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Father, please halt the transhumanist agenda. Stop the use of technology for diluting Your image in humanity.
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Elon Musk’s Neuralink has launched its first human trial, implanting a chip into someone’s brain. What do you think of this?

From The Daily Wire. Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk announced on Monday that his neurotechnology company Neuralink successfully implanted a brain chip into the first human subject.

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The Neuralink brain implant is a “brain-computer interface” technology that seeks to help people with debilitating conditions, such as paralysis, to interact with the world by controlling devices with their thoughts, The Wall Street Journal reported. Musk, who founded Neuralink along with a team of scientists in 2016, said the first patient received the implant on Sunday and “is recovering well.”

“Initial results show promising neuron spike detection,” Musk added, which means the Neuralink device is detecting signals from neurons in the brain. …

The brain chip, roughly the size of a quarter, sends out brain signal data to a Neuralink app, which decodes the data into actions, Bloomberg reported. The company hopes the breakthrough brain technology will help people who are paralyzed or suffer from vision or hearing loss. Eventually, Musk hopes Neuralink will help humans work together with ever-evolving artificial intelligence (AI). …

Before implanting its first human subject with a brain chip, Neuralink tested its technology on monkeys, showing videos of the animals playing the game “Pong” on computers. …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: sy via Canva Pro)

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February 17, 2024

I see this, as just another method of the government controlling the population not good.

February 5, 2024


February 4, 2024

I only agree if it helps paralyzed humans or blind but to not go farther with this
Father please let him use it only for good not evil in Jesus name

February 3, 2024

In 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 & 17;

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

… The reason I bring this up is, I walk my doggie alot, everyday, and more and more I see things creating/providing sound in many, many people’s ears, i.e., ear phones, microphone’s…
Let us becareful to be attentive to hear the Trump.
And may we Christian’s tell others, and take others.

karma Sweet
February 2, 2024

I think we each need to pray and have a set commitment on what we are going to do when confronted, whether we will have one put in us. If you aren’t committed you won’t stick with the decision. I think it’s a slippery slope to the dark side that we, as Christians, don’t want to be a part of, at all. It’s scary and sounds like science fiction. But then I’m not a fan of all of the technology that we use today. I was in a local restaurant today and saw a couple eating lunch and they never spoke to each other but took turns looking at their phone. No contact at all. That is sad!!

February 1, 2024

Perverting Gods image. People need to STOP playing God!

Waylis Pitts
February 1, 2024

As usual, a wonderful technology to help humanity will become a double edge sword and used for control and evil.

February 1, 2024

This is not good.

February 1, 2024

Father God, man is created in your image. You formed man and no one can create or alter your created image. In the Name Of Jesus, all actions by those to control man and make man transhuman are struck down and destroyed. Lord, thwart the devil’s plans to destroy mankind and to remove You, God, as creator. We honor and praise You God and trust You to move on our behalf. In Jesus Name, Amen, so be it.

sherry farmer
February 1, 2024

Transforming humans into manmade beings is totally wrong & is designed to remove us from under God our Heavenly Father & place us at the mercy of humanists who reject Jehovah God as their creator by desiring the impossible – being god.

Don Johnson
February 1, 2024

Anyone who cannot see where this is going is living in a fantasy world. The entire thrust of globalism is to have more and more control over people through brainwashing which can be subtle (media, social pressure, legal enforcement favoring various perversions) or overt (allowing one’s brain to be invaded by an unknown force which that individual will not control). Totalitarianism always begins “for our own good”. Once abortion became thinkable, everything became thinkable. Societies go insane just like people do and this country has gone clinically insane. Everyone should re-read Orwell’s “1984” to see the planned endgame. Fortunately, God will intervene. Meanwhile people need to wake up and recognize demonic forces operating at full speed.

    February 1, 2024

    I agree with you on every level. Will this implant be the mark of the beast rather than a tattoo?

    We all need to pray without ceasing and focus on God’s word he is coming back sooner than we may think.

February 1, 2024


O'Banion Judy
February 1, 2024

They are messing with something they shouldn’t be messing with!!!!!!

Donald Brix Fraser
February 1, 2024

I fully understand and appreciate the position taken by IFA…. however, if this technology – in a real sense provided by Father God, just as are a prosthetic limb or “false teeth” or screws in a broken femur – can help a fellow human being to have a better, fuller, more rewarding life…. then it is for that person to make that choice…. and live with the consequences.

