owned by George Soros, before he dies! Soros has been stealing the USA taxpayers’ grant money since 1979. News refer to Soros as a “billionaire,” when he is our biggest thief. He does not pay taxes! Please Lord, avenge us quickly! In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, with the blood of Jesus Christ, we pray your Will be done!

Barbara Smith
April 25, 2024

Lord, you visited rulers in dreams whenever Abraham’s wife, Sarah, was in Jeopardy. From the very beginning, you protected Israel. Lord, wake Biden and warn him to stand with Israel as Jewish people. I pray that this nation will bless Israel so that it can be blessed according to Genesis 12:3.
I also pray for Eric Metaxas and Sean Feucht at the rally for Israel and Jewish students at 6:30 tonight at Columbia University. May their worship invite your presence. May no weapon formed against them prosper. May the worship change the atmosphere and make it not conducive to the operating of evil spirits over Columbia University. I pray that you will accomplish everything that is on your heart tonight and that not one person will be hurt in any way. Thank you for sending your angels to accomplish your purposes at Columbia.
Lord, you instructed us to bless our enemies. So in the name of Jesus, I bless the Palestinian protesters with truth, the fear of the Lord, Godly sorrow that leads to repentance, and resistance to mob rule and mind control. I break every spell, incantation, hex, vex, voodoo, hoodoo, ritual, pouring out of libations, and every other form of witchcraft or an occult magic that affects them and stimulates them to do evil. That witchcraft is now null and void in the name of Jesus and in the power of his blood.
Thank you for the victory that you will cause to happen tonight. May the media report accurately and with no bias, the victory that you win tonight. In Jesus name, amen!

    April 25, 2024

    In the name above all name the name of Jesus Christ amen!

April 25, 2024

The same people who funded every protest since President Trump was elected in 2016 continue to fund radical agitator groups. We know it, the government knows it but nothing is ever done. I’m convinced they also fund the hundreds of illegals who come into our country daily. They can’t make that long trek without support. I’ve been praying for our country for years. We simply need to know that this obviously is God’s Plan and continue to watch it play out. We know who wins this spiritual battle in the end, but it’s not going to be pretty for any of us. God Blessed America and we forgot to thank him for it.

Nancy Luderitz
April 25, 2024

Dear Lord,
I lift up the Jewish Community that is facing such anti-Semitic attacks. I pray for a hedge of protection around them and …….for their encouragement and affirmation in the face of such evil. I am standing with them and praying for them.
In the name of Jesus,

    April 25, 2024


    May the Lord of Hosts send forth His Angel Armies to conquer evil and protect Godliness – Amen.

Darlene Estlow
April 25, 2024

Father, I ask that you would defund Education for Just Peace in the Middle East and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund who are contributing to the protests of the students against Israel. May the government investigate and deal with their actions in supporting this anti-Israel and anti-American activity.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv.
April 25, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, in the midst of chaos and turmoil on our university and college campuses, I pray for a sense of calm to envelope our American Peace Officers as they struggle to restore and maintain peace and prevent the destruction of private property and injury to all those in attendance. May Your peace reign in their hearts, allowing them to navigate these tense situations with composure and serenity. Let them be beacons of tranquility in the face of unrest, reflecting Your peace to all those they encounter. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons [children] of God.” [Matthew 5:9 (HCSB)]

Toni Kushner
April 25, 2024

I know you may not agree, but these young people are spoiled children and should be dismissed from the university. The language, anger over something they do not understand. Lord please intervene and bring conversion, repentance and salvations to many. Lord Jesus intervene and bring peace into a very hostile situation. Just watching this short video is heartbreaking and they are being educated and allowed to go on in the name of justice. Lord we need You!!

    Darlene Estlow
    April 25, 2024

    I agree. The Amen wouldn’t let me agree but you are correct.

    April 25, 2024

    They are useful idiots …
    They are uneducated …
    They are marked by YeHoVaH
    See Ezek 9, Romans 1:32…
    Affirming Approving,
    Same Punishment Penalty

Jim Manning
April 25, 2024

PSALM 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; May they prosper who love you”. Have Your way today in all that is going on in the world inviting “Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” Matthew 6:10 in every university, college, Junior college in our nation today in Jesus might and powerful name, amen

Terri B
April 25, 2024

Lord I pray that You remove every penny from George Soros and his organizations and place it into the hands of people who do Your good will in the world. Defund these evil people Lord. They are nothing without their “mammon”! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!!!!!

Toni Kushner
April 25, 2024

Father, We ask for a blanket of peace to fall over Israel and Palestinian Conflict, change the hearts of people, lead leaders in the direction that You want. “Let them be confounded and turned back that hate Zion. Let them be as the grass upon the housetop, which withers before it grows up.”{Psalm 129:5-6}. “Destroy, O LORD, and divide their tongues”.{Psalm 55:9a} Only You can bring Love and Peace into the hearts of mankind, we ask for Your interference that the Kingdom of God will grow that many will lift up their eyes and accept You as King of Kings and Lord of Lord. Come Lord Jesus Come.

