The Power of Persistent Prayer
The Power of Persistent Prayer
“Crack the Dome!”
This came to me as a whisper as I rested in my YMCA room in Jerusalem. It was 1994 and I was on my first trip to Israel. I had seen two domes that day on the Temple Mount, so I asked, “Which dome?”
“The Dome of the Rock!” The answer was swift and certain.
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For years, I prayed — literally, “Crack the Dome, Lord. The Dome of the Rock.”
As can happen, this prayer began to slip away in my daily prayers, until several years later, when I happened upon a small news piece in a Christian magazine that reported minute cracks appearing in the foundation of the Temple Mount.
Boom, I was back on this prayer in a jiffy.
When I received the prayer, I didn’t imagine it to have a literal dimension; I assumed it was metaphorical. That the Lord wanted to remove the desecrating building from the Temple Mount in some way — perhaps clearing the way to build the third temple. Reading about the cracks in the Temple Mount gave me a renewed sense of wonder about the power of prayer and the need for persistence in it.
In Luke 18, Jesus relates an important principle about persistence to His disciples. We call it the parable of the persistent widow who regularly pled her case before an unjust judge. Worn down by her nagging, the judge resolves to rule for her to get her off his back. Jesus ends this lesson by comparing the unjust judge with the kind and loving Father who will certainly give justice to His people who cry out to Him.
While the parable is primarily focused on the perceived delay in the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus is teaching His disciples that prayer and persistence are critical to thriving while awaiting His return.
Those who are laboring in seemingly unfruitful fields of prayer find much hope in this parable. And it has proved pivotal to my continued “Crack the Dome of the Rock” intercession.
I pressed in on the prayer over the years, but my thoughts about it continued to center on the removal of the Dome from the Temple Mount. I’m rather astounded by my lack of insight into the fullness of the prayer. I failed to link it to the amazing accounts of Muslims deep in Islam territories having dreams about Jesus and coming to faith in Him. Not making the link to this prayer, I rejoiced with other IFA intercessors at these reports and relished the news that Gazans displaced by the conflict in the beleaguered area have also received the dreams and been saved.
Only a couple of weeks ago did I suddenly get it: The Lord was cracking the Dome! And He is using the Mideast conflict to serve this Kingdom purpose, too.
This “Crack the Dome of the Rock” prayer is just one among millions from devoted disciples of Jesus Christ for the salvation of Muslims. When my husband and fellow IFA contributing writer Rich visited the Bible College of Wales in 2000, he found the folks following in Rees Howells’ footsteps also committed to salvation in the Muslim world.
Connecting the dots on my little prayer, I have a new wondering awe for the power of persistence in prayer. And for the imagination of our Creator God.
Last week on Headline Prayer Live, Remco Brommet and Lori Meed discussed one of the Lord’s instructions to Pennsylvania Prayer Leaders Bill and Betsy West. The Lord called them to bold prayer for their Senator John Fetterman. They began to pray and reach out to the legislator. He has not only recovered from his serious health issues, but increasingly, he has proved to have his own mind on many issues, including holding the line on support for Israel.
The Lord once told me that praying big, bold prayers honored Him by recognizing His ability and desire to move in miraculous ways. For many IFA intercessors, the needed miracle centers on prodigal children and family members as well as what could be called a prodigal nation.
Are you laboring in this prayer? Can you see that as much as you yearn for miracles in your prayer, He yearns even more? If you happen to be a mother or grandmother, your prayers have special access to the Father’s ear. Recall that Jesus’s mother Mary’s request of her son caused Him to perform a sign — water into wine — before He had planned. And clearly this sign was approved by the Father, for Jesus testified He only did what the Father willed.
Intercessors, take heart! Take up those prayers you may have laid aside in discouragement or forgetfulness! These are the very prayers He loves to hear and act upon in His time and in His way.
Lord, thank You for encouraging prayer. Thank You for encouraging big, bold miracle prayer. Thank You for allowing us to participate in the establishment of the Kingdom on earth. We take hold of the Kingdom ways now and reactivate those prayers, dreams, and desires You placed in us. Open our eyes to see how You are answering and will answer these prayers. In Jesus’s Name.
Ask the Lord for an “impossible” prayer. Post in the comments what He shows you.
New York City–based Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America.
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The Lord has given me an impossible prayer to answer. That I should be in my own house with my own car by this time tomorrow evening. Trust me when I tell you this is impossible to happen though it would be just and fair.
The LORD has given me an impossible dream! It is that all members of my extended family become believers! It is possible with God! I’ve been praying for some of them since 1967 when I became a believer.
At 1 time I lived in a rental down south. On the property was a totem pole. I thought, not 100% convinced that because of what I’d read in Old Test., this was a bad thing. So, “sporadically” I would curse that totem pole like Jesus Did the fig tree. After 6 mon.?, less than 1 yr. the owner, who I never told these things, said it had to be removed & destroyed because the bottom in the ground rotted. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
I know that no prayer is impossible. But of my prayers the one I think is closest to impossible (and that because I am not sure of God’s will in this matter) is to bring America back to God. I pray the very thing that is destroying this country will truly awaken people and bring a great revival.
A couple of years ago the word “Kedorlaomer” popped into my mind several times, until I finally realized it may be the Lord speaking, so consulting a concordance, I found him cited in Genesis as the King of Elam, which is a people group in southern Iran. Kedorlaomer captured Lot in a war, and Abraham went after them, and rescued Lot and the people captured with him, along with all their possessions.
So I began praying for the salvation of the people of Iran and their leaders, and for the children of Abraham to prevail against the aggression of Kedorlaomer.
And then I slowly forgot about it until today.
Forgive me, Lord.
Thank you for this wonderful post.
I have noted that when Jesus asks me to pray a specific prayer, it is one He intends to answer.
May God capture Kedorlaomer and all his people with His love and incomparably great power, and may God push back every enemy force from Israel. I declare a shield of protection over the people of God.
Lot and the people captured with him were hostages, which God used Abraham to rescue. In the same way, Lord, deliver the Israeli hostages from their captors.
Dear Joey,
As you probably know, the Lord is answering this important prayer! Iran has one of the fastest growing underground churches in the world, according to many reports. Bless you for sharing this encouragement and prayer.
Iran is ancient Persia.and we read it’s where Daniel was taken during the Babylonian exile. Daniel 10:13 repeats the words of the Heavenly visitor to Daniel who says “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days: but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia….
So reading that chapter should teach us how to pray and win this GREAT spiritual warfare.
Michael fights for Israel. Do we know the name of the one who fights for America? Do we even need to know? Do we Ned to fast like Daniel to get the victory? Does our angel warrior need reinforcements? Do we need to pray for our physical military as well? What about the National Guard and the angel armies behind them? How shall we pray? It is said when we lose the spiritual battles then the war becomes physical.
Lord grant us eyes to see and ears to hear the things we need to know to be able to pray like Daniel to effect Your will be done ON THE EARTH as it is in Heaven. Give us your wisdom, knowledge and understanding of what battles are going on in so many dimensions, so that we can align ourselves with YOU so that You kingdom comes and you rule with us as your friends and comrades in arms to be like Abraham taking back what the enemy stole.
Awesome Ms Joyce !! Another “truth “ that we must lay hold of …in our savior Jesus’s name we make this claim Amen
PUSH. Pray until something happens. First we ask, then we begin thanking God that He’s working on behalf of our prayer, then we thank and praise Him that He has given the answer. This procedure helps build our FAITH!!
Yes Lord God bless all widows and all people in deep prayer. You promise that you will protect your children through all trauma and tragedy when you died on the cross. AMEN 🙏!
It only takes 1 like with david to bring down the giant and all the servant giants under Him. 1 will put a thousand to flight 2 will put ten thousand and so on . we hold on to the promise and stand in the gap and refuse to give up untill we see full discovery
. and full supernatural unhindered legistics going forward. we agree and declare that every work of darkness is exposed and full discovery of the truth.The entrance of thy word brings light and salvation. devine protection and staying hand of God on our nation in the process.
That all of State College, PA would be saved.
Thank you, Joyce, for this loving reminder to persist!! Minute cracks do encourage us to expect the big cracks, if we do not lose heart!
About continuing to pray: One of my relatives was autistic as a child. I prayed regularly for him to have a sympathy streak and added to that prayer an empathy streak. Then that he would be successful in his career. I hadn’t seen him for about 25 years, until he came from out of state for his mother’s memorial service. He has a successful career and is quite normal. A psychiatrist friend said that this is a miracle, that people don’t recover from autism. Thank YOU, Lord! Keep praying, guys.
Thank you for this encouraging testimony.
Yes, Karol, THANK YOU for your amazing testimony. Praise Jesus! I, too, am praying for an autistic family member, a child, and I take heart from your lovely testimony.
God bless!
Thank you for this article. I’m sure it was for many people but I believe the Lord sent it particularly for me as a reminder and an encouragement.
Praying for a great outpouring of the HolySpirit for salvation.
Lord, this is a big one. I believe that these folks can be like Saul of Tarsus turned Paul. I lift Gavin Newsome, George Soros to You. Open their eyes, change their vision, bring them to You.
In Jesus’ name,
And Bill Gates. Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers and your interception to the Father on this particular large request. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Thank You Lord for the world wide army of worshippers You have annointed to be Together as One regardless of where we are.
Lord, I pray for complete healing and rebuilding of Gioncarlo’s heart, I know that you are all powerful and able to completely heal him and that his life is a witness for you.
The women in my family have been moved by God to pray & fast once a week for more than 6 months now. We’ve praying for our family & friends & community & have been witnessing ‘a turn’ because of our prayers. We’ve also been trying to pray w/ IFA for our state (PA), our nation, Israel, & the world. God started us doing the weekly fasting (to add to our prayers) when we were frustrated w/ our ‘brick wall prayers’ & God said to me, “If u are serious, u will fast.” THAT brought us to attention & we began! It has been AMAZING! And this article on persistent prayers — is SUCH an encouragement & I am so excited because I can see that the things God was speaking to our little group – is what He is speaking to the body of Christ world wide! I have been amazed @ the change in our John Fetterman. I was so happy to see that someone ‘prayed’ & we are seeing a massive change now. SO, SO, SO encouraging! Thank u all for this article. I will be praying for our prodigal nation & for Israel! Lord Jesus keep us praying Your will for Your plan for EVERYTHING, in Jesus’ name! Amen!
Neot Semadar to be flooded with Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!!!
Come Holy Spirit – change hearts, minds and lives.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the privilidge of prayer. We thank and praise you for who you are and what You do in providing for ALL of our needs. We thank you that we have the opportunity to bring our requests boldly to your throne of grace. We thank You, that you answer all of our prayers, in Your time, and in Your way. We cry out to you on behalf of the lost, the deceived people of this nation and world who need to know You. I pray that You will make a way for all of the deceived prodigals to find salvation in You. I pray that You will give them a fresh and powerful revelation of Your unfathomable love for them. Cause them to see the error of their ways, Lord, and give them reason to repent and follow after You. Thank you, Jesus.
What a timely and precious word of encouragement! Thank you! I was so discouraged, yesterday, about the big bold prayers I have been praying and encouraging others to pray yet haven’t seen the Lord move. I felt embarrassed. I was tempted to back down from praying these things thinking I was being presumptive. The Spirit used your article to set me straight! Praise God Almighty!
I, too, have prayed for Senator Fetterman and was so happy the West’s and others were committed to doing so as well. I saw the Senator recently and was amazed how differently he spoke and it seemed he had been set free. Praise the Lord!
[email protected]
thanks for this word. I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread. Been very ill for 3.5 years with no end in sight, lost my home over a year ago, living in an abusive household. Please pray for my disability to be approved so i can get a home of my own, for God to restore my health, for my finances to be restored, for all that’s been stolen from me to be restored 100 fold!!! And for strength to keep going till God performs these miracles in my life!! Please help me Lord!!! I need You!!
Praying for you, Becca!
Praying for you, Becca, in Jesus’ Precious Name, amen!
Such a clear encouragement to keep following Holy Spirit in our :little: prayers that are far above what we ask or think.