I Prayed have prayed
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Pray for a restoration legal voting throughout our nation and that corrupt organizations will be found and exposed.

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. (2 Pet 2:19)

The top election official in Texas said that his office discovered that nearly 95,000 non-U.S. citizens are registered to vote in the state and that about 58,000 of them have voted at least once.

Texas Secretary of State David Whitley said that his office identified potentially tens of thousands of illegal votes.

Voting in an election when the voter knows he or she isn’t eligible to vote is a second-degree felony in Texas. Whitley said his office sent the data to the Texas Attorney General’s Office to investigate and prosecute those who illegally voted.

“Integrity and efficiency of elections in Texas require accuracy of our state’s voter rolls, and my office is committed to using all available tools under the law to maintain an accurate list of registered voters,” Whitley said in a statement.

“Texas voters … should not have their voices muted by those who abuse the system,” he added….

“Our agency has provided extensive training opportunities to county voter registrars so that they can properly perform list maintenance activities in accordance with federal and state law, which affords every registered voter the chance to submit proof of eligibility,” Whitley said.

Groups that advocate for everyone possible to vote admitted that illegal voting does happen, but said it doesn’t happen very much….

Meanwhile, Attorney General Ken Paxton confirmed that his office received the information from Whitley’s office.

“Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice. We’re honored to have partnered with the Texas Secretary of State’s office in the past on voter initiatives and we will spare no effort in assisting with these troubling cases. My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed,” he said in a statement….

Illegal Immigrant Sentenced for Voting

The news came during the same week that an illegal immigrant from Mexico who admitted to voting was sentenced to 30 months in prison.

Enrique Salazar Ortiz, a native of Mexico, was convicted of making a false statement on a passport application, unlawful voting by an illegal alien, and aggravated identity theft, reported the San Antonio Express-News.

Ortiz used a stolen identity to vote in the 2016 presidential election. The name on the stolen ID was Jesse Vargas Jr….

A public defender told District Judge Fred Biery that the Vargas identity was used by four men in total and that Ortiz had just used it in the 2016 election.

Ortiz began using the name several years ago after buying it from a man in a bar for $20, she added.

In late 2018, Ortiz admitted to voting in the 2016 election but refused to tell authorities if he had voted in any other elections, reported the Express-News….

When asked in court whether he knew what he was doing was illegal, Ortiz said he did.

“Unfortunately, yes, I knew it was,” Ortiz said. (Excerpts from Zachary Stieber article in The Epoch Times)

The Informer January 29, 2019 PDF Text Version

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Felicia Penner
February 2, 2019

Dear Lord, i ask your hedge of protection over David Whitley, i ask that you would help justice to be done in all illegal voting. We pray that voter ID would be mandatory in all states by the 2020 Presidential election. We ask that you would continue to allow our voices to be heard in this free Republic. We thank you for America and pray that America would bless you God. In Jesus name, Amen

Lynne Zickert
January 30, 2019

Heavenly Father – Please shine your light unto all who are cheating and stealing votes in our country. The only thing that can stop this is you Father. Make our citizens realize what is happening and place it on their hearts to stop this miscarriage of just. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen

Betty B WI
January 30, 2019

Heavenly Father, I pray that not only will the illegal voters be exposed but those who encourage and aid people to vote illegally will be exposed too. I pray that the people who hand out the ballots & check people’s registration will do their jobs faithfully to stop illegal voting. I pray that those who bring bus loads of illegal voters to the polls will be stopped. I pray that those who pay people to vote illegally will also be exposed. Father, our nation needs Your guidance and wisdom to clean up the mess that has been allowed to take place in our voting.
I agree with the other prayers for all the corruption to be exposed. May corruption be exposed in every area of our government. May the TRUTH be made known concerning the 2016 elections as well as the appointments and conformations of our judges. Let those who knowingly tell lies and falsely accuse others of wrong doing be brought to justice. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Elsie Bouwman
January 29, 2019

“Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed. Whatever is concealed is meant to be brought into the light.”

January 29, 2019

Father, we thank you that the truth has been found concerning this and we pray that the cleaning up of the voter rolls in Texas will happen to completion. We pray that the hidden illegal voters in other states will also be cleaned up. We ask for justice Lord. That there would be prosecutions for the illegal activity and that the perpetrators be returned to the countries from which they came after they serve prison time.

    January 30, 2019

    Amen Penny. Thank You Jesus that these things are exposed as Your word declares:
    “”Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:26‬ ‭NASB‬‬

shannon bailey
January 29, 2019

Why not build a wall go home Mexicans

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