    Sandra Bates
    April 25, 2024

    AMEN and AMEN!!! let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered!!!

Adrian Lee Steininger
April 25, 2024

Israelites Are God’s chosen people NOT Palestinians! No where does it say Palestinians are God’s chosen people. I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus that He will.return and protect His people from violence. Only then will there be real peace in this 🌎🌍 world! I pray that Biden and those who oncite violence would have their hearts 💝, minds’ changed from hate to love by God. God will judge our leaders who hate others, experiment on helpless animals, mistreat our people with man-made viruses to kill off the weak, poor, elderly and disabled and want to kill unborn babies! Jesus, please lead them to Your kind of love. If they don’t the United States will fall just like other countries have over thousands of years. Look at history! Our Loving and Just God always wins! Amen.

Phil Lundblad
April 25, 2024

Father we pray for the outpouring of your love through Sean Feucht , Eric Metaxas and those who are assembling at Columbia U tonight in support of the Jewish students and staff. We pray that all would receive the revelation of your heart for Israel, and your plans going forth through your chosen ones. Send heavenly reinforcements to keep the enemy at bay! In Jesus Name Amen

Anndre Dove
April 25, 2024

Anyone burning an American flag should be deported because they obviously don’t respect our country and want to be a citizen. There are laws against burning our flag. That is being a traitor to our country and also our allies, the Jewish people. Not to mention the way they are treating the Jews. They are our allies and have supported and helped us. They need to be routed out and any donors and grants stopped. (The grants should be used to pay off our national debt, or help our country, maybe to deport these people? It is time these millionares gave back to society. They got an advantage, but are now exploiting.) We need the ax cut to the root in all ways, prayer warfare, legal action etc.

Peg B
April 25, 2024

Heavenly Father, we praise You that You are our rock and firm foundation. We give thanks for Your word that endures forever. These men and their foundations do not seek Your will nor Your way. They believe in themselves and their money. Neither of these foundations denounced Hamas and it’s evil acts, but instead, have financed and helped incite false rhetoric with intent to create chaos in the U.S.. LORD, what You tell us in the darkness, let us speak it in the light; and what we hear you whisper in our ear, may we proclaim it upon the housetops. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and her people! Let darkness flee, chaos collapse, words of truth be spoken and prayed often and continuously and the presence of Your Spirit guide our path. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Robert Toth
April 25, 2024

I fail to understand how Rockerfeller and Soros ( both Jews ) are funding anti Jewish chaos.

    April 25, 2024

    100’s of DNC Woke Left Progressive Lost Jewish
    NY NY surrounding the
    house of Chucky Shummer
    To Stop Sending Weapons
    To Israel To Fight Terrorists


    Virginia MacDonald
    April 25, 2024

    Soros is not a Jew, he is an Atheist. He worships himself.

      Terry Cook
      April 25, 2024

      He is Jewish by ethnicity but atheist by practice.

Catherine Jacocks
April 25, 2024

“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men” – Acts 5:29
A lesson many politicians should take to heart. Too many members of Congress have completely lost sight of what they were put here to do. Instead of defending our God-given freedoms, they want to take them away for power and riches. Corrupt leaders like Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer have completely abandoned our American values and taken God out of the equation.
Let’s pray that the United States will abandon ‘woke’ and ‘wake up’ to stand boldly for truth and for the Jewish people, and against the murderous threats of violence against Jews, Americans, and Israel. Pray for our nation to survive as God followers and friends of Israel. Open the hearts and souls of unbelievers who support Satan’s ways and wish to destroy Christians and Jews. Remember the Passover. GOD IS WATCHING! Amen🙏🏻

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Robert valkanet
April 25, 2024

Investigate the donors. Arrest them for insurrection. Yes causing insurrection confiscate the money in their foundations. Put donors in jail end their foundations. Next arrest violent racist so called protestors. Deport non American students. Yes we pray for law and order to be established. The rest of so called protested arrested for hate crimes against jews in America and stirring hate in our our land.

April 25, 2024

I do not understand why the government and the public is not calling for more to be done about Universities allowing this to go on on their campuses. One University has cancelled the spring semester — doing classes on line instead of expelling and punishing students trying to harm Israeli students and actively protesting against them. The bible teaches us that if we are not with God, then we are against him. He stands with Israel and for us to not do likewise is wrong and will be punished as he promises to bless those that bless them and curse those that curse them. Father we stand on your word and know that you will bring all things that are meant to be hidden to light. We know that Israel are your chosen ones and that we ask Father that your will be done. Help America to come to its senses and expel those hiding or living here who do not believe in what you and our country stands for. The majority of us do not want our families and our country to be punished because our so called leaders do not have common sense, Christian conviction or gumption. What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee (Psalms 56:3)

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April 25, 2024

Zionist’s are not believing Jews but are a political movement aligned with satanism. They aim to destroy Palestine. Do your research.
We should pray unceasingly against all war, against the genocide
We should not stand up for wrong doers on either side

Allena Jordan
April 25, 2024

This video may not belong here. I can’t understand the situation, nor any of what is happening except that supposedly educated people use the “f” word.

