I Prayed have prayed
Lord, make us ever alert to perceive evil and to immediately pray down Satan’s plans to steal, kill, and destroy our nation.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

America is in a perilous situation today. I sense an urgency in sharing with you, my fellow intercessors, encouragement to remain on high alert and be quick to pray when the Spirit prompts.

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A week after the February 2004 National Prayer Breakfast, a friend who was the wife of U.S. Senator contacted me. She wanted to know if I would accompany her and some other women on a nine-day trip to five Balkan countries. The purpose was to encourage leaders in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia. Douglas Coe, who then headed the NPB, could not have been more urgent about the trip’s importance: “You must go now; it cannot wait until spring.”

Our first stop was Serbia, where we stayed in the White Palace and met with Prince Alexander and Princess Katherine. We had some excellent discussions around the Lord Jesus, accompanied by powerful prayer times in which we listened to these royals’ hearts for the restoration of their divided nation. We shared Jesus with the director of Romania’s Social Services as she discussed the heartbreak of that country’s inability to care for millions of orphaned children. We met with many other brokenhearted leaders seeking answers to their country’s problems. But our visit with President Boris and First Lady Vilma Trajkovski, of Macedonia, would impact my life forever.

After we ladies had enjoyed a delightful lunch with the first lady, President Trajkovski dropped by to say hello and to welcome us to Macedonia. On his way out the door to return to his office, he turned to my friend Marge and me and pointed to a bench in the garden.

He said: “I sat right there on that bench and prayed. I asked the Lord if I should sign the bill Congress had passed. All it needed was my signature. I clearly felt the Lord tell me what I already knew: I could not approve this bill, so I refused to sign it.”

With those words, he excused himself, said a few quick goodbyes, and went out to his waiting car and driver, who would take him to his office to tend to his presidential duties.

Marge turned to me and whispered: “That, Nancy, will cost him his life.”

Let Me Pray Now! Or Perhaps Later …

My knees went weak. I felt an immediate urgency: Pray! Now! A second thought overruled that urgency as I looked around the room. I thought: Many important people are in this room, and if I pray or get on my knees like I want to do, they will think I’m crazy. My third thought was a bit more logical, and that was the idea I finally embraced: I belong to a wonderful intercessory prayer group, and we will pray for him when I get back home.

Later, I learned that the bill the president declined to sign would have established a second Albanian university in Macedonia. I wondered how refusing to start a university could cost the man his life. I didn’t know. But I did know that Marge, the prophetic one in our group, had a reputation for being highly accurate in her promptings from God.

Three days later, as we waited to visit with the president of Romania, an aid bolted from his office and came directly to where we sat waiting. The president couldn’t meet with us; they had just received notice that President Trajkovski and eight members of his staff were all killed in a plane crash. On their way to a NATO meeting, they encountered fog and crashed into the mountains north of Skopje. NATO planes carried investigators out to the crash site, but being unable to fly through the fog, they delayed their search for survivors for three weeks. By the time they did reach the site, all those in the plane were dead.

My mind could barely grasp the magnitude of the situation. Boris Trajkovski was a strong believer in Jesus and a great spiritual asset to his nation. For years, he had headed the Macedonian Evangelical Methodist Church. He established a youth-exchange program between Macedonia and England. Most important, his country needed his strong leadership.

His enemies faulted him for his loyalty to his country. He cared deeply about the sovereignty of Macedonia. One of his primary objectives was to secure the border between the Christian nation of Macedonia and the Muslim nation of Albania, to the south. The Albanians had a slow plan in place to take more and more land from Macedonia. Every year Albania encroached on Macedonian land increasingly, blurring the borders by moving their homes and businesses into Macedonia — where of course they spoke Albanian, flew Albanian flags, and pledged allegiance to Albania.

In retrospect, I should have dropped to my knees and prayed on that very day when the prophetic warning came. Could my prayer have stopped the deathly hand of the Enemy? I will never know. But I do know painfully what the outcome was when I allowed doubt to overrule and made a decision not to pray when the Holy Spirit had prompted me. Instead, I postponed my prayer to a “later time.”

I have learned the hard way that when God speaks, when the spirit of compassion comes upon me with undeniable force, that that’s the time to pray. Intercessors know when this happens. And wise intercessors will pray immediately.

My prayer now is that each of us will be quick to pray whenever a warning comes to our attention. And at present, during these tumultuous times, our nation needs and depends on our prayers.

Ask the Lord if there is an urgent prayer need right now, and then pray! 

Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the cultural mountain of education. She is the author of Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform American Schools; Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School; and Decrees for Your School. She leads groups for prayer at key educational locations across the U.S. Find out more by visiting TakingTheMountainOfEducation.com. Photo Credit: itsmejust/Getty Images via Canva Pro.

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March 5, 2024

Thank you Nancy for your transparency and humility.
Lord, help all of your watchmen on the wall, intercessors to be attentive and immediate in obedience to stand in the gap for all the precious souls on this earth for whom your Son died.

Thomas Norton
March 3, 2024

Wow! What a powerful word of instruction!!
When the Holy Spirit prompted it now”!!

March 2, 2024

Nancy, thank you for your transparency in honestly assessing yourself with a huge part of the body of Christ and some of the world observing through this article.Myself, as one who has primarily not been able to focus on my strengths and have a huge percentage of failure- I especially appreciate that.. I also thank you for your strong stance against evil and your track record of obedience in carrying out the Lord’s will. Since covid started obviously the Lord has rerouted and upgraded most of our Pathways and our lives.. and our response to his lead.. and I as well have been blessed with a huge increase in my prayer life.. and as you stated.. a response to his promptings to pray.

Lord have mercy on us as we bear the burden of responsibility and also intermittently experience the joy of your presence in our lives.. I know I have felt the conviction of your presence in my life on at least three occasions the first time-, in the new awakening..was January 5th and 25th of 2023 while reading Matthew 1 and also Exodus.. it was convicting.. and have felt that to a lesser degree at least two times since.. I cherish those times.
I pray that more of our prayer warriors in the battle will know your presence on a regular basis. In Jesus name, Amen

Mary Beth
March 2, 2024

Thank you for your honesty, Nancy. I think we as intercessors face that predicament more often than we realize. May we all respond instantly when Holy Spirit directs, so there is no regret of “What if I had prayed?”. We cannot know if our prayers might have altered the outcome, but instant responses to a call to intercede allow us to more easily and with greater peace entrust the situations to His sovereignty and goodness regardless of the outcome.

March 2, 2024

Father God Almighty, You are The maker of this world, this universe. You said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Your creation cannot wrap their minds around You. Your Power is the only Power over time – You turned water into wine; only Power that heals over space and distance – You sent Gabriel to swiftly go to Daniel to answer his prayer; only Power that heals the lame, blind and sick; and the only Power that brought and brings the dead to life. You, alone, are worthy of our praise and worship.

Father, those who belong to You are calling out as never before. Your Providence is “more secret than diplomacy, deeper than investigations of the wise, and mightier than all kingly power.” (John Broadus). Father, we thank You for Your intervention, wisdom and discernment in matters of today, of this age.

Help us LORD; expose those who work against You and Your ways, remove those who will not and do not come under Your authority, keep safe those who shelter and belong to You – for the battle for this land (waterways, power sources, roadways, farms, communication) religious freedom, children (the unborn, gender identity, indoctrination) government (lies, deceit, influences of Islamic and Marxist beliefs in policy and procedures, elections, overreach), marriage and family, Your churches and so many other matters rages on. Hear our cries, prayers and petitions Oh LORD.

“LORD, listen! LORD, forgive! LORD, hear and act! For Your sake, my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people bear Your Name.” Daniel 9: 19.

Jesus to the Disciples: Mark 9: 28-29. NKJ
And when He had come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, ” Why could we not cast it out?” So He said to them, ” This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”

Father, give me wisdom, with the Holy Spirit’s discernment, to pray AND fast.
In the Anointed One, Jesus the Christ, name.


Gerald Schork
March 2, 2024

Oh Lord,
May all intercessors heed this warning that Nancy has shared. I believe you have sent to most if not all including myself who seriously seek you similar warnings at one time or another::
So I cry out too, that we will all fully grasp:
– how urgent is the hour!
– how unrelenting, dark, and deadly the evil we face!
– how great is the opportunity and power You have entrusted in us to destroy the
darkness with the gospel light of our intercessions!
– how obedience is not optional and will have present and/or eternal consequences ether

Lori Meed
March 2, 2024

A very timely and sobering warning Nancy. Thank you. My own heart has felt pressed this year to pray daily over my family and myself which is something that I don’t always do. I recently had two friends who are the head of a global missions organization attend a conference in Turkey. I found a photo of them in large didn’t put it on my refrigerator so that I prayed every time that I passed because I felt very urgently that the Lord wanted me to pray for their protection while they were in that Nation. It is definitely the time to remain sober and alert.


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