    February 1, 2024

    I have felt for quite a while, that Elon Musk is a wolf and sheep‘s clothing. I feel he is on board with all of what’s going on in the country and around the world. This is pure evil. I pray people would wake up. I believe this is literally intended for evil, but put under the guise of for brain health.

    Cynthia grayvold
    February 1, 2024

    I have felt for quite a while, that Elon Musk is a wolf and sheep‘s clothing. I feel he is on board with all of what’s going on in the country and around the world. This is pure evil. I pray people would wake up. I believe this is literally intended for evil, but put under the guise of for brain health.

February 1, 2024

Iftechnology can ease the struggle with hearing loss, I celebrate the achievement and ingenuity. I realize that this technology can bless or hinder but pray God continues to lead Mr. Musk and his company to excellence in this field. Someday soon I may need it. (Smiles)

    sherry farmer
    February 1, 2024

    The Word states the heart is wicked & untrustworthy & who can know its depths of degradation. The enemy has desired to force mankind to obey evil. The chips are taking away the persons choice to repent from evil thoughts by electronically opening the gate as soon as the thought comes.
    Lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil will be a prayer no longer attainable.
    This chip is not of God Jehovah.

Darlene Estlow
February 1, 2024

Wow, what an advancement for the one world government predicted in Scripture for the end of time. This may not be the device for the end times because as Christians, we will know that it relates to the anti-Christ. May God prepare our hearts, not for fear, to be discerning and occupy until he comes!

February 1, 2024

LORD, may the eyes of Your children be opened to know and see the devices of the enemy being used to lead along the path to destruction. This implanting of a chip into the human brain is another deception preparing for destruction

February 1, 2024

Though this “seems” to be a marvelous invention medically speaking I believe it is also very dangerous when used in the wrong hands, ie: perfect for the anti-christ to use for his control of the human race who are unaware of the truth! CHRIST JESUS does NOT need help with His plan for his creation to be meddled with mechanically.
I pray God will super naturally intervene in the entire AI/NEUROLINK brain control systems! I know we are living in the very last days and evil will increase more and more, but Almighty God is still in control and Satan will and is defeated!!
So, NO…I do NOT agree with this new Brain Implant Chip! It seems just another way for the Mark of the beast to be forced on Human beings! It has 666 implanted all over it!! Oh Come quickly Lord Jesus!!🙏🙏🙏🙏

February 1, 2024

Jesus, You are wonderful in all Your ways. The cost to create this technology seems to exceed what we do in prayer for healing. Give us characters that reflect Your wonder and yielded lives to Holy Spirit (my body to my soul, my soul to my spirit and my spirit to Holy Spirit). May we walk with You, talk with You and receive what we need supernaturally. Guard and protect innocent humanity from unrighteous experiments in Jesus’ Name.

Mark Tracy
February 1, 2024

We’ve used technology to better our health for years: prosthetics, implants, hearing aids, joint replacements, etc. If I were paralyzed and this made me walk again, I may get in line to have it done. But as with everything mankind touches it can also be used in corrupted ways. This is the danger of every new technology we discover. My prayer is that this will be used for good not evil. Yet, we all know the end of the story. Regardless of the depth to which mankind will fall, God wins in the end.

February 1, 2024

Lord God open our eyes to Your truth. Help us not to be ignorant of the devil’s deceptive ways. This is an attempt to control, not help in any way. Be wise. In Jesus name. Amen

February 1, 2024

Lord Jesus: It is written, your people are to take every thought captive to the mind that is Christ’s (2 Corinthians 10:5). May those who choose to surrender their minds to any false idol be silenced and reduced to rubble, that Thy Word, and ONLY Thy Word be spoken from this point forward. I declare Thy Word that is TRUTH speak everywhere in America and in every nation and change the atmosphere. Amen.

February 1, 2024

The Bible says to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things would be added. Just as the blood of Jesus can save us from every sin, so the blood of Jesus can heal us. Stop “playing god ” with technology.

John Crawford
February 1, 2024

It seems to me that we have another major mockery of our God. Before the beginning of time, God said “ let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness “. God has made it possible for mankind to think like Him through the shed blood of Jesus and the infilling of Holy Spirit. Artificial intelligence is not match for Devine Intelligence.

Brian lynch
February 1, 2024

IF this is limited to being used to help people who have these medical issues, that is good. However, implanting devices in people’s brain sounds potentially harmful, like the Mark of the Beast harmful. Lord Jesus, we pray for Your will to be done in this.


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