    Judy McDonough
    April 25, 2024

    Thank you for your comment. We removed the video.

Rick Pollard
April 25, 2024

There are Law that address this situation, but, they are not being enforced for the reasons stated, and not articulated because they lead to a painful truth. That of the destruction of this Republic.
I just read an article that outlines those laws, which Every elected “Representative” needs to be reminded of. I hope you will read this article and remind your “Representative” of your knowledge of the laws Governing these situation that are creating major problems in this Nation.

April 25, 2024

Pray for our nation to survive as God followers and friends of Israel. Open the hearts and souls of unbelievers who support Satan’s ways and wish to destroy Christians and Jews. Amen🙏🏻

April 25, 2024

We need our Lord,a Savior!
This is what happens when the watchmen,ie the church falls asleep, satin is like a lion searching to a fro seeking who he can devour.
There has to be a Holy Spirit led repentance, our eyes kept on JESUS not man
Praying for forgiveness, wisdom, for those caught up in the moment of misguided belief’s!
We need to pray pray pray unceasingly!, Keeping our eyes on the Lord GOD our redeemer.
Many times in the past in the old,an New Testament there were great battles, but there was a greater an that is the “LORD OF HEAVENS ARMIES “
God’s above all, and know’s what is needed
Gideon is a perfect example he went from many men to 300 men.
They trusted GOD knowing He is willing and able too do GREATER things

Michael Briney
April 25, 2024

My feelings are that a United Nations who favors offering membership to a violent terrorist group of people is totally unacceptable. We should have withdrawn our funding to the United Nations long ago and kicked them out of the United States. They are anti-Israel and pro-terrorist in their leanings. If the United States doesn’t take action that lines up with Almighty God, He will.

April 25, 2024

Thank you Jesus!
You reign, even in the chaos. Thank you for having a good plan for all this hate, which is not new. Forgive the students, most really are totally clueless. Please do give bold love to the Christians in these commmunities, pour out Your Spirit of love, power and sound mind to speak truth in healing love and faith for repentance and salvation. Forgive and bring swift, unequivocal justice to the truly evil ones behind the vitriol and violence, paying people to agitate, aggregate for aggression among vulnerable students. Bring them to repentance too Lord, not because they deserve it, but for Your great name!
Thank you for the brave, wise souls in Congress and other areas of leadership rebuking this sulfurous antisemitism. Forgive the foolish ones, even the ones who know exactly how evil they are and don’t care, bring them to repentance, let them taste the error of their thinking before they die and it’s too late to repent. Because You deserve the glory. Lord, please move to bring the remaining hostages home. Please protect Israel and make their aim precise in this Arafat advance, let the people of Gaza see the difference You make. Wake them up to the culture of death Allah demands by tasting Your kindness, Your compassion and even comfort in grief, because You give children as gifts, not to be sacrificed, in abortions nor jihads.

Allena Jordan
April 25, 2024

Father in heaven, Your Name is Holy. These young people know not what they do. They are ignorant and lawless. They have no respect for authority nor for other humans. They have bought into lies. Lord, sweep them away. Sweep their hearts clean by being “born again” by the Sprit of God. Give them visions and dreams of Jesus. May a spirit of repentance fall upon all who have rallied to protest against Jews. Show them the right way, O Lord. Protect the police as they work to keep the peace. Help them to hold their tempers. Let this not become a “Kent State” incident of 2024. I call for peace upon all. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

JoAnna DiPastena
April 25, 2024

I would like to know why Chuck Shumer being a Jew is not being targeted by antigens. Strange he’s selling out his own people. Promise to fund the big deal is probably the answer.

    April 25, 2024

    Not unlike Bernie Sanders. Where there’s a financial gain to be made they will sell out their birthright. …..Father awaken these men to the offer of true Sonship through Yeshua.

Brian lynch
April 25, 2024

No surprise here. I wondered how Soros was involved in this situation. I bind the evil spirits behind this unacceptable behavior in the mighty name of Jesus. I drop the sword of the spirit upon the spirit of lawlessness that is prevailing in these protests. I loose a spirit of decency and moral restraint upon these misguided protestors. I pray that Soros will be exposed for his role in the funding of this lawless fiasco. Lord Jesus, I pray for Your will to be done.

April 25, 2024

Anything for a vote. Lukewarm, Double-minded, like chaff blowing in the wind.

Patricia Overbey
April 25, 2024

Disgusting They need all to be put on an island some where drop off food & let them fend for themselves. Out of control God help us.

Monica Hall
April 25, 2024

Lord God Almighty draw everyone involved in this turmoil to Yourself. Remove all deception. Send guardian, warring angels to all who are inheritors of your salvation in JESUS CHRIST!


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