I Prayed have prayed
Thank You, Lord, for Your faithful answers to our prayers, and help us persevere in our petitions and intercessions.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

It’s always encouraging to know that God hears the prayers of His people. It also provides us with desperately needed fuel whenever the fires on our altars begin to dwindle.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


I’ve been humbled to pray with others on the weekly IFA state prayer calls for Texas, and I’m always amazed by what I hear when I join in. I’m never sure how many people are on the line, but the prayer times are so powerfully anointed that I’m always eager to engage. May this article encourage you to connect with your own IFA state prayer group, so that you may continually “lock arms” with other intercessors. 

Texas state prayer leader Donna Phillips shares some beautiful testimonies of how God is moving in Texas and answering prayers for our borders.

“I have been state leader for about a year now,” Donna says. “We ask God what we should be praying for, and He answers. One major issue is our borders. The Lord has told us to pray to ‘restore order to the border.’ We have seen miraculous answers recently.” 

Order at the Border

On Feb. 28, the Rev. Franklin Graham visited the border at Eagle Pass, Texas, as part of the ten-city God Loves You Frontera Tour. Graham sees this as an opportunity to share the gospel and to extend empathy to desperate people at the border. It also establishes hope for everyone overwhelmed by the border crisis. Graham wants to encourage us to pray hard for our borders, for Mexico, and for everyone affected in this national crisis. 

Moreover, a convoy of some 300 in Dripping Springs, Texas, has plans to minister at orphanages along the border to help with maintenance and to bring supplies. They will be doing a Jericho March along the border. Donna believes this convoy will have a life-changing impact on the neighborhoods there as the people see the love of God lived out. 

Answered Prayers for Border Security

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has announced plans to build an 80-acre military base for the National Guard, with a capacity approaching 2,200 people, and with medical staff and chaplains available. 

“This is a massive answer to what we have been praying for our border,” says Donna. “We have been praying against all the chaos. This facility offers them a stable place. It’s rent-free and close to the work. It’s also a place where we can see ministry taking place. We have been praying that the Rio Grande would be a baptismal place for migrants. With chaplains available, it’s closer to becoming a reality. We are praying that these migrants will meet God, and when they are sent back, they will bring Jesus and the gospel back to their countries. We pray that they will take the gospel back to their families, and rather than abandon them, they will care for them.” 

Amen! Bring revival to Texas and to these migrants, Lord; may they become missionaries who bring Jesus to their nation. 

Massive Drug Bust at the Border

Last week CBS News reported on a drug bust in Eagle Pass. U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized some 6.5 tons of methamphetamines. Valued at upwards of $117 million, this was the largest seizure at any port of entry. “This bust prevented an untold number of lives from being destroyed,” said Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Mark Dawson. Isn’t this glorious and praiseworthy news? Now those drugs will not fall into the hands of people whose lives are threatened by their addiction or into the hands of our children.

Thank You, Lord, for this victory at our border!

Major Crisis Averted

Along with praying for our borders, intercessors on the weekly calls have prayed for various things as led by the Lord. They have been praying faithfully for the elections, for state and spiritual leaders, and for an outpouring of the spirit of Elijah. Several intercessors shared that they were hearing from the Lord to pray for protection over our water supply, pipelines, power grids, and power plants. Last week the Texas panhandle saw one of the worst fires in history, the Smokehouse Creek fire. Two people have died, over 1 million acres have burned, and ranchers have lost cattle. This has been very hard to watch. The greatest threat was this fire’s proximity to the Pantex Plant, a nuclear-weapons facility located in the high plains of the panhandle. As a precaution, the plant was evacuated on Feb. 27. Prayer alerts were going out from Christians everywhere in Texas, and a miraculous thing happened almost overnight: It snowed. This slowed the fire down a bit and kept it from spreading. The Pantex Plant has since reopened. We are convinced that this was nothing short of God faithfully answering the prayers of His people. 

Intercessors Needed 

Donna has a petition to make to intercessors. Last month, an 18-foot golden sculpture with braids shaped like a ram’s horns was erected on the University of Houston’s Cullen Family Plaza. That satanic statue, named Witness, was created as a symbol for women and “justice,” in promotion of abortion. Pro-life student groups are protesting and demanding its removal. Shahzia Sikander, the artist who made the statue, is demanding in turn that the sculpture remain on campus. 

Please agree with us in prayer that this idol would fall before the true and living God. 

Donna also asks intercessors to contact the University of Houston’s chancellor by email or phone and ask that this statue be removed. 

When the people of Ashdod got up early the next morning, there was Dagon, fallen on his face before the ark of the LORD. So they took Dagon and returned him to his place (1 Samuel 5:3 BSB).

Encouragement for Intercessors 

God spoke this Bible verse to Donna and her sister and has confirmed it since then: ” … when my steps were washed with butter, and the rock poured out for me streams of oil!” (Job 29:6 ESV). 

God reminded me through this verse about Job,” Donna says. “We know what he went through, but he reminded himself of it in this verse: Despite everything, God would make his path smooth. The butter speaks of Him smoothing and preparing the way, and the oil streams speak of His provision for us. It’s not about the dollars; it’s about His burden being easy and His yoke being light. Prayer is not a burden; it is easy for us. It’s in our veins. When we come together and pray, we make a barrier against the Enemy’s plans to steal, kill, and destroy.”

You are invited to join the community and to partner with us in prayer for such a time as this. “To the victor go the spoils,” we hear said. Well, answered prayers are the spoils of intercession! As we pray for victory, let’s also remember that we already pray from a position of victory: ” … but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32). 

We can make an impact by praying together right now:

Father, we praise You for these answered prayers coming from Texas! Nothing is too hard and nothing impossible for You. Finish that work You have started at our borders. We know that as we pray, Your word will accomplish what You have sent it forth to do. May all this that You are doing in Texas now inspire intercessors everywhere to pray in unity. Bring a revival to our borders, O God, and bring forth ministries and missionaries. May a spirit of revival fill all the churches and government offices in this land. We’re praying for ‘the spirit of Elijah’ over Texas and over our nation. Fill us with boldness to proclaim Your Word!

Turn the hearts of the children back to their parents, and the hearts of the parents back to their children. Bring the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous. Make us truly Your Church — a people made ready for the Lord. Amen! What You are doing in Texas, You can do anywhere. We know this. We lift our nation up to You; have Your way here. This nation does have a destiny. Have Your way in our churches, because the Church is Yours alone, bought at a high price, and we should be living so. And have Your way in our elections, because You’ve established government to reflect Your kingdom. We thank You; we praise You; we exalt you; we magnify You. Our God, we love You, and we ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Do these testimonies encourage you? Share a prayer here for your own state and for the nation.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast. Photo Credit: Love You Stock via Canva Pro.

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Grant Windholz
March 9, 2024

Thank you Lord, as believers and children that belong to you, we know that strength is through prayer and you hear everything we have to say ❤️. Patience that leads to peace through our challenges 🙏 AMEN!!!

Barbara Betz
March 9, 2024

[email protected]
This is the email address to reach Renu Khator, Chancellor and President of Houston University concerning the Witness statue.
Thank God for this prayer request. Make any emails short to the point, ask for the email to be directed to President Renu Khator.

Sheila Price
March 8, 2024

Yes, Yehovah God, in the name of Jesus Christ cause this pagan statue to be fallen face down, crumbled to pieces in such a way everyone knows it was You that did it and not human hands.
And NOW we give You the praise!

Jeane Whiteside
March 7, 2024

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. And to God be the glory. Go Texas Go. Thank you Lord for the good news of rebuilding in Texas. Military given housing. Church ministries going into the enemy camp. Infiltrating the immigrants and impacting their hearts with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Turning evil to good. We decree that idolatrous statue will fall. Together as one. Wow. Thank you lord for a million and a half intercessors joinin IFA. Plus all with Give Him 15 and numerous other ministries and churches praying and decreeing. Moving and expanding the kingdom of God in the USA. Yada yada. Yada. 🔥

    Deb Catlin
    March 9, 2024

    Please clarify what “Yada yada. Yada.” means in this context,
    I’m not familiar with this when using in prayer.

    Thank you.

Brian Lynch
March 7, 2024

Yes! Make no mistake. God is on the move. Thank you Jesus, for hearing and answering our prayers. Give us perserverance, guidance, and wisdom.

Linda Rice
March 7, 2024

Jesus said the most atonishing thing in His final prayer the night before He died. He said to His Father… “I do not pray for the world but for those you have given Me because they are Yours.”

I pray for the purity and passion of the Church.

March 7, 2024


March 7, 2024

Praise God for such an uplifting report! Very touching! Thank you.


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IFA President
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