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Lord, ahead of the elections, we ask You to raise up a president who will stand against China and protect us from the CCP.
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As Trump and Biden gear up for a likely rematch, China is unsure which candidate it prefers.

From AP News. As the U.S. presidential campaign moves closer to a Donald Trump-Joe Biden rematch, China is watching uneasily.

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First, there are concerns about the campaign itself, where candidates are likely to talk tough on China. That could threaten the fragile improvements in U.S.-China relations seen in recent months.

Then there’s the outcome of the November vote. Neither candidate is particularly appealing to Beijing. While Biden has looked for areas of cooperation with China, Beijing is concerned about his efforts to unite allies in the Indo-Pacific in a coalition against China. It’s also nervous about his approach to Taiwan after he has repeatedly said he would have U.S. troops defend it in a conflict with China.

Trump, with his isolationist approach to foreign policy, might be more hesitant to defend Taiwan. But nothing can be ruled out given his unpredictability and his tough rhetoric on China, which he blames for the COVID-19 outbreak that dogged the end of his term. He also could deepen a trade war that hasn’t eased since his presidency.

“For China, no matter who won the U.S. presidential election, they would be two ‘bowls of poison’,” said Zhao Minghao, a professor of international relations at Fudan University in Shanghai. …

Zhao’s views are echoed by a number of analysts in both countries, who suggest Beijing may find Biden the lesser of two evils for his steadiness over Trump’s unpredictability but also point out that the Chinese government agonizes over Biden’s success in building partnerships to counter China. …

In China’s social media, many commentators appear to be favoring Trump, whom they see not only as a businessman up for a deal but also a disruptive force that undermines American democracy and U.S. global leadership to the benefit of Beijing. …

Trump’s recent accusation that Taiwan took the chip-making industry from the U.S. has been seen as a sign that Trump, a businessman at heart, may not be willing to defend the self-governed island that Beijing considers to be Chinese territory. …

When Biden and Trump squared off in 2020, U.S. intelligence agencies reported before the election that China viewed Trump as “unpredictable” and opposed his reelection. A subsequent assessment issued months after the election said that China ultimately had not interfered on either side and “considered but did not deploy” influence operations intended to affect the outcome.

Experts say the Chinese also are unlikely to interfere with the U.S. presidential election this year, partly because they are unwilling and partly because they have yet to build up the capabilities. If Beijing is to interfere, it is more likely to try to discredit U.S. democracy, amplify partisan discord, and undermine faith in the election process, they say.

Once elected, Biden kept his predecessor’s China policy. Not only did he keep the tariffs but Biden also limited access by Chinese companies to advanced technologies, sanctioned Chinese officials over human rights violations and expanded restrictions on China-bound U.S. monies. …

Miles Yu, director of the China center at the Hudson Institute, said the U.S. has come to a bipartisan agreement on China, with the two parties sharing “pretty much the same China policy.” In response, China’s ruling Communist Party has a new U.S. policy, he said.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a black cat or a white cat, as long as it’s an American cat, it’s a bad cat,” Yu said, borrowing from the famous saying by China’s reformist politician Deng Xiaoping that encouraged market reforms regardless of ideology. …

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(Excerpt from AP News. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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February 8, 2024

The only candidate China and Russia are worried about is Nikki Haley. Trump’s isolationism would be to China’s advantage, and one of the reason our military is so far behind China is due to the Trump administration policies.

Grant Windholz
February 3, 2024

Lord God, please keep American voting AMERICAN and keep out Communist international voting that corrupts this country 🙏! We as a country need to repent and see only what Christ sees!

Susan A Wangerman
February 2, 2024

Consider the source of this story–AP–whether it is correct. The writer contends that China doesn’t like Trump because he is “unpredictable” and “blames China for source of COVID” but gives no credence to fact of his mercantilism had an effect on China’s economy. This is the leftist propaganda.

Earth calling Heaven -SOS
February 1, 2024

Thanks for article but with much respect, despite this AP article’s making the obvious obscure, it’s quite clear China had a big role in stealing the election from the true landslide victory of Donald Trump to hand this coup d’eta of the USA by election fraud and vote theft to install what apparently is China’s puppet on a string candidate, Mr Biden.(their “Manchurian candidate?)

And yet, good government is a fruit of a godly people. A godly people is the root and good government the fruit.

“Men who will not be ruled by God will be ruled by tyrants.”
— William Penn, Founder of the Pennsylvania colony

Father turn this nation and our people back to you in a powerful outpouring of your Holy Spirit to ignite a desperately needed Third Great Awakening and harvest of souls to save our nation that once again We the People may live in one nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All and a Shining City on a Hill to reveal your Kingdom and Glory to the Nations.

In the Mighty Name of Messiah Jesus Name above all Names.

February 1, 2024

What China thinks or says about our two presidential candidates has no meaning to me and most of the people in this country. Who are they to approve or disapprove anyone we choose. Unfortunately their interference and or influence is becoming more and more apparent because of power and money hungry people in this country who don’t care about anyone but themselves. I am proud to be an American, however, this country is becoming weak because of our leadership and people who have turned a blind eye to what is happening. I thank God everyday for intercessors, contrary to what lot of people think the christians are the glue that holds this country together, God I pray protection over this great country and that our leader’s hearts and minds would heed to Your voice, that people would remember the foundation on which our country was built and trust in the only One who can fix it.

Val Vanorden
February 1, 2024

Lord Jesus, we pray as Americans, for peace with China. However, Lord we read in your Word (Revelation) how the “KINGS OF THE EAST” will march along the Tigris dried up riverbed to Jerusalem and ATTEMPT to hurt Israel, the apple of your eye.
We pray your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Sharon W
February 1, 2024

We pray that the CCP will stay out of our elections. The US elections belong to US citizens. Period! We pray against all foreign interference, including illegal immigrants. We pray against any and all interference and may the rightful President be elected. May the will of God and the will of the people prevail. Amen!

February 1, 2024

He not called China Joe for no reason.

February 1, 2024

A little uncertainty is not a bad thing, especially in dealings with China.
However – dealing with persons whom you regard as potentially corrup has often been shown to be a calming influence. For this, Biden should be grateful – or rather – Obama should be grateful as it is his hands pulling Joes’ strings.
Lord – protect us from the influences of political corruption and render our leader honest and steadfast in his commitment to making America great again. Preserve us from false catholics who claim a faith but act in opposition to faith.

    February 8, 2024

    Amen bother-Tell the truth. Obama is working in the White